Pesticide mobility in surface and subsurface irrigation return flow in a container plant production system
(Mar 2025)
Multiplexed detection of Salmonella, E.coli, Campylobacter and Listeria in raw poultry
(Mar 2025)
Engineering Monograph No. 45: The fluid mechanics of hydraulic jacking
(Mar 2025)
Elevated extinction risk in over one fifth of native North American pollinators
(Mar 2025)
The individual contribution of extrusion processing parameters and protein type on high moisture meat analogue texture, integrity, anisotropy, and protein chemistry
(Mar 2025)
Driving small-scale agricultural and hydrological models using globally available stochastic climate datasets that include point-scale precipitation
(Mar 2025)
Data from Soil Response to Perennial Herbaceous Biofeedstocks under Rainfed Conditions in the Northern Great Plains, USA
(Mar 2025)
Suppression of guayulin content in transgenic guayule (Parthenium argentatum Gray) resin along the growth cycle
(Mar 2025)
Ursodeoxycholic acid exhibits greater inhibitory effects on cancerous hct116 colon cells than on noncancerous ncm460 colon cells
(Mar 2025)
Determination of free amino acid concentrations in bovine plasma using high-pressure liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy detection
(Mar 2025)
Oaxacan Green Dent maize is not from Oaxaca
(Mar 2025)
The genome assembly of the westslope cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus lewisi, reveals interspecific chromosomal rearrangements with the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss
(Mar 2025)
Genome-wide associations within diverse wild apple germplasm for postharvest blue mold resistance to Penicillium expansum
(Mar 2025)
Coupling remote sensing with a process model for the simulation of rangeland carbon dynamics
(Mar 2025)
Haplotype analysis identified key genes associated with improved salt stress tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
(Mar 2025)
Introduction to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling for dam and levee safety
(Mar 2025)
Optimizing sampling across transect-based methods improves the
power of agroecological monitoring data
(Mar 2025)
Phenological sensitivity of Bromus tectorum genotypes to current and source environments
(Mar 2025)
A molecular switch OsWRKY10-OsVQ8 orchestrates rice diterpenoid phytoalexin biosynthesis for broad-spectrum disease resistance
(Mar 2025)
Effect of type of water, concentration and freshness of peroxyacetic acid solutions against different microbial cultures and Salmonella strains of concern for poultry
(Mar 2025)
Single-nuclei transcriptome analysis of IgM+ cells isolated from channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) spleen
(Mar 2025)
Using nano-luciferase binary (NanoBiT) technology to assess the interaction between viral spike protein and angiotensin-converting enzyme II by aptamers
(Mar 2025)
Musca autumnalis RNASeq gene expression of dissected legs, antennae, and maxillary palp from adult stage female and male face fly samples National Center for Biotechnology Information
(Mar 2025)
Spatial analysis to retrieve SWAT model reservoir parameters for water quality and quantity assessment
(Mar 2025)
First records of eight native bee species (Hymenoptera Anthophila) in Washington USA
(Mar 2025)
Impacts of food, temperature, and humidity on recovery in Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) after exposure to a contact pyrethroid insecticide
(Mar 2025)
The rodent electronic nicotine delivery system: Apparatus for voluntary nose-only e-cigarette aerosol inhalation
(Mar 2025)
Hyperspectral indicators and characterization of glyphosate-induced stress in common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.)
(Mar 2025)
Purification and serological detection of maize yellow mosaic virus
(Mar 2025)
Nitrate, nitrous oxide, and ammonia loss mitigation with optimum rate of enhanced efficiency nitrogen fertilizer and application timing in corn
(Mar 2025)
Reflection on ozonation within a wastewater biotreatment process for synthetics degradation
(Mar 2025)
Temporal trends of atrazine, simazine, and metolachlor in a U.S. Midwest agricultural watershed: A 10-year study
(Mar 2025)
Impact of tillage practices and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation on organic sweet corn yield and nutritional quality
(Mar 2025)
Chromosome-level haplotype-resolved genome assembly of bread wheat’s wild relative Aegilops mutica
(Mar 2025)
Broiler litter moisture and trace metals contribute to the persistence of Salmonella strains that harbor large plasmids carrying siderophores
(Mar 2025)
Branched-chain fatty acids based on biomass fast pyrolysis phenolics
(Mar 2025)
Characterization of three resistance-breaking isolates of sugarcane mosaic virus from Rwanda and implications for maize lethal necrosis
(Mar 2025)
Data from Dryland Cropping System Studies at the Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory, 2006-2009
(Mar 2025)
Feeding nursery pigs diets containing peroxidized soybean oil has minimal effects on oxidative status but dramatically reduces serum
vitamin E concentrations
(Mar 2025)
Risk Assessment of Effects of Essential Oils on Honey Bees (Apis mellifera L.)
