Research Agronomist
Eric D. Billman
Research Agronomist
Coastal Plains Soil, Water, and Plant Research Center
2611 West Lucas St., Florence, SC 29501-1242
Dr. Eric D. Billman is a Research Agronomist currently working on projects related to improving cotton management practices and water management for the southeastern U.S. With a background in forage and cover crop genetics, his research interests include incorporating novel cover cropping systems into cotton productions systems of the Southeast to enhance sustainability, as well as investigating the potential benefits and efficacy of newly developed row and cover crop germplasm adapted for drought and heat stress.
Education and Training:
Ph.D., Agronomy, Mississippi State University
M.S., Agronomy, University of Kentucky
B.S., Crop Science, The Ohio State University
Professional Experience:
Research Agronomist, USDA-ARS, Florence, SC
Post-Doctoral Research Animal Scientist, USDA-ARS, University Park, PA
Selected Publications:
- Billman, E.D., Campbell, B.T., and Reay-Jones, F.P.F. Using perennial groundcover crops to suppress weeds and thrips in the Southeast Cotton Belt. Crop Science. 63(5): 3037 – 3050. 2023. Available:
- Billman, E.D., and Campbell, B.T. Cover cropping history affects cotton boll distribution, lint yields, and fiber quality. Crop Science. 63(3): 1209 - 1220. 2023. Available:
- Mercier, K.M., Billman, E.D., Soder, K.J., Jaramillo, D.M., Goslee, S.C., and Adler, P.R. Managing interspecies competition to improve spring pasture maturity, nutritive value, and biomass. Crop Science. 63(2): 974-986. 2022. Available:
- Billman, E.D., Dillard, S.L., Roca-Fernandez, A.I., and Soder, K.J. Supplementation of oilseeds to an herbage diet high in condensed tannins affects methane production with minimal impact on ruminal fermentation in continuous culture. Fermentation. 8(3). 109. 2022. Available:
- Stone, K.C., Billman, E.D., Bauer, P.J., and Sigua, G. Using NDVI for variable rate cotton irrigation prescriptions. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 38(5): 787-795. 2022. Available:
- Billman, E.D., De Souza, I.A., Smith, R.G., Soder, K.J., Warren, N., and Brito, A.F. Identifying optimal early-season harvest timing in annual fall forages. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management. 8(2): e20179. 2022. Available:
- Billman, E.D., De Souza, I.A., Smith, R.G., Soder, K.J., Warren, N., and Brito, A.F. Evaluating warm-season annual forages to fill summer forage gaps in short-season climates. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management. 8(1): e20152. 2022. Available:
- Billman, E.D., De Souza, I.A., Smith, R.G., Soder, K.J., Warren, N., Teixeira, F.A., and Brito, A.F. Winter annual forage mass–nutritive value trade-offs are affected by harvest timing. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management. 7(2): e20113. 2021. Available:
- Billman, E.D., Morrison, J.I., and Baldwin, B.S. Breeding heat tolerant orchardgrass germplasm for summer persistence in high temperature stress environments of the southeastern United States. Crop Science. 61(3): 1915-1925. 2021. Available:
- Billman, E.D., Morrison, J.I., and Baldwin, B.S. Breeding a heat-tolerant annual ryegrass for earlier fall planting in the southeastern United States. Crop Science. 60(2): 830-840. 2020. Available:
- Dillard, S. L., Billman, E.D., and Soder, K.J. Assessment of forage brassica species for dairy and beef-cattle fall grazing systems. Applied Animal Science. 36(2):157-166. 2020. Available:
Technical Bulletins:
- Reay-Jones, F.P.F., Billman, E.D. Perennial cover crops in cotton to manage early season thrips and reduce herbicide usage. Clemson University Cooperative Extension. 2023. (Technical Bulletin)
- Billman, E.D., Andreen, D.M., Williamson, J.A., and Soder, K.J. Mob or rotational grazing for pastures. Penn State University Ag Progress Days. 2019. (Technical Bulletin)
Innovative Technologies and Practices to Enhance Water Quantity and Quality Management for Sustainable Agricultural Systems in the Southeastern Coastal Plain In-House Appropriated (D) Accession Number:441487 Advancing Cotton Genetics and Innovative Cropping Systems for Improved Quality and Production In-House Appropriated (D) Accession Number:444728 Combining New Cover Crop Species and Management Strategies to Reduce Deer Pressure in Seedling Cotton Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement (R) Accession Number:447546
Billman, E.D., Myers Jr, W.T. 2024. Evaluating the effects of cotton intercropping on cool-season perennial forage persistence, forage mass, and nutritive values in the southeastern United States. Agronomy Journal.
