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Plant Germplasm Characterization
item Genome-wide characterization and evolutionary analysis of the AP2/ERF gene family in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) (Dec 2024)
item Crop wild relatives of temperate fruits at the Corvallis genebank: uses and prospects (Sep 2024)
item How to efficiently query germplasm observations (Sep 2024)
item Genomic characterization of cultivated and wild fragaria species to inform germplasm conservation and breeding practices (Sep 2024)
item Updates on curation and standardization of phenotypic and genotypic data for horticultural databases (Sep 2024)
item A genomic wide association study and genomic prediction for yield-related traits in a ‘LCP 85-384’-derived sugarcane mapping population (Sep 2024)
item Resistance to Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (Lso) in the wild potato Solanum microdontum (Sep 2024)
item Mapping yield related traits in a suite of six oryza rufipogon species complex chromosome segment substitution line libraries in Indica and Japonica rice backgrounds (Sep 2024)
item Developing climate scenarios for maintenance of clonal germplasm of blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries, huckleberries, and their crop wild relatives (Aug 2024)
item Genome database for vaccinium: A community resource for genetics, genomics, and breeding research (Aug 2024)
item Overview of single nucleotide polymorphism markers in blueberry and their uses (Aug 2024)
item Confirming identity of blueberry cultivars with a microsatellite marker-based fingerprinting set (Aug 2024)
item Phenotypic evaluation of Saccharum spp. genotypes during the plant-cane crop for biomass production in northcentral Mississippi (Aug 2024)
item Rapid screening of Colorado potato beetle resistance derived from Solanum okadae (Aug 2024)
item Convergent evolution of plant prickles is driven by repeated gene co-option over deep time (Aug 2024)
item USDA ARS has hidden treasure! genetic discoveries in the USDA collection of world rice varieties (Aug 2024)
item USDA ARS develops pre-breeding rice germplasm for enhanced yield, grain quality and stress tolerance (Aug 2024)
item Association study of crude seed protein and fat concentration in a USDA pea diversity panel (Jul 2024)
item Willingness to pay for blueberries: Sensory attributes, fruit quality traits, and consumers’ characteristics (Jul 2024)
item From seed shape to genetics: analyzing medicago spp. seed morphology using gwas and machine learning (Jul 2024)
item First report of Triticum mosaic virus infecting oat crop in the United States (Jul 2024)
item Genomic and transcriptomic insights into the evolution of C4 photosynthesis in grasses (Jul 2024)
item HC-pro cistron of triticum mosaic virus is a viral determinant of wheat curl mite transmission (Jul 2024)
item Effective population size in field pea (Jul 2024)
item Strategies for combating plant salinity stress: The potential of plant growth-promoting microorganisms (Jul 2024)
item Transcriptome-wide genetic variations in the Leucaena genus for fingerprinting and breeding (Jul 2024)
item Evidence for human-caused founder effect in populations of Solanum jamesii at archaeological sites: II. Genetic sequencing establishes ancient transport from the Mogollon Region (Jul 2024)
item Root exudation and rhizosphere microbial recruitment are influenced by novel plant trait diversity in carrot genotypes (Jul 2024)
item Telomere-to-telomere Citrullus super-pangenome provides direction for watermelon breeding (Jul 2024)
item Breeding new cultivars for climate adaptation (Jun 2024)
item Relationships of the wild peanut species, section Arachis: A resource for botanical classification, crop improvement, and germplasm management (Jun 2024)
item Evaluating galactomannan concentrations in ten Guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.) genotypes over 2 locations for potential use as a healthy nutraceutical source (Jun 2024)
item Pathogenicity and colonization of Metrosideros polymorpha by Ceratocystis huliohia (Jun 2024)
item Key challenges in plant pathology in the next decade (May 2024)
item Chromosome-scale, de novo, phased genome assemblies of three Australian limes, Citrus australasica, C. inodora, and C. glauca, towards finding insights into disease resistance to citrus huanglongbing (May 2024)
