Hydrological Processes
Effects of hot vs. dry vapor pressure deficit on ecosystem carbon and water fluxes
(Jan 2025)
Estimation of leaf area index in sagebrush steppe with low cost unoccupied aerial systems
(Jan 2025)
A model-data fusion approach for quantifying the carbon budget in cotton agroecosystems across the United States
(Jan 2025)
Cheatgrass fuels reduction following targeted grazing
(Jan 2025)
Impact of tillage, cover crops, and in situ bioreactors on nutrient loss from an artificially drained Midwestern Mollisol
(Dec 2024)
GWAS analysis for plant height and stem diameter in sorghum using multiple phenotyping approaches
(Dec 2024)
The Jones Ranch: An Early Ranching Family in the Truckee Meadows
(Dec 2024)
Parameter sensitivity and transferability for simulating ET and GPP of Dryland ecosystems across a climate gradient
(Dec 2024)
Hydrogeophysical inversion using a physics-based catchment model with
hydrological and electromagnetic induction data
(Nov 2024)
Quantifying rangeland fractional cover in the Northern Great Basin sagebrush steppe communities using high-resolution unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) imagery
(Nov 2024)
Long term conservation practice effects on agricultural soil loss from concentrated and distributed sources
(Nov 2024)
Effect of bimodal gravel size distribution on the clean-out depth of sand
(Nov 2024)
The LTAR Common Experiment at Gulf Atlantic Coastal Plain
(Oct 2024)
The LTAR Common Experiment at Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed
(Oct 2024)
Integrating ERT and SP techniques for characterizing aquifers and surface-groundwater interactions
(Oct 2024)
Diurnal soil freeze-thaw cycles and the factors determining their changes in warming climate in the upper Brahmaputra basin of the Tibetan Plateau
(Oct 2024)
Estimated in-situ carbon sequestration rates in a weathered silicate basin, southwestern Idaho, U.S.A
(Oct 2024)
USDA LTAR Common Experiment measurement: Dissolved ammonia (NH3) concentration
(Oct 2024)
USDA LTAR common experiment measurement: Rainfall measurements
(Oct 2024)
Cropland water erosion estimates simulated by RUSLE2 and WEPP: Results from two initial studies
(Oct 2024)
USDA LTAR Common Experiment measurement: Best practices for collection, handling, and analyses of water quality measurements
(Sep 2024)
USDA LTAR common experiment measurement: Irrigation water applied
(Sep 2024)
USDA LTAR common experiment measurement: overland flow
(Sep 2024)
Laboratory channel widening quantification using deep learning
(Sep 2024)
Soil water potential and matric potential
(Sep 2024)
Adaptation and $esponse in Drylands (ARID): Community
insights for qcoping a NASA Terrestrial Ecology Field
Campaign in drylands
(Sep 2024)
Data From: The effect of a bimodal gravel size distribution on clean-out depth of sand
(Sep 2024)
Snow simulation for the Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model
(Sep 2024)
USDA LTAR Common Experiment measurement: Channelized surface flow discharge
(Sep 2024)
USDA LTAR Common Experiment measurement: Total nitrogen (TN) and total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) concentration
(Sep 2024)
USDA LTAR Common Experiment measurement: Total phosphorus (TP) and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) concentration
(Sep 2024)
Canopy temperature dynamics are closely aligned with ecosystem water
availability across a water- to energy-limited gradient
(Aug 2024)
A stable localized weak strong form radial basis function method for modelling variably saturated groundwater flow induced by pumping and injection
(Aug 2024)
Calibration of V-notch and compound weirs for subsurface drainage water level control structures
(Aug 2024)
The LTAR Grazing Land Common Experiment at the Great Basin
(Aug 2024)
Transport of nitrogen in grassed watersheds accounting for the combined influence of grazing and climate
(Aug 2024)
Impact of conservation practices on nitrogen leaching in artificially drained Midwestern Mollisols
(Jul 2024)
Modeling nitrate removal from subsurface drainage by saturated buffers
(Jul 2024)
Irrigation pond water storage and nutrient variability using field and remotely sensed data
(Jul 2024)
Carbon evolution and mixing effects on groundwater age calculations in fractured basalt, southwestern Idaho, U.S.A
(Jul 2024)
Two decades of riparian woodland water vapor and carbon dioxide flux
responses to environmental variability
(Jul 2024)
Impacts of genotype, edaphic factors, and plant nutrients on yield and fruit quality for a perennial specialty crop (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.)
