Water-Use Efficiency
Comparison of infrared thermometry and soil water derived stress indices and crop ET in cotton
(Oct 2024)
Spreadsheet for lysimeter data analysis
(Sep 2024)
Enhanced freeze-thaw cycle altered the simulations of groundwater dynamics in a heavily irrigated basin in the temporate region of China
(Aug 2024)
Infrared thermometer data at the weighing lysimeters at Bushland, Texas
(Aug 2024)
Improving hydrological modeling to close the gap between elevated CO2 concentration and crop response: implications for water resources
(Aug 2024)
Weighing lysimeter data for the Bushland, Texas, sorghum datasets
(Aug 2024)
Conservative management practices and climatic variability interactions on soil biological health in semiarid regions
(Aug 2024)
Evaluation of three irrigation application systems for watermelon production in the Texas High Plains
(Aug 2024)
Ester-linked fatty acid methyl esters respond to soil conservation management in a multi-regional study across the United States
(Aug 2024)
Assessing the impacts of long-term climate change on hydrology and yields of diversified crops in the Texas High Plains
(Aug 2024)
Assessing the response mechanisms of elevated CO2 concentration on various forms of nitrogen losses in the Golden Corn Belt
(Jul 2024)
Aquifer health and irrigation prospects in the Southern High Plains, Southeast, and Mid Atlantic
(Jul 2024)
Cover crop grazing effects on soil properties in no-tillage dryland cropping systems in the central Great Plains
(Jul 2024)
Climate-informed management of irrigated cotton in Western Kansas to reduce groundwater withdrawals
(Jun 2024)
Soil hydraulic properties - Martin County
(Jun 2024)
Irrigation response, water use, and lint yield of upland cotton cultivars
(Apr 2024)
Utilization of cotton gin waste biochars for agronomic benefits in soils
(Apr 2024)
Weighing lysimeter data for the Bushland, Texas, cotton datasets
(Apr 2024)
Three decades of evapotranspiration (ET) measurement - the Bushland large weighing lysimeters
(Mar 2024)
A comparison on soil conservation management effects on biological soil fertility across a climate gradient in the Great Plains
(Mar 2024)
Identifying the best tillage system to maintain soil properties and crop yields after Conservation Reserve Program grassland conversion
(Mar 2024)
Comparing impacts of corn residue removal and amelioration practices on soil properties after 3, 6, and 10 years
(Feb 2024)
Evaluation of a wireless solar powered personal weather station
(Jan 2024)
Wind erodibility and particulate matter emissions of dry salt-affected soils under diverse atmospheric humidity conditions
(Jan 2024)
Reference evapotranspiration estimation using genetic algorithm-optimized machine learning models and standardized Penman-Monteith Equation in a highly advective environment
(Dec 2023)
Intercropping forage sorghum with sunnhemp at different seeding rates to improve forage production
(Dec 2023)
Field evaluation of conventional and downhole TDR soil water sensors for irrigation scheduling in a clay loam soil
(Dec 2023)
Soil water conservation for dryland farming
(Nov 2023)
A sensor-based decision support system for variable rate irrigation systems
(Nov 2023)
Mechanisms of cover crop-mediated soil carbon storage in a semi-arid irrigated cropping system
(Nov 2023)
Field evaluation of conventional and downhole TDR soil water sensors for irrigation scheduling in a clay loam soil
(Nov 2023)
Response of soil microbial communities to different cover crops options for semi-arid regions
(Nov 2023)
Tracing spatial and temporal dynamics of post-fire sediment transport and redistribution using multiple rare earth element tracers: Insights into grassland management
(Nov 2023)
Evaluation of mobile drip irrigation and irrigation technologies for watermelon production and water use efficiency in the Texas High Plains
(Oct 2023)
Microbial community composition response to soil management across climates
(Oct 2023)
Comparision of weighing lysimeter ET with a two-source energy balance model
(Oct 2023)
ET from water balance considering dewfall and frost in a semi-arid continental climate
