Research Geneticist (Plants)
Chad Hayes
Plant Stress and Germplasm Development Research
Research Geneticist (Plants)
Phone: (806) 749-5560 ext. 5219
Fax: (806) 723-5272
3810 4th Street
LUBBOCK , TX 79415
Dr. Chad Hayes is a research geneticist at the Cropping Systems Research Laboratory in Lubbock, Texas and an adjunct assistant professor of sorghum breeding at Texas A&M University and Kansas State University. Chad received his Ph.D. in Plant Breeding from Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas in 2016. Chad’s research interests include the development of cold and drought tolerant sorghum germplasm, the development of high yielding grain sorghum hybrids adapted to Texas and Kansas, and the utilization of diverse and exotic germplasm in a breeding program. Chad has distributed over one hundred breeding lines to the sorghum industry, with many lines performing well with multiple seed companies. Most recently, Chad officially released R.LBK1 and R.LBK2, two sorghum germplasm lines with strong sugarcane aphid resistance and excellent grain yield.
- (Clicking on the reprint icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
- A dominant multiple tiller mutant that dramatically increases biomass and grain yield in sorghum-(Abstract Only)
Pugh, N.A., Chen, J., Tian, R., Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Sattler, S.E., Xin, Z. 2024. A dominant multiple tiller mutant that dramatically increases biomass and grain yield in sorghum. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
- Genetic dissection of phenotypic plasticity in flowering time and plant height in sorghum under natural field conditions-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
- Registration of sorghum nested association mapping population in BTx623 background as pre-breeding germplasm for early season cold tolerance-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
- A large sequenced mutant library- valuable reverse genetic resource that covers 98% of the genes in a Sorghum genome -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jiao, Y., Singh, D., Barry, K., Daum, C., Yoshinaga, Y., Khan, A., Lu, Z., Wang, X., Wei, X., Tello-Ruiz, M.K., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Mortimer, J., Ware, D., Xin, Z. 2023. A large sequenced mutant library- valuable reverse genetic resource that covers 98% of the genes in a Sorghum genome. Plant Journal. 117(5):1543-1557.
- A large Sequenced Mutant library provides gene leads for breeding and genome editing-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Pugh, N.A., Ware, D. 2024. A large Sequenced Mutant library provides gene leads for breeding and genome editing. Plant and Animal Genome Conference.
- A large sequenced mutant library as a community resource for sorghum breeding and genomics-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Pugh, N.A., Ware, D. 2024. A large sequenced mutant library as a community resource for sorghum breeding and genomics. Meeting Abstract.
- Evaluation of diverse sorghum for leaf dhurrin content and post-anthesis (stay-green) drought tolerance -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hayes, C.M., Emendack, Y., Sanchez, J., Burke, J.J., Pugh, N.A., Xin, Z., Rooney, W.L. 2023. Evaluation of diverse sorghum for leaf dhurrin content and post-anthesis (stay-green) drought tolerance. Crops. 3(3):241-250.
- Impact of in-season split application of nitrogen on intra-panicle grain dynamics, grain quality and vegetative indices that govern nitrogen use efficiency in sorghum -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ostmeyer, T.J., Somayanda, I.S., Bean, S.R., Dhillon, R., Hayes, C.M., Ritchie, G., Asebedo, A.R., Emendack, Y., Jagadish, K.S. 2023. Impact of in-season split application of nitrogen on intra-panicle grain dynamics, grain quality and vegetative indices that govern nitrogen use efficiency in sorghum. Plant and Soil.
- Leaf structural traits mediating pre-existing physical innate resistance to sorghum aphid in sorghum under uninfested conditions -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Triplett, E., Hayes, C.M., Emendack, Y., Longing, S., Monclova, C., Simpson, C., Laza, H. 2023. Leaf structural traits mediating pre-existing physical innate resistance to sorghum aphid in sorghum under uninfested conditions. Planta. 258. Article 46.
- A large Sequenced Mutant library covers 98% of the genes in the genome of the inbred line BTx623-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Pugh, N.A., Ware, D. 2023. A large Sequenced Mutant library covers 98% of the genes in the genome of the inbred line BTx623. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
- Registration of three sweet sorghum lines with high tolerance to sorghum aphid (Melanaphis sorghi) -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Knoll, J.E., Uchimiya, S.M., Hayes, C.M., Punnuri, S.M., Harris-Shultz, K.R., Smith, J.S. 2023. Registration of three sweet sorghum lines with high tolerance to sorghum aphid (Melanaphis sorghi). Journal of Plant Registrations. 17:551-560.