Billman, E.D., Soder, K.J., Horst, J., Hafla, A., Balk, K. 2024. Validation of Brix for predicting sugar concentration and nutritive value of alfalfa and orchardgrass. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management. 40(4):437-445.
Billman, E.D., Soder, K.J., Horst, J., Hafla, A., Balk, K. 2024. Validation of Brix for predicting sugar concentrations of alfalfa and orchardgrass[abstract]. American Forage and Grassland Conference Proceedings. P. 1.
Paye, W.S., Szogi, A.A., Shumaker, P.D., Billman, E.D. 2023. Digital research data from: annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) growth response to nitrogen in a sandy soil amended with acidified manure and municipal sludge after "quick wash" treatment. Dryad Digital Repository.
Billman, E.D., Sohoulande Djebou, D.C., Vanotti, M.B. 2023. Preparing your data for the future of open science: a practical guide for making data publicly available. ASA/CSSA/SSSA (Tri-Societies) meeting in St. Louis, MO 10/29/23 - 11/1/23.
Paye, W.S., Szogi, A.A., Shumaker, P.D., Billman, E.D. 2023. Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) growth response to nitrogen in a sandy soil amended with acidified manure and municipal sludge after “quick wash” treatment. Agronomy Journal. 13(10):2655.
Billman, E.D., Campbell, B.T., Reay-Jones, F. 2023. Using perennial groundcover crops to suppress weeds and thrips in the Southeast Cotton Belt. Crop Science. 63(5):3037-3050.
Reay-Jones, F.F., Billman, E.D. 2023. Perennial cover crops in cotton to manage early season thrips and reduce herbicide usage. Clemson Integrated Pest Management Program Newsletter.
Mercier, K.M., Billman, E.D., Soder, K.J., Jaramillo, D.M., Goslee, S.C., Adler, P.R. 2023. Managing interspecies competition to improve spring pasture. Grassland International Congress Proceedings. p. 1.
Andreen, D.M., Billman, E.D., Brito, A.F., Soder, K.J. 2023. Effect of incremental amounts of Asparagopsis taxiformis on ruminal fermentation and methane production in continuous culture with orchardgrass herbage. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 299:115641.
Stone, K.C., Billman, E.D., Bauer, P.J., Sigua, G.C. 2023. Supplemental data for using NDVI for vareiable rate cotton irrigation prescriptions. Figshare.
Billman, E.D., Sohoulande Djebou, D.C., Vanotti, M.B. 2023. Protocol for making data publicly available in USDA-ARS.
Billman, E.D., Soder, K.J., Horst, J., Balk, K., Hafla, A. 2023. Brix as an indicator of sugar content and nutritive value in alfalfa and orchardgrass herbage. Grassland International Congress Proceedings. p. 1.
Billman, E.D., Campbell, B.T. 2023. Cover cropping history affects cotton boll distribution, lint yields, and fiber quality. Crop Science. 63(3):1209-1220.
Billman, E.D. 2023. Creating sustainable forage-row cropping systems for the southeast with perennial red and white clover. Meeting Abstract.
Billman, E.D., Campbell, B.T. 2023. Benefits of brassica carinata as a double crop for cotton rotations. Meeting Abstract.
