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Animal Disease Microorganisms
item Carboxymethyl cellulose capped zinc oxide nanoparticles dispersed in ionic liquid and its antimicrobial effects against foodborne human pathogens (Sep 2024)
item Influence of medium chain fatty acids on selected microbes and on in vitro ruminal fermentation of air-exposed corn silage (Sep 2024)
item A Novel Slope-Matrix-Graph Algorithm to Analyze Compositional Microbiome Data (Sep 2024)
item Establishing the performance of next generation amplicon sequencing for detection of Giardia duodenalis in ready-to-eat packaged leafy greens (Aug 2024)
item Vaccines in aquaculture development, production, and applications (Aug 2024)
item Leveraging neurochemistry in the design of 21st century feed and microbiota strategies to improve food animal gut health (Aug 2024)
item Salmonella Biomapping of a Commercial Broiler Hatchery (Aug 2024)
item 16S amplicon-based microbiome biomapping of a commercial broiler hatchery (Aug 2024)
item Pathogen detection in early phases of experimental bovine tuberculosis (Aug 2024)
item Prevalence and characterization of Salmonella during pork sausage manufacturing (Aug 2024)
item Zoonotic intestinal protists: A cross-sectional survey of non-human primates and caregivers in zoos (Jul 2024)
item Deciphering selective pressures: comparative genomics and phylogenetic analyses of four virulence factors in Listeria monocytogenes isolates linked to chicken consumption in the United States. (Jul 2024)
item Susceptibility of pESI positive Salmonella to treatment with biocide chemicals approved for use in poultry processing as compared to Salmonella without the pESI plasmid (Jul 2024)
item Chlorophyllin supplementation of medicated or unmedicated swine diets impact on fecal Escherichia coli and enterococci (Jul 2024)
item Exploring Pathogen Presence Prediction in Pastured Poultry Farms through Transformer-Based Models and Attention Mechanism Explainability (Jun 2024)
item Novel Bio-inline® reactor to evaluate sanitizer efficacy in removing multispecies biofilms formed by Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes (Jun 2024)
item A metagenomics perspective to evaluate probiotics combating Salmonella Infantis in poultry settings – a case study (Jun 2024)
item otb: an Automated HiC/HiFi Pipeline Assembles the Prosapia bicincta Genome (Jun 2024)
item Microbiome analyses of poultry feeds: Part II: Comparison of different poultry feeds. (Jun 2024)
item Internal organ colonization by Salmonella Enteritidis in layer pullets infected at two different ages during rearing in cage-free housing (Jun 2024)
item Impact of surface topography and shear stress on single and dual species biofilm formation by Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes in presence of promotor bacteria (May 2024)
item Microbiome analyses of poultry feeds: Part I. Comparison of five different DNA extraction methods (May 2024)
item Persistence of viral RNA in North American elk experimentally infected with an ancestral strain of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (May 2024)
item Culicoides midge abundance across years: Modeling inter-annual variation for an avian feeder and a candidate vector of hemorrhagic diseases in farmed wildlife (May 2024)
item Microdiversity of Salmonella Kentucky during an outbreak in a dairy herd (May 2024)
item Expression of defensin genes across house fly (Musca domestica) life history gives insight into immune system subfunctionalization (May 2024)
item Dust sprinkling as an effective method for infecting chickens with wild-type Salmonella Typhimurium and changes in host gut microbiota (May 2024)
item Disinfection of foodborne bacteria using the Contamination Sanitization Inspection and Disinfection (CSI-D) device bg (Apr 2024)
item The microbiota drives diurnal rhythms in tryptophan metabolism in the stressed gut (Apr 2024)
item Defensins of the stable fly have developmental-specific regulation and evolve at different rates (Apr 2024)
item A live attenuated Salmonella Typhimurium vaccine dose and diluent have minimal effects on the caecal microbiota of layer chickens. (Apr 2024)
item A photographic key to the adult female biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogondiae: Culicoides) of Florida, USA (Apr 2024)
item FAIR Header Reference genome: A TRUSTworthy standard (Mar 2024)
item Escherichia coli isolated from dairy animal feces encoding fosA7.5, conferring resistance to the reserve group antibiotic Fosfomycin (Mar 2024)
item Enhancing pathogen identification with high background microflora using an artificial neural network-enabled paper chromogenic array sensor approach (Mar 2024)
item Molecular identification of zoonotic Microsporidia in the endangered Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) (Mar 2024)
item Functional contribution of the intestinal microbiome in autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and Rett syndrome: a systematic review of pediatric and adult studies (Mar 2024)