(Jun 2024)
A new approach to net solar radiation in a spatially distributed snow energy balance model to improve snowmelt timing
(Jun 2024)
Johnston Draw (Idaho) high resolution pre-fire vegetation map 2023
(May 2024)
The effects of alternate wetting and drying irrigation on water use efficiency in Mid-South rice
(May 2024)
How three-dimensional forest structure regulates the amount
and timing of snowmelt across a climatic gradient of snow
(May 2024)
Modeling the impact of measured and projected climate and management systems on agricultural fields: Surface runoff, soil moisture, and soil erosion
(May 2024)
Insights from the USDA Grazing Land National Resources Inventory and field studies
(May 2024)
Streamflow depletion caused by groundwater pumping: Fundamental research priorities for management-relevant science
(May 2024)
Application of a 1D model for overland flow simulations on 2D complex domains
(May 2024)
Soil health and the hydrologic cycle
(May 2024)
How revegetation reinforces soil at early stage of restoration: A 6-year field study in southwest China
(Apr 2024)
Sediment transport and bed topography for realistic unsteady flow hydrographs of varying length in a laboratory flume
(Apr 2024)
Tailwater recovery systems can improve water quality: an area ripe for research in cranberry agriculture
(Apr 2024)
Predicting Cotton Above Ground Biomass Using Multispectral Imagery from Uncrewed Aerial Systems
(Apr 2024)
The impact of agricultural intensification on hydrologic disconnectivity in the Mississippi Delta area of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain, USA
(Apr 2024)
Bacterial diversity in agricultural drainage ditches shifts with increasing urea-N concentrations
(Apr 2024)
Inclusion of bedrock vadose zone in dynamic global vegetation models is key for simulating vegetation structure and functioning
(Apr 2024)
A maximal overlap discrete wavelet packet transform coupled with an LSTM deep learning model for improving multilevel groundwater level forecasts
(Apr 2024)
Optimizing the quantity of recharge water into a sedimentary aquifer through infiltration galleries using a surrogate assisted coupled simulation-optimization approach
(Apr 2024)
Climate agroecoregions as a framework for characterizing cropping patterns across the USDA-LTAR Network
(Apr 2024)
Pond water storage and carbon variability using field and remotely sensed data in the Little River Experimental Watershed (LREW)
(Apr 2024)
Climate change impacts on spatio-temporal soil water extremes in geophysically diverse watersheds: A comparison between east and west Tennessee watersheds
(Mar 2024)
Effects of Cover crop and filter strips on sediment and nutrient loads measured at the edge of a commerical cotton field.
(Mar 2024)
The use of the Lawson Aerator on rangelands
(Mar 2024)
Major fluvial erosion and a 500-Mt sediment pulse triggered by lava-dam failure, Rio Coca, Ecuador
(Mar 2024)
Application of material point method and Mohr-Coulomb strain softening constitutive model in simulations of multiphase granular flows
(Mar 2024)
Albedo-induced global warming potential following disturbances in global temperate and boreal forests
(Mar 2024)
Geologic controls on apparent root-zone storage capacity
(Mar 2024)
Determining sediment deposition dynamics influenced by check dams in a semi-arid mountainous watershed
(Feb 2024)
Using phenology to unravel differential soil water use and productivity in a semiarid savanna
(Feb 2024)
Mitigating drought mortality by incorporating topography into
variable forest thinning strategies
(Feb 2024)
Data from: Sediment transport and bed topography for realistic unsteady flow hydrographs of varying length in a laboratory flume
(Feb 2024)
A three-dimensional numerical model for variably saturated groundwater flow using meshless weak-strong form method
(Feb 2024)
An artificial neural network to estimate the foliar and ground cover input variables of the Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model
(Feb 2024)
Automated earthwork detection using topological persistence
(Feb 2024)
Movement of TNT and RDX from composition B detonation residues in solution and sediment during runoff
(Feb 2024)
Automated Detection of On-Farm Irrigation Reservoirs in Two Critical Groundwater Regions of Arkansas: A Necessary Precursor for Conjunctive Water Management.