(Oct 2023)
Lessons learned from two decades of eddy covariance and large weighing lysimeter comparisons
(Oct 2023)
Differences in crop coefficients for SDI and sprinkler irrigation
(Oct 2023)
30+ years of ET, energy and water balance, weather, crop growth, and yield data in a semi-arid, continental climate
(Oct 2023)
Improving water productivity in cotton using mobile drip irrigation technology
(Oct 2023)
Irrigation technology for climate change adaptation
(Oct 2023)
Modeling streamflow response under changing environment using a modified SWAT model with enhanced representation of CO2 effects
(Oct 2023)
Spatiotemporal economic analysis of corn and wheat production in the Texas High Plains
(Oct 2023)
Data quality control for stationary infrared thermometers viewing crops
(Oct 2023)
Simulation of root zone soil water dynamics under cotton-silverleaf nightshade interactions in drip-irrigated cotton
(Aug 2023)
Agronomic calendars for the Bushland, Texas sorghum datasets
(Aug 2023)
Growth and yield data for the Bushland, Texas cotton datasets
(Aug 2023)
Growth and yield data for the Bushland, Texas, sorghum datasets
(Aug 2023)
Soil health assessment to evaluate conservation practices in semi-arid cotton systems at producer sites scale
(Aug 2023)
Agronomic calendars for the Bushland, Texas cotton datasets
(Aug 2023)
Identifying soil health indicators linked to essential functions for water limited regions
(Aug 2023)
Soil water content data for The Bushland, Texas large weighing lysimeter experiments
(Jul 2023)
Assessment of the sustainability of groundwater utilization and crop production under optimized irrigation strategies in the North China Plain under future climate change
(Jul 2023)
Preliminary crop coefficients and management strategies for upland cotton in the northern Texas High Plains
(Jul 2023)
The importance of dewfall and frost in semi-arid water and energy balances
(Jul 2023)
Quality assurance procedures for stationary infrared thermometers viewing crops
(Jul 2023)
The importance of reduced evaporative losses with SDI in the Central and Southern High Plains
(Jul 2023)
Toward automated irrigation management with integrated crop water stress index and spatial soil water balance
(Jul 2023)
Center pivot water allocation strategies under limited irrigation
(Jun 2023)
Does increasing diversity of small grain cropping systems improve aggregate stability and soil hydraulic properties?
(Jun 2023)
Evaluating the effects of single and integrated extreme climate events on hydrology in the Liao River Basin, China using a modified SWAT-BSR model
(Jun 2023)
Predicting soil organic carbon from loss-on-ignition across four regions of Nebraska
(May 2023)
Optimized regulated deficit irrigation for limited volumes of irrigation water and simultaneous crops, the ORDILS methodology
(Apr 2023)
Towards improved TDR soil water sensing for optimizing irrigation water management
(Apr 2023)
The Bushland, Texas, soybean datasets
(Apr 2023)
Evaluation of growth-stage-based variable deficit irrigation strategies for cotton production in the Texas High Plains
(Apr 2023)
Characterizing evaporative losses from sprinkler irrigation using large weighing lysimeters
(Mar 2023)
Sensor feedback system enables automated deficit irrigation scheduling for cotton
(Mar 2023)
Soil health assessment and management framework for water-limited environments: Examples from the Great Plains of the USA
(Mar 2023)
Forecasting of crop water stress indicators using machine learning algorithms
(Feb 2023)
Moving from measurement to governance of shared groundwater resources
(Jan 2023)
Intake, growth performance, carcass traits, and meat quality of feedlot lambs fed novel anthocyanin-rich corn cobs
(Jan 2023)
Stable carbon isotope discrimination of cotton burrs and seeds as a season-long integrator of crop water stress
(Dec 2022)
Modeling management of continuous dryland cotton with an intervening winter wheat cover crop in a semiarid climate
(Dec 2022)
Texas Panhandle (Region A) regional water planning agricultural water outlook and conservation strategies