item Cicer super-pangenome provides insights into species evolution and agronomic trait loci for crop improvement in chickpea (May 2024)
item Alfalfa NPGS germplasm – Leafhopper resistance (May 2024)
item Lettuce NPGS germplasm – Verticillium Wilt resistance (May 2024)
item Pea PI 180693 – Root rot resistance (May 2024)
item Low frequency of the wild-type freezing-tolerance LsCBF7 allele among lettuce population suggest negative selection during domestication and breeding (May 2024)
item Genome-wide association study in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) for yield and nutritional components (May 2024)
item Genetic Diversity and Genome-Wide Association in Cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata L.Walp) (May 2024)
item Assessing predictability of post-storage texture and appearance characteristics in blueberry at breeding population level (May 2024)
item Chromosome-scale genome assembly of bread wheat’s wild relative Triticum timopheevii (Apr 2024)
item Flowering trait ontology facilitates utilization of biennial carrot (Daucus carota L.) genetic resources (Apr 2024)
item Shoot-growth variation in cultivated carrot (Daucus carota L.) genetic resources (Apr 2024)
item Genome-wide association study of seed morphology-related traits in sorghum mini core and Senegalese lines (Apr 2024)
item A public mid-density genotyping platform for cultivated blueberry (Apr 2024)
item The carrot SCRI project taps into carrot diversity to develop genetic and genomic resources, evaluate nutrient bioavailability, and assess factors influencing grower and consumer decisions (Apr 2024)
item Three de novo assembled wild cacao genomes from Upper Amazon reveal new insights into an early divergence of chocolate trees (Apr 2024)
item The CsTM alters multicellular trichome morphology and enhances resistance against aphid by interacting with CsTIP1;1 in cucumber (Apr 2024)
item Genome size, ploidy estimates, and leaf morphology of temperate Lindera (Lauraceae) cultivated in North America (Apr 2024)
item Genetic diversity, population structure, and taxonomic confirmation in annual medic (Medicago spp.) collections from Crimea, Ukraine (Apr 2024)
item Mapping and validation of Fusarium wilt race 2 resistance QTL from Citrullus amarus line USVL246-FR2 (Mar 2024)
item Genome-wide association analysis uncovers genes associated with resistance to head smut pathotype 5 in senegalese sorghum accessions (Mar 2024)
item Complete genome characterization of cacao leafroll virus, a newly described cacao-infecting polerovirus (Mar 2024)
item Genotype, environment, and their interaction effects on peanut seed protein, oil, and fatty acid content variability (Mar 2024)
item Editorial: Legume root diseases (Mar 2024)
item Harnessing the predicted maize pan-interactome for putative gene function prediction and prioritization of candidate genes for important traits (Mar 2024)
item Influence of pollination in liquid suspension on the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Mejhoul cultivar in Mexicali Valley, Mexico (Mar 2024)
item Field screening of Solanum demissum confirms its late blight resistance in the Toluca Valley, Mexico (Mar 2024)
item Impacts of germplasm characterization and candidate gene discovery (Mar 2024)
item An international breeding project using a wild potato relative Solanum commersonii resulted in two new frost-tolerant native potato cultivars for the Andes and the Altiplano (Mar 2024)
item Best morpho-physiological parameters to characterize seed-potato plant growth under aeroponics: A pilot study (Mar 2024)
item Elucidating the effect of polyphenol-protein interactions on rheological properties of purple waxy rice (Mar 2024)
item Differential regulation of miRNAs involved in the susceptible and resistance responses of wheat cultivars to wheat streak mosaic virus and Triticum mosaic virus (Feb 2024)
item miR828a-CsMYB114 module negatively regulates the biosynthesis of theobromine in Camellia sinensis (Feb 2024)
item mRNA-miRNA analyses reveal the involvement of CsbHLH1 and miR1446a in the regulation of caffeine biosynthesis in Camellia sinensis (Feb 2024)
item A black raspberry fingerprinting set identifies seedlings in two families (Feb 2024)
item Developing a single sequence repeat (SSR) fingerprinting set to characterize the NCGR Ribes Collection (Feb 2024)
