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Soil Quality & Conservation

Phase II:

Introduction to
Soil Quality
Effects of
Alternative Crops
on Soil Condition
Soil Cover
by Crop Residue

Phase III:

Crop Residue Coverage
of Soil Influenced
by Crop Sequence
in a No-Till System
Short-term Crop
Sequence Effects
on Soil Properties
Wind Erosion, Diverse
Cropping Systems, and
Soil Conservation Management
Introduction to Soil
Quality Monitoring
Introduction to
Soil Biology

Links to Information on the Web

For more information about soil quality, please contact:

Dr. Mark Liebig
Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory
P.O. Box 459
Mandan, North Dakota 58554

Dr. Kris Nichols
Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory
P.O. Box 459
Mandan, North Dakota 58554