(Feb 2024)
Extending irrigation reservoir histories for improved groundwater modeling and conjunctive water management in two Arkansas critical groundwater areas
(Jan 2024)
Comparing the predictive capacity of allometric models in estimating grass biomass in a desert grassland
(Jan 2024)
Integrated cheatgrass control from herbicides to perennial restoration seeding
(Jan 2024)
Assessing the effectiveness of alternative tile intakes on agricultural hillslopes
(Jan 2024)
Methane uptake responses to extreme droughts regulated by seasonal timing and plant composition
(Jan 2024)
Reply to comment on "Five decades of observed daily precipitation reveal longer and more variable drought events across much of the western United States"
(Jan 2024)
Estimating effective hydraulic conductivity (Ke) for the Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model (RHEM)
(Jan 2024)
Towards global coverage of gridded parameterization for CLImate GENerator (CLIGEN)
(Dec 2023)
Data and code from: Extending irrigation reservoir histories for improved groundwater modeling and conjunctive water management in two Arkansas critical groundwater areas
(Dec 2023)
(Dec 2023)
Developing an inventory of waterbodies and drainage systems to study groundwater-surface water interactions within the Mississippi Alluvial Plain of North America
(Dec 2023)
Generation of 1D channel networks for overland flow simulations on 2D complex domains
(Dec 2023)
Mapping rangeland health indicators in East Africa from 2000 to 2022
(Dec 2023)
Rangeland Brush Estimation Tool (RaBET): An operational remote sensing-based application for quantifying woody cover on western rangelands
(Nov 2023)
Field-based infrastructure and cyber-physical system for the study of high night temperature stress in irrigated rice
(Nov 2023)
The role of microbes in mediating methane emissions
(Nov 2023)
Assessing the methane mitigation potential of innovative management in US rice production
(Nov 2023)
Harvesting and digesting winter rye cover crop double-cropped with soybean
(Nov 2023)
Modeling nitrate removal from drainage with saturated riparian buffers
(Nov 2023)
Nutrient leaching from an artificially drained Midwestern Mollisol across various conservation practices
(Nov 2023)
Small unmanned aircraft systems and agro-terrestrial surveys comparison for generating digital elevation surfaces for irrigation and precision grading
(Oct 2023)
Effects of extra-extreme precipitation variability on multi-year cumulative nitrous oxide emission in a semiarid grassland
(Oct 2023)
Improved scientific knowledge of methanogenesis and methanotrophy needed to slow climate change during the next 30 years
(Oct 2023)
Snowpack relative permittivity and density derived from near-coincident lidar and ground-penetrating radar
(Oct 2023)
Depositional patterns and sedimentation rates associated with longitudinal training walls (LTWs) in the Grand River, Michigan (USA)
(Oct 2023)
GIS-based RUSLE reservoir sedimentation estimates: Temporally variable C-factors, sediment delivery ration, and adjustment for stream channel and bank sediment sources
(Oct 2023)
Data from: Two years of plant and field data of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) from the Gulf Atlantic Coastal Plain Long-Term Agroecosystem Research network site
(Oct 2023)
Advances in soil erosion research: mechanism, modeling and applications - A Special Issue in honor of Dr. Mark Nearing
(Sep 2023)
Mineralization of S-metolachlor in soil as affected by moisture content, application history, and association with glyphosate
(Sep 2023)
Effectiveness of saturated buffers on water pollutant reduction from
agricultural drainage
(Sep 2023)
Thermography captures the differential sensitivity of dryland
functional types to changes in rainfall event timing
and magnitude
(Sep 2023)
Collapse of the San Rafael waterfall, Rio Coca, Ecuador and resulting catastrophic geohazard
(Sep 2023)
Gradient analysis and classification of tall forb communities in the Bridger-Teton National Forest, United States
(Sep 2023)
Seasonality and evaporation of water resources in Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed and Critical Zone Observatory, Southwestern Idaho, USA
(Aug 2023)