item Differential microbiota shift on whole romaine lettuce subjected to source or forward processing and on fresh-cut products during cold storage (Mar 2024)
item A Retrospective Analysis of Salmonella Isolates across 11 Animal Species (1982–1999) Led to the First Identification of Chromosomally Encoded blaSCO-1 in the USA (Mar 2024)
item Molecular detection and characterization of Blastocystis in herbivore livestock species in Portugal (Mar 2024)
item The first Cyclospora cayetanensis lineage A genome from an isolate from Mexico (Mar 2024)
item Cold stress initiates catecholaminergic and serotonergic responses in the chicken gut that are associated with functional shifts in the microbiome (Mar 2024)
item Bacterial proximity effects on the transfer of antibiotic resistance genes within the alimentary tract of yellow mealworm larvae (Feb 2024)
item Widespread distribution of human-infective Enterocytozoon bieneusi genotypes in small rodents in northeast China and phylogeny and zoonotic implications revisited (Feb 2024)
item The bacterial and archaeal communities of flies, manure, lagoons, and troughs at a working dairy (Feb 2024)
item Microbial profile of broiler carcasses processed at a university scale mobile poultry processing unit (Feb 2024)
item Surface topography and chemistry of food contact substances, and microbial nutrition affect pathogen persistence and symbiosis in cocktail listeria monocytogenes biofilms (Feb 2024)
item Microbial composition and diversity of high-demand street-vended foods in Ecuador (Feb 2024)
item Cultivar was more influential than bacterial strain and other experimental factors in recovery of Escherichia coli O157:H7 populations from inoculated live Romaine lettuce plants (Feb 2024)
item First report of Enterocytozoon bieneusi after an allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant in a pediatric patient from Argentina (Feb 2024)
item Alternative Additives for Organic and Natural Ready-to-Eat Meats to Control Spoilage and Maintain Shelf Life: Current Perspectives in the United States (Feb 2024)
item Genetic characteristics of Salmonella Isolates recovered from reused broiler (Feb 2024)
item Editorial for the Special Issue: Cyclospora cayetanensis and cyclosporiasis (Jan 2024)
item Machine learning algorithms predict Listeria prevalence and Campylobacter species on pastured poultry farms based on management practices and farm environment variables (Jan 2024)
item Reduction of bacterial load on broiler carcasses using low volume fluidic nozzles in combination with 60oC water at 450 psi pressure (Jan 2024)
item Genomic and phenotypic characterization of multidrug-resistant salmonella enterica serovar reading isolates involved in a turkey-associated foodborne outbreak (Jan 2024)
item Commercial vaccine provides cross-protection by reducing colonization of salmonella enterica serovars infantis and hadar in turkeys (Jan 2024)
item Draft genome sequences of Campylobacter species isolated from the cecal contents of broiler chickens (Jan 2024)
item Virulome analysis of Escherichia coli ST117 from bovine sources identifies similarities and differences with strains isolated from other food animals (Jan 2024)
item Surveillance of pathogenic bacteria on a food matrix using machine-learning-enabled paper chromogenic arrays (Jan 2024)
item Inclusion of trans-cinnamaldehyde and caprylic acid in feed results in detectable concentrations in the chicken gut and reduces foodborne pathogen carriage (Dec 2023)
item Assessment of potential anti-methanogenic and antimicrobial activity of ethyl nitroacetate, a-lipoic acid, taurine and l-cysteinesulfinic acid in vitro (Dec 2023)
item Identification and molecular characterization of four new Blastocystis subtypes designated ST35-ST38 (Dec 2023)
item Iberian wild leporidae as hosts of zoonotic enteroparasites in Mediterranean ecosystems of Southern Spain (Dec 2023)
item Chlortetracycline concentration impact on Salmonella Typhimurium sustainability in the presence of porcine gastrointestinal tract bacteria maintained in continuous culture (Dec 2023)
item Multispecies biofilms by bacterial pathogens and bioreactors for biofilm evaluation (Dec 2023)
item Microscopic and transcriptomic characterization of Listeria monocytogenes aggregation and biofilm formation in cantaloupe juice (Dec 2023)
item Campylobacter jejuni response when inoculated in bovine in vitro fecal microbial consortia incubations in the presence of metabolic inhibitors (Nov 2023)
item Quantification of Salmonella Infantis transfer from transport drawer flooring to broiler chickens during holding (Nov 2023)
item Impact of stunning method on blood loss in broilers during exsanguination with two different neck cut methods (Nov 2023)
item Predicting Foodborne Pathogens and Probiotics Taxa within poultry-related microbiomes using a machine learning approach (Nov 2023)
item Microbiomes from theory to application (Nov 2023)
item Survival of Campylobacter jejuni during in vitro culture with mixed bovine ruminal microorganisms in the presence of methanogen inhibitors (Oct 2023)
