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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Fort Pierce, Florida » U.S. Horticultural Research Laboratory » Citrus and Other Subtropical Products Research » People & Locations » Jason Hong

Jason Hong
Citrus and Other Subtropical Products Research
Research Molecular Biologist

Phone: (772) 462-5800

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Enhancing Vegetable and Ornamental Production by Synergistically Managing Nutrients and Pests
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 442146
Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation for Enhancing and Advancing the SustainabilitY of Organic Specialty Crop Production Systems (ASD-EASY Organic)
Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement (R)
  Accession Number: 441093
Soil Amendment Effects on Tomato Bacterial Spot
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 440476
Non-Fumigant Nematode Control in Carrot
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 443174
Organic Soil Treatment Methods for Nematode Control in California Carrots
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 443186
Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation for Organic Strawberry Production
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 444711
Utilizing Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to Determine the Effect of Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation on Soil Properties
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 444837
Soil Disinfestation Treatments for Organic Carrot Production
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 444838
Impact of Residue Biochemical Quality on Soil Disinfestation
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 445065
Novel Production Practices for Sustainable Vegetable Production and Nutritional Value
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 445067
Demonstration of New Vegetable Production Techniques for Urban Horticulture
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 445104
Optimizing Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation for Organic Strawberries in Florida
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 446535

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Optimizing the application of anaerobic soil disinfestation to high tunnel specialty crop production systems in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Integrating anaerobic soil disinfestation in organic small fruit and vegetable production systems - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Biochemical and nanotechnological approaches to combat phytoparasitic nematodes Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Opdensteinen, P., Charudattan, R., Hong, J.C., Rosskopf, E.N., Steinmetz, N. 2024. Biochemical and nanotechnological approaches to combat phytoparasitic nematodes. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 1-17.
Impact of the ban on the soil-applied fumigant methyl bromide Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rosskopf, E.N., Di Gioia, F., Vincent, I., Hong, J.C., Zhao, X. 2024. Impact of the ban on the soil-applied fumigant methyl bromide. Phytopathology. 114(6): 1161-1175.
Yield performance, mineral profile, and nitrate content in a selection of seventeen microgreens species Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Di Gioia, F., Hong, J.C., Pisani, C., Petropoulos, S., Bai, J., Rosskopf, E.N. 2023. Yield performance, mineral profile, and nitrate content in a selection of seventeen microgreens species. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14 : Article 1220691.
Spatial and temporal changes of soil microbial communities in field tomato production as affected by anaerobic soil disinfestation Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vincent, I., Paudel, B., Guo, H., Rosskopf, E.N., Di Gioia, F., Hong, J.C., Mcnear, D., Xu, N., Anrecio, L., Colee, J., Zhao, X. 2023. Spatial and temporal changes of soil microbial communities in field tomato production as affected by anaerobic soil disinfestation. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.
Simulated leaching of foliar applied copper bactericides on the soil microbiome utilizing various beta diversity resemblance measurements. Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Strayer-Scherer, A., Timilsina, S., Liao, Y., Young, M., Rosskopf, E.N., Vallad, G.E., Santra, S., Jones, J.B., Hong, J.C., Paret, M., Goss, E. 2022. Simulated leaching of foliar applied copper bactericides on the soil microbiome utilizing various beta diversity resemblance measurements.. The ISME Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology.
Simulated Leaching of Foliar Applied Copper Bactericides on the Soil Microbiome Utilizing Various Beta Diversity Resemblance Measurements Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Strayer-Scherer, A., Timilsina, S., Liao, Y., Young, M., Rosskopf, E.N., Vallad, G.E., Santra, S., Jones, J.B., Hong, J.C., Paret, M. 2022. Simulated Leaching of Foliar Applied Copper Bactericides on the Soil Microbiome Utilizing Various Beta Diversity Resemblance Measurements. Microbiology Spectrum. Article e01481-21.
