Fermented & Acidified Foods and Sweetpotatoes group from left to right: Mr. Robert Price, Biological Science Technician; Mrs. Sandra Parker, Program Support Assistant; Dr. Suzanne Johanningsmeier, Research Food Technologist; Mrs. Rong Reynolds, Food Technologist; Dr. Ilenys Perez-Diaz, Microbiologist; Dr. Muquarrab Qureshi, Research Leader; Dr. Frederick Breidt, Microbiologist
Peanut group from left to right: Mr. Thien Vu, Dr. Adam Redhead (PostDoc), Dr. Lisa Dean, Mr. Ron Harding, Ms. Amanda Kaufman, Mr. Keith Hendrix, Dr. Ondulla Toomer, Ms. Sabrina Whitley-Ferrill
After ARS’s pickle pasteurization work helped reduce spoilage in the industry, pickles became less expensive, and dill pickle slices became popular on burgers in restaurants everywhere.
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Phone: 919-515-9109
Fax: 919-513-0165
Food Science & Market Quality & Handling Res. Unit
322 Schaub Hall, Box 7624, NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695