item Virulence factors and antimicrobial resistance profiles of Campylobacter isolates recovered from consecutively reused broiler litter (Oct 2023)
item From snoot to tail - A brief review of influenza virus infection and immunity in pigs (Oct 2023)
item Genomic and phenotypic comparison of two variants of multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Heidelberg isolated during the 2015-2017 multi-state outbreak in cattle (Oct 2023)
item Genome-wide analysis of Escherichia coli isolated from dairy animals identifies virulence factors and genes enriched in multidrug-resistant strains (Oct 2023)
item Effect of chemostat turnover rate and select antibiotics on Salmonella Typhimurium in the presence of porcine gastrointestinal tract bacteria (Oct 2023)
item Wildlife immune responses to Mycobacterium bovis and to bacille of calmette-guerin (Oct 2023)
item Comparative transcriptome analysis of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 on bovine rectoanal junction cells and human colonic epithelial cells during initial adherence (Oct 2023)
item Relationship of the Poultry Microbiome to Pathogen Colonization, Farm Management, Poultry Production, and Foodborne Illness Risk Assessmen (Oct 2023)
item Validation of a minimally-invasive method for sampling epithelial-associated microorganisms on the rumen wall (Oct 2023)
item Prevalence and subtype characterization of Campylobacter in ceca of commercial broiler chickens at processing – a 452 flock, sevenyear surve (Oct 2023)
item Cracking the code for high quality eggs: From the beginning to the end (Oct 2023)
item Evaluation of potential reference genes in the biting midge Culicoides sonorensis for real-time quantitative PCR analyses (Oct 2023)
item Vaccination of white-tailed deer with Mycobacterium bovis bacillus calmette-guérin (BCG): effect of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis infection (Oct 2023)
item Fecal microbiota transplantation reduces Campylobacter jejuni colonization in young broiler chickens challenged by oral gavage but not by seeder birds (Oct 2023)
item Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial activity of human granulysin, bovine and porcine NK-lysins against Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 (Sep 2023)
item Effects of fumigation on the reduction of Salmonella enterica in soil (Sep 2023)
item Complete genome sequence of an avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strain isolated from poultry (Sep 2023)
item Internal organ colonization by Salmonella Enteritidis in layer pullets infected at two different ages during rearing in cage-free housing (Sep 2023)
item Risk factors associated with the prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in manured soils on certified organic farms in four regions of the United States (Sep 2023)
item Division of Blastocystis ST10 into three new subtypes: ST42-ST44 (Sep 2023)
item Towards Optimal Microbiome to Inhibit Multidrug Resistance (Aug 2023)
item Cyclospora cayetanensis: A perspective (2020–2023) with em-phasis on epidemiology and detection methods (Aug 2023)
item Listeria Occurrence in Conventional and Alternative Egg Production Systems (Aug 2023)
item Application of pressurized steam and forced hot air for cleaning broiler transport container flooring (Aug 2023)
item Bacterial communities and prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes carried within house flies (Diptera: Muscidae) associated with beef and dairy cattle farms (Aug 2023)
item Cross-cutting concepts to transform agricultural research (Aug 2023)
item Detecting broiler chickens on litter floor with the YOLOv5-CBAM deep learning model (Aug 2023)
item Increasing antimicrobial susceptibility of MDR Salmonella with the efflux pump inhibitor 1-(1-Naphthylmethyl)-piperazine (Aug 2023)
item Influence of contamination source and cultivation matrix on survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica on daikon microgreens (Aug 2023)
item Host associations of Culicoides biting midges in northeastern Kansas, USA (Aug 2023)
item The devil you know and the devil you don’t: current status and challenges of bovine tuberculosis eradication in the United States (Jul 2023)
item Cryptosporidium mortiferum n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Cryptosporidiidae), the species causing lethal cryptosporidiosis in Eurasian red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) (Jul 2023)
item Antimicrobial susceptibility of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and 3rd-generation cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli isolates enumerated longitudinally... (Jul 2023)
item Assessment of Salmonella and Campylobacter among various stages of No-Antibiotics-Ever (NAE) commercial broiler complex. (Jul 2023)
item Quantification of Salmonella Infantis transfer from transport drawer flooring to broiler chickens during different lairage times (Jul 2023)
item Role of darkling beetles (Alphitobius diaperinus) in spreading and maintaining Salmonella Enteritidis and Campylobacter jejuni in chicken flocks (Jul 2023)
