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William Molin
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 Dr. William T. Molin 
 Plant Physiologist

 Crop Production Systems Research Unit
 141 Experiment Station Road
 PO Box 350
 Stoneville, MS  38776

 Office:  662.686.5245
 FAX:    662.686.5422

The primary focus of Dr. Molin's research is to develop cost-effective methods for weed control in cotton aimed at reducing the pesticide load on the environment in conjunction with the development of reduced- and no-till, narrow row cotton production practices for the Mississippi Delta. His field research program includes crop rotation strategies and the use of herbicide-tolerant crops. His laboratory program focuses on the biochemical basis of herbicide resistance and mechanisms of herbicide tolerance. Dr. Molin has published research papers on the biochemical basis of cotton tolerance to prometryn, on biochemical assays to evaluate the mode of action of new herbicides, on herbicide efficacy, and on weed biology and control.