(Mar 2025)
Binding free energy analysis of colicin D, E3 and E8 to their respective cognate immunity proteins using computational simulations
(Mar 2025)
Biosynthesis of the central tricyclic skeleton of trichothecene mycotoxins
(Mar 2025)
Note on the nesting biology of Epimelissodes aegis LaBerge (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
(Mar 2025)
Description of heterorhabditis americana n. sp. (Rhabditida, Heterorhabditidae), a new entomopathogenic nematode species isolated in North America
(Mar 2025)
Characterizing brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys Stal, host plant usage and acceptability: Methodological strengths and shortcomings
(Mar 2025)
Understanding iron response mechanisms and carbon partitioning strategies in sorghum under Fe stress
(Mar 2025)
Genomic strategies to improve nitrogen use efficiency and reduce nitrate levels in sorghum forage lines
(Mar 2025)
Pan-transcriptome of delevoping sorghum meristems reveal putative regulatory targets for mature seed traits
(Mar 2025)
Characterization of key regulators in microRNA-mediated responses to phosphate deficiency during Arabidopsis root development
(Mar 2025)
Detection of camellia oil adulteration with excitation-emission matrix fluorescence spectra and machine learning
(Mar 2025)
Maximization of kraft lignin depolymerization using synthetic mixed oxide catalysts under microwave exposure
(Mar 2025)
The SUbventral-Gland Regulator (SUGR-1) of nematode virulence
(Mar 2025)
Short exposures to phosphine trigger differential gene expression in phosphine-susceptible and -resistant strains of Tribolium castaneum
(Mar 2025)
Allele and transcriptome mining in Gossypium hirsutum reveals variation in candidate genes at genetic loci affecting cotton fiber quality and textile flammability
(Mar 2025)
Delayed recovery and sublethal effects on the semiochemical-mediated taxis by khapra beetle after exposure to long-lasting insecticide-incorporated netting
(Mar 2025)
Apparent soil electrical conductivity and gamma-ray spectrometry to map particle size fraction in micro-irrigated citrus orchards in California
(Mar 2025)
Effect of heating rate on thermal inactivation kinetics of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in ground beef
(Mar 2025)
Saponins, the unexplored secondary metabolites in plant defense: opportunities in integrated pest management
(Mar 2025)
Comprehensive soil, water, and air quality research in Minnesota
(Mar 2025)
Predation of seeded species by Feral Horses and Burros
(Mar 2025)
Rootstock effect on horticultural performance and fruit quality is not uniform across five commercial apple cultivars in western New York
(Mar 2025)
De-novo genome assemblies of four rainbow trout genetic lines towards a pan-genome reference [abstract]
(Mar 2025)
Annotation of four rainbow trout genomes in support of a pan-genome reference [abstract]
(Mar 2025)
Computational design for more engaged, impactful, and dynamic agricultural research.
(Mar 2025)
Potential deficit irrigation adaptation strategies under climate change for sustaining cotton production in hyper–arid areas
(Mar 2025)
Hydrologic pathways and nutrient loading in the headwaters of the Western Lake Erie Basin
(Mar 2025)
Complementing the high soybean meal diet with black soldier fly larvae meal as a functional feed ingredient to improve the performance, nutrient profile, and gut health of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss
(Mar 2025)
Host range, biology, and thermal tolerance of Lygomusotima stria, a potential biological control agent of Old World climbing fern (Lygodium microphyllum) in the USA
(Mar 2025)
High-Density Linkage Mapping and Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with Leaf-Scab Resistance in Pecan (Carya illinoinensis)
(Mar 2025)
Native warm-season grasses show limited response to phosphorus and potassium
(Mar 2025)
Magnitude shifts in aeolian sediment transport associated with degradation and restoration thresholds in drylands
(Mar 2025)
Dynamics of israeli acute paralysis virus in red imported fire ant(solenopsis invicta buren) colonies
(Mar 2025)
Effects of feeding expeller-extruded high oleic soybeans in broiler diets on growth performance, blood profile, and meat quality
(Mar 2025)
Characterization of a G. max × G. soja nested association mapping population and identification of loci controlling seed composition traits from wild soybean
(Mar 2025)
Accelerating dam safety innovation through federal, state, and university collaborations
(Mar 2025)
Social, behavioral, and psychological predictors of young women’s food choices: a scoping review
(Mar 2025)
Biological soil amendments can support survival of pathogenic and non-pathogenic Escherichia coli in soils and sporadic transfer to Romaine lettuce
(Mar 2025)
Redescription of Brevipalpus spp. (Trombidiformes Tenuipalpidae) types from the Berlese collection (Florence, Italy)
(Mar 2025)
Prediction and mapping of soil organic carbon stock via large datasets coupled with pedotransfer functions
(Mar 2025)
Musca autumnalis RNASeq Gene Expression of teneral flies and those induced upon feeding National Center for Biotechnology Information
(Mar 2025)
Haemaphysalis longicornis National Center for Biotechnology Information Accession Numbers for VPGRU & Rutgers University Project
(Mar 2025)
Version 1.4.0 - pyfao56: FAO-56 evapotranspiration in Python
(Mar 2025)
Gramene plants: empowering agricultural research from genomic diversity through pan-genome analysis
(Mar 2025)
Maize data for biology, breeding, and genomics: the pan maize gramene database
(Mar 2025)
Registration of ‘MT Blackbeard’ & ‘MT Raska’ durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. Durum)
(Mar 2025)
Characterization and molecular identification of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from Litopenaeus vannamei following an outbreak in a low salinity recirculating system
(Mar 2025)
Macronutrient solubility in response to the pH of soilless container substrates
(Mar 2025)
Impact of novel harvest strategies and improved cultivars on
alfalfa yield and nutritive value in a Mediterranean environment
(Mar 2025)
Efficacy of a commercial water conditioner on transportation-, temperature-, and bacterial challenge stress responses of Ictalurus punctatus fingerlings
(Mar 2025)
Predictive ability of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) grown in single hills on plot environments
(Mar 2025)
Bacterial monitoring of queen conch Aliger gigas hatchery at the Puerto Rico Naguabo Aquaculture center
(Mar 2025)
Juvenile largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides disease susceptibility, gut microbiota, and immune response to Aeromonas spp. infection.