Quantifying the effects of anaerobic soil disinfestation and other biological soil management strategies on nitrous oxide emissions from raised bed plasticulture tomato production Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, Z., Di Gioia, F., Zhao, X., Hong, J.C., Rosskopf, E.N., Wilson, P.C., Pisani, C., Paudel, B. 2022. Quantifying the effects of anaerobic soil disinfestation and other biological soil management strategies on nitrous oxide emissions from raised bed plasticulture tomato production. Journal of Environmental Quality.
Effects of harvest maturity, refrigeration and blanching treatments on the volatile profiles of ripe “Tasti-Lee” tomatoes Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Xi, Yu, Y., Li, Q., Yan, J., Baldwin, ., Plotto, A., Rosskopf, E.N., Hong, J.C., Bai, J., Li, J. 2021. Effects of harvest maturity and exposure to refrigeration and blanching of ripe fruit on volatile profiles of ‘Tasti-Lee’ tomatoes. Foods. 10:1727.
Inactivated plant viruses as an agrochemical delivery platform Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chariou, P., Ma, Y., Hensley, M.E., Rosskopf, E.N., Hong, J.C., Charudattan, R., Steinmetz, N. 2021. Inactivated plant viruses as an agrochemical delivery platform. ACS Agricultural Science and Technology.
Integrating cover crops as a source of carbon for anaerobic soil disinfestation Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vecchia, L., Digioia, F., Ferrante, A., Hong, J.C., White, C., Rosskopf, E.N. 2020. Integrating cover crops as a source of carbon for anaerobic soil disinfestation. Agronomy Journal. p.1614.
Organic amendments for pathogen and nematode control Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rosskopf, E.N., Di Gioia, F., Hong, J.C., Pisani, C., Burelle, N.K. 2020. Organic amendments for pathogen and nematode control. Annual Review of Phytopathology. (58):277-311.
State of knowledge of soil biodiversity - Status, challenges and potentialities: Report 2020 Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hong, J.C., Runge, T., Winding, A., Scow, K., Briones, M.J., Peres, G. 2020. State of knowledge of soil biodiversity - Status, challenges and potentialities: Report 2020. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Technical Workshop Report.
Implementation of anaerobic soil disinfestation in Florida tomato production Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Paudel, B., Digioia, F., Zhu, Q., Zhao, X., Ozores-Hampton, M., Swisher, M., Sattanno, K., Hong, J.C., Rosskopf, E.N. 2019. Implementation of anaerobic soil disinfestation in Florida tomato production. Extension Digital Information Source (EDIS).
Economic analysis of anaerobic soil disinfestation for open-field fresh-market tomato production in Southwest and North Florida Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Shi, L., Wang, J., Gao, Z., Zhao, X., Digioia, F., Guo, H., Hong, J.C., Ozores, H., Rosskopf, E.N. 2019. Economic analysis of anaerobic soil disinfestation for open-field fresh-market tomato production in Southwest and North Florida. HortTechnology.
Dissipation of fomesafen in fumigated, anaerobic soil disinfestation-treated, and organic-amended soil in Florida tomato production systems Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, Z., Di Gioia, F., Hwang, J., Hong, J.C., Ozores-Hampton, M., Zhao, X., Pisani, C., Rosskopf, E.N., Wilson, P.C. 2019. Dissipation of fomesafen in fumigated, anaerobic soil disinfestation-treated, and organic-amended soil in Florida tomato production systems. Pest Management Science. 10.1002/ps.5558.
Defining anaerobic soil disinfestation through changes in the microbiome Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hong, J.C., Di Gioia, F., Jones, J.B., Turechek, W., Johns, C.W., Finley, N.L., Ozores-Hampton, M., Mccollum, T.G., Rosskopf, E.N., Burelle, N.K. 2020. Defining anaerobic soil disinfestation through changes in the microbiome. Acta Horticulturae.
Anaerobic soil disinfestation: Nutrient cycling and potential environmental impact - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Di Gioia, F., Hong, J.C., Ozores-Hampton, M., Zhao, X., Wilson, C., Albano, J.P., Li, Z., Pisani, C., Guo, H., Paudel, B., Butler, D., Rosskopf, E.N. 2020. Anaerobic soil disinfestation: Nutrient cycling and potential environmental impact. Acta Horticulturae.