item Association of Campylobacter from bile with cecal counts, gall bladder size, and bile color. (Jul 2023)
item Isolation and classification of bacteriophage sourced from poultry associated samples (Jul 2023)
item Exudate from retail chicken liver packaging allows for survival of naturally occurring Campylobacter, coliforms, and total aerobic bacteria under drying conditions (Jul 2023)
item Deciphering the association between Campylobacter colonization and microbiota composition in the intestine of commercial broilers (Jun 2023)
item Assessing the risk of seasonal effects of Campylobacter contaminated broiler meat prepared in-home in the United States (Jun 2023)
item Insights into animal carriage and pathogen surveillance in Latin America: The case of STEC and APEC (Jun 2023)
item Molecular characterization of Blastocystis and Entamoeba of muskoxen and sheep in Greenland (Jun 2023)
item Disinfection of Escherichia coli using the contamination sanitization inspection and disinfection (CSI-D) system (Jun 2023)
item A longitudinal study of Blastocystis in dairy calves from birth through 24 months demonstrates dynamic shifts in infection rates and subtype prevalence and diversity by age (Jun 2023)
item Machine learning to predict foodborne salmonellosis outbreaks based on genome characteristics and meteorological trends (Jun 2023)
item Pullet Rearing Conditions and Susceptibility to Experimental Salmonella Enteritidis Infection. (Jun 2023)
item Prevalence and associated risk factors of intestinal parasites among schoolchildren in rural Ecuador, with emphasis on the molecular diversity of Giardia duodenalis, Blastocystis sp. and Enterocytozoon bieneusi (May 2023)
item Integrative profiling of gene expression and chromatin accessibility elucidates specific transcriptional networks in porcine neutrophils (May 2023)
item Recovery of Campylobacter injected into hatching eggs that are cold-stored and incubated through day 18 of incubation (May 2023)
item Identification and validation of novel Blastocystis subtype ST41 in a Colombian patient undergoing colorectal cancer screening (May 2023)
item Bovine rectoanal junction in vitro organ culture model system to study Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli adherence (May 2023)
item Exploring Blastocystis genetic diversity in rural schoolchildren from Colombia using next-generation amplicon sequencing reveals signifcant associations between contact with animals and infection risk (May 2023)
item On-tissue derivatization of volatile metabolites for matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (Apr 2023)
item Characterization of antimicrobial resistance genes and virulence factors in the genomes of Escherichia coli ST69 isolates from preweaned dairy calves and their phylogenetic relationship with poultry and human clinical strains (Mar 2023)
item Genomic diversity of antimicrobial-resistant and Shiga toxin gene-harboring non-O157 Escherichia coli from dairy calves (Mar 2023)
item Temporal dynamics of the cecal and litter microbiome of chickens raised in two separate broiler houses (Mar 2023)
item Internal organ colonization by salmonella enteritidis in experimentally infected layer pullets after rearing in conventional cage or cage-free housing (Mar 2023)
item Impact of paddock area stocking density of free-range laying hens on egg and environmental microbiology. (Mar 2023)
item House flies are underappreciated yet important reservoirs and vectors of microbial threats to animal and human health (Feb 2023)
item Cyclospora cayetanensis infection in developed countries: Potential endemic foci (Feb 2023)
item Trans-cinnamaldehyde nanoemulsion wash inactivates Salmonella Enteritidis on shelled eggs without affecting egg color or embryo growth (Feb 2023)
item Internal organ colonization by Salmonella Enteritidis in experimentally infected layer pullets reared under different housing conditions (Feb 2023)
item Effects of ß-glucan on Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium swine colonization and microbiota alterations (Feb 2023)
item Tanshinone IIA-loaded nanoparticles and neural stem cell combination therapy improves gut homeostasis and recovery in a pig ishemic stroke model (Feb 2023)
item Listeria monocytogenes loss of cultivability on carrot is associated with the formation of mesosome-like structures (Feb 2023)
item Catecholamine concentrations in duck eggs are impacted by hen exposure to heat stress (Feb 2023)
item Occurrence and molecular characterization of Enterocytozoon bieneusi in wild and domestic animal species in Portugal (Feb 2023)
item A multiomic analysis of chicken serum revealed the modulation of host factors due to Campylobacter jejuni coloniza-tion and in-water supplementation of eugenol nanoemulsion (Feb 2023)
item Antimicrobial resistance in Campylobacter fetus: emergence and genomic evolution (Feb 2023)
item Intestinal location- and age-specific variation of intraepithelial T lymphocytes and mucosal microbiota in pigs (Feb 2023)
