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Plant Disease & Nematode Control
item Phosphorylation of PIP2;7 by CPK28 or Phytophthora kinase effectors dampens pattern-triggered immunity in Arabidopsis (Sep 2024)
item A Metabolic modelling-based framework for predicting trophic dependencies in native rhizobiomes of crop plants (Sep 2024)
item GWAS of resistance to three bacterial diseases in the Andean common bean diversity panel (Sep 2024)
item Sugarcane mosaic virus detection in maize using UAS multispectral imagery (Sep 2024)
item Effectiveness of anaerobic soil disinfestation for weed and nematode management in organic sweetpotato (Aug 2024)
item Citrus tristeza virus: a century-long challenge for the world's citrus industries (Aug 2024)
item First report of molecular variability of Belonolaimus longicaudatus associated with turfgrass in Maryland (Aug 2024)
item Kimberly sugar beet germplasm evaluated for rhizomania and storage rot resistance in Idaho, 2023 (Aug 2024)
item Fine mapping of stem rust resistance derived from soft red winter wheat cultivar AGS2000 to an NLR gene cluster on chromosome 6D (Aug 2024)
item Morphological and molecular characterization of Boleodorus volutus in the United States from the rhizosphere of medicinal hemp (Aug 2024)
item Geospatial analysis of California strawberry fields reveals regional differences in crop rotation patterns and the potential for lengthened rotations at current levels of production (Aug 2024)
item Genome analysis of the esca-associated Basidiomycetes Fomitiporia mediterranea, Fomitiporia polymorpha, Inonotus vitis, and Tropicoporus texanus reveals virulence factor repertoires characteristic of white-rot fungi (Aug 2024)
item Cowpea leaf and pod spots caused by Periconia igniaria and their potential control by biosynthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles (Aug 2024)
item Full-length ITS amplicon sequencing resolves Phytophthora species in surface waters used for orchard irrigation in California’s San Joaquin Valley (Aug 2024)
item A diagnostic guide for orange rust disease in sugarcane (Aug 2024)
item Complete genome coding sequence of freesia sneak virus from Freesia refracta necrotic leaves (Aug 2024)
item Managing fruit rot diseases of Vaccinium corymbosum (Aug 2024)
item Transcriptomic Analysis of Watermelon-Squash Vein Yellowing Virus Interactions Reveals Elevated Expression of Callose and RNA Silencing Genes in Resistant Genotype (Aug 2024)
item Beet curly top virus affects vector biology: The first transcriptome analysis of the beet leafhopper (Jul 2024)
item The origin, deployment, and evolution of a plant-parasitic nematode effectorome (Jul 2024)
item Resilience of soybean genotypes to drought stress during the early vegetative stage (Jul 2024)
item Characterization of three resistance-breaking isolates of sugarcane mosaic virus from Rwanda and implications for maize lethal necrosis (Jul 2024)
item Maize grain metabolite profiling by NMR: Effects of growing year, variety, and cropping system (Jul 2024)
item First report of lettuce big-vein virus and Mirafiori lettuce big-vein virus infecting chicory in South Korea (Jul 2024)
item Lysinibacillus pinottii sp. nov., a novel species with anti-mosquito and anti-mollusk activity (Jul 2024)
item Effects of sulfur dioxide fumigation on mortality of confused flour beetle (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and rice weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) (Jul 2024)
item Host and shelter plants for the beet leafhopper which vectors curly top viruses and phytoplasmas in southern Idaho (Jul 2024)
item Mitochondrial genome resource of the cottony ash psyllid, a host of a newly identified 'Candidatus Liberibacter' bacterium (Jul 2024)
item Managing Fusarium Root Rots in Pea (Jul 2024)
item Scope, distribution, and cause of the peanut kernel shrivel (PKS) syndrome: An emerging threat to Australia’s Peanut Industry (Jun 2024)
item WATTS UP! Exploring soil-applied pulse electric field as an alternative to Methyl Bromide (Jun 2024)
item Host status of ornamental shade trees and shrubs to plant parasitic nematodes (Jun 2024)
item PUB40 attenuates Phytophthora capsica resistance by destabilizing the MEK2-SIPK/WIPK cascade in Nicotiana benthamiana (Jun 2024)
item Secreted in xylem 6 (SIX6) mediates Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. fragariae race 1 avirulence on FW1-resistant strawberry cultivars (Jun 2024)
item Harnessing walnut-based zinc oxide nanoparticles: a sustainable approach to combat disease complex of Meloidogyne arenaria and Macrophomina phaseolina in Cowpea (Jun 2024)
item Evaluation of 21 different media on shoot regeneration in 11 cultivars of citrus using juvenile tissue (Jun 2024)
item Krisp: A Python package to aid in the design of CRISPR and amplification-based diagnostic assays from whole genome sequencing data (Jun 2024)
item Impact of the ban on the soil-applied fumigant methyl bromide (Jun 2024)
item Managing Esca in susceptible ‘Sauvignon blanc’ wine grapes through trunk renewal (Jun 2024)
item Europe as a secondary distribution hub in the worldwide invasion of the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis (Jun 2024)
item Distribution of three Verticillium dahliae races in coastal California and evaluation of resistance in lettuce (Jun 2024)
item Assessment of the distribution of dagger nematodes and associated nematode transmitted viruses in Pacific Northwest small fruit crops (Jun 2024)
item Plant-driven assembly of disease-suppressive soil microbiomes (Jun 2024)