Anaerobic soil disinfestation: Areawide project on obstacles and adoption Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rosskopf, E.N., Di Gioia, F., Hong, J.C., Ozores-Hampton, M., Zhao, X., Black, Z., Gao, Z., Wilson, C., Thomas, J., Jones, J., Butler, D.M., Shrestha, U., Sattanno, K., Delong, A., Swisher, M., Burelle, N.K., Wang, J., Li, Z., Shi, L., Pisani, C., Guo, H., Zhu, Q., Paudel, B., Johns, C.W., Finley, N.L., Muramoto, J., Albano, J.P., Shennan, C. 2020. Anaerobic soil disinfestation: Areawide project on obstacles and adoption. Acta Horticulturae.
Anaerobic soil disinfestation impacts the soil microbiome and growth of citrus trees infected with Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus - (Proceedings)
Evaluating anaerobic soil disinfestation and other biological soil management strategies for open-field tomato production in Florida Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Paudel, B., Di Gioia, F., Zhao, X., Ozores-Hampton, M., Hong, J.C., Burelle, N.K., Pisani, C.N., Rosskopf, E.N. 2018. Evaluating anaerobic soil disinfestation and other biological soil management strategies for open-field tomato production in Florida. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems.
Economic analysis of anaerobic soil disinfestation treatments for tomato production in southwest and north Florida - (Abstract Only)
Digging up the dirt on agricultural soils: using NMR to differentiate between macromolecules and small molecule metabolites accumulated in anaerobic disinfested soils - (Abstract Only)
Defining anaerobic soil disinfestation through changes in the microbiome - (Abstract Only)
Evaluation of Dominus® (allylisothiocyanate) for tomato and pepper production - (Abstract Only)
Anaerobic soil disinfestation: Nutrient cycling and potential environmental impact - (Abstract Only)
Anaerobic soil disinfestation: Areawide project on obstacles and adoption - (Abstract Only)
Impacts of anaerobic soil disinfestation and chemical fumigation on soil microbial communities in field tomato production system Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Guo, H., Zhao, X., Rosskopf, E.N., Hong, J.C., Mcnear, D. 2018. Impacts of anaerobic soil disinfestation and chemical fumigation on soil microbial communities in field tomato production system. Applied Soil Ecology. 126:165-173.
Using NMR-based metabolomics to monitor the biochemical composition of agricultural soils: a pilot study Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Johns, C., Lee, A., Springer, T., Rosskopf, E.N., Hong, J.C., Turechek, W., Burelle, N.K., Finley, N. 2017. Using NMR-based metabolomics to monitor the biochemical composition of agricultural soils: a pilot study. European Journal of Soil Biology. 83:98-105.
Electronic tongue discrimination of four tomato cultivars harvested at six maturities and exposed to blanching and refrigeration treatments Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Xu, S., Li, J., Baldwin, E.A., Plotto, A., Rosskopf, E.N., Hong, J.C., Bai, J. 2018. Electronic tongue discrimination of four tomato cultivars harvested at six maturities and exposed to blanching and refrigeration treatments. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 136:42-49.
Dominus for cut flower production - (Proceedings)
Bell pepper rootstock response to Phytophthora capsici under salinity stress - (Proceedings)
USDA,ARS areawide project-Anaoerobic soil disinfestation - (Proceedings)
Differentiation of taste profiles by electronic tongue of full ripe tomato samples from different cultivars and harvest maturities - (Proceedings)
Xu, S., Li, J., Baldwin, E.A., Plotto, A., Rosskopf, E.N., Hong, J.C., Bai, J. 2017. Differentiation of taste profiles by electronic-tongue of full ripe tomato samples from different cultivars and harvest maturities. Proceedings of Florida State Horticultural Society. 130:165-168.