item Environmental sampling methods' influence on detection of pathogens in cage-free aviary housing (Feb 2023)
item Effects of bactericides on Salmonella survival on the surface of and in inoculated tomato leaves (Jan 2023)
item Comparison of metagenomic sequencing methods using Salmonella Heidelberg infected broilers (Jan 2023)
item Whole-genome sequence of Aeromonas spp. isolated from a dairy farm in central Texas (Jan 2023)
item Isolation and identification of Salmonella and Campylobacter isolates from a commercial broiler complex through pullets to final raw product (Jan 2023)
item Application of pressurized steam and forced hot air for cleaning broiler transport cage flooring (Jan 2023)
item Impact of sanitizer application on salmonella mitigation and microbiome shift on diced tomato during washing and storage (Jan 2023)
item Effects in air-exposed corn silage of medium chain fatty acids on select spoilage microbes, zoonotic pathogens, and in vitro rumen fermentation (Jan 2023)
item Habitat type and host grazing regimen influence the soil microbial diversity and communities within potential biting midge larval habitats (Jan 2023)
item Co-infection by Cryptosporidium meleagridis and Enterocytozoon bieneusi in an HIV+ Colombian patient (Jan 2023)
item Chicken production and human clinical Escherichia coli isolates differ in their carriage of antimicrobial resistance and virulence factors (Jan 2023)
item A mass spectrometry-based method of quantifying the contribution of the lysine polymorphism at position 171 in sheep PrP (Jan 2023)
item General method of quantifying the extent of methionine oxidation in the prion protein (Jan 2023)
item Serotype screening of salmonella enterica subspecies I by intergenic sequence ribotyping (ISR): Critical updates (Dec 2022)
item Salmonella in eggs and egg-laying chickens (Dec 2022)
item Effect of dietary ß-glucan on intestinal microbiota diversity and Salmonella vaccine immunogenicity and efficacy in pigs (Dec 2022)
item Understanding egg quality (Dec 2022)
item Intraepithelial lymphocytes in the pig intestine: T cell and innate lymphoid cell contributions to intestinal barrier immunity (Dec 2022)
item Management and environmental factors influence the prevalence and abundance of food-borne pathogens and commensal bacteria in peanut hull-based broiler litter (Dec 2022)
item Pulmonary hamartoma in an elk calf (Cervus elaphus canadensis) (Dec 2022)
item Growth and inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes in sterile extracts of fruits and vegetables: Impact of the intrinsic factors pH, sugar and organic acid content (Dec 2022)
item Monitoring behaviors of broiler chickens at different ages with deep learning (Dec 2022)
item Inhibitory effect of select nitrocompounds and chlorate against Yersinia ruckeri and Yersinia aleksiciae in vitro (Nov 2022)
item An ensemble learning approach to identify pastured poultry farm practice variables and soil constituents that promote Salmonella prevalence (Nov 2022)
item Mycobacterium bovis strain Ravenel is attenuated in cattle (Nov 2022)
item Histopathologic differences in granulomas of BCG vaccinated and non-vaccinated cattle with bovine tuberculosis (Nov 2022)
item Life history metrics for Culex tarsalis (Diptera: Culicidae) and Culicoides sonorensis (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) are not impacted by artificial feeding on defibrinated versus EDTA-treated blood (Nov 2022)
item Internal organ colonization by Salmonella Enteritidis in experimentally infected layer pullets reared at different stocking densities in indoor cage-free housing (Nov 2022)
item Sex-specific feeding behavior of adult house flies, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae) (Oct 2022)
item Nondestructive and multiplex differentiation of pathogenic microorganisms from spoilage microflora on seafood using paper chromogenic array and neural network (Oct 2022)
item Regional epithelial cell diversity in the small intestine of pigs (Oct 2022)
item Salmonella control in egg-laying chickens: understanding how and why (Sep 2022)
item Zoonotic Enterocytozoon bieneusi genotypes in free-ranging and farmed wild ungulates in Spain (Sep 2022)
item A review of the vector status of North American Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) for bluetongue virus, epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus, and other arboviruses of concern (Sep 2022)
item Comparison between LASSO and RT methods for prediction of generic E. coli concentration in pastured poultry farms (Sep 2022)
item Laying hen production and welfare in a cage-free setting is impacted by the northern fowl mite (Sep 2022)
item SARS-CoV-2: Experimental studies on deer-to-deer transmission (Aug 2022)
item Preharvest Environmental and Management Drivers of Multidrug Resistance in Major Bacterial Zoonotic Pathogens in Pastured Poultry Flocks (Aug 2022)
item Diversity of Blastocystis subtypes in horses in Colombia and identification of two new subtypes (Aug 2022)
item El Saneamiento de Huevos: Equipo De Secado De Huevos (Aug 2022)
