Plant Cellular Metabolism
Determination of free amino acid concentrations in bovine plasma using high-pressure liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy detection
(Mar 2025)
Satellite remote sensing on crop fields
(Mar 2025)
Hydroxycinnamoyl-coenzyme A: tetrahydroxyhexanedioate hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (HHHT) from Phaseolus vulgaris: Phylogeny, expression pattern, kinetic parameters, and active site analysis
(Feb 2025)
Effects of sericea lespedeza supplementation on steers grazing
wild-type endophyte-infected tall tescue
(Jan 2025)
Seed treatments, in-furrow fungicides, and in-furrow biocontrol agents in sugar beet for the control of rhizoctonia crown and root rot in Northwest Minnesota, 2024
(Jan 2025)
A medium-throughput protease assay for screening green plant material
(Jan 2025)
SLAKES smartphone app to identify the fragipan horizon and cover crop effect
(Jan 2025)
Fragipan soil changes with growth of annual ryegrass and festulolium with surface applied amendments
(Dec 2024)
Influence of annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) as cover crop on soil water dynamics in fragipan soils of Southern Illinois, USA
(Dec 2024)
Open-source software for satellite-based crop health monitoring
(Nov 2024)
Targeted engineering of camelina and pennycress seeds for ultrahigh accumulation of acetyl-TAG
(Nov 2024)
A strategy for identification and characterization of genic mutations using a temperature-sensitive chlorotic soybean mutant as an example
(Nov 2024)
UV-induced reactive oxygen species and transcriptional control of 3-deoxyanthocyanidin biosynthesis in black sorghum pericarp
(Oct 2024)
Continental-scale insights into the sugarbeet diffusion juice microbiomes
(Sep 2024)
Whole genome sequencing of Leuconostoc suionicum and L. pseudomesenteroides isolates extracted from sugar beet roots
(Sep 2024)
Genetic drift, historic migration, and limited gene flow contributing to the subpopulation divergence in wild sea beet (Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima (L.) Arcang)
(Sep 2024)
Meta-transcriptomic analysis reveals geographical expansion of known sugarbeet-infecting viruses and the occurrence of a novel virus in sugarbeet in the United States
(Aug 2024)
Tonoplast-localized OsTIP2;1 is involved in aluminum detoxification in rice
(Aug 2024)
FatPlants: a comprehensive information system for lipid-related genes and metabolic pathways in plants
(Aug 2024)
Transcriptome analysis of resistant and susceptible Medicago truncatula genotypes in response to spring black stem and leaf spot disease
(Jul 2024)
Natural variation in salt-induced changes in root:shoot ratio reveals SR3G as a negative regulator of root suberization and salt resilience in Arabidopsis
(Jul 2024)
Fruit ripening and post-harvest changes in very early ripening fruit.
(Jul 2024)
Severe preharvest drought elevates respiration and storage rot in postharvest sugarbeet roots
(Jun 2024)
Use of basta (phosphinothricin) selection for genetic transformation of Regen SY alfalfa
(Jun 2024)
The role of UDP-D-xylose synthase (UXS) in alfalfa cell wall synthesis: A target to increase digestibility
(Jun 2024)
Improving alfalfa protein content and stability
(Jun 2024)
Fragipan horizon changes using annual ryegrass and other amendments
(Jun 2024)
The Bacillus subtilis yqgC-sodA operon protects magnesium-dependent enzymes by supporting manganese efflux
(May 2024)
COI1 F-box proteins regulate DELLA protein levels, growth, and photosynthetic efficiency in maize
(May 2024)
Constraints on mineral-associated and particulate organic carbon response to regenerative management: carbon inputs and saturation deficit
(May 2024)
Mineral changes in the rhizospheres of conifer plantations for a weathered subtropical soil
(Apr 2024)
Beet soil-borne virus is a helper virus for the novel Beta vulgaris satellite virus 1A
(Apr 2024)
Weed identification using U-Net machine learning model and SAM segmentation
(Apr 2024)
Isotopically nonstationary metabolic flux analysis of plants: recent progress and future opportunities