UAV and satellite-based sensing to map ecological sites at the landscape scale
(Aug 2023)
Improved analysis procedures of soil erosion resistance measurement methods
(Aug 2023)
Long-term conservation practices reduce nitrate leaching while maintaining yields in tile-drained Midwestern soils
(Aug 2023)
A decade of saturated buffer research: results from long-term monitoring in Iowa
(Aug 2023)
CEAP special project: watershed legacy sediment assessment
(Aug 2023)
Saturated riparian buffers as promising edge-of-field conservation practice
(Aug 2023)
A novel floodwave response model for time-varying streambed conductivity using space-time collocation Trefftz method
(Jul 2023)
Using high frequency digital repeat photography to quantify the sensitivity of a semi-arid grassland ecosystem to the temporal repackaging of precipitation
(Jul 2023)
Uncertainty for the ISSDOTv2 bed-load measurement method
(Jul 2023)
Interannual variability of spring and summer monsoon growing season carbon exchange at a semiarid savanna over nearly two decades
(Jun 2023)
The effect of water management and ratoon rice cropping on methane emissions and yield in Arkansas
(Jun 2023)
Sediment transport and bed topography for unsteady hydrograph flows in a laboratory flume
(Jun 2023)
A new approach for testing soil erodibility parameters in the excess shear stress equation
(Jun 2023)
Evapotranspiration regulates leaf temperature and respiration in dryland vegetation
(Jun 2023)
Performance of SMOS soil moisture products over core validation sites
(Jun 2023)
Harvested winter rye energy cover crop: multiple benefits for North Central US
(Jun 2023)
Quantitative representativeness and constituency of the long-term agroecosystem research network and analysis of complementarity with existing ecological networks
(Jun 2023)
Nutrient fate in the manure phosphorus extraction (MAPHEX) system: A four-farm case study
(Jun 2023)
Understanding land use impacts on water quality in small agricultural ponds of the southern Coastal Plain of Georgia
(Jun 2023)
Soil energetics: An introduction
(Jun 2023)
Seasonal timing of extreme drought regulates N2O fluxes in a semiarid grassland
(May 2023)
Controls on the presence and storage of soil inorganic carbon in a semi-arid watershed
(May 2023)
Modeling earthen treatments for climate change effects
(May 2023)
ISSDOTv2 methodology, uncertainty, and applications for measuring bed-load transport
(May 2023)
Erosion countermeasure design in complex flow field: A case study on the American River
(May 2023)
Advancements in predicting bank erosion processes with the Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM)
(May 2023)
Turbulent hydraulics around habitat boulders
(May 2023)
Improving the reliability of soil erosion estimates
(May 2023)
Investigating the effects of diel patterns of attenuation for an ultrasonic suspended-sediment measurement system
(May 2023)
Tailwater recovery
(May 2023)
Opportunities for a circular bioeconomy in rice production
(Apr 2023)
Eastern Oysters, Crassostrea virginica, settle near inlets in a lagoonal estuary: spatial and temporal distribution of recruitment in Mid-Atlantic Coastal Bays (Maryland, USA)
(Apr 2023)
Resolving river planform and width effects on flow in meandering rivers for optimal placing of ADCP cross sections
(Apr 2023)
Development of a two-dimensional hybrid sediment transport model
(Apr 2023)
Prosopis velutina response to aerial herbicide application
(Apr 2023)
Bark beetle impacts on forest evapotranspiration and its partitioning
(Apr 2023)
Transport of insensitive munitions constituents, NTO, DNAN, RDX, and HMX in runoff and sediment under simulated rainfall
(Mar 2023)
Physically based numerical model for the landscape evolution of soil-mantled watersheds driven by rainfall and overland flow
(Mar 2023)
Storage estimates of irrigation ponds generated from topobathy surface models using UAS data in south Georgia
(Mar 2023)
Satellite solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence tracks physiological drought stress development during 2020 southwest US drought
(Mar 2023)
Grassed Waterways: Phosphorus Best Management Practices-Fact Sheet
(Mar 2023)
Terraces: phosphorus best management practices-fact sheet
