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Phase III:

Integrated Pest Management
of Insect Pests in Buckwheat
Integrated Pest Management
of Insect Pests in Pulse Crops
Lentil & Chickpea
Insect Pests of Corn
in North Dakota
Integrated Pest Management
of Insect Pests in
Grain Sorghum
Integrated Pest Management
of Insect Pests in
Proso Millet
Sunflower Insect
Pest Management

Phase II:

Insect Basics Crop Specific
Insect Information
Integrated Pest
Management (IPM)
Introduction to
Beneficial Insects

Links to information on the Web

For insect information contact:

Janet Knodel, Extension Entomologist
Fargo, ND

Phillip A. Glogoza, Regional Educator
Moorhead Regional Center
University of Minnesota
Moorhead, MN