Mercier, K.M., Billman, E.D., Soder, K.J., Jaramillo, D.M., Goslee, S.C., Adler, P.R. 2023. Managing interspecies competition to improve spring pasture maturity, nutritive value, and biomass. Crop Science. 63(2):974–986.
Billman, E.D., Francis, R. 2022. Reducing inputs in Southeastern cotton production by incorporating perennial ground cover crops. Meeting Abstract.
Stone, K.C., Billman, E.D., Bauer, P.J., Sigua, G.C. 2022. Using NDVI for variable rate cotton irrigation prescriptions. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 38(5):787-795.
Reay-Jones, F.P., Billman, E.D. 2022. Impact of perennial cover crops on thrips and beneficial insects in cotton. Meeting Abstract.
Billman, E.D., Alexandre De Souza, I., Smith, R.G., Soder, K.J., Warren, N.D., Brito, A.F. 2022. Identifying optimal early-season harvest timing in annual fall forages. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management. 8(2):e20179.
Billman, E.D., Morrison, J.I., Baldwin, B.S. 2022. Data from: Breeding heat tolerant orchardgrass germplasm for summer persistence in high temperature stress environments of the southeastern United States. Dryad Digital Repository.
Billman, E.D., Roca-Fernandez, A.I., Dillard, L., Soder, K.J. 2022. Supplementation of Oilseeds to an Herbage Diet High in Condensed Tannins Affects Methane Production with Minimal Impact on Ruminal Fermentation in Continuous Culture. Journal of Animal Science. 8(3):109.
Szogi, A.A., Shumaker, P.D., Billman, E.D., Bauer, P.J. 2022. Data from: Leaching potential of phosphite fertilizer in sandy soils of the southern coastal plain, USA. Dryad Digital Repository.
Billman, E.D., Campbell, B.T., Reay-Jones, F.P., Sigua, G.C. 2022. Incorporating perennial forages into southern row cropping systems. Meeting Abstract. ..
Szogi, A.A., Shumaker, P.D., Billman, E.D., Bauer, P.J. 2021. Leaching potential of phosphite fertilizer in sandy soils of the Southern Coastal Plain, USA. Environments. 8(11):126.
Billman, E.D., Campbell, B.T. 2022. Cover cropping history influence on cotton boll distribution, lint yield, and quality. National Cotton Council Beltwide Cotton Conference.
Billman, E.D., Jaramillo, D.M., Andreen, D.M., Soder, K.J. 2021. Forage diversity affects rate of maturity and biomass of individual cool-season species[abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Pg 1.
Billman, E.D., Campbell, B.T. 2021. Selection of cover crop species affects subsequent cotton boll development, position, and lint yield. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
Billman, E.D., Alexandre De Souza, I., Smith, R.G., Soder, K.J., Warren, N.D., Andrade Teixeira, F., Brito, A.F. 2021. Winter annual forage mass–nutritive value trade-offs are affected by harvest timing. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management. Article e20113.
Billman, E.D., Campbell, B.T., Sigua, G.C., Reay-Jones, F.P., Inman, M.D. 2021. Integrating perennial forages into Southeastern row cropping systems. Proceedings of the National Conference on Grazing Lands.
Billman, E.D., Dillard, L.S., Soder, K.J., Roca-Fernandez, A. 2021. Effects of supplementation of oilseeds to an herbage-based diet high in condensed tannins on methane production and ruminal fermentation in continuous culture[abstract]. American Forage and Grassland Conference Proceedings. p. 1.
Billman, E.D., Morrison, J.I., Baldwin, B.S. 2021. Breeding heat tolerant orchardgrass germplasm for summer persistence in high temperature stress environments of the southeastern United States. Crop Science.
Billman, E.D., Alexandre De Souza, I., Smith, R.G., Soder, K.J., Warren, N.D., Brito, A.F. 2022. Evaluating warm-season annual forages to fill summer forage gaps in short-season climates. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management. 8(1):e20152.