Evaluating anaerobic soil disinfestation and other biological soil management methods for open-field tomato production in Florida - (Abstract Only)
Using cereal rye (catch crop) and dehydrogenase activity as indicators of the residual fertility effects of anaerobic soil disinfestation and other biological soil management practices following field tomato production - (Abstract Only)
Use of electronic tongue for differentiation of tomato taste by cultivar, harvest maturity, and chilling or heating exposure - (Abstract Only)
Evaluation of anaerobic soil disinfestation amendments and rates for conventional tomato production in Florida - (Abstract Only)
Anaerobic soil disinfestation impact on soil nutrients dynamics and nitrous oxide emissions in fresh-market tomato Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Di Gioia, F., Ozores-Hampton, M., Zhao, X., Thomas, J., Wilson, P., Li, Z., Hong, J.C., Albano, J.P., Swisher, M., Rosskopf, E.N. 2017. Anaerobic soil disinfestation impact on soil nutrients dynamics and nitrous oxide emissions in fresh-market tomato. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 240:194-205.
Optimizing anaerobic soil disinfestation for fresh market tomato production: Nematode and weed control, yield, and fruit quality Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Guo, H., Di Gioia, F., Zhao, X., Ozores-Hampton, M., Swisher, M., Hong, J.C., Burelle, N.K., De Long, A., Rosskopf, E.N. 2017. Optimizing anaerobic soil disinfestation for fresh market tomato production: Nematode and weed control, yield, and fruit quality. Scientia Horticulturae. 218:105-116.
Grafting and Paladin™ Pic-21 for nematode and weed management in vegetable production - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Burelle, N.K., Butler, D., Hong, J.C., Bausher, M.G., McCollum, T.G., Rosskopf, E.N. 2016. Grafting and Paladin™ Pic-21 for nematode and weed management in vegetable production. Journal of Nematology. 48(4):231-240.
USDA,ARS Areawide project on anaerobic soil disinfestation - (Proceedings)
Anaerobic soil disinfestation impact on nutrient dynamics in fresh-market tomato - (Proceedings)
Effect of molasses in anaerobic soil disinfestation: Focus on the soil microbiome - (Proceedings)
Dominus: Nematode and pathogen control and improved weed control with fomesafen - (Proceedings)
Anaerobic soil disinfestation: Carbon rate effects on tomato plant growth and organic acid production - (Proceedings)
Optimizing anaerobic soil disinfestation for Florida fresh-market tomato production - (Proceedings)
Dominus® for Meloidogyne Arenaria and weed control in Florida cut flower production - (Abstract Only)
The effects of anaerobic soil disinfestation on weed and nematode control, fruit yield and quality of Florida fresh-market tomato - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Di Gioia, F., Ozores-Hampton, M., Hong, J.C., Burelle, N.K., Albano, J.P., Zhao, X., Gao, Z., Wilson, C., Thomas, J., Monaghan, K., Swisher, M., Guo, H., Black, Z., Rosskopf, E.N. 2016. The effects of anaerobic soil disinfestation on weed and nematode control, fruit yield and quality of Florida fresh-market tomato. HortScience. 51(6):703-711.
First report of bacterial stem rot of ‘Heirloom’ tomatoes caused by Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. brasiliensis in Florida Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rosskopf, E.N., Hong, J.C. 2016. First report of bacterial stem rot of ‘Heirloom’ tomatoes caused by Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. brasiliensis in Florida. Plant Disease. 100(6)1233.
Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD) Combined with Soil Solarization for Root-Knot Nematode Control in Vegetable and Ornamental Crops in Florida - (Abstract Only)
Anaerobic soil disinfestation and soil borne pest management - (Book / Chapter)
Rosskopf, E.N., Serrano-Perez, P., Hong, J.C., Shrestha, U., Rodriguez-Molina, M., Martin, K., Burelle, N.K., Shennan, C., Muramoto, J., Butler, D. 2015. Anaerobic soil disinfestation and soil borne pest management. Book Chapter. Chapter 13, Vol:46, pages 277-305.