item Single host plant species may harbour more than one species of Peronospora – a case study in Peronospora on Plantago (Jun 2024)
item Response of durum wheat vs. bread wheat to Fusarium foot and root rot under semi-arid conditions (Jun 2024)
item Biochemical and nanotechnological approaches to combat phytoparasitic nematodes (Jun 2024)
item Comparative genomics and evidence for an unusual functional polyamine oxidation pathway in aquatic duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza L.) (Jun 2024)
item Plant-parasitic nematode genera associated with turfgrass in Maryland golf courses and athletic fields (Jun 2024)
item Investigation of enological techniques to mitigate the effects of grapevine red blotch disease on wine composition (Jun 2024)
item Evaluation of pinto genotypes of common bean for resistance to anthracnose (Jun 2024)
item Almond can be infected by Plum Pox Virus-D isolate Penn4 and is a transmission-competent host (May 2024)
item Influence of Fungicide Application on Rhizosphere Microbiota Structure and Enzymes in Diverse Cannabinoid-Rich Hemp Cultivars (May 2024)
item Vertical distribution of plant-parasitic nematodes in peanut-cotton cropping systems (May 2024)
item Disease-suppressive soils induce systemic resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (May 2024)
item Identifying walnut rootstocks with resistance to multiple soil-borne plant pathogens (May 2024)
item First global report of Hyaloperonospora brassicae in commercial broccoli and cabbage microgreens (May 2024)
item Vulnerability of pear (Pyrus) genetic resources in the U.S. (May 2024)
item Effect of rootstock genotype and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) species on early colonization of apple (May 2024)
item Survey of potential fungal antagonists of coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) on Coffea arabica in Hawai‘i, USA (May 2024)
item Varied attributes of jalapeño pepper cultivars influence fresh-cut product quality (May 2024)
item Cultivars and production environments shape shoot endophyte profiles of boxwood with different blight resistance (May 2024)
item Genomic and pangenomic analyses provide insights into the population history and genomic diversification of bottle gourd (May 2024)
item Functional analysis of the mating type genes in Verticillium dahliae (May 2024)
item First report of Neofabraea actinidiae causing a cranberry fruit rot in Oregon (May 2024)
item Experimental host and vector ranges of the emerging maize yellow mosaic polerovirus (Apr 2024)
item Understanding the dynamic interactions of root-knot nematodes and their host: role of plant growth promoting bacteria and abiotic factors (Apr 2024)
item Draft genome sequences of four isolates of the fungus, Neofusicoccum parvum, that are pathogenic on hemp (Cannabis sativa) (Apr 2024)
item Protocol for quantitative evaluation of misfolded protein degradation using Agrobacterium-mediated expression system in Nicotiana benthamiana (Apr 2024)
item Subsurface seep irrigation effects on Omnivorous Nematode vertical distribution in Lysimeters (Apr 2024)
item Bioassay-guided isolation and identification of cytotoxic compounds from Melaleuca quinquenervia fruits (Apr 2024)
item Multiplex PCR assay for detection and identification of Gnomoniopsis idaeicola, the causal agent of blackberry collapse (Apr 2024)
item Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus Is Transmissible through a Greenhouse Hydroponic System but May Be Inactivated by Cold Plasma Ozone Treatment (Apr 2024)
item Evaluating reniform nematode management practices with reniform-resistant cotton cultivars and breeding lines containing USDA germplasm (Apr 2024)
item Metabolism of halauxifen acid is regulated by genes located on wheat chromosome 5A (Apr 2024)
item Rapid assessment of beech leaf disease in Fagus sylvatica buds (Apr 2024)
item Registration of FL16045-25: An early-maturing, high-yielding, disease-resistant soft red facultative wheat variety for the Southern U.S. (Apr 2024)
item Effects of anaerobic soil disinfestation for soilborne disease and weed management on baby leaf lettuce performance in a high tunnel organic production system (Apr 2024)
item Registration of ‘CP 13-1954’ sugarcane for Florida organic soils (Apr 2024)
item Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of the dwarf soybean Minimax (Apr 2024)
item First report of cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus infecting cucurbit crops in Jamaica (Apr 2024)
item Characterization of Botrytis spp. on red raspberries in Northwestern Washington (Mar 2024)
item Aluminum foils growth of Botrytis and Gnomoniopsis idaeicola (Mar 2024)
item Old foe, new crop: Neofabraea actinidiae causes a cranberry fruit rot in Oregon and Washington (Mar 2024)
item Phenotypic and molecular characterization of Botrytis cinerea from blueberry fields in the Pacific Northwest for tolerance of SDHI fungicides (Mar 2024)
item It’s a trap! Part II: An approachable guide to constructing and using rotating-arm air samplers (Mar 2024)
item The effect of boxwood leaf volatiles on conidial germination of Calonectria pseudonaviculata, the causal agent of boxwood blight (Mar 2024)
item Revisiting Fusarium oxysporum Epidemiology: A review of current knowledge and recent advances in airborne dispersal of spores (Mar 2024)
item Transcriptome analysis of resistant cotton germplasm responding to reniform nematodes (Mar 2024)
item Development of a next generation SNP genotyping array for wheat (Mar 2024)