(Mar 2025)
Efficacy of an immersion-based formalin-killed vaccine in largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides against motile Aeromonas septicemia.
(Mar 2025)
The ligand binding domain of the cell wall protein SraP modulates macrophage apoptosis and inflammatory responses in staphylococcus aureus infections
(Mar 2025)
Foliar fungi-imposed costs to plant productivity moderate shifts in composition of the rhizosphere microbiome
(Mar 2025)
Prediction of aflatoxin contamination outbreaks in Texas corn using mechanistic and machine learning models
(Mar 2025)
Morphologic development of an unidentified species of Sarcocystis associated with encephalitis in a gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus)
(Mar 2025)
Synthesis of 14C-labeled polyethylene terephthalate and generation of 14C-nanoparticles for fate and disposition studies
(Mar 2025)
Perceptions of prescribed fire among ranchers near northern US National Grasslands
(Mar 2025)
Vertical growth of the invasive fern Lygodium microphyllum: A potential productivity - reproduction tradeoff
(Mar 2025)
Using next-gen sequencing techniques to categorize microbiome communities within catfish production ponds
(Mar 2025)
Fine mapping of the unique Ur-11 gene conferring broad resistance to the rust pathogen of common bean
(Mar 2025)
Inactive matrix Gla Protein and cardiovascular outcomes: the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis
(Mar 2025)
United States dairy farms and global warming
(Mar 2025)
A comparative study of deep reinforcement learning for crop 1 production management
(Mar 2025)
Scientific note updating allelic nomenclature standards of the highly diverse complementary sex-determiner locus in honey bees
(Mar 2025)
Assessing the potential for fall armyworm exchanges between the two American continents across the Mexico-Central America land bridge
(Mar 2025)
The putative forkhead transcription factor FhpA is necessary for development, aflatoxin production, and stress response in Aspergillus flavus
(Mar 2025)
Integrative analysis of seed morphology, geographic origin, and genetic structure in Medicago with implications for breeding and conservation
(Mar 2025)
Optimal planting density of Taraxacum kok-saghyz bred for large root size: seed, latex, and rubber yields
(Mar 2025)
Modulating effects of mycotoxin and oxidized oil on intestinal microbiota in broiler chickens
(Mar 2025)
Assessment of granular starch hydrolysis enzyme on ethanol yield from partially swollen sorghum starch and analysis of extracted protein properties
(Mar 2025)
High abundance of lactobacilli in the gut microbiome of honey bees
during winter
(Mar 2025)
Research explores use of peanuts in chicken nutrition
(Mar 2025)
Spatial predictions of soil moisture across a longitudinal gradient in semiarid ecosystems using UAVs and RGB sensors
(Mar 2025)
Triacylglycerol stability limits futile cycles and inhibition of carbon capture in oil-accumulating leaves
(Mar 2025)
Detection of aflatoxin B1 content and revelation of its dynamic accumulation process using visible/near-infrared hyperspectral and microscopic imaging
(Mar 2025)
Differential expression of vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) and M1 macrophage marker nitric oxide synthase 2 (NOS2) in lymph node granulomas of BCG-vaccinated and non-vaccinated cattle infected with Mycobacterium
(Mar 2025)
13C isotope discrimination variation in guar [cyamopsis tetragronoloba (L.) Taub.] under water-deficit conditions
(Mar 2025)
Challenges and limitations of applying the flux variance similarity (FVS) method to partition evapotranspiration in a montane cloud forest
(Mar 2025)
Dust transport pathways from The Great Basin
(Mar 2025)
Estimating corn leaf chlorophyll content using airborne multispectral
imagery and machine learning
(Mar 2025)
Quantifying potassium requirement and removal across crop species
(Mar 2025)
Satellite remote sensing on crop fields
(Mar 2025)
Detection of live Escherichia coli with long-read sequencing
(Mar 2025)
Inter-comparison of soybean models for the simulation of evapotranspiration in a humid continental climate
(Mar 2025)
Novel genetic control of alpha-amylase activity during pre-harvest sprouting indicated by RNA sequencing of soft winter wheat varieties Cardinal and Logan
(Feb 2025)
The small GTPase Rap1 in POMC neurons regulates leptin actions and glucose metabolism
(Feb 2025)
Using Pan-genomes, Databases, and Genomics to Advance Agriculture
(Feb 2025)
First report of corn leafhopper (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in the USA midwest suction trap network.
