Publications - 2018
- Borchard, N., Schirrmann, M., Cayuela, M.L., Kammann, C., Wrange-Monnig, N., Estavillo, J., Fuertes-Mendizabal, T., Sigua, G.C., Spokas, K.A., Ippolito, J., Novak, J.M. 2018. Biochar, soil and land-use interactions that reduce nitrate leaching and N2O emissions: A meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment. 651:2354-2364.
- Campbell, B.T., Hugie, K.L., Wu, J., Jones, D.C. 2018. Assessing the breeding potential of extra-long staple upland germplasm in a cotton breeding program. Crop Science. 58:1145-1154.
- Daguerre-Martini, S., Vanotti, M.B., Rodriguez-Pastor, M., Moral Herrero, R. 2018. Nitrogen recovery from wastewater using gas-permeable membranes: Impact of inorganic carbon content and natural organic matter. Water Research. 137:201-210.
- Dai, F., De Pra, M.C., Vanotti, M.B., Gilmore, K.R., Cumbie, W.E. 2018. Microbial characteristics and attached growth of nitrifiers, denitrifiers and anammox bacteria on different support media to treat space mission wastewater. Environmental Management. 232:943-951.
- Ducey, T.F., Bauer, P.J., Sigua, G.C., Hunt, P.G., Miller, J.O., Cantrell, K.B. 2018. Manure-derived biochars for use as a phosphorus fertilizer in cotton production. Journal of Cotton Science. 21:259-264
- Filho-Oliveira, J.D., Daguerre-Martini, S., Vanotti, M.B., Saez-Tovar, J., Rosal, A., Perez-Murcia, M.D., Bustamante, M., Moral, R. 2018. Recovery of ammonia in raw and co-digested swine manure using gas-permeable membrane technology. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.
- Hugie, K.L., Bauer, P.J., Stone, K.C., Barnes, E.M., Jones, D.C., Campbell, B.T. 2018. Improving the precision of NDVI estimates in upland cotton field trials. The Plant Phenome Journal. 1(1):1-9.
- Hwang, O., Lee, S.R., Cho, S.B., Ro, K.S., Spiehs, M.J., Woodbury, B.L., Silva, P.J., Han, D.W., Choi, H.C., Kim, K.Y., Jung, M. 2018. Efficacy of different biochars in removing odorous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from swine manure. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.
- Molinuevo-Salces, B., Riano, B., Vanotti, M.B., Garcia-Gonzalez, M.C. 2018. Gas-permeable membrane technology coupled with anaerobic digestion for swine manure treatment. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 2:25.
- Novak, J.M., Ippolito, J.A., Ducey, T.F., Watts, D.W., Spokas, K.A., Trippe, K.M., Sigua, G.C., Johnson, M.G. 2018. Remediation of an acidic mine spoil: Miscanthus biochar and lime amendment affects metal availability, plant growth and soil enzymatic activity. Chemosphere. 205:709-718.
- Olszyk, D.M., Shiroyama, T., Novak, J.M., Johnson, M.G. 2018. A rapid-test for screening biochar effects on seed germination. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis.
- Ro, K.S., Li, H., Hapeman, C.J., Harper, L.A., Flesch, T.K., Downey, P.M., McConnell, L., Torrents, A., Yao, Q. 2018. Enhanced dispersion and removal of ammonia emitted from a poultry house with a vegetative environmental buffer. Agriculture. doi:10.3390/agriculture8040046. Available:
- Ro, K.S., Libra, J.A., Bae, S., Berge, N., Flora, J.V., Pecenka, R. 2018. Combustion behavior of animal-manure based hydrochar and pyrochar. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.
- Ro, K.S., Szogi, A.A., Moore Jr, P.A. 2018. A simple mathematical method to estimate ammonia emission from in-house windrowing of poultry litter. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A.
- Ro, K.S., Vanotti, M.B., Szogi, A.A., Loughrin, J.H., Millner, P.D. 2018. High-rate solid-liquid separation coupled with nitrogen and phosphorous treatment of swine manure: Effect on ammonia emission. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.
- Roman, S., Libra, J.A., Berge, N., Sabio, E., Ro, K.S., Li, L., Ledesma, B., Alvarez-Murillo, A., Bae, S. 2018. Hydrothermal carbonization: modeling, final properties design and applications: a review. Energies.
- Sigua, G.C., Stone, K.C., Bauer, P.J., Szogi, A.A. 2018. Biomass and nitrogen-use efficiency of grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) with nitrogen and supplemental irrigation in Coastal Plain Region, USA. Agronomy.
- Sohoulande Djebou, D.C. 2018. Toward an integrated watershed zoning framework based on the spatio-temporal variability of land-cover and climate: application in the Volta River Basin. Environmental Development. 55-66.
- Stone, K.C., Sigua, G.C., Bauer, P.J. 2018. Supplemental irrigation for grain sorghum production in the US Eastern Coastal Plain. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 34(2):395-402.
- Szogi, A.A., Vanotti, M.B., Shumaker, P.D. 2018. Economic recovery of calcium phosphates from swine lagoon sludge using quick wash process and geotextile filtration. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 2:37.
- Vanotti, M.B., Ro, K.S., Szogi, A.A., Loughrin, J.H., Millner, P.D. 2018. High-rate solid-liquid separation coupled with nitrogen and phosphorus treatment of swine manure: Effect on water quality. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 2:49.