item A multidisciplinary, cross-species approach to understanding woody plant declines: similarities between Kiwifruit Vine Decline Syndrome (KVDS) and Apple Replant Disease (ARD) [abstract] (Mar 2024)
item Macrophomina phaseolina clonal and recombinant genotypes specialize for virulence on strawberry and soybean (Mar 2024)
item Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of stripe rust on winter wheat in 2023 (Mar 2024)
item Experimental sugar beet cultivars evaluated for rhizomania resistance and storability in Idaho, 2022 (Mar 2024)
item Kimberly sugar beet germplasm evaluated for Rhizoctonia crown and root rot resistance in Idaho, 2023 (Mar 2024)
item Foliar and seed treatment insecticides for the control of beet curly top in Idaho sugar beet, 2023 (Mar 2024)
item Commercial sugar beet cultivars evaluated for rhizomania resistance and storability in Idaho, 2022 (Mar 2024)
item Evaluation of Pacific Northwest spring wheat cultivars to fungicide application for control of stripe rust in 2023 (Mar 2024)
item Fungicide sensitivity of Phytophthora isolates from the Washington red raspberry industry (Mar 2024)
item Biological control potential of worrisome wheat blast disease by the seed endophytic bacilli (Mar 2024)
item Mapping the genetic architecture of low-temperature stress tolerance in citron watermelon (Mar 2024)
item A scalable, low-cost phenotyping strategy to assess tuber size, shape, and the colorimetric features of tuber skin and flesh in potato breeding populations (Mar 2024)
item Adoption of unoccupied aerial systems in agricultural research (Mar 2024)
item Characterization of data observing Meloidogyne incognita, Neofusicoccum parvum, and Xylella fastidiosa infection effects on development of grapevine phenolic compound levels and resistance to subsequent Neofusicoccum parvum (Mar 2024)
item Metformin blocks BIK1-mediated CPK28 phosphorylation and enhances plant immunity (Mar 2024)
item Evaluation of Pacific Northwest winter wheat cultivars to fungicide application for control of stripe rust in 2023 (Mar 2024)
item Undesirable protein sequence variations in maize genes that confer resistance to fungal pathogens and insect pests (Mar 2024)
item Virulence characterization of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici in China using the Chinese and Yr single-gene differentials (Mar 2024)
item Assembly and analysis of the genome of Notholithocarpus densiflorus (Mar 2024)
item First report of Meloidogyne hapla on hemp (Cannabis sativa) in Oregon (Mar 2024)
item Alternative fertilization practices lead to improvements in yield-scaled global warming potential in almond orchards (Mar 2024)
item A quantitative trait loci on maize chromosome 5 is associated with root-knot nematode resistance (Mar 2024)
item SlBEL11 regulates flavonoid biosynthesis, thus fine-tuning auxin efflux to prevent premature fruit drop in tomato (Feb 2024)
item Cover crop and crop rotation effects on tissue and soil population dynamics of Macrophomina phaseolina and yield under no-till system (Feb 2024)
item A fast-response model of turbulence and passive scalar transport in row-organized canopies (Feb 2024)
item It’s a trap! Part I: Exploring the applications of rotating-arm impaction samplers in plant pathology (Feb 2024)
item Effects of maize chlorotic mottle virus and potyvirus resistance on maize lethal necrosis disease (Feb 2024)
item Timing matters: Remotely sensed vegetation greenness can predict insect vector migration and therefore outbreaks of curly top disease (Feb 2024)
item Unlocking allelic variation in circadian clock genes to develop environmentally robust and productive crops (Feb 2024)
item Unlocking allelic variation in circadian clock genes to develop environmentally robust and productive crops (Feb 2024)
item Recovery plan for Ralstonia solanacearum Race 3 Biovar 2 (Phylotype IIB, sequevars 1 and 2) causing brown rot of potato, bacterial wilt of tomato, and southern wilt of geranium (Feb 2024)
item Evaluation of tomato germplasm against tomato brown rugose fruit virus and identification of resistance in Solanum pimpinellifolium (Feb 2024)
item Green waste compost impacts microbial functions related to carbohydrate use and active dispersal in plant pathogen-infested soil (Feb 2024)
item Evaluation of drought tolerance in USDA tomato germplasm at seedling stage (Feb 2024)
item Phosphorus fertilization can improve young almond tree growth in multiple replant settings (Feb 2024)
item Registration of ‘CP 15-2516’ for organic soils in Florida (Feb 2024)
item Efficacy and phytotoxicity of sulfur dioxide fumigation for postharvest control of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), on select fresh fruit and vegetables (Feb 2024)
item Development of 'TN16-520R1': A drought-tolerant soybean cultivar with glyphosate resistance (Feb 2024)
item First report of Phytophthora ramorum causing leaf spots on Cornus capitata (evergreen dogwood) in the United States (Feb 2024)
item A field survey of grapevine germplasm susceptible to Eutypa dieback (Feb 2024)
item Open access and reproducibility in plant pathology research: Guidelines and best practices (Feb 2024)
item Microscopic features of lignin deposition patterns in young apple roots using brightfield and fluorescence imaging (Feb 2024)
item Climatic variability, spatial heterogeneity and the presence of multiple hosts drive the population structure of the pathogen Phytophthora ramorum and the epidemiology of Sudden Oak Death (Jan 2024)
item Curly top viruses and phytoplasmas in sugar beets, common beans, and beet leafhoppers along with vector population dynamics in southern Idaho (Jan 2024)