- Transforming grain sorghum's climatic yield potential and grain quality through trait-based ideotype breeding-(Abstract Only)
Emendack, Y., Hayes, C.M., Bean, S.R., Jagadish, K.S., Laza, H.E., Rooney, W., Felderhoff, T., Caragea, D., Pugh, N.A. 2023. Transforming grain sorghum's climatic yield potential and grain quality through trait-based ideotype breeding. Global Sorghum Conference: Sorghum in the 21st Century.
- Registration of 252 sequenced sorghum mutants as a community reverse genetic resource -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Xin, Z., Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Burke, J.J., Pugh, N.A., Ware, D. 2023. Registration of 252 sequenced sorghum mutants as a community reverse genetic resource. Journal of Plant Registrations. 17(3):599-604.
- Comparative assessment of grain quality in tannin versus non-tannin sorghums in the sorghum association panel -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Somayanda, I.S., Bean, S.R., Ioerger, B.P., Hayes, C.M., Emendack, Y., Jagadish, K.S. 2023. Comparative assessment of grain quality in tannin versus non-tannin sorghums in the sorghum association panel. Cereal Chemistry. 100(3):663-674.
- Mutation breeding in the age of next-generation sequencing and genome editing-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Ware, D. 2023. Mutation breeding in the age of next-generation sequencing and genome editing. International Plant and Animal Genome IX Conference.
- Registration of sorghum [sorghum bicolor (l.) moench] backcross-nested association mapping (BC-NAM) populations in BTx623 and RTx436 backgrounds
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Patil, N., Hoffmann, L., Perumal, R., Hayes, C.M., Emendack, Y., Boyles, R., Dalberg, J., Klein, R.R., Klein, P., Rooney, W. 2024. Registration of sorghum [sorghum bicolor (l.) moench] backcross-nested association mapping (BC-NAM) populations in BTx623 and RTx436 backgrounds . Journal of Plant Registrations. 18(1):204-219.
- Induced Novel Genetic Variation for sorghum improvement by Random Mutagenesis-(Abstract Only)
Jiao, Y., Xin, Z., Hayes, C.M., Bean, S.R. 2022. Induced Novel Genetic Variation for sorghum improvement by Random Mutagenesis. USDA-ARS & TTU Reserach Spotlight.
- Sequenced Mutants as a Resource for Reverse Genetics in Sorghum-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Pugh, N.A., Ware, D. 2022. Sequenced Mutants as a Resource for Reverse Genetics in Sorghum. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
- Genetics of enhanced sink capacity in sorghum-(Abstract Only)
Burow, G.B., Xin, Z., Hughes, H.J., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Payton, P.R. 2022. Genetics of enhanced sink capacity in sorghum. Crop Science Society of America.
- Registration of two novel grain sorghum nuclear male sterile mutants: BTx623ms9-1 and BTx623ms9-3 -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, J., Laza, H., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Burke, J.J., Emendack, Y., Xin, Z. 2022. Registration of two novel grain sorghum nuclear male sterile mutants: BTx623ms9-1 and BTx623ms9-3. Journal of Plant Registrations.
- Registration of three new bmr12 sorghum mutants from an ethyl methane sulfonate–induced BTx623 mutant population -(Germplasm Registration)
Emendack, Y., Xin, Z., Hayes, C.M., Burow, G.B., Sattler, S.E., Bean, S.R., Smolensky, D. 2022. Registration of three new bmr12 sorghum mutants from an ethyl methane sulfonate–induced BTx623 mutant population. Journal of Plant Registrations. 16(2):453-458.
- Mutation breeding in the age of next-generation sequencing and genome editing-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Ware, D. 2022. Mutation breeding in the age of next-generation sequencing and genome editing. Plant and Animal Genome Conference.
- Evaluation of A3 cytoplasmic male sterile forage sorghum lines for resistance to sugarcane aphid -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Carey, C., Armstrong, J.S., Hayes, C., Hoback, W.W., Zarrabi, A. 2022. Evaluation of A3 cytoplasmic male sterile forage sorghum lines for resistance to sugarcane aphid. Planta. 255. Article 38.