(Feb 2025)
Registration of three cotton germplasm lines with extremely high fiber strength derived from crosses between Upland cotton and diploid Gossypium species
(Feb 2025)
Unveiling the Potential Role of Dhurrin in Sorghum During Infection by the Head Smut Pathogen Sporisorium reilianum f. sp. reilianum
(Feb 2025)
A new Longitarsus species from the greater Washington DC region (Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Galerucinae Alticini)
(Feb 2025)
Differential phenological responses of plant functional types to the temporal repackaging of precipitation in a semiarid grassland
(Feb 2025)
GCN5-related histone acetyltransferase HOOKLESS2 regulates fungal resistance and growth in tomato
(Feb 2025)
Rapid detection of Salmonella Typhimurium in egg biofilms on three different surfaces using long-read sequencing
(Feb 2025)
Comparative analysis of Aegilops speltoides and wheat repetitive elements and development of S genome-specific FISH painting
(Feb 2025)
Historical trajectories and current perspectives on Sub-Saharan wildland fire science and management in select scientific literature
(Feb 2025)
Developing functional relationships of corn growth and developmental responses to nitrogen nutrition for modeling
(Feb 2025)
Manure handling certification programs in manuresheds across the United States
(Feb 2025)
Chloroplast Markers for Detecting Chinese Tallow (Triadica sebifera) DNA in Environmental Samples
(Feb 2025)
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for precision agriculture information gathering to advance crop monitoring and management
(Feb 2025)
Transport of tryptophan dipeptide derivatives and impact on inflammatory cytokines in monocyte/macrophage-like cells
(Feb 2025)
Metatranscriptomic and metagenomic analyses of cotton aphids (Aphis gossypii) collected from cotton fields in Alabama, USA
(Feb 2025)
Data from Grazing Management Studies at the Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory, 2003-2006
(Feb 2025)
Insertion/deletion mutations within tva receptor gene confer chicken resistance to infection by avian leukosis virus subgroups A and K
(Feb 2025)
Adjusting the percent nitrate in nutrient solution to optimize strawberry stolon and daughter plant production
(Feb 2025)
Chromosome-level genome assembly and annotation of the Swanson rainbow trout homozygous line
(Feb 2025)
Soil health responses to long-term grazing intensity gradients in two semiarid rangelands
(Feb 2025)
Catálogo ilustrado de los Membracidae y Aetalionidae (Hemiptera) de Nicaragua
(Feb 2025)
Managing European elm scale in the period of neonicotinoid insecticide resistance
(Feb 2025)
Functional characterization of a female-biased chemoreceptor of the codling moth (Cydia pomonella) responding to aldehydes and other volatile compounds
(Feb 2025)
Morphologic features and thermal characteristics of nine cotton biomass byproducts
(Feb 2025)
The Airborne herbivore-induced plant volatile indole is converted to benzoxazinoid defense compounds in neighboring maize plants
(Feb 2025)
Age-based host response to turkey arthritis reovirus in commercial turkeys in the presence of maternally derived antibodies
(Feb 2025)
Using spatially rich datasets to assess the influence of channel characteristics on biogeochemical behavior in agricultural watersheds
(Feb 2025)
Paracetic Acid Washes Reduce Salmonella Load on the Surface of In-shell Pecans and Prevents Cross-Contamination Between Pecans During Conditioning
(Feb 2025)
Investigating the effect of animal manure on colloidal-facilitated phosphorus transport
(Feb 2025)
Time-course RNA-seq analysis of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) responses to southern root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) during compatible and incompatible interactions
(Feb 2025)
An accuracy assessment of satellite-derived rangeland fractional cover
(Feb 2025)
Breed-specific heterosis for growth and carcass traits in 18 U.S. cattle breeds
(Feb 2025)
Prevalence of a microsporidian parasite in different social forms of the Red Imported Fire Ant, Solenopsis invicta, in its native range in Argentina
(Feb 2025)
Screening alternative sources of critical metals via alkaline fusion: the effect of flux on digestion efficiency
(Feb 2025)
Comparison of the flocking behavior of Katahdin and Rambouillet sheep breeds in an extensive range environment using GPS technology
(Feb 2025)
Yield variation, plasticity, adaptation, and performance ranking of winter wheat varieties across the environmental gradient of the U.S. Pacific Northwest
(Feb 2025)
Major membrane protein of Mycobacterium avium subp. paratuberculosis activates immune and autophagic pathways in bovine monocyte-derived macrophages
(Feb 2025)
Validation of loci and genes associated with fertility in Holstein cows using gene-set enrichment analysis-SNP and genotype-by-sequencing
(Feb 2025)
Cercospora leaf spot impacts on postharvest disease and respiration of affected sugarbeet roots
(Feb 2025)
In planta testing of Antagonistic Fungal Endophytes against Harringtonia lauricola
(Feb 2025)
Dietary consumption of the plant phytochemical, gelsemine, by worker honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) affects queen bee egg laying.