item The globodera rostochiensis Gr29D09 effector with a role in defense suppression targets potato hexokinase 1 protein (Jan 2024)
item Genotype sequencing and phylogenetic analysis revealed the origins of Citrus yellow vein clearing virus California isolates (Jan 2024)
item Evaluation of fumigant toxicity of cyclohexanone to 5 species of insect pests (Jan 2024)
item Lytic phages isolated from Egypt for biocontrol of potato soft rot caused by Pectobacterium carotovorum (Jan 2024)
item Susceptibility and yield response of commercial corn hybrids to maize dwarf mosaic disease (Jan 2024)
item Diversity of 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' strains in Texas revealed by prophage sequence analyses (Jan 2024)
item Kss1 of Verticillium dahliae regulates virulence, microsclerotia formation, and nitrogen metabolism (Jan 2024)
item Species diversity, nitrogen fixation, and nutrient solubilization activities of endophytic bacteria in pea embryos (Jan 2024)
item Genetic and pathogenic variability among isolates of Sporisorium reilianum causing sorghum head smut (Jan 2024)
item Abscisic acid-induced transcription factor PsMYB306 negatively regulates tree peony bud dormancy release (Jan 2024)
item Enhancing reniform nematode management in sweet potato by complementing host-plant resistance with non-fumigant (Jan 2024)
item Transcriptomic evidence of a link between cell wall biogenesis, pathogenesis, and vigor in walnut root and trunk diseases (Jan 2024)
item Peach LAZY1 and DRO1 protein-protein interactions and co-expression with PRAF/RLD family support conserved gravity-related protein interactions across plants (Jan 2024)
item Correlations among agronomic traits obtained from sorghum accessions planted in a field infected with three important fungal diseases (Jan 2024)
item Fungicide use patterns in select United States wine grape production regions (Jan 2024)
item Global phylogenic analysis of soybean dwarf virus isolates and their associations with aphid vectors and severe disease in soybeans (Jan 2024)
item Transgressive segregation, hopeful monsters, and phenotypic selection drove rapid genetic gains and breakthroughs in predictive breeding for quantitative resistance to Macrophomina in strawberry (Jan 2024)
item Genome wide association study of common resistance to rust species in tetraploid wheat (Jan 2024)
item Impact of high night temperature on soybean physiology and yield parameters (Jan 2024)
item Genetic interactions between BEN1- and cytochrome P450-mediated brassinosteroid inactivation (Jan 2024)
item A shocking treatment (Jan 2024)
item Exaggerated plurivory of Macrophomina phaseolina: Accounting for the large host range claim and the shifting of scientific language (Jan 2024)
item Improving our understanding of potato mop-top virus in the northwest U.S (Jan 2024)
item Release of 'UI Gold' hard white spring wheat (Jan 2024)
item Hyperspectral and photodiode retrievals of nighttime LED-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (LEDIF) for tracking photosynthetic phenology in a vineyard (Dec 2023)
item Brodie, a dual-purpose chipping and tablestock variety with resistance to pathotypes Ro1 and Ro2 of the golden cyst nematode and partial resistance to pathotype Pa2/3 of the pale cyst nematode (Dec 2023)
item Characterization of variation in virulence-related genes of Phytophthora palmivora associated with cacao (Dec 2023)
item Lehigh, a variety with yellow flesh and resistance to the golden cyst nematode and common scab (Dec 2023)
item Bursaphelenchus mucronatus (Nematoda: Parasitaphelenchidae) associated with Monochamus galloprovincialis from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Georgia (Dec 2023)
item Comparison of molecular protocols to detect Tomato brown rugose fruit virus in solanaceae hosts (Dec 2023)
item An analysis of inter-endosperm balance number crosses with the wild potato solanum verrucosum (Dec 2023)
item Challenges and progress in evaluating apple root resistance responses to Pythium ultimum infection (Dec 2023)
item Genetic diversity and classification of Colletotrichum sublineola pathotypes using a standard set of sorghum differentials (Dec 2023)
item A super-pangenome of the North American wild grape species (Dec 2023)
item Draft genome sequence of Xylella fastidiosa strain ATCC 35874 isolated from infected red oak in Washington, D.C. (Dec 2023)
item Metabarcoding for plant pathologists (Dec 2023)
item Fine-mapping and evolutionary history of R-BPMV, a dominant resistance gene to Bean pod mottle virus in Phaseolus vulgaris L. (Dec 2023)
item Long-term compost use and high frequency low concentration fertigation reduce N2O emissions from a California almond orchard (Dec 2023)
item Investigation of antimicrobial, antioxidant, and cytotoxic activities of Boesenbergia rotunda rhizome extract (Dec 2023)
item A canister assay for evaluating host status of potato to Meloidogyne chitwoodi (Dec 2023)
item A genome-wide association study of Nigerien and Senegalese sorghum germplasms of Exserohilum turcicum, the causal agent of leaf blight (Nov 2023)
item Non-target effects of essential oils on selected beneficial bacteria (Nov 2023)
item Epidemiology and management of plant viruses under a changing climate (Nov 2023)
item Fungal Pathogens of Cacao in Puerto Rico (Nov 2023)
item Developing suppressive crop rotation strategies for strawberries (Nov 2023)
item Soil pest control in strawberry with strategic steam placement (Nov 2023)
item Identification of a locus for high-temperature adult-plant resistance to stripe rust in the wheat Yr8 near-isogenic line through mutagenesis and molecular mapping (Nov 2023)