- SorghumBase: a web-based portal for sorghum genetic information and community advancement -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gladman, N., Olson, A., Wei, S., Chogule, K., Lu, Z., Tello0ruiz, M., Meijs, I., Van Buren, P., Jiao, Y., Wang, B., Kumar, V., Kumari, S., Zhang, L., Burke, J.J., Chen, J., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Emendack, Y., Xin, Z., Ware, D. 2022. SorghumBase: a web-based portal for sorghum genetic information and community advancement. Planta. 255:35.
- Near infrared spectroscopic evaluation of starch properties of breeding populations of grain sorghum -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Peiris, K.H., Wu, X., Bean, S.R., Perez-Fajardo, M.A., Hayes, C.M., Yerka, M., Jagadish, K.S., Ostmeyer, T., Aramouni, F.M., Tesso, T., Perumal, R., Rooney, W.L., Kent, M., Bean, B. 2021. Near infrared spectroscopic evaluation of starch properties of breeding populations of grain sorghum. Processes. 9(11). Article 1942.
- Pedigreed mutant library as an efficient resource to discover targets for genome editing-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Ware, D. 2021. Pedigreed mutant library as an efficient resource to discover targets for genome editing. Meeting Abstract.
- Enhanced sink capacity inbred lines of sorghum for genetic dissection of source-sink dynamics-(Abstract Only)
Burow, G.B., Xin, Z., Chen, J., Hayes, C.M., Payton, P.R. 2021. Enhanced sink capacity inbred lines of sorghum for genetic dissection of source-sink dynamics [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. 2021 ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, November 7-10, 2021 Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Seed-to-seed early-season cold resiliency in sorghum -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Emendack, Y., Sanchez, J., Hayes, C.M., Nesbitt, M.E., Laza, H., Burke, J.J. 2021. Seed-to-seed early-season cold resiliency in sorghum. Nature Scientific Reports. 11. Article 7801.
- Pan-genome analysis in sorghum highlights the extent of genomic variation and sugarcane aphid resistance genes -(Pre-print Publication)
Wang, B., Jiao, Y., Chougule, K., Olson, A., Huang, J., Llaca, V., Fengler, K., Wei, X., Wang, L., Wang, X., Regulski, M., Drenkow, J., Gingeras, T., Hayes, C.M., Armstrong, J.S., Huang, Y., Xin, Z., Ware, D. 2021. Pan-genome Analysis in Sorghum Highlights the Extent of Genomic Variation and Sugarcane Aphid Resistance Genes. bioRxiv.
- Optimizing dryland crop management to regional climate. Part II: U.S. Southern High Plains sorghum production -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mauget, S.A., Kothari, K., Leiker, G.R., Emendack, Y., Xin, Z., Hayes, C.M., Ale, S., Baumhardt, R.L. 2020. Optimizing dryland crop management to regional climate. Part II: U.S. Southern High Plains sorghum production. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 3:119.
- Pedigreed mutant library as an efficient resource to discover targets for genome editing-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Emendack, Y., Chen, J., Ware, D. 2020. Pedigreed mutant library as an efficient resource to discover targets for genome editing. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. PE0768.
- Fertility of pedicellate spikelets in sorghum is controlled by a jasmonic acid regulatory module -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gladman, N.P., Jiao, Y., Lee, Y., Zhang, L., Chopra, R., Regulski, M., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Christensen, S.A., Dampanaboina, L., Chen, J., Burke, J.J., Ware, D., Xin, Z. 2019. Fertility of pedicellate spikelets in sorghum is controlled by a jasmonic acid regulatory module. Nature Plants. 20(19).
- EMS-induced mutant library as a tool for fast trait discovery-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Emendack, Y., Chen, J., Ware, D. 2019. EMS-induced mutant library as a tool for fast trait discovery. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. online.
- Characterizing the variability of cold resiliency in grain sorghum-(Abstract Only)
Emendack, Y., Sanchez, J., Hayes, C.M., Echevarria Laza, H.J., Hughes, H.J., Burow, G.B., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z. 2019. Characterizing the variability of cold resiliency in grain sorghum. Plant Biology Annual Meeting. 1.