item El Saneamiento de Huevos: Cinta Transportadora Agrícola (Aug 2022)
item El Saneamiento de Huevos: Sistemas De Eliminación De Huevos (Aug 2022)
item El Saneamiento de Huevos: Acumulador (Aug 2022)
item El Saneamiento de Huevos: Sistemas de Saneamiento (Aug 2022)
item El Saneamiento de Huevos: Sistemas De Empaquetado - Parte Superior (Aug 2022)
item El Saneamiento de Huevos: Introducción (Aug 2022)
item El Saneamiento de Huevos: Sistemas de Saneamiento (Aug 2022)
item El Saneamiento de Huevos: Empaquetado Y Apilado (Aug 2022)
item El Saneamiento de Huevos: Áreas De Almacenamiento (Aug 2022)
item El Saneamiento de Huevos: Lavadora (Aug 2022)
item El Saneamiento de Huevos: Sistema De Transporte (Aug 2022)
item El Saneamiento de Huevos: Áreas Para Empleados (Aug 2022)
item El Saneamiento de Huevos: Lavadora (Aug 2022)
item El Saneamiento de Huevos: Sistemas De Detección De Calidad De Huevos (Aug 2022)
item El Saneamiento de Huevos: Sistema Auxiliar (Aug 2022)
item El Saneamiento de Huevos: Sistemas De Empaquetado - Porción Baja (Aug 2022)
item Intestinal single-cell atlas reveals novel lymphocytes in pigs with similarities to human cells (Aug 2022)
item El Saneamiento de Huevos: Enfriadores (Aug 2022)
item El Saneamiento de Huevos: Áreas De Procesamiento (Aug 2022)
item Antimicrobial and digestive effects of Yucca schidigera extracts related to production and environment implications of ruminant and nonruminant animals: A review (Aug 2022)
item Assessment of DNA methylation in porcine immune cells reveals novel regulatory elements associated with cell-specific gene expression and immune capacity traits (Aug 2022)
item Efficacy of pectin-based caproic acid, caprylic acid, linalool and cuminaldehyde coatings in reducing Salmonella Heidelberg on chicken eggs (Jul 2022)
item Identification of constitutively-expressed immune effectors in the house fly (Musca domestica L.) and the transcription factors that regulate them (Jul 2022)
item Using E. coli populations to predict foodborne pathogens in pastured poultry farms. (Jul 2022)
item FI: The fecobiome initiative (Jul 2022)
item Differences between the global transcriptomes of Salmonella enterica serovars Dublin and Cerro during infection of bovine epithelial cells (Jul 2022)
item Proteomic response of Turicibacter bilis MMM721 to chicken bile and its bile acids (Jul 2022)
item Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of nontyphoidal Salmonella enterica from head meat and trim for ground product at pork processing facilities (Jul 2022)
item Sympatric recombination in zoonotic Cryptosporidium leads to emergence of populations with modified host preference (Jul 2022)
item Rapid detection of Salmonella enterica in fresh produce by a novel microarray-based PathogenDx system (Jun 2022)
item Metaphylactic antimicrobial effects on occurrences of antimicrobial resistance in Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli, and Enterococcus spp. measured longitudinally from feedlot arrival to harvest in high-risk beef cattle (Jun 2022)
item Wild micromammal host spectrum of zoonotic eukaryotic parasites in Spain. Occurrence and genetic characterization (Jun 2022)
item Differences between the global transcriptomes of Salmonella enterica serovars Dublin and Cerro infecting bovine epithelial cells (Jun 2022)
item Effect of select tannin sources on pathogen control and microbial nitrogen metabolism in composted poultry litter intended for use as a ruminant crude protein feedstuff (Jun 2022)
item Application of alternative sources of water in agricultural food production - current trends and future prospects (Jun 2022)
item Effects of a moderate or aggressive implant strategy on the rumen microbiome and metabolome in steers (May 2022)
item Effects of habitat and sampling time on bacterial community composition and diversity in the gut of the female house fly, Musca domestica Linnaeus (Diptera:Muscidae) (May 2022)
item Mass spectrometry-based quantitation of methionine oxidation to assess prion structures (May 2022)
item Through the looking glass: Genome, phenome, and interactome of salmonella enterica (May 2022)
item Short chain fatty acids and bacterial taxa associated with reduced Salmonella enterica serovar I 4,[5],12:i:- Shedding in swine fed a diet supplemented with resistant potato starch (May 2022)
item Poultry meat and eggs as an alternative source of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids for human nutrition (May 2022)
item Communicating the utility of the microbiome and bioinformatics to small flock poultry producers (Apr 2022)
item Transferability of ESBL-encoding IncN and IncI1 plasmids among field strains of different Salmonella serovars and Escherichia coli (Apr 2022)
item Antimicrobial effects of thymol-loaded phytoglycogen/zein nanocomplexes against foodborne pathogens on fresh produce (Apr 2022)
item Chronic wasting disease (CWD), an evolving prion disease (Apr 2022)
item Genomic characterization of antimicrobial-resistant Escherichia coli isolated from dairy operations (Apr 2022)