item Morphological and molecular characterization of Longidorus patuxenticus n. sp. (Nematoda: Longidoridae) from Maryland and California, USA (Nov 2023)
item Reaction of sorghum differentials to grain mold infection in Puerto Rico (Nov 2023)
item Lineage-specific genes are clustered with HET-domain genes and respond to environmental and genetic manipulations regulating reproduction in Neurospora (Nov 2023)
item Directing the apple rhizobiome toward resiliency post-fumigation (Nov 2023)
item Genome sequence resource for “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” strain GDCZ from a historical HLB endemic region in China (Nov 2023)
item Virulence characterization of Puccinia striiformis causing stripe rusts on wheat and barley in the United States in 2022 (Nov 2023)
item Progress towards effective Phytophthora root rot control (Nov 2023)
item Two zinc finger proteins, VdZFP1 and VdZFP2, interact with VdCmr1 to promote melanized microsclerotia development and stress tolerance in Verticillium dahliae (Oct 2023)
item Comparative evaluation of volatile organic compounds in two bottle guard accessions with distinct fruit shapes (Oct 2023)
item Xylella fastidiosa requires the Type II secretion system for pathogenicity and survival in grapevine (Oct 2023)
item Development of a PNA-LNA-LAMP assay to detect an SNP associated with QoI resistance in Erysiphe necator (Oct 2023)
item Unraveling microbial endosymbiosis dynamics in plant-parasitic nematodes with a genome skimming strategy (Oct 2023)
item Origins of lineage-specific elements via gene duplication, relocation, and regional rearrangement in Neurospora crassa (Oct 2023)
item Transmission of spinach downy mildew via seed and infested leaf debris (Oct 2023)
item Long-term integration of bahiagrass into a cover-cropped and strip-tilled peanut-cotton rotation has a limited effect on soil carbon and fertility (Oct 2023)
item Resilience of cotton cultivars to chilling stress during germination (Oct 2023)
item The interaction of two Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici effectors modulates high-temperature seedling-plant resistance in wheat (Oct 2023)
item Identification and reproduction of dagger nematode (Xiphinema americanum) in potato (Sep 2023)
item Evaluation of reniform nematode resistant commercially available cotton cultivars compared with USDA developed cotton breeding lines (Sep 2023)
item Improved tissue sampling for reliable detection of Candidatus liberibacter asiaticus (Sep 2023)
item Phenotyping grapevine cultivars for resistance to Eutypa dieback (Sep 2023)
item Longer cluster hanging time decreases the impact of grapevine red blotch disease in Vitis vinifera L. Merlot across two seasons (Sep 2023)
item Specific and sensitive detection tools for Xanthomonas arboricola pv. corylina, the causal agent of bacterial blight of hazelnut, developed with comparative genomics (Sep 2023)
item Retrospective and Prospective look at Discoveries from Verticillium Comparative Genomics (Sep 2023)
item First report of Eratyrus cuspidatus (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) infected with Trypanosoma cruzi in peridomestic environment in Chiapas, México (Sep 2023)
item Occurence and distribution of Globodera SPP. in Bolivia (Sep 2023)
item Sporodochia formed by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae produce airborne conidia and are ubiquitous on diseased strawberry plants in California (Sep 2023)
item A Citrullus genus super-pangenome reveals extensive variations in wild and cultivated watermelons and sheds light on watermelon evolution and domestication (Sep 2023)
item Identification of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol production in the genus Chromobacterium (Aug 2023)
item Nematodes associated with saffron II: Bioindication for soil health assessment and impact of agricultural practices (Aug 2023)
item Evaluation of spinach cultivars for downy mildew resistance in San Juan Bautista, CA 2022 (Aug 2023)
item Genome-wide QTL mapping for stripe rust resistance in spring wheat line PI 660122 using the wheat 15K SNP array (Aug 2023)
item Microscopic study of lignin deposition patterns in young apple roots during defense activation in response to Pythium ultimum infection [abstract] (Aug 2023)
item Seed transmission of spinach downy mildew (Aug 2023)
item First report of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae race 2 causing Fusarium wilt of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) in California (Aug 2023)
item Phytopathogenic nematode communities infesting Moroccan olive agroecosystems: Impact of agroecological patterns (Aug 2023)
item Phyllosphere microbial diversity, specific taxa, and environmental conditions mediate within-cultivar resistance to Phytophthora palmivora in cacao (Aug 2023)
item A broad genomic survey of Macrophomina spp. reveals host-genotype associations and evidence of on-going recombination (Aug 2023)
item Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae race 2 in California did not evolve through a single mutation in the AvrFW1 avirulence gene (Aug 2023)
item Coding-complete genome sequence of a novel isolate of papaya virus E in tomato (Aug 2023)
item Agricultural Research Service weed science research: past, present, and future (Aug 2023)
item AC-DC Electropenetrography to study effects of chemical compounds on details of arthropod vector feeding behaviors (Aug 2023)