- Characterizing the variability of cold resiliency in grain sorghum-(Abstract Only)
Emendack, Y., Sanchez, J., Hayes, C.M., Echevarria Laza, H.J., Hughes, H.J., Burow, G.B., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z. 2019. Characterizing the variability of cold resiliency in grain sorghum. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. online.
- Genetic architecture of chilling tolerance in sorghum dissected with a nested association mapping population -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Marla, S., Burow, G.B., Chopra, R., Hayes, C.M., Olatoye, M., Felderhoff, T., Hu, Z., Raymundo, R., Perumal, R., Morris, G. 2019. Genetic architecture of chilling tolerance in sorghum dissected with a nested association mapping population. G3, Genes/Genomes/Genetics. 9:4045-4057.
- Registration of five post-flowering drought tolerant grain sorghum lines with early season cold tolerance -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Burke, J., Emendack, Y., Hayes, C.M., Xin, Z., Burow, G.B. 2019. Registration of five post-flowering drought tolerant grain sorghum lines with early season cold tolerance. Journal of Plant Registrations.
- Registration of R.LBK1 and R.LBK2 sorghum germplasm with resistance to the sugarcane aphid [Melanaphis sacchari (Zehntner)]-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hayes, C.M., Armstrong, J.S., Limaje, A., Emendack, Y., Bean, S.R., Wilson, J.D., Xin, Z. 2018. Registration of R.LBK1 and R.LBK2 sorghum germplasm with resistance to the sugarcane aphid [Melanaphis sacchari (Zehntner)]. Journal of Plant Registrations. 13:91-95 (2019).
- Composition, functional components, and physical characteristics of grain from staygreen and senescent sorghum lines grown under variable water availability -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Emendack, Y., Burke, J.J., Bean, S.R., Wilson, J.D., Hayes, C.M., Laza, H. 2018. Composition, functional components, and physical characteristics of grain from staygreen and senescent sorghum lines grown under variable water availability. Cereal Chemistry. 2018:1-12.
- Abiotic stress affects on sorghum leaf dhurrin and soluble sugar contents throughout plant development -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Emendack, Y., Burke, J.J., Echevarria Laza, H., Sanchez, J., Hayes, C.M. 2018. Abiotic stress affects on sorghum leaf dhurrin and soluble sugar contents throughout plant development. Crop Science. 58:1706-1716. doi:10.2135/cropsci2018.01.0059.
- Registration of four post-flowering drought tolerant grain sorghum lines with early season cold tolerance -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Burke, J.J., Emendack, Y., Hayes, C.M., Xin, Z., Burow, G.B. 2018. Registration of four post-flowering drought tolerant grain sorghum lines with early season cold tolerance. Journal of Plant Registrations. doi:10.3198/jpr2017.12.0086crg.
- Mapping QTL and identification of genes associated with drought resistance in sorghum-(Book / Chapter)
Harris-Shultz, K.R., Hayes, C.M., Knoll, J.E. 2019. Mapping QTL and identification of genes associated with drought resistance in sorghum. Springer Protocols, Methods Molecular Biology. Vol. 1931, Zuo-Yu Zhao and Jeff Dahlberg (Eds): Sorghum, p. 11-40. Humana Press, New York, NY.
- Genetic diversity in the environmental conditioning of two sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) hybrids -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Burke, J.J., Emendack, Y., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J. 2018. Genetic diversity in the environmental conditioning of two sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) hybrids. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 9:817-831.
- Integrated translational genomics and molecular breeding: key to accelerating genetic gain in sorghum-(Abstract Only)
Burow, G.B., Xin, Z., Hayes, C.M., Burke, J.J., Emendack, Y. 2018. Integrated translational genomics and molecular breeding: key to accelerating genetic gain in sorghum [abstract]. Sorghum in the 21st Century. Paper No. 001.
- Early planting and cold resiliency in sorghum seed-to-seed-(Abstract Only)
Emendack, Y., Burke, J.J., Sanchez, J., Echevarria Laza, H.J., Hayes, C.M., Burow, G.B., Xin, Z. 2018. Early planting and cold resiliency in sorghum seed-to-seed [abstract]. Food, Feed and Fuel in a rapidly changing world. Paper No. 001.
- Sequenced sorghum mutant library- an efficient platform for discovery of causal gene mutations-(Abstract Only)
Jiao, Y., Burke, J.J., Chuang, K.J., Burow, P.D., Chen, J., Hayes, C.M., Emendack, Y., Ware, D., Xin, Z. 2017. Sequenced sorghum mutant library- an efficient platform for discovery of causal gene mutations [abstract]. Meeting Abstract. Paper No. 001.