item Management-intensive grazing impacts on total Escherichia coli, E. coli O157:H7, and antibiotic resistance genes in a riparian stream (Apr 2022)
item Distinct cecal and fecal microbiome responses to stress are accompanied by sex-and diet-dependent changes in behavior and gut serotonin (Apr 2022)
item Relationship and distribution of Salmonella enterica serovar I 4,[5],12:i:- strain sequences in the NCBI Pathogen Detection database (Apr 2022)
item Innovative treatments enhancing the functionality of gut microbiota to improve quality and microbiological safety of foods of animal origin (Apr 2022)
item Enhanced detection of Giardia duodenalis mixed assemblage infections in pre-weaned dairy calves using next generation sequencing (Mar 2022)
item Use of a silver-based sanitizer to accelerate Escherichia coli die-off on fresh-cut lettuce and maintain produce quality during cold storage: Laboratory and pilot-plant scale tests (Mar 2022)
item Salmonella carriage in peripheral lymph nodes and feces of cattle at slaughter is affected by cattle type, region, and season (Mar 2022)
item From Deer-to-Deer: SARS-CoV-2 is efficiently transmitted and presents broad tissue tropism and replication sites in white-tailed deer (Mar 2022)
item Influence of forage substrates on environmental and egg microbiology in cage-free aviary housing flocks. (Mar 2022)
item Virulome and genome analyses identifies associations between antimicrobial resistance genes and virulence factors in highly drug-resistant Escherichia coli isolated from veal calves (Mar 2022)
item Biocontrol of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella enterica on fresh strawberries with lactic acid bacteria during refrigerated storage (Mar 2022)
item Arising From: “Global spread of Salmonella Enteritidis via centralized sourcing and international trade of poultry breeding stocks” (Nature Communications 12:5109, 2021) (Mar 2022)
item A neurochemical biogeography of the broiler chicken intestinal tract (Mar 2022)
item Impact of feeding bigheaded carp fish meal on meat quality and sensory attributes in organic broiler chickens (Mar 2022)
item Effects of temperature abuse on the growth and survival of Listeria monocytogenes on a wide variety of whole and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables during simulated storage (Mar 2022)
item Aflatoxin B1 sorption and safety of dietary sodium bentonite in sprague-dawley rats (Feb 2022)
item Tissue colonization and egg and environmental contamination associated with the experimental infection of cage-free laying hens with Salmonella Braenderup. (Feb 2022)
item A hybrid sequencing and assembly strategy for generating culture free Giardia genomes (Feb 2022)
item Draft genome sequence of an Escherichia coli ST38 strain isolated from dry cow feces on a commercial dairy operation (Feb 2022)
item Pre-harvest biocontrol of Listeria and Escherichia coli O157 on spinach and lettuce by lactic acid bacteria (Feb 2022)
item Dynamics of gastrointestinal activity and ruminal absorption of the methane-inhibitor, nitroethane, in cattle (Feb 2022)
item Informal nutrition symposium: Leveraging the microbiome (and the metabolome) for poultry production (Feb 2022)
item Understanding egg processing storage areas sanitation (Jan 2022)
item Understanding egg processing cooler sanitation (Jan 2022)
item Understanding egg processing employee welfare areas and general facility sanitation (Jan 2022)
item AB5 Enterotoxin-Mediated Pathogenesis: Perspectives gleaned from Shiga toxins (Jan 2022)
item Dynamics of Listeria monocytogenes and microbiome on fresh-cut cantaloupe and romaine lettuce during storage at refrigerated and abusive temperatures (Jan 2022)
item Kinome analysis of cattle peripheral lymph nodes to elucidate differential response to Salmonella spp (Jan 2022)
item The bovine tuberculoid granuloma (Jan 2022)
item Contamination of eggs by Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Typhimurium in experimentally infected laying hens in indoor cage-free housing (Dec 2021)
item The impact of pre-slaughter fasting on the ruminal microbial population of commercial angus steers (Dec 2021)
item Edible and water solvable corn zein coating impregnated with nisin for Listeria monocytogenes reduction on nectarine and apple (Dec 2021)
item House fly larval grazing alters dairy cattle manure microbial communities (Dec 2021)
item Understanding egg processing auxiliary system sanitation (Dec 2021)
item Dietary fishmeal replacement by black soldier fly larvae meals affected red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) production performance and intestinal microbiota depending on what feed substrate the insect larvae were offered (Dec 2021)
item Susceptibility of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) to SARS-CoV-2 (Nov 2021)
item Diarrhoea-causing enteric protist species in intensively and extensively raised pigs ( Sus scrofa domesticus) in Southern Spain. Part II: Association with Hepatitis E virus susceptibility (Nov 2021)