(Feb 2025)
Development and validation of a protocol to determine feed spillage from commercial broiler feeders
(Feb 2025)
Hydroxycinnamoyl-coenzyme A: tetrahydroxyhexanedioate hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (HHHT) from Phaseolus vulgaris: Phylogeny, expression pattern, kinetic parameters, and active site analysis
(Feb 2025)
Invited review: Management of genetic defects in dairy cattle populations
(Feb 2025)
Rapid and accurate detection of huanglongbing in citrus by elasticity testing using a piezoelectric finger
(Feb 2025)
Integrated approaches to maximizing fall armyworm resistance in maize
(Feb 2025)
Nutrient runoff from agricultural lands in North American ecoregions
(Feb 2025)
Microplastic uptake by birds: from observation to development of a novel seed coating approach to prevent bird predation of corn seeds
(Feb 2025)
SWAT-IRR: A new irrigation algorithm for soil and water Assessment tool to facilitate water management and Conservation in irrigated regions
(Feb 2025)
Two volatiles from anthracnose-infected blueberries trigger electrophysiological and aversive behavioral responses in Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae)
(Feb 2025)
A novel quantitative trait locus (QTL) reduces Fusarium graminearum infection in Glycine max seedlings
(Feb 2025)
Farmer driven water conservation policy on the Ogallala aquifer reduces the environmental footprints of crop production
(Feb 2025)
Association of Escherichia coli O157:H7 density change with hydrogen peroxide but not carbohydrate concentration in the leaf content of different lettuce types and spinach
(Feb 2025)
Assessing the ability to immunomodulate the gastrointestinal immune system and oxidative status of weaned pigs through prenatal lipopolysaccharide stimulation
(Feb 2025)
Building healthy dietary patterns with ultra-processed foods
(Feb 2025)
Peach (Prunus persica) TAC1 protein interaction with a Light
Harvesting Chlorophyll A/B Binding (LHCB) homolog and
transcriptomic analyses reveal connections to photosynthesis
(Feb 2025)
Flavonoid contributors to bitterness in juice from Citrus and Citrus hybrids with/without Poncirus trifoliata in their pedigree
(Feb 2025)
Transcriptomic analysis reveals cloquintocet-mexyl-inducible genes in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
(Feb 2025)
Quantifying regional ecological dynamics using agency monitoring data, ecological sSite descriptions, and ecological sSite groups
(Feb 2025)
Standardized protocol for collecting bee samples to generate molecular data
(Feb 2025)
Mosquito mutations F290V and F331W expressed in acetylcholinesterase of the sand fly, Phlebotomus papatasi (Scopoli): Biochemical properties and inhibitor sensitivity
(Feb 2025)
Controlling Fusarium contamination of malting barley with Brassicaceae seed meal volatiles
(Feb 2025)
Assessing the performance of generative artificial
intelligence in retrieving information against manually
curated genetic and genomic data
(Feb 2025)
Geographical distribution and genetic analysis reveal recent global invasion of Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci primarily associated with only three Haplotypes
(Feb 2025)
Genomic evaluation of recombination in small highly inbred beef cattle populations
(Feb 2025)
Assessing the impacts of extreme precipitation projections on Haihe Basin hydrology using an enhanced SWAT model
(Feb 2025)
In-situ neutron gamma analysis of soil
(Feb 2025)
Mobile systems for neutron-gamma analysis of soil elemental content
(Feb 2025)
Sweet potato yield prediction using machine learning based on multispectral images acquired from a small unmanned aerial vehicle
(Feb 2025)
Genetic and phenotypic responses of temperature-independent Hessian fly resistant durum wheat to larval attack during heat stress
(Feb 2025)
Advancing genetic improvement in the omics era: status and priorities for United States aquaculture
(Feb 2025)
Mitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark of woody breast myopathy in broiler chickens
(Feb 2025)
Foraging behavior, botanical composition, and quality of beef cattle diets on burned versus unburned foothill rangelands
(Feb 2025)
Analysis of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and white bass (M. chrysops) spleenic transcriptome following Streptococcus iniae infection
(Feb 2025)
Heating differentiates pecan allergen stability: Car i 4 is more heat labile than Car i 1 and Car i 2
(Feb 2025)
Rheumatoid arthritis and subsequent fracture risk: an individual person meta-analysis to update FRAX
(Feb 2025)
Effects of Soil pH on Growth, Early Fruiting and Mineral Nutrient Profile of ‘Honeycrisp’ Apple Trees Grafted on Eight Rootstocks.
