Publications - 2022
- Ahn, J., Briers, G., Baker, M., Price, E., Sohoulande Djebou, D.C., Strong, R., Piña, M., Kibriya, S. 2022. Food security and agricultural challenges in West African rural communities: a machine learning analysis. International Journal of Food Properties. 25:827-844.
- Alvarez-Murillo, A., Libra, J.A., Ro, K.S. 2022. Theoretical framework for estimating design reactor pressure for water-based hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) systems. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. 30:101241.
- Billings, G.T., Jones, M.A., Rustgi, S., Bridges, W.C., Holland, J.B., Hulse-Kemp, A.M., Campbell, B.T. 2022. Outlook for implementation of genomics-based selection in public cotton breeding programs. Plants. 11/1446.
- Conzemius, S., Reay-Jones, F., Greene, J., Campbell, B.T., Reisig, D., Wang, H., Bridges, W. 2022. Field screening of wild cotton, Gossypium hirsutum, landraces for resistance to thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Crop Protection. 163/106113.
- Holladay, S., Bridges, W., Jones, M., Campbell, B.T. 2022. Growth, boll development, agronomic performance, and fiber quality of Gossypium Barbadense L. in the Southeast US Coastal Plain. Crop Science. (62):1461-1471.
- Padilla, J.T., Selim, H.M., Gaston, L.A. 2022. Modeling the competitive sorption and transport of Ni(II) and Zn(II) in soils: Comparing two multicomponent approaches.. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 1-10.
- Parajuli, B., Ye, R., Szogi, A.A. 2022. Mineral N suppressed priming effect while increasing microbial C use efficiency and N2O production in sandy soils under long-term conservation management. Biology and Fertility of Soils.
- Riano, B., Molinuevo-Salces, B., Vanotti, M.B., Garcia-Gonzalez, M. 2022. Effect of operational conditions on ammonia recovery from simulated livestock wastewater using gas-permeable membrane technology. Environments. 9(6):70.
- Ro, K.S., Jackson, M.A., Szogi, A.A., Compton, D.L., Moser, B.R., Berge, N.D. 2022. Sub- and near-critical hydrothermal carbonization of animal manures. Sustainability. 14(9). Article 5052.
- Sohoulande Djebou, D.C., Szogi, A.A., Novak, J., Stone, K.C., Martin, J.H., Watts, D.W. 2022. Long-term nitrogen and phosphorus outflow from an instream constructed wetland under precipitation variability. Sustainability.
- Sohoulande Djebou, D.C., Szogi, A.A., Stone, K.C., Sigua, G.C., Martin, J.H., Shumaker, P.D., Bauer, P.J. 2022. Evaluation of phosphorus runoff from sandy soils under conservation tillage with surface broadcasted recovered phosphates. Journal of Environmental Management. 328:117005.
- Stone, K., Billman, E., Bauer. P., Sigua, G. 2022. Using NDVI for variable rate cotton irrigation prescriptions. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 38(5): 787-795