item Differential gene expression of Asian citrus psyllids infected with ‘Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus’ reveals hyper-susceptibility to invasion by instar fourth-fifth and teneral adult stages (Aug 2023)
item Engineering disease-suppressive soil microbiomes using network-based analysis of metagenomics data [abstract] (Aug 2023)
item Development of resources for control of stripe rust on wheat and barley in the United States (Aug 2023)
item Comparative genomics and literature review of Macrophomina phaseolina indicate that a re-interpretation of host range is necessary (Aug 2023)
item Go in for the kill: the influence of temperature on necrotrophic growth of Macrophomina phaseolina on strawberry (Aug 2023)
item Revisiting the host range of Macrophomina phaseolina (Aug 2023)
item Natural and Substrate-induced Microbial Succession and its Impact on Verticillium Wilt (Aug 2023)
item Comparison of assembly platforms for the assembly of the nuclear genome of Trichoderma harzianum strain PAR3 (Aug 2023)
item A survey of the major sorghum production regions for foliar and panicle diseases during the 2022 growing season in Senegal, West Africa (Aug 2023)
item Whole genome sequence of Citrus yellow vein clearing virus CA1 isolate (Aug 2023)
item Quantifying the physiological, yield, and quality plasticity of Southern USA soybeans under heat stress (Aug 2023)
item Genome-wide identification and analysis of a cotton secretome reveals its role in resistance against Verticillium dahliae (Aug 2023)
item Pathosystems research advances agricultural pest and specialty crop disease management in the San Joaquin Valley of California (Jul 2023)
item Multiplex quantitative PCR assay for detection of spinach and lettuce downy mildews using spore trapping (Jul 2023)
item A pear S1-bZIP transcription factor PpbZIP44 modulates carbohydrate metabolism, amino acid, and flavonoid accumulation in fruits (Jul 2023)
item Yield performance, mineral profile, and nitrate content in a selection of seventeen microgreens species (Jul 2023)
item Greater rate of nitrogen fertilizer application increases root rot caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi and P. plurivora in container-grown rhododendron (Jul 2023)
item Registration of eight germplasm lines of upland cotton resistant to nematodes with elite agronomic performance (Jul 2023)
item First report of tomato spotted wilt virus infecting lobelia in South Korea (Jul 2023)
item Alterations of phloem translatome gene expression during Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus infection in tolerant and susceptible citrus cultivars (Jul 2023)
item Root-knot nematodes produce functional mimics of tyrosine-sulfated plant peptides (Jul 2023)
item Nondestructive evaluation of cotton genotypes for resistance to reniform nematode (Jul 2023)
item Elucidating the potential of fly ash in root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) suppression on okra (Abelmoschus es-culentus L.): insights into cellular viability and host defence system (Jul 2023)
item Conversion of deproteinized cheese whey to lactobionate by an engineered Neurospora crassa strain F5 (Jul 2023)
item Identification and GWAS mapping of genes for resistance to multiple rusts in an eastern European barley collection (Jun 2023)
item First waikavirus infectious clones and vascular expression of green fluorescent protein from maize chlorotic dwarf virus (MCDV) (Jun 2023)
item First report of barley root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne naasi from turfgrass in Idaho, with multigene molecular characterization (Jun 2023)
item Functional characterization of Verticillium dahliae race 3-specific gene VdR3e in virulence and elicitation of plant immune responses (Jun 2023)
item Effect of RNAi suppression of the gossypol pathway on resistance to necrotrophic fungal seedling disease pathogens in cotton (Jun 2023)
item A chromosome-scale genome assembly of the grape powdery mildew pathogen Erysiphe necator reveals its genomic architecture and previously unknown features of its biology (Jun 2023)
item Letter to the Editor: The Ralstonia research community rejects the proposal to classify phylotype I Ralstonia into the new species Ralstonia nicotianae (Jun 2023)
item Carbon sources for anaerobic soil disinfestation in southern California strawberry (Jun 2023)
item The virome of babaco (Vasconcellea x heilbornii) expands to include new members of the Rhabdoviridae and Bromoviridae (Jun 2023)
item First report of the beech leaf disease nematode Litylenchus crenatae mccannii (Nematoda: Anguinidae) in Michigan (Jun 2023)
item First report of powdery mildew of American ginseng caused by Erysiphe heraclei in Tennessee and the United States (Jun 2023)
item Potential biocontrol agents of corn tar spot disease isolated from overwintered Phyllachora maydis stromata (Jun 2023)
item Effect of sugarcane yellow leaf virus in the second clonal stage of the Canal Point cultivar development program (Jun 2023)
item First report of dasheen mosaic virus infecting calla lilies in South Korea (Jun 2023)
item Contribution of native plasmids of Pantoea vagans C9-1 to epiphytic fitness and fire blight management on apple and pear flowers and fruits (Jun 2023)
item Alternative carbon sources for anaerobic soil disinfestation in California strawberry (Jun 2023)
item Planting-hole steam application for pathogen and weed control in organic strawberry in Southern California (Jun 2023)
item Genomic analyses of a widespread blueberry virus in the United States (Jun 2023)
item Impact of non-fumigant nematicides on reproduction and pathogenicity of Meloidogyne enterolobii and disease severity in tobacco (Jun 2023)