(Feb 2025)
Dietary trimethylamine oxide alters digestibility, intestinal histopathology,and gene expression in soy fed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
(Feb 2025)
Landscape heterogeneity drives population structure in four western bumble bee species
(Feb 2025)
Evaluation of an N1 NA antibody-specific enzyme-linked lectin assay for detection of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus infection in vaccinated birds
(Feb 2025)
Rapid adsorption of Ammonium on coffee husk and chicken manure-derived biochars: Mechanisms unveiled by chemical speciation, physical, and spectroscopic approaches
(Feb 2025)
Reconstructing the introduction history of the invasive grass Taeniatherum caput-medusae subsp. asperum in the western United States: low within-population genetic diversity does not preclude invasion
(Feb 2025)
Out of Africa: Genetic characterization and diversity of Mashona cattle in the United States
(Feb 2025)
Elucidating the molecular docking and binding dynamics of aptamers with spike proteins across SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern
(Feb 2025)
Platelets modulate leukocyte population composition within perivascular adipose tissue
(Feb 2025)
Spatial scale dependence of error in fractional component cover maps
(Feb 2025)
Assigning unknown species names to ambiguous populations in the US Potato Genebank
(Feb 2025)
Cholesterol metabolism in tumor immunity: Mechanisms and therapeutic opportunities for cancer
(Feb 2025)
Genome-wide markers test the status of two putative species of North American bumblebees and detect mito-nuclear discordance
(Feb 2025)
Exploratory analysis of multivariate relationships among the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, grazing behavior, and carbon gas emissions of beef cows grazing arid rangeland vegetation
(Feb 2025)
Spectroscopic solutions for generating new global soil information
(Feb 2025)
Groundwater age estimates for the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer based on tracers collected in 2018 through 2020
(Feb 2025)
Natural UV protectants and humectants to improve the efficiency of Steinernema carpocapsae in controlling foliar pests
(Feb 2025)
Identification and differentiation of the Fusarium graminearum NX-2 chemotype using High-Resolution Melting (HRM)
(Feb 2025)
Leveraging electron beam (eBeam) technology for advancing the development of inactivated vaccines
(Feb 2025)
From knowledge to practice: Linking Sustainable Southwest Beef Project activities to impacts
(Feb 2025)
Integrating erosion models into land health assessments to better understand landscape condition
(Feb 2025)
Digital decision support tools for ranching
(Feb 2025)
When the cows come home unexpectedly: Rapid AUM assessment using satellite and ground-based methods on desert rangelands
(Feb 2025)
Adaptive Grazing Management in the Information Age – incorporating data from virtual fence, remote sensing, and ground measurements
(Feb 2025)
Disentangling Taxonomic Complexity in the Native Range: Morphological
and Genetic Differentiation Among Subspecies of Taeniatherum caput-medusae
(Feb 2025)
Allometric relationships to calculate aboveground biomass for eight rangeland shrubs using the SageSTEP network
(Feb 2025)
Integrating reinforcement learning and large language models for crop production process management optimization and control through a new knowledge-based deep learning paradigm
(Feb 2025)
Why are some cows skinny? An evaluation of stress and immune factors
(Feb 2025)
Developments in mycotoxin analysis: an update for 2023-2024
(Feb 2025)
Salmonellosis in cattle: sources and risk of infection, control and prevention
(Feb 2025)
Stable soil moisture promotes shoot performance and shapes the
root-rhizosphere microbiome
(Feb 2025)
Bioplastics from shellfish waste: Tuning the tensile and solubility properties of chitosan films
(Feb 2025)
Evaluating the efficacy of endophytic fungal compounds as biopesticides in agriculture
(Feb 2025)
Gaps in U.S. livestock data are a barrier to effective environmental and disease management
(Feb 2025)
Laboratory assays do not consistently indicate under processing of soybean meal that negatively impacts broiler performance
(Feb 2025)
Toxicity responses of different bee species to flupyradifurone and sulfoxaflor insecticides reveal species and sex-based variations
(Feb 2025)
Soil nutrient and erosion dynamics following compost application on annual grass-dominated rangelands
(Feb 2025)
Multiple strategies association revealed functional candidate FASN gene for fatty acid composition in cattle
(Feb 2025)
Mechanism of infection of entomopathogenic fungi with emphasis on ticks
(Feb 2025)
Organic camelina meal as a replacement for soybean meal in swine finishing diets: A life cycle analysis perspective
(Feb 2025)
ECB-WQ: A Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) - Eastern Corn Belt node field-scale water quality dataset
(Feb 2025)
Oral delivery of bovine tuberculosis vaccine to free-ranging white-tailed deer
(Feb 2025)
Wheat quality council, hard spring wheat technical committee, 2024 crop
(Feb 2025)
Red meat consumption and hypertension: An updated review
(Feb 2025)
Effect of cover crops on phosphorus and trace metal leaching in agricultural soils
(Feb 2025)
Acute enhanced liquid aspirin administration improves performance and intestinal function in nursery pigs
(Feb 2025)
Efficacy of chlorobenzene as a new fumigant for control of confused flour beetle (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and rice weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
(Feb 2025)
Allelism of uncharacterized dwarf mutants in maize
(Feb 2025)
Johnston Draw (Idaho) high resolution burn severity map 2023
(Feb 2025)
Highly pleomorphic strains of the Vibrio predator Pseudoalteromonas piscicida and their outer membrane vesicles: A scanning electron micrographic study
(Feb 2025)
Sarcocystis infection in domestic and wild avian hosts: Inseparable flight partners
(Feb 2025)
New evidence on the distribution of a weed biological control agent Orphanostigma haemorrhoidalis (Crambidae) for the control of Lantana camara (Verbenacae) using DNA barcodes and citizen science images
(Feb 2025)
Identification of stem rust resistance genes in monogenic lines derived from wheat cultivar Waldron
(Feb 2025)
Evaluating trapping methods to increase earwig capture in temperate tree fruit crops
(Feb 2025)
Campylobacter molothri sp. nov. isolated from wild birds
(Feb 2025)
The associations of body composition, fitness, and physical activity with balance in children: The Arkansas Active Kids study
(Feb 2025)
Enhanced anti-Babesia efficacy of buparvaquone and imidocarb when combined with ELQ-316 in vitro culture of Babesia bigemina
(Feb 2025)
Lipase-catalyzed transesterification of virgin and refined hemp seed oil with ferulic acid ethyl ester
(Feb 2025)
Peanut seed maturation, quality and nutritional composition
(Feb 2025)
Growth of Salmonella enterica and Listeria monocytogenes on kale grown outdoors or in an indoor vertical hydroponic system
(Feb 2025)
A potential solution to the challenge of controlling invasive annual grasses while maintaining a sagebrush overstory
(Feb 2025)
E-B-ocimene and brood cannibalism: Interplay between a honey bee larval pheromone and brood regulation in summer dearth colonies
(Feb 2025)
Host-cleptoparasite biogeographical congruence through time: the case of cuckoo oil bees
(Feb 2025)
Deep learning model compression and hardware acceleration for high-performance foreign material detection on poultry meat using NIR hyperspectral imaging
(Feb 2025)
Challenges in rehabilitating degraded Winterfat communities
(Feb 2025)
Food-related behaviors of rural (Asaase Kooko) and peri-urban (Kaadjanor) households in Ghana
(Feb 2025)
Overview of the process used to develop evidence-based dietary guidance in the u.s.