- Registration of BTx623ms8 - a new and easily identifiable nuclear male sterile mutant in sorghum -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Xin, Z., Chen, J., Jiao, Y., Gladman, N., Hayes, C.M., Burow, G.B., Emendack, Y., Burke, J.J. 2018. Registration of BTx623ms8 - a new and easily identifiable nuclear male sterile mutant in sorghum. Journal of Plant Registrations.
- Agro-morphological characterization of diverse sorghum lines for pre-and postflowering drought tolerance-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Emendack, Y., Burke, J.J., Sanchez, J., Echevarria Laza, H., Hayes, C.M. 2018. Agro-morphological characterization of diverse sorghum lines for pre-and postflowering drought tolerance. Australian Journal of Crop Science. 12(01):135-150.
- Antibiosis and tolerance discovered in USDA-ARS sorghums resistant to the sugarcane aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Limaje, A., Hayes, C., Armstrong, J.S., Hoback, W., Zarrabi, A., Paudyal, S., Burke, J. 2018. Antibiosis and tolerance discovered in USDA-ARS sorghums resistant to the sugarcane aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Journal of Entomological Science. 53(2):230-241.
- Seedling growth characteristics relates to the staygreen trait and dhurrin levels in sorghum-(Proceedings)
Emendack, Y., Burke, J.J., Sanchez, J., Chopra, R., Hayes, C.M., Xin, Z., Burow, P.D. 2017. Seedling growth characteristics relates to the staygreen trait and dhurrin levels in sorghum. Meeting Proceedings. p.14.
- Genomic characterization of a core set of the USDA-NPGS Ethiopian sorghum germplasm collection: implications for germplasm conservation, evaluation, and utilization in crop improvement-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cuevas, H.E., Rosa-Valentin, G., Hayes, C.M., Rooney, W.L., Hoffmann, L. 2017. Genomic characterization of a core set of the USDA-NPGS Ethiopian sorghum germplasm collection: implications for germplasm conservation, evaluation, and utilization in crop improvement. BMC Genomics. 18:108. doi:10.1186/s12864-016-3475-7.
- Genome-wide annotation of mutations in a phenotyped mutant library provides an efficient platform for discovery of casual gene mutations-(Abstract Only)
Jiao, Y., Burke, J.J., Chopra, R., Burow, G.B., Chen, J., Wang, J., Hayes, C.M., Emendack, Y., Ware, D., Xin, Z. 2016. Genome-wide annotation of mutations in a phenotyped mutant library provides an efficient platform for discovery of casual gene mutations [abstract]. January 8-14, 2016, San Diego, CA. Paper No. W852-112.
- Genome-wide association study of heat tolerance of developing leaves during vegetative growth stages in a sorghum association panel-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, J., Chopra, R., Hayes, C.M., Morris, G., Sandeep, M., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z., Burow, G.B. 2017. Genome-wide association study of heat tolerance of developing leaves during vegetative growth stages in a sorghum association panel. The Plant Genome. 10(2):1-15.
- Marker-assisted backcross approach for important agronomic traits of sorghum-(Abstract Only)
Chopra, R., Burow, G.B., Hughes, H.J., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z., Emendack, Y., Hayes, C.M. 2016. Marker-assisted backcross approach for important agronomic traits of sorghum [abstract]. 2016 Sorghum Improvement Conference of North America. p. 38.
- Sugarcane aphid resistant sorghums found within USDA-ARS Lubbock, TX genotypes-(Proceedings)
Limaje, A., Hayes, C.M., Armstrong, J.S., Zarrabi, A., Hoback, W.W., Paudyal, S., Burke, J.J. 2016. Sugarcane aphid resistant sorghums found within USDA-ARS Lubbock, TX genotypes [abstract]. In: Valentin, K.E., Burow, G.B., Jugulam, M. Proceedings of the 2016 SICNA Meeting, September 19-21, 2016, Manhattan, Kansas. p. 27-28. Available:
- Early seedling growth characteristics relates to the stay-green traits and dhurrin levels in sorghum-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Emendack, Y., Chopra, R., Hayes, C.M., Sanchez, J., Burow, G.B., Xin, Z., Burke, J.J. 2016. Early seedling growth characteristics relates to the stay-green traits and dhurrin levels in sorghum. Crop Science. 57:1-12.