Billman, E.D., Soder, K.J., Horst, J., Balk, K., Hafla, A. 2020. Assessing the efficacy of in-field brix measurements for forage sugar and energy content[Abstract]. American Forage and Grassland Conference Proceedings. p. 1.
Billman, E.D., Williamson, J.A., Soder, K.J., Andreen, D.M. 2021. Mob and rotational grazing: weighing your options. American Forage and Grassland Conference Proceedings.
Billman, E.D., Williamson, J.A., Soder, K.J., Andreen, D.M. 2020. Data from: mob and rotational grazing influence pasture biomass, nutritive value, and species composition. Dryad Digital Repository.
Billman, E.D., Andreen, D.M., Brito, A.F., Soder, K.J. 2020. Red seaweed for reduced methane in grazing systems: does it work. Progressive Forage Grower. 11:22-23.
Billman, E.D., Soder, K.J., Horst, J., Balk, K., Hafla, A. 2020. Estimating the energy value of alfalfa and orchardgrass herbage using brix [abstract]. Agronomy Society of America, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America Meeting. p. 1.
Billman, E.D., Williamson, J., Soder, K.J., Andreen, D.M., Skinner, H. 2020. Mob and rotational grazing effects on mixed pasture forage mass, nutritive value, and species diversity [abstract]. Crop Science Society of America. p. 1.
Billman, E.D., Soder, K.J., Horst, J., Balk, K., Hafla, A. 2020. Brix as an indicator of energy value in alfalfa and orchardgrass pasture herbage{abstract}. American Society of Animal Science Proceedings. p. 1.
Billman, E.D., Williamson, J.A., Soder, K.J., Andreen, D.M., Skinner, R.H. 2020. Mob and rotational grazing influence pasture biomass, nutritive value, and species composition. Agronomy Journal. 112(4):2866-2878.
Billman, E.D., Williamson, J., Soder, K.J. 2020. mob or rotational grazing for northeastern pastures: an Offer you can't refuse[Abstract]. Meeting Abstract. p. 1.
Billman, E.D., Williamson, J.A., Soder, K.J., Andreen, D.M. 2020. Mob & rotational grazing in the northeast: diversity, yield, and quality implications[Abstract]. Northeast Pasture Consortium Annual Meeting Proceedings. p. 1.
Billman, E.D., Soder, K.J., Horst, J., Balk, K., Hafla, A. 2020. Assessing the efficacy of in-field brix measurements for forage sugar and energy content[Abstract]. Northeast Pasture Consortium Annual Meeting Proceedings. p. 1.
Dillard, L., Billman, E.D., Soder, K.J. 2020. Assessment of forage brassica species for dairy and beef - cattle fall grazing system. Applied Animal Science. 157-166.
Billman, E.D., Williamson, J., Soder, K.J., Andreen, D.M. 2019. Out with the old, in with the new: does mob grazing have a place in northeastern grazing systems. Popular Publication. p. 1.
Billman, E.D., Andreen, D.M., Williamson, J. 2019. Choosing a grazing system: Mob vs. rotational. Progressive Forage Grower. Pg 1.
Billman, E.D., Andreen, D.M., Williamson, J., Soder, K.J. 2019. Mob or rotational grazing for pastures[abstract]. Extension Fact Sheets. P. 1.
Billman, E.D., Leanne, D., Soder, K.J. 2019. Forage brassicas as an alternative forage for fall grazing systems[Abstract]. Agronomy Society of America, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America Meeting. p. 1.
Billman, E.D., Andreen, D.M., Williamson, J., Soder, K.J. 2019. Mob and rotational grazing long-term effects on pasture species composition[Abstract]. Meeting Abstract. p. 1.
Billman, E.D., Dillard, L.S., Soder, K.J. 2019. Brassicas as an alternative forage in the northeastern United States[abstract]. Journal of Animal Science. P. 1.
Billman, E.D., Dillard, S.L., Soder, K.J. 2019. Forage brassicas: extending the grazing season with an alternative forage[abstract]. Extension Fact Sheets. p. 1.
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