Multilocus sequence analysis reveals genetic diversity in xanthomonads associated with poinsettia production Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rockey, W., Potnis, N., Hong, J.C., Timilsina, S., Jones, J.B., Norman, D.B. 2015. Multilocus sequence analysis reveals genetic diversity in xanthomonads associated with poinsettia production. Plant Disease. 99(6):874-882.
Molecular characterization of Xanthomonas strains responsible for bacterial leaf spot of tomato in Ethiopia Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kebede, M., Timilsina, S., Ayalew, A., Admassu, B., Potnis, N., Minsavage, G.V., Goss, E.M., Hong, J.C., Strayer, A., Paret, M., Jones, J.B., Vallad, G.E. 2014. Molecular characterization of Xanthomonas strains responsible for bacterial leaf spot of tomato in Ethiopia. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 140(4):677-688.
Nematode management in Florida vegetable and ornamental production Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Burelle, N.K., Iriarte, F.B., Butler, D.M., Hong, J.C., Rosskopf, E.N. 2014. Nematode management in Florida vegetable and ornamental production. Outlooks on Pest Management. 25(4):287-293.
Comparison of anaerobic soil disinfestation and drip-applied organic acids for raised-bed specialty crop production in Florida Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rosskopf, E.N., Burelle, N.K., Hong, J.C., Butler, D., Noling, J., He, Z., Booker, B., Sances, F. 2014. Comparison of anaerobic soil disinfestation and drip-applied organic acids for raised-bed specialty crop production in Florida. Acta Horticulturae. 1044:221-228.
A case study of a bacterial pathogen in irrigation water - (Book / Chapter)
Hong, J.C., Pingsheng, J., Momol, T., Olson, S., Pradhanang, P., Jones, J.B. 2014. A case study of a bacterial pathogen in irrigation water. Bacteriophage. ..
Importance of Rootstock and Scion Tomato Mosaic Virus Resistance for Grafting Heirloom Tomatoes - (Proceedings)
First report of Colletotrichum lupini on Lupinus hartwegii and L. mutabilis Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rosskopf, E.N., Hong, J.C., Burelle, N.K. 2014. First report of Colletotrichum lupini on Lupinus hartwegii and L. mutabilis. Plant Disease. 98(1):161.
Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation For Florida Specialty Crop Production - (Abstract Only)
An Observation of Bacterial Population Changes in Fields Treated with Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation - (Abstract Only)
Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD) and Steam As Alternatives For Parasitic Nematode Control In Florida Floriculture - (Abstract Only)
A novel Xanthomonas sp. causes bacterial spot of rose (Rosa spp.) Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Huang, C., Vallad, G.E., Adkison, H., Summers, C., Margenthaler, E., Schneider, C., Jones, J.B., Hong, J.C., Ong, K., Norman, D.J. 2013. A novel Xanthomonas sp. causes bacterial spot of rose (Rosa spp.). Plant Disease. 97(10):1301-1307.
Evaluation of biorational products for management of Phytophthora blight of bell pepper transplants Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yandoc-Ables, C., Rosskopf, E.N., Hong, J.C., Burelle, N.K., Albano, J.P., Lamb, E.M. 2013. Evaluation of biorational products for management of Phytophthora blight of bell pepper transplants. Plant Health Progress. 14(1):27.
Considerations for using bacteriophages for plant disease control Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jones, J., Vallad, G., Iriarte, F., Obradovic, A., Wernsing, M.H., Jackson, L., Balogh, B., Hong, J.C., Momol, T. 2012. Considerations for using bacteriophages for plant disease control. Bacteriophage. 2(4):208-214.
Grafting heirloom tomatoes for increased vigor and virus tolerance - (Proceedings)
Rosskopf, E.N., Burelle, N.K., Adkins, S.T., Hong, J.C., McKenzie, C.L., Gibbons, J., Roe, N. 2012. Grafting heirloom tomatoes for increased vigor and virus tolerance. Proceedings of International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives. 55-1-55-2.
Insight into anaerobic soil disinfestation through the lense of molecular biology - (Proceedings)
Status of ASD development for Florida specialty crops - (Proceedings)