- A sorghum mutant resource as an efficient platform for gene discovery in grasses-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jiao, Y., Burke, J.J., Chopra, R., Burow, G.B., Chen, J., Wang, B., Hayes, C.M., Emendack, Y., Ware, D., Xin, Z. 2016. A sorghum mutant resource as an efficient platform for gene discovery in grasses. The Plant Cell. 28:1551-1562.
- Transcriptome profiling and validation of gene based single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers in sorghum genotypes with contrasting response to cold stress-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chopra, R., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Emandack, Y., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z. 2015. Transcriptome profiling and validation of gene based single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers in sorghum genotypes with contrasting response to cold stress. Biomed Central (BMC) Genomics. 16:1-11.
- Dhurrin content relates to sorghum [sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] seedling growth in marginal soils-(Abstract Only)
Emendack, Y., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Chopra, R. 2016. Dhurrin content relates to sorghum [sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] seedling growth in marginal soils [abstract]. Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists. Paper No. 33.
- Genomic characterization of a core set of the USDA-NPGS Ethiopian sorghum germplasm collection-(Abstract Only)
- Sequence-indexed mutant library for fast discovery of casual gene mutations for drought tolerance in sorghum-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Burke, J.J., Ware, D. 2015. Sequence-indexed mutant library for fast discovery of casual gene mutations for drought tolerance in sorghum [abstract]. Sorghum Improvement Conference of North America, September 1-3, 2014, Manhattan, Kansas. p. 1.
- Transcriptome analysis and SNP validation in sorghum using RNA seq data from germplasm with differential response to cold tolerance.-(Proceedings)
urow, G.B., Chopra, R., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z., Emendack, Y., Chen, J., Hayes, C.M. 2015. Transcriptome analysis and SNP validation in sorghum using RNA seq data from germplasm with differential response to cold tolerance. p.1.
- Discovery of a dhurrin QTL in sorghum bicolor: colocalization of dhurrin biosynthesis and a novel stay-green QTL-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hayes, C.M., Weers, B., Thakran, M., Burow, G.B., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z., Emandack, Y., Rooney, W., Mullet, J. 2015. Discovery of a dhurrin QTL in sorghum bicolor: colocalization of dhurrin biosynthesis and a novel stay-green QTL. Crop Science. 56:104-112.
- Characterization of genetic diversity of high temperature tolerance in sorghum-(Abstract Only)
Chen, J., Hayes, C.M., Chopra, R., Burow, G.B., Marla, S., Morris, G., Xin, Z., Burke, J.J. 2015. Characterization of genetic diversity of high temperature tolerance in sorghum [abstract]. Sorghum Improvement Conference of North America, September 1-3, 2015, Manhattan, Kansas. p. 1.
- Translational genomics and marker assisted selection in sorghum case study using brown midrib (bmr) trait-(Abstract Only)
Chopra, R., Burow, G.B., Sattler, S.E., Acosta Martinez, V., Hayes, C.M., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z., Emendack, Y. 2015. Translational genomics and marker assisted selection in sorghum case study using brown midrib (bmr) trait [abstract]. Sorghum Improvement Conference of North America, September 1-3, 2015, Manhattan, Kansas. p. 1.
- Translational genomics for abiotic stress in sorghum: transcriptional profiling and validation of SNP markers between germplasm with differential cold tolerance-(Abstract Only)
Chopra, R., Burow, G.B., Chen, J., Hayes, C.M., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z., Emendack, Y. 2015. Translational genomics for abiotic stress in sorghum: transcriptional profiling and validation of SNP markers between germplasm with differential cold tolerance [abstract]. Sorghum Improvement Conference of North America, Setpember 1-3, 2015, Manhattan, Kansas. p. 1.
- Dhurrin content relates to sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) seedling growth in marginal soils.-(Abstract Only)
Emendack, Y., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Chopra, R. 2015. Dhurrin content relates to sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) seedling growth in marginal soils [abstract]. Sorghum Improvement Conference of North America, September 1-3, 2015, Manhattan, Kansas. p. 1.