item Ethylene controls cambium stem cell activity via promoting local auxin biosynthesis (Jun 2023)
item Papaya ‘sticky’ disease caused by virus ‘couples’: a challenge for disease detection and management (Jun 2023)
item Transcriptomic approach to uncover dynamic events in the development of mid-season sunburn in apple fruit (Jun 2023)
item Evaluation of a series of turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) chimeric clones reveals two amino acid sites critical for systemic infection in Chinese cabbage (Jun 2023)
item Complete genome sequences of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa and X. fastidiosa subsp. multiplex strains causing blueberry bacterial leaf scorch disease in Georgia, USA (May 2023)
item High quality genome of the tree pathogen Phytophthora plurivora - a novel resource for epidemiological research (May 2023)
item The role of secondary metabolites in the diversity of the Bacillus subtilis group; an important group of crop protection microbes (May 2023)
item Current status of genera and species of phytoparasitic nematodes in Egypt (May 2023)
item Molecular mapping of Yr85 and comparison with other genes for resistance to stripe rust on wheat chromosome 1B (May 2023)
item Terminology and guidelines for diagnostic assay development and validation: Best practices for molecular tests (May 2023)
item In vitro antagonistic action by Bacillus velezensis strain LP16S against cotton wilt pathogens (May 2023)
item Drought, heat, and management interact to affect soil carbon and nitrogen losses in a temperate, humid climate (May 2023)
item Genetic diversity among rose rosette virus isolates: a roadmap towards studies of gene function and pathogenicity (May 2023)
item Lysinibacillus spp.: An IAA-producing endospore forming-bacteria that promotes plant growth (May 2023)
item Transmission of spinach downy mildew via seed and infested leaf debris (May 2023)
item Nematode problems in temperate fruits and their sustainable management (Apr 2023)
item Comparative RNA-seq analysis of resistant and susceptible Theobroma cacao fruits in response to infection with frosty pod pathogen (Moniliophthora roreri) (Apr 2023)
item Incidence, severity, and prevalence of sorghum diseases in the major production regions in Niger (Apr 2023)
item Multiplex PCR assay for rapid identification of Monilinia rubi, the causal agent of dry-berry disease of caneberries (Apr 2023)
item Susceptibility of seven strawberry cultivars to Belonolaimus longicaudatus and interaction with Phytophthora cactorum (Apr 2023)
item VdTps2 modulates plant colonization and symptom development in Verticillium dahliae (Apr 2023)
item Potyvirus Resistance in Commercial Corn Germplasm: Vulnerability and Yield Penalties (Apr 2023)
item Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (Apr 2023)
item Thioredoxin VdTrx1, an unconventional secreted protein, is a virulence factor in Verticillium dahliae (Mar 2023)
item Steam treatments for control of Macrophomina crown rot in summer-planted strawberry (Mar 2023)
item Historic misunderstandings about the host range of Macrophomina phaseolina (Mar 2023)
item Geospatial analysis of California strawberry fields reveals regional differences in crop rotation and vulnerability to a warming climate (Mar 2023)
item Genome sequence resources for Verticillium dahliae-inhibiting Streptomyces spp. isolated from agricultural soil (Mar 2023)
item Efficacy and sorption of sulfur dioxide as a fumigant for control of navel orangeworm (Amyelois transitella) on stored pistachios (Mar 2023)
item Effects of flubeneteram on inhibiting the development of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici in wheat leaves (Mar 2023)
item Green yield as a potential predictor of cured burley tobacco yield in a Phytophthora nicotianae-infested field over four seasons. (Mar 2023)
item USVL531-MDR: Watermelon germplasm line with broad resistance to powdery mildew and phytophthora fruit rot (Mar 2023)
item Evaluation of Pacific Northwest winter wheat cultivars to fungicide application for control of stripe rust in 2022 (Mar 2023)
item Evaluation of Pacific Northwest spring wheat cultivars to fungicide application for control of stripe rust in 2022 (Mar 2023)
item Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of stripe rust on winter wheat in 2022 (Mar 2023)
item Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of stripe rust on spring wheat in 2022 (Mar 2023)
item Effect of wheat cover crop on Macrophomina root rot and rhizosphere microbiome in strawberry (Mar 2023)
item Seed transmission of spinach downy mildew, and analyses of airborne lettuce and spinach downy mildew (Mar 2023)
item Climate and pest interactions pose a cross-landscape management challenge to soil and water conservation (Mar 2023)
item Sporodochia formed by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae: occurrence and implications (Mar 2023)
item Wheat pore-forming toxin-like protein confers broad-spectrum resistance to fungal pathogens in Arabidopsis (Mar 2023)
item Genomic Diversity in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae; Implications for effective development of host resistance (Mar 2023)
item Boxwood (Buxus spp.) - Boxwood Blight (Mar 2023)
item Surveys of Citrus tristeza virus in commercial citrus orchards in California (Mar 2023)
item Esca grapevine disease involves leaf hydraulic failure and represents a unique premature senescence process (Mar 2023)
item The need and a vision for a diagnostic assay validation network (Mar 2023)