(Mar 2023)
Atlas of precipitation extremes for South America and Africa based on depth-duration-frequency relationships in a stochastic weather generator dataset
(Jan 2023)
Semi-theoretical model for mean sediment resting time of spherical particles: the role of hydrodynamic impulses and sphere size nonuniformity
(Jan 2023)
Upscaling dryland carbon and water fluxes with artificial neural networks of optical, thermal, and microwave satellite remote sensing
(Jan 2023)
Spatial optimization of conservation practices for sediment load reduction in ungauged agricultural watersheds
(Jan 2023)
Operational water forecast ability of the HRRR-iSnobal combination: An evaluation to adapt into production environments
(Jan 2023)
Multiscale responses and recovery of soils to wildfire in a sagebrush steppe ecosystem
(Dec 2022)
Intermittency on soil movement: The role of landscape macro/microtopography
(Dec 2022)
Examination of a characteristic scale unit for sediment flux prediction
(Dec 2022)
Predicting geotechnical parameters from seismic wave velocity using artificial neural networks
(Dec 2022)
Integrated agrogeophysical approach for investigating soil pipes in agricultural fields
(Dec 2022)
Evaluating causal factors that influence the spatial and temporal variability of streambank erosion in Iowa
(Dec 2022)
Gridded 20-year climate parameterization of Africa and South America for a stochastic weather generator (CLIGEN)
(Nov 2022)
Paddy rice methane emissions across Monsoon Asia
(Nov 2022)
Soil health indicators under continuous no-till vs. integrated weed management with strategic tillage
(Nov 2022)
Determining the relationship between observed algal activity and ultrasonic attenuation measurements
(Oct 2022)
Comparative economic and environmental assessments of furrow- and flood-irrigated rice production systems
(Oct 2022)
Long-term conservation management practices improve water quality and maintain crop yields in the Upper Midwest
(Oct 2022)
A global rain-driven soil erosion investigation based on simulated breakpoint precipitation
(Oct 2022)
Effect of maize-legume intercropping on maize physio-agronomic parameters and beneficial insect abundance
(Sep 2022)
Modeling the relative morphodynamic influence of vegetation and large wood in a dryland ephemeral stream, Arizona, USA
(Sep 2022)
Debris risks and mitigation strategies for hydrokinetic turbines in rural watersheds
(Sep 2022)
Polyphosphate accumulation tracks incremental P-enrichment in a temperate watershed (Pennsylvania, USA) as an indicator of stream ecosystem legacy P
(Jul 2022)
Optimizing process-based models to predict current and future soil organic carbon stocks at high-resolution
(Jun 2022)
Multi-temporal LiDAR and hyperspectral data fusion for classification of semi-arid woody cover species
(Jun 2022)
Experimental and numerical investigation of reservoir embankment recession
(Jun 2022)
Numerical modeling of sediment and nutrients in upland watersheds and downstream channel networks and receiving waterbodies
(Jun 2022)
Irrigation water conservation practices in the Mississippi River alluvial plain: On-farm reservoirs
(May 2022)
Utilizing CRS stack for enhanced near-surface seismic reflection imaging: Examples from consolidated and unconsolidated environments
(Apr 2022)
Correct tilt calculation for atmospheric presure-induced seismic noise
(Jan 2022)
Study of soil surface sealing and crusting using a seismic surface wave method
(Jan 2022)
The first fine-resolution mapping of contour-levee irrigation using deep Bi-Stream convolutional neural networks
(Nov 2021)
The three major axes of terrestrial ecosystem function
(Sep 2021)
Seismic and acoustic excitation for shallow void detection: Examples from a known tunnel site
(Sep 2021)
Substantial hysteresis in emergent temperature sensitivity of global wetland CH4 emissions
(Apr 2021)
Field deployment of a continuous suspended sediment load surrogate
(Jan 2020)
Prediction of possible causes of sand boil formations using multiple geophysical surveys: A case study at Carroll county dam
(Nov 2018)
Time-lapse joint inversion of geophysical data 1 with automatic joint constraints and dynamic attributes
(Sep 2016)
Wind-induced ground motion
(Feb 2016)