item A windowed correlation based feature selection method to improve time series prediction of dengue fever cases (Nov 2021)
item Disinfectant and antimicrobial susceptibility studies of Staphylococcus aureus strains and ST398 and ST5 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains from swine mandibular lymph node tissue, commercial pork sausage… (Nov 2021)
item Exploring the impact of the microbiome on neuroactive steroid levels in germ-free animals (Nov 2021)
item Diarrhoea-causing enteric protist species in intensively and extensively raised pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus) in Southern Spain. Part I: Prevalence, genetic diversity, and zoonotic potential (Nov 2021)
item Salmonella diversity along the farm-to-fork continuum of pastured poultry flocks in the southeastern United States (Oct 2021)
item AT homopolymer strings in salmonella enterica subspecies I contribute to speciation and serovar diversity (Oct 2021)
item Butyrate, forskolin, and lactose synergistically enhance disease resistance of chickens by inducing host defense peptide and barrier function gene expression (Sep 2021)
item Flume and single-pass washing systems for fresh-cut produce processing: Disinfection by-products evaluation (Sep 2021)
item Antagonistic effects of lipids against the anti-Escherichia coli and anti-Salmonella activity of thymol and thymol-ß-D-glucopyranoside in porcine gut and fecal cultures in vitro (Sep 2021)
item The effect of fluctuating incubation temperatures on West Nile virus infection in Culex mosquitoes (Sep 2021)
item Contamination of eggs by Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Typhimurium in experimentally infected laying hens in indoor cage-free housing. (Sep 2021)
item Molecular detection and characterization of Blastocystis sp. and Enterocytozoon bieneusi in cattle in Northern Spain (Sep 2021)
item Identification of multiple Blastocystis subtypes in domestic animals from Colombia using amplicon-based next generation sequencing (Aug 2021)
item Identification of an intestinal microbiota signature associated with the severity of necrotic enteritis (Aug 2021)
item Select phytochemicals reduce Campylobacter jejuni in postharvest poultry and modulate the virulence attributes of C. jejuni (Aug 2021)
item Tissue colonization and egg and environmental contamination associated with experimental infection of laying hens with Salmonella Braenderup (Jul 2021)
item Genetic characterization of Salmonella Enteritidis recovered from chicken samples collected by the USDA FSIS in Mississippi between 2016 and 2020 (Jul 2021)
item Wide genetic diversity of Blastocystis in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) from Maryland, USA (Jun 2021)
item Salmonella control in egg-laying chickens: Understanding how and why (Jun 2021)
item Escherichia coli O157 differentially express proteins with a potential role in bacterial adaptation and survival in vivo in the rumen of cattle (Jun 2021)
item Response of phosphine-resistant and -susceptible Lasioderma serricorne adults to different light spectra (May 2021)
item Mind the gap: new full-length sequences of Blastocystis subtypes generated via Oxford Nanopore Minion sequencing allow for comparisons between full-length and partial sequences of the small subunit of the ribosomal RNA gene (May 2021)
item Antibiotic resistance, antimicrobial residues and bacterial community diversity in pasture-raised poultry, swine and beef cattle manures (May 2021)
item Sodium butyrate modulates chicken macrophages proteins essential for Salmonella Enteritidis invasion (Apr 2021)
item Next-generation sequencing reveals wide genetic diversity of Blastocystis subtypes in chickens including potentially zoonotic subtypes (Apr 2021)
item Mechanical transmission of SARS-CoV-2 by house flies (Apr 2021)
item Occurrence and genetic diversity of protist parasites in captive non-human primates, zookeepers, and free-living sympatric rats in the Córdoba Zoo Conservation Centre, southern Spain (Mar 2021)
item Infection, dissemination, and transmission potential of North American Culex quinquefasciatus, Culex tarsalis, and Culicoides sonorensis for Oropouche virus (Feb 2021)
item Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) communities differ between a game preserve and nearby natural areas in northern Florida (Jan 2021)
item A review of the control of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) in the continental United States (Jan 2021)
item Cantaloupe facilitates Salmonella Typhimurium survival within and transmission among adult house flies (Musca domestica L.) (Jan 2021)
item Comparison of the effect of insecticides on bumble bees (Bombus impatiens) and mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus) by standard mosquito research methods (Dec 2020)
item Short-term and long-term modeling of the COVID-19 epidemic in the Hubei Province (Aug 2020)
item Environmental and sex effects on bacterial carriage by adult house flies (Musca domestica L.) (Jun 2020)
item Highlights of mosquito and vector biology and control in Latin America (Jan 2019)