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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Raleigh, North Carolina » Food Science and Market Quality and Handling Research Unit » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #404888

Research Project: Improvement and Maintenance of Peanuts, Peanut Products and Related Peanut Product Flavor, Shelf Life, Functional Characteristics

Location: Food Science and Market Quality and Handling Research Unit

Title: Standardized ileal amino acid digestibility of high-oleic full-fat soybean meal in broilers

item ALI, MUHAMMAD - University Of Georgia
item JOSEPH, MICHAEL - North Carolina State University
item ALFARO-WISAQUILLO, MARIA CAMILA - North Carolina State University
item QUINTANA-OSPINA, GUSTAVO ADOLFO - North Carolina State University
item PATINO, DANNY - North Carolina State University
item PENUELA-SIERRA, LINA-MARIA - North Carolina State University
item Vu, Thien
item Mian, Rouf
item Taliercio, Earl
item Toomer, Ondulla
item OVIEDO-RONDON, EDGAR ORLANDO - North Carolina State University

Submitted to: Poultry Science
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 9/23/2023
Publication Date: 12/1/2023
Citation: Ali, M., Joseph, M., Alfaro-Wisaquillo, M., Quintana-Ospina, G., Patino, D., Penuela-Sierra, L., Vu, T.C., Mian, R.M., Taliercio, E.W., Toomer, O.T., Oviedo-Rondon, E. 2023. Standardized ileal amino acid digestibility of high-oleic full-fat soybean meal in broilers. Poultry Science. 102(12):103152.

Interpretive Summary: High-oleic and normal-oleic, full-fat soybean meals could potentially serve as value-added poultry feed ingredients with the needed information regarding their nutrient digestibility. Hence in this study we aimed to determine the amino acid nutrient digestibility of high-oleic and normal-oleic, full-fat soybean meals in broilers. Broilers fed the high-oleic, full-fat soybean meal and the normal-oleic, full-fat soybean meal had reduced body weights, body weight gains, and reduced amino acid nutrient digestibility in comparison to broilers fed the conventional defatted soybean meal diets. This information will help the poultry industry better define optimal feed processing methods to improve the nutritive value of high-oleic, full-fat, and normal-oleic, full-fat soybean meals in poultry diets for improved nutrient digestibility and production performance.

Technical Abstract: High-oleic (HO) soybean may serve as a value-added feed ingredient to enrich poultry meat due to its fatty acid content. However, the amino acid (AA) nutrient digestibility of soybean meal (SBM) made from these soybeans has yet to be determined. The objective of this study was to determine apparent ileal AA digestibility (AID) and standardized ileal AA digestibility (SID) of high-oleic full-fat (HO-FF) SBM compared to normal oleic full-fat (NO-FF), normal oleic extruded expeller (NO-EE), and solvent-extracted SBM (SE-SBM) in broilers. A nitrogen-free basal diet (NFD) was fed to 1 treatment group with 10 chicks/cage to determine basal endogenous losses (BEL). Titanium dioxide was used as an inert marker. The test diets contained 57.5% of the basal NFD and 42.5% of 1 of the 4 soybean sources. A total of 272 Ross-708 male broilers were placed in 40 battery cages with 5 treatments and 8 replicates per treatment. A common starter diet was provided to all the chickens for 14 d. Experimental diets were provided as a mash for 9 d before sample collection. Chickens were euthanized with CO2 on d 23, and contents of the distal ileum were collected, frozen, and freeze-dried. The BEL were similar to the values found in the literature. At d 23, broilers fed the SE-SBM had the highest body weight gain and best FCR compared to chickens fed the HO-FF and NO-FF treatments (P < 0.001). Broilers fed the SE-SBM and NO-EE experimental diets had (P < 0.001) higher apparent ileal AA digestibility and AA SID than broilers fed the HO-FF and NO-FF treatments. In conclusion, the SID of AA from HO-FF is similar to the digestibilities of other full-fat soybeans found in the literature and is lower than that of NO-EE and SE-SBM.