(Feb 2025)
The fertilization of synbiotic system in intensive culture of Penaeus vannamei
(Feb 2025)
Induced protein expression in Leptospira spp. and its application to CRISPR/Cas9 mutant generation
(Feb 2025)
Weak genetic divergence and signals of adaptation obscured by high gene flow in an economically important aquaculture series
(Feb 2025)
Discovery and field evaluation of sex pheromone components for the click beetle Melanotus verberans (LeConte) (Coleoptera: Elateridae)
(Feb 2025)
Behavioural components and delivery features of early childhood obesity prevention interventions: intervention coding of studies
in the TOPCHILD Collaboration systematic review
(Feb 2025)
SNAP participation as a moderator of food and nutrition security and combined cardiometabolic conditions: A mixed regression approach
(Feb 2025)
The Bushland, Texas, maize evapotranspiration, growth, and yield dataset collection
(Feb 2025)
Non-target effects of insecticides and herbicides on earwigs
(Feb 2025)
Gut microbiomes of honey bees (Apis mellifera) experimentally exposed to crops
(Feb 2025)
Escherichia coli O157:H7 multiplication in the latex of various lettuce genotypes is negatively correlated with plant peroxidase activity
(Feb 2025)
Cacao floral traits are shaped by the interplay of flower position and genotype
(Feb 2025)
Nutrient source and cover crop residue management effects on cotton growth and yield
(Feb 2025)
Draft genome for the horse hair fungus, Marasmius crinis-equi, isolated from cacao in Ghana
(Feb 2025)
Transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 to calves fed unpasteurized milk from experimentally infected cows
(Feb 2025)
Refining genetic classification of global porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus type 1 (PRRSV-1) and investigating their geographic and temporal distributions
(Feb 2025)
Johnsongrass: A grassland invader
(Feb 2025)
Efficacy of ultrasonography to detect liver abscesses in cattle
(Feb 2025)
Effect of dimming wave characteristics on LED lamp performance during early operational life
(Feb 2025)
Transcriptomic analysis of Rhipicephalus microplus hemocytes from female ticks infected with Babesia bovis or Babesia bigemina
(Feb 2025)
Leveraging phenotypic plasticity in seed oil content for climate-adapted breeding and production
(Feb 2025)
Some like it hot: differential photosynthetic performance and recovery of english walnut accessions under emerging California heat waves
(Feb 2025)
Disposition of orally administered [14C]-nitrofurazone in broiler chickens
(Feb 2025)
QTL mapping and whole genome sequencing analysis for novel genetic resources associated with sucrose content in soybean [Glycine max (L.)Merr.]
(Feb 2025)
Belt feeding a 10-saw gin stand
(Feb 2025)
Diversity and functions of fungal VOCs with special reference to the multiple bioactivities of the mushroom alcohol
(Feb 2025)
Exploiting trap type and color for monitoring the macadamia felted coccid Acanthococcus ironsidei (Williams) and associated parasitic wasps in macadamia orchards in Hawai’i
(Feb 2025)
Influence of cover crop residue management on volumetric soil moisture and cotton establishment
(Feb 2025)
High, but variable prevalence of Sarcocystis cruzi infections in farm-raised American bison (Bison bison) beef destined for human consumption
(Feb 2025)
The temperature-associated effects of Rift Valley fever virus infections in mosquitoes and climate-driven epidemics: A review
(Feb 2025)
High throughput pretreatment of corn stover using compacted biomass
with recycled ammonia (COBRA) process
(Feb 2025)
Research Note: Up-regulation of Melanophilin (MLPH) gene during avian adipogenesis and decreased fat pad weights with adipocyte hypotrophy in MLPH knockout quail
(Feb 2025)
Nozzle flowrate modulation capability of PWM valves operated at high frequencies and pressures
(Feb 2025)
Introgression of the cercospora leaf spot (CLS)disease resistance trait from KEMS06 sugar beet germplasm into two double-haploid breeding lines, KDH4-9 and KDH13
(Feb 2025)
Agricultural and environmental significance of soil organic matter and plant biomass: Insight from ultrahigh resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry
(Feb 2025)
Integration of Physical and Chemical Tactics for Managing Systena frontalis [F. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)] at Ornamental Nurseries
(Feb 2025)
The relationship between respiration rate and quality parameters of russet potatoes during long-term storage
(Feb 2025)
Female contact sex pheromone recognition in the German cockroach (Blattella germanica) is mediated by two male antennae-enriched sensory neuron membrane proteins
(Feb 2025)
Effects of different carbohydrates on growth, hepatic glucose metabolism, and gut microbiome of Florida pompano (Trachinotus carolinus)
(Feb 2025)
Fertility and early embryonic development in a CD46-edited Gir heifer with reduced susceptibility to BVDV
(Feb 2025)
Association of individual cow milk fatty acid proportion and variance with milk production
(Jan 2025)
Improving Mass-Rearing Techniques for Releases of Floracarus
perrepae, a Biological Control Agent for OldWorld Climbing