(Dec 2022)
A support vector machine and image processing based approach for counting open cotton bolls and estimating lint yield from UAV imagery
(Nov 2022)
Influence of legume inclusion on greenhouse gas emissions from pasture systems in the Southern High Plains of Texas
(Nov 2022)
Conservation management practices influence soil microbial communities regardless of irrigation in Sandy loam cotton systems of the semi-arid Texas Southern High Plains
(Nov 2022)
Bushland crop growth, yield, ET, energy and water balance, and weather database: The Bushland weighing lysimeter datasets
(Nov 2022)
Soil health within transitions from irrigation to dryland management
(Nov 2022)
Methods for downhole soil water sensor calibration - complications of bulk density and water content variations
(Nov 2022)
Development and testing of a dynamic CO2 input method in SWAT for simulating long-term climate change impacts across various climatic locations
(Oct 2022)
Assessing impacts of global climate change on water and food security in the black soil region of Northeast China using an improved SWAT-CO2 model
(Oct 2022)
Effects of global climate change on the hydrological cycle and crop growth under heavily irrigated management - A comparison between CMIP5 and CMIP6
(Oct 2022)
Applying wind erosion and air dispersion models to
characterize dust hazard to highway safety at Lordsburg
Playa, New Mexico, USA
(Oct 2022)
The Bushland, Texas, sunflower datasets
(Oct 2022)
Crop response to thermal stress without yield loss in irrigated maize and soybean in Nebraska
(Sep 2022)
Adaptation of MOPECO for water management decisions in the Texas High Plains
(Sep 2022)
The Bushland, Texas, winter wheat datasets
(Aug 2022)
Post-processing R tool for SWAT efficiently studying climate change impacts on hydrology, water quality, and crop growth
(Aug 2022)
Standard quality controlled research weather data - USDA-ARS, Bushland, Texas
(May 2022)
The Bushland, Texas, alfalfa datasets
(Apr 2022)
Influence of legume inclusion on greenhouse gas emissions from pasture systems in the southern high plains of Texas
(Apr 2022)
The Bushland, Texas maize for grain datasets
(Apr 2022)
Map of the llano estacado of north america
(Apr 2022)
Potential genotype-based climate change adaption strategies for sustaining cotton production in the Texas High Plains: A simulation study
(Aug 2021)
Simulated efficient growth-stage-based deficit irrigation strategies for maximizing cotton yield, crop water productivity and net returns
(May 2021)
Strategic tillage effects on crop yields, soil properties, and weeds in dryland no-tillage systems
(Mar 2021)
An economic analysis on the transition to dryland production in deficit-irrigated cropping systems of the Texas High Plains
(Mar 2021)
Meta-Analysis of crop water use efficiency by irrigation system in the Texas High Plains
(Sep 2020)
Analyzing potential water conservation strategies in the Texas Panhandle
(Jul 2020)
A single tillage in a long-term no-till system on dryland crop performance
(Jun 2020)
Potential benefits of genotype-based adaptation strategies for grain sorghum production in the Texas High Plains under climate change
(May 2020)
Deep reinforcement learning-based irrigation scheduling
(Mar 2020)
Corn response to later than traditional planting dates in the Texas High Plains
(Mar 2020)
Economic feasibility of conversion to mobile drip irrigation in the Central Ogallala region
(Mar 2020)
Corn production under restricted irrigation in the Texas High Plains
(Feb 2020)
Do crop price expectations matter? An analysis of groundwater pumping decisions in Western Kansas
(Jan 2020)
Maximizing profits via irrigation timing for capacity-constrained cotton production
(Dec 2019)
Soil water extraction and use by winter wheat cultivars under limited irrigation in a semi-arid environment
(Nov 2019)
Assessing the climate change impacts on grain sorghum yield and irrigation water use under full and deficit irrigation strategies
(Aug 2019)
Productivity and profitability of four crop rotations under limited irrigation
(Jul 2019)