- Pedigreed mutant library- a unique resource for sorghum improvement and genomics-(Book / Chapter)
- Registration of two allelic erect leaf mutants of sorghum-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Xin, Z., Gitz, D.C., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Burke, J.J. 2015. Registration of two allelic erect leaf mutants of sorghum. Journal of Plant Registrations. 9:254-257.
- SNP-tagged mutant library in sorghum-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Ware, D., Burke, J.J. 2015. SNP-tagged mutant library in sorghum [abstract]. The 2nd Plant Genomics Congress Asia, March 19-20, 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Maylasia. Paper No. 14984_6.
- Potential of multiseeded mutant (msd) to boost sorghum grain yield-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Ware, D., Burke, J.J. 2015. Potential of multiseeded mutant (msd) to boost sorghum grain yield [abstract]. Plant and Animal Genome Conference, January 10-14, 2015. San Diego, CA. Paper No. P0555.
- Natural variation in synthesis and catabolism genes influences dhurrin content in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench)-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hayes, C.M., Burow, G.B., Brown, P., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z., Thurber, C. 2015. Natural variation in synthesis and catabolism genes influences dhurrin content in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). The Plant Genome. 8(2):1-9.
- Genome wide association mapping for leaf-(Proceedings)
Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Brown, P., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z., Thurber, C. 2015. Genome wide association mapping for leaf. Proceddings of the Plant and Animal Genome Conference. p. 248.
- Characterization of novel multi-seeded (msd) mutants of sorghum for increasing grain number-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Burow, G.B., Xin, Z., Burke, J.J., Hayes, C.M. 2014. Characterization of novel multi-seeded (msd) mutants of sorghum for increasing grain number. Crop Science. 54:1-8.
- Metabolic responses of two contrasting sorghums to water-deficit stress-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Burke, J.J., Payton, P.R., Chen, J., Xin, Z., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M. 2015. Metabolic responses of two contrasting sorghums to water-deficit stress. Crop Science. 55:344-353.
- Multi-seeded sorghum mutants as a novel trait to boost grain yield-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Burke, J.J. 2014. Multi-seeded Sorghum Mutants as a Novel Trait to Boost Grain Yield [abstract]. First International Conference on Genomics, Traits, and Business; Charolotte, North Carolina, September 24-27, 2014. p1.04.
- Characterization of a multi-seeded (msd) mutant of sorghum that displays significant enhancement in seed number-(Proceedings)
Burow, G.B., Xin, Z., Burke, J.J., Hayes, C.M. 2014. Characterization of a multi-seeded (msd) mutant of sorghum that displays significant enhancement in seed number. Translational Cereal Genomics. 1:18.
- Enhancement of cold tolerance in sorghums-(Proceedings)
Burow, G.B., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z., Hayes, C.M., Huang, Y., Tesso, T. 2013. Enhancement of cold tolerance in sorghums. 2013 Sorghum Improvement Conference of North America, August 28-30, 2013, Lubbock, Texas. p. 22.
- Registration of A/BTX3363 black sorghum germplasm-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rooney, W., Portillo, O., Hayes, C.M. 2013. Registration of A/BTX3363 black sorghum germplasm. Journal of Plant Registrations. 7:342-346.
- Development and genetic analyses of early season cold tolerant sorghum germplasm-(Abstract Only)
- Phenotypic characterization and molecular mapping of a twin seeded trait of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench)-(Abstract Only)
Burow, G.B., Franks, C.D., Hayes, C.M., Burke, J.J. 2009. Phenotypic characterization and molecular mapping of a twin seeded trait of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench [abstract]. American Society of Plant Biologists Southern Section Annual Meeting.
Genetic Improvement of Sorghum Traits that Advance Agricultural Productivity and Climate Resilience In-House Appropriated (D) Accession Number:444559 Cultivar Development: Enhancing Productivity by Developing Grain Sorghum Hybrids Using Public and Private Sector Germplasm Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement (R) Accession Number:439370 Transforming Grain Sorghum’s Climatic Yield Potential and Grain Quality Through Trait-based Ideotype Breeding Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement (R) Accession Number:442117 Improving Abiotic Stress Tolerance of Grain and Forage Sorghum Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S) Accession Number:439598 Leverage of USDA Operational Resources for the Development of New Sorghum Technologies and Breeding Germplasm Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement (T) Accession Number:443823
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