Fern (Lygodium microphyllum)
(Jan 2025)
Model instances for land use scenarios of the Floridan Aquifer Collaborative Engagement for Sustainability (FACETS) project
(Jan 2025)
Response of YPM x Ross 708 male broilers to diets containing varying inclusions of phytase, calcium butyrate, and bacitracin methylene disalicylate during the grower and finisher periods–Part 2:Intestinal health and physioloy
(Jan 2025)
School neighborhood deprivation is associated with a higher prevalence of hypertension
(Jan 2025)
High prevalence of Sarcocystis and Trichinella infections in skeletal muscles of gray wolves (Canis lupus arctos) from Alaska, USA
(Jan 2025)
Effect of stocking period on pasture species composition, forage production, and animal performance
(Jan 2025)
Genetic and genomic evaluations of quantitative milking speed phenotypes
(Jan 2025)
Soybean rust resistant and tolerant varieties identified through the Pan-African Trial Network
(Jan 2025)
Tallow tree biological control and beekeeping: Assessing the misconceptions and possible resolutions to protect native ecosystems
(Jan 2025)
The role of fruit surface bloom in consumer preference for blueberries: sensory evaluation and multisensory interactions
(Jan 2025)
Pulsating drought and insect herbivory cause differential effects on Soybean (Glycine max) genotypes that vary in canopy wilting speed.
(Jan 2025)
Sustainable intensification of livestock systems using forage legumes in the anthropocene
(Jan 2025)
Nano Colonies: Rearing honey bee queens and their offspring in small laboratory arenas
(Jan 2025)
Quantitative trait loci analysis for anthracnose resistance in a population derived from Andean varieties Bukoba and Kijivu of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
(Jan 2025)
Dietary intake and micronutrient adequacy among adults in rural Sri Lanka: findings from a cross-sectional baseline survey
(Jan 2025)
Detection and quantitation of adulteration in flour and pasta by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography combined with chemometrics
(Jan 2025)
Ripening degree at harvest and ethylene conditioning facilitate the mango process for frozen cheeks
(Jan 2025)
Non-destructive techniques to determine optimal harvesting time in mango fruit
(Jan 2025)
Effects of high dietary inclusion of defatted mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) meal as a fish meal substitute on growth, histological traits and health performances of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
(Jan 2025)
Validation of a reverse transcription PCR detection method for tobamovirus maculatessellati, in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
(Jan 2025)
Detecting function variation in immune cell types and their implications on genetic resistance to Marek’s Disease
(Jan 2025)
Machine learning the abiotic stressor impacts on nitrogen availability
and photo energy use in dryland forage systems under different
tillage and green manuring practices
(Jan 2025)
Development of a circumallergenic guayule latex endotracheal tube cuff
(Jan 2025)
Fungicide sensitivity and non-target site resistance in Rhizoctonia zeae isolates collected from corn and soybean fields in Nebraska
(Jan 2025)
CC genotype at TCF7L2 diabetes risk locus rs7903146 directs a coordinated fatty acid response to a Mediterranean diet intervention: a randomized controlled trial
(Jan 2025)
Potential landscapes for conservation of the black-tailed prairie dog ecosystem
(Jan 2025)
Integration of genetic and imaging data to detect QTL for root traits in Interspecific soybean populations
(Jan 2025)
Effects of sericea lespedeza supplementation on steers grazing
wild-type endophyte-infected tall tescue
(Jan 2025)
Marrying peanuts with poultry benefits both industries
(Jan 2025)
Process-based vegetative growth model for cereal rye winter cover crop using object-oriented programming and linked-list data structure
(Jan 2025)
Cottonseed vicilin proteins: potential allergen risk and source of
bioactive peptides.
(Jan 2025)
Reduction of ribonucleotide reductase subunit RRM2 potentially impairs gut function in broilers exhibiting the woody breast condition
(Jan 2025)
Hepatozoon infections in dogs and cats in USA: History, life cycle, and suggestions for uniform terminology for hepatozoonosis in endotherms and ectotherms
(Jan 2025)
Separation and quantification of mycotoxins in floral tissue of hemp (Cannabis sativa) infected with Fusarium graminearum
(Jan 2025)
Digital mapping of agricultural soils texture of the Brazilian Cerrado biome
(Jan 2025)
A resource of longitudinal RNA-seq data of Holstein cow ruman, duodenum, and colon epithelial cells during the lactation cycle
(Jan 2025)
Seasonal vapor pressure deficit and temperature effects on carbon dioxide and water dynamics in a prevalent crop rotation in the Northern Great Plains
(Jan 2025)
Stochasticity highlights the development of both the gastrointestinal and upper-respiratory-tract microbiomes of neonatal dairy calves in early life
(Jan 2025)
Techno-economic analysis of antioxidant peptides production from the whole sorghum stillage
(Jan 2025)