item Molecular and morphological characterization of Tylenchus zeae n. sp. (Nematoda: Tylenchida) from Corn (Zea mays) in South Carolina (Feb 2023)
item Knowledge gaps, research needs, and opportunities in plant disease diagnostic assay development and validation (Feb 2023)
item Phylogeography and population structure of the global, wide host-range hybrid pathogen Phytophthora x cambivora (Feb 2023)
item Grapevine red blotch virus alters grape skin cell-wall composition impacting phenolic extractability during winemaking (Feb 2023)
item A petunia transcription factor, PhOBF1, regulates flower senescence by modulating gibberellin biosynthesis (Feb 2023)
item Charcoal rot severity and soybean yield responses to planting date, irrigation, and genotypes (Feb 2023)
item The leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase protein TaSERK1 positively regulates high-temperature seedling plant resistance to Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici by interacting with TaDJA7 (Feb 2023)
item The impact of cover crop management decisions on nematode reproduction rates (Feb 2023)
item Molecular characterization of horse nettle virus A, a new member of subgroup B in the genus Nepovirus (Feb 2023)
item Differentiation of cool-virulent strains in Ralstonia solanacearum species complex by melt curve of DNA fragment from effector gene ripS1 (Feb 2023)
item Updates on Fusarium wilt research: aerial dispersal and resistance-breaking strains (Feb 2023)
item Invasive annual grasses: re-envisioning approaches in a changing climate (Feb 2023)
item Transmission, localization, and infectivity of seedborne maize chlorotic mottle virus (Feb 2023)
item Identification and Management of the Emerging Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus on Cucurbit Crops (Feb 2023)
item Lessons from the introgression of G. hirsutum RNAi O-methyl transferase construct into G. barbadense (Jan 2023)
item Blocking gossypol pathway in cotton negatively impact resistance to seedling disease pathogens (Jan 2023)
item Canola rotation effects on soil water and subsequent wheat in the Pacific Northwest USA (Jan 2023)
item Genome resource for the Verticillium wilt resistant Gossypium hirsutum cultivar Zhongzhimian No. 2 (Jan 2023)
item Pest categorisation of Xylella taiwanensis (Jan 2023)
item The Verticillium dahliae secreted protein VdCE11 contributes to virulence by promoting accumulation and activity of the cotton aspartic protease GhAP1 (Jan 2023)
item Microbes vs. Nematodes: Insights into biocontrol through antagonistic organisms to control root-knot nematodes (Jan 2023)
item FW1-resistant varieties with Fusarium wilt in Oxnard, CA (Jan 2023)
item Trypanosoma evansi in water buffalo livestock (Jan 2023)
item Soil bacterial communities are influenced by soil chemical characteristics and dispersal limitation in commercial strawberry production systems (Jan 2023)
item Impact of cover crop implications on the soil faunal community (Jan 2023)
item Frequency of isolation of four fungal species colonizing sorghum grain collected from six lines in an anthracnose-infected field (Jan 2023)
item Evaluation of the Fungal Interaction between Fusarium Oxysporum f. Sp. Vasinfectum Race 4 and Rhizoctonia Solani on Disease Development in Pima and Upland Cotton (Jan 2023)
item Editorial: Systems Biology of Maturation and Senescence in Horticultural Plants (Jan 2023)
item Registration of ‘CP 14-1377’ sugarcane for organic soils in Florida (Jan 2023)
item Registration of ‘CP 14-1377’ sugarcane for organic soils in Florida (Jan 2023)
item Natural recombination among Type I restriction-modification systems creates diverse genomic methylation patterns among Xylella fastidiosa strains (Jan 2023)
item The genome of the oomycete Peronosclerospora sorghi, a cosmopolitan pathogen of maize and sorghum, is inflated with dispersed pseudogenes (Jan 2023)
item Preventing trunk diseases with fungicide applications to pruning wounds in Washington winegrapes (Jan 2023)
item Mapping phosphorus sorption and availability in California vineyard soils using an ensemble of machine learning models (Dec 2022)
item Maize lethal necrosis (Dec 2022)
item Evaluation of a subset of Ethiopia sorghum collection germplasm from the National Genetic Resources Program of the United States Department of Agriculture for anthracnose resistance (Dec 2022)
item High incidence of Hyaloperonospora cardamines-laciniatae on Cardamine concatenata in Maryland, USA (Dec 2022)
item Comparative analysis of tomato brown rugose fruit virus isolates shows limited genetic diversity (Dec 2022)
item First report of root and crown rot caused by Armillaria gallica on Cannabis sativa in California, U.S.A. (Dec 2022)
item Machine learning and analysis of genomic diversity of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” strains from 20 citrus production states in Mexico (Dec 2022)
item Whole genome sequencing-based tracing of a 2022 introduction and outbreak of Xanthomonas hortorum pv. pelargonii (Dec 2022)
item Disinfectants useful to manage the emerging tomato brown rugose fruit virus in greenhouse tomato production (Dec 2022)
item Multiple receptors contribute to the attractive response of Caenorhabditis elegans to pathogenic bacteria (Dec 2022)
item Are there universal soil responses to cover cropping? A systematic review (Dec 2022)
item Chromosome-level assembly of the Phytophthora agathidicida genome reveals adaptation in effector gene families (Dec 2022)
item Pathogenicity and control of the citrus nematode Tylenchulus semipenetrans on some citrus, grape, olive, loquat, and persimmon species and cultivars (Dