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Research Projects Subjects of Investigation at this Location

Each ARS research project has related subjects of investigation.  Listed below are the subjects of investigation currently conducted at this location.

Clicking on a subject of investigation will list the research projects within that  subject of investigation.

Subjects of Investigation
Agricultural supplies, general/other
Atmosphere, general/other
Beans (dry)
Beans (fresh, fresh-processed)
Bedding/garden plants
Beef cattle, general/other
Beef cattle, live animal
Corn (for sweetcorn use 1480)
Cross-commodity research--multiple animal species
Cross-commodity research--multiple crops
Dairy cattle, general/other
Dairy cattle, live animal
Deciduous and small fruits, general/other
Domestic and community water supply facilities and systems
Drainage and irrigation facilities and systems
Durum wheat
Egg-type chicken, live animal
Feed and feed additives
Fish habitats
Florist crops, other
Forage legumes, other
Fungi (includes yeast)
Grain crops, general/other (includes buckwheat, millet, triticale)
Greens and leafy vegetables (includes endive, lettuce, spinach)
Ground covers
Hard red spring wheat
Hard red winter wheat
Herbs and spices
Honey bees
Horses, ponies, and mules
Individuals (as workers, consumers, members of society)
Melons (includes cantaloupe, muskmelon, watermelon)
Microorganisms, general/other
Miscellaneous and new crops, general/other
Noncrop plant research
Oilseed and oil crops, general/other
Onion, garlic, leek, shallot
Ornamental trees and shrubs
Ornamentals and turf, general/other (includes cacti)
Other bees (non-Apis bees)
Other dairy cattle products
Pasture and forage crops, general/other
Peas (dry)
Perennial grasses, other
Pesticides (includes herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, etc.)
Plant research, general
Potted plants
Poultry, general/other
Rangelands and grasslands, general
Red clover
Remote sensing equipment and technology
Sheep, live animal
Soft red wheat
Soft white wheat (includes club, western)
Soil and land, general
Sugar beet
Sugar crops, general/other
Sweet potato
Sweet sorghum
Swine, general/other
Swine, live animal
The farm as an enterprise
Trees, forests, and forest products, general
Turf (includes bentgrass, bermudagrass, bluegrass, dichondra, fescue)
Turkey, live animal
Upland cotton
Vegetables, general/other
Warm season perennial grasses (includes dallisgrass, bluestems)
Water resources
Watersheds and river basins, general
Wetland and riparian systems
Wheat, other
Wild animals
Wildlife and natural fisheries, general/other
Wood and wood products
Research Projects within Bedding/garden plants
item Biological Approaches to Mitigate Biofilm-Associated Food Safety Risks in Indoor Leafy Greens Production
item Carbon Dioxide Enrichment in Controlled Environments: Characterizing and Overcoming Acclimation Responses in Horticultural Crops
item CEA HERB: Controlled Environment Agriculture Herb Extension and Research Base
item Characterization of Water Quality and Quantity in Greenhouse and Nursery Waters in the Piedmont Ecoregion of the USA
item Characterization of Water Quality in Greenhouse and Nursery Waters in Erie Lake Lowland and Drift Plain of the USA
item Characterizing Plant- and Virus-Derived Proteins in Important Crops that Enhance the Resistance to White Mold
item Chemical and Physical Properties of Novel Potting Substrates from Wood-Based Biochar
item Chemical and Physical Properties of Novel Potting Substrates from Wood-Based Biochar and Their Impacts on Fungus Gnats
item Coupling Soilless Containerized Production Systems and Irrigation Technology to Address Water, Agrichemical, and Weed Management
item Developing Management Strategies for Ambrosia Beetle and Red-headed Flea Beetle, as Key Pests in Ornamental Nursery Production
item Development and Integration of Next-Generation Propagation Strategies to Increase the Resilience of the US Strawberry Supply Chain
item Development of new approaches to manage exotic ambrosia beetles in nurseries
item Ecology and Integrated Management of Ambrosia Beetles in Eastern U.S. Orchard and Ornamental Tree Crops-UGA
item Ecology and Integrated Management of Ambrosia Beetles in Eastern US Orchard and Ornamental Tree Crops
item Ecology and Integrated Management of Ambrosia Beetles in Eastern US Orchard and Ornamental Tree Crops-Auburn
item Ecology and Integrated Management of Ambrosia Beetles in Eastern US Orchard and Ornamental Tree Crops-Clemson
item Ecology and Integrated Management of Ambrosia Beetles in Eastern US Orchard and Ornamental Tree Crops-Cornell
item Ecology and Integrated Management of Ambrosia Beetles in Eastern US Orchard and Ornamental Tree Crops-NCSU
item Ecology and Integrated Management of Ambrosia Beetles in Eastern US Orchard and Ornamental Tree Crops-Penn State
item Ecology and Integrated Management of Ambrosia Beetles in Eastern US Orchard and Ornamental Tree Crops-TSU
item Ecology and Integrated Management of Ambrosia Beetles in Eastern US Orchard and Ornamental Tree Crops-UF
item Ecology and Integrated Management of Ambrosia Beetles in Eastern US Orchard and Ornamental Tree Crops-UTenn
item Ecology and Integrated Management of Ambrosia Beetles in Eastern US Orchard and Ornamental Tree Crops-Virginia Tech
item Energy Balance Model Development for Indoor Farming Systems
item Evaluating the Influence of Beneficial Microbes on Crop Quality in the Nursery and Greenhouse Industry
item Evaluation of growth, fertility, and temperature in southeastern U.S. stratified substrate nursery and greenhouse production systems
item Examining Producers’, Scientists’, and Regulators’ Perceptions of Water Use Impacts on Agricultural Production and the Environment
item Exploring RNAi-Based Management Strategies to Confer Plant Resistance to White Mold Infection
item Exploring the Virome and RNAi Strategies for Disease Control
item Germplasm Resources for the Floriculture Nursery Industry at the Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center
item Greenhouse Lighting and Systems Engineering
item Identifying and Managing Soilborne Pathogens in High Tunnel Vegetable Production
item Impact of the Container Environment on Fertilizer Availability and Crop Growth in U.S. Pacific Northwest Nursery Production
item Improving Nursery Irrigation through Coupled Advances in Substrate Composition and Cyclic Irrigation Scheduling
item Investigating Effects of Algal Toxins on Plants
item Investigating Leaf Angle Response to Temperature and Carbon Dioxide
item Modeling Container Substrate Temperature to Predict Controlled Release Fertilizer Release and Crop Root Health
item Modernizing Floriculture Production with LEDs While Co-Optimizing the Environment
item Modernizing the Floriculture Supply Chain Facilitating Adoption of Cost-Effective Technologies to Create New & Resilient Crops in a Changing Climate
item Modernizing the Floriculture Supply Chain: Facilitating Adoption of Cost-Effective Technologies to Create Resilient Crops in a Changing Climate
item Modernizing the Floriculture Supply Chain: Facilitating Adoption of Cost-Effective Technologies to Create Resilient Crops in a Changing Climate
item Modernizing the Floriculture Supply Chain: Introducing Novel Postharvest Techniques for Improving Unrooted Cutting
item Molecular and Cellular Analysis of the Effects of Silicon on Stress Tolerance in Crop Plants
item Optimizing Crop Production while Reducing Energy Use through Improved Lighting and Greenhouse Control Systems
item Optimizing Production Protocols for Ginger and Other High Value Crops in Controlled Environment Agriculture
item Optimum Nutrient Management for Leafy Green Production in Hydroponic Systems
item Organic and Metal Contaminant Occurrence and Fate in Operational Water when Producing Containerized Specialty Crops
item Precision Climate Data for Improved Spray and Greenhouse Production Models
item Resilient Plants: Production, Shipping and Postharvest Techniques to Maximize Sales and Sell-Through While Minimizing Inputs (including labor)
item Strategies and Technologies to Optimize Resources in Controlled Environment Agriculture
item Strategies and Technologies to Optimize Resources in Controlled Environment Agriculture
item Strategies and Technologies to Optimize Resources in Controlled Environment Agriculture
item Sustainable Production and Pest Management Practices for Nursery, Greenhouse, and Protected Culture Crops
item Technology Transfer to Assist Nursery and Horticultural Growers in Research Adoption