item Next generation sequencing, and development of a pipeline as a tool for the detection and discovery of citrus pathogens to facilitate safer germplasm exchange (Jan 2024)
item Salt tolerance and foliar spectral responses in seedlings of four ornamental herbaceous species (Jan 2024)
item PhosBoost: Improved phosphorylation prediction recall using gradient boosting and protein language models (Jan 2024)
item One hundred years of comparative genetic and physical mapping in cultivated oat (Avena sativa) (Jan 2024)
item Establishing a global Tropical Japonica rice core collection for allele mining and gene discovery: construction, sequencing, and phenotyping (Jan 2024)
item Development of a targeted genotyping platform for reproducible results within tetraploid and hexaploid blueberry (Jan 2024)
item First report of bacterial leaf spot caused by Pseudomonas cichorii on Monstera adansonii in Hawai‘i, USA (Jan 2024)
item Developing a new crop ontology for blueberry (Jan 2024)
item Registration of ‘WGC002’ spring wheat containing wild grass-derived Fusarium head blight resistance gene Fhb7Th2 (Jan 2024)
item A uniform gene and chromosome nomenclature system for oat (Avena spp.) (Jan 2024)
item Investigating the benefits of tectonite dust as an amendment for bark substrates and dryland crops (Jan 2024)
item Understanding the cocoa genetic resources in the Pacific to assist producers to supply the growing craft market (Dec 2023)
item HC-Pro cistron of Triticum mosaic virus is dispensable for systemic infection in wheat but is required for symptom phenotype and efficient genome amplification (Dec 2023)
item Effect of Genotype-by-Environment interaction on oil and oleic fatty acid contents of cultivated peanuts (Nov 2023)
item An online database for einkorn wheat to aid in gene discovery and functional genomics studies (Nov 2023)
item Identification of QTL associated with resistance to Phytophthora fruit rot in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) (Nov 2023)
item Managing and distributing maize diversity: The NCRPIS maize collection (Nov 2023)
item Twenty-five years of distributing maize PVP germplasm (Oct 2023)
item Combined effects of limonene and ivermectin on p-glycoprotein-9 gene expression of lambs infected with Haemonchus contortus (Oct 2023)
item Influence of organic plant breeding on the rhizosphere microbiome of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) (Oct 2023)
item Mother tubers of wild potato Solanum jamesii can make shoots five times (Oct 2023)
item Strategies to develop and apply a test for detection of ringspot viruses in dagger nematodes in small fruits and grapevines (Oct 2023)
item Vulnerability of U.S. new and industrial crop genetic resources (Oct 2023)
item Blueberry and cranberry pangenomes as a resource for future genetic studies and breeding efforts (Oct 2023)
item Agronomic evaluation and molecular cytogenetic characterization of Triticum aestivum x Thinopyrum spp. derivative breeding lines presenting perennial growth habit (Sep 2023)
item Fields of the future: Pivotal role of Biosaline Agriculture in farming (Sep 2023)
item Divergent gene expression responses to salinity stress in 16 geographically diverse spinach genotypes (Aug 2023)
item A hypervariable intron of the STAYGREEN locus provides excellent discrimination among Pisum fulvum accessions and reveals evidence for a relatively recent hybridization event with Pisum sativum (Aug 2023)
item Phylogenetic relationships of Cuban and Caribbean plumeria (apocynaceae) based on the plastid genome (Aug 2023)
item An advanced protocol for profiling RNA-binding proteins in Arabidopsis using plant phase extraction (Aug 2023)
item Einkorn genomics sheds light on evolutionary history of the oldest domesticated wheat (Aug 2023)
item Resources for genomics, genetics and breeding research in GDR, the Genome Database for Rubus (Jul 2023)
item Transcriptional and phytohormone regulatory network involved in LITTLELEAF-mediated organ size development in cucumber (Cucumis sativus) (Jun 2023)
item Genetic mechanisms of pigment accumulation in carrot colours (Jun 2023)
item Linking phenotypes to protein characteristics in 3D structures predicted by AlphaFold (May 2023)
item Bulked target capture sequencing identified numerous genetic loci associated with alfalfa growth vigor during inbreeding (May 2023)
item Global strategy for the conservation and use of Vigna (Apr 2023)