(Apr 2024)
Homeologue differential expression in the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway underlies flower colour variation in natural and synthetic polyploids of Nicotiana tobacum (Solanaceae)
(Apr 2024)
Alternative splicing underpins ALMT9 function for vacuolar malic acid accumulation in apple
(Mar 2024)
Evaluation of sugar beet breeding lines for resistance to Rhizoctonia crown and root rot, 2023
(Mar 2024)
Expansin SlExp1 and endoclucanase SlCel2 synergistically promote fruit softening and cell wall disassembly in tomato
(Mar 2024)
The complete and gapless genome of the sugarbeet pathogen Cercospora beticola
(Feb 2024)
Genome assembly of Medicago truncatula accession SA27063 provides insight into spring black stem and leaf spot disease resistance
(Feb 2024)
Identification and characterization of a temperature sensitive chlorotic soybean mutant
(Feb 2024)
Gene editing in soybean: promise to products
(Feb 2024)
Transcriptomic and metabolomic changes in postharvest sugarbeet roots reveal widespread metabolic changes in storage and identify genes potentially responsible for respiratory sucrose loss
(Jan 2024)
Modulatory role of nitric oxide in wound healing of potato tubers
(Jan 2024)
Advanced gene editing strategies for root development research
(Jan 2024)
DIY image analytics for UAS-based plant phenotyping
(Dec 2023)
The selenium-promoted daidzein production contributes to its induced nodulation in soybean plants
(Dec 2023)
Soil carbon mineralization, enzyme activities and crop residue decomposition under varying soil moisture regimes
(Nov 2023)
A family of methyl esterases converts methyl salicylate to salicylic acid in ripening tomato fruit
(Oct 2023)
Miscanthus increases soil amino compounds regardless of nitrogen fertilizer rate
(Oct 2023)
Interactive effects of humic product application with nitrogen fertilizer rates on corn grain yield in a central Iowa field study
(Oct 2023)
Interseeded cover crops did not cause corn yield loss in eastern North Dakota
(Oct 2023)
Arabidopsis acyl carrier protein4 and rhomboid like10 act independently in chloroplast phosphatidate synthesis
(Sep 2023)
Comparison of cropping system models for simulation of soybean evapotranspiration with eddy covariance measurements in a humid subtropical environment
(Aug 2023)
A single amino acid substitution in MdLAZY1A dominantly impairs shoot gravitropism in Malus
(Jul 2023)
A pathogen-induced membrane transporter that contributes to bacterial leaf streak development in rice
(Jul 2023)
Co-chaperoning of chlorophyll and carotenoid biosynthesis by orange family proteins in plant
(May 2023)
Deregulation of ¿-carotene desaturase in Arabidopsis and tomato exposes a unique carotenoid-derived redundant regulation of floral meristem identity and function
(Mar 2023)
Abscisic acid mediated strawberry receptacle ripening involves the interplay of multiple phytohormone signaling networks
(Jan 2023)
Natural overexpression of carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase 4 in tomato alters carotenoid flux
(Jan 2023)
The transcription factor VviNAC60 regulates senescence- and ripening-related processes in grapevine
(Jan 2023)
Variable humic product effects on maize structural biochemistry across annual weather patterns and soil types in two Iowa (U.S.A.)
production fields
(Jan 2023)
Limited conservation in cross-species comparison of GLK transcription factor binding suggested wide-spread cistrome divergence
(Dec 2022)
Selection pressure on the rhizosphere microbiome can alter nitrogen use efficiency in seed yield in Brassica rapa
(Dec 2022)
Moderator of panel discussion: Is it important for agronomists to publish in high-profile journals?
(Nov 2022)
Stimulation of corn root growth by humic products in Iowa fields: implications for soil properties
(Nov 2022)
Introduction of aerobic soil conditions alter yield potential in California rice
(Nov 2022)
Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.) response to incremental application rates of potassium fertilizer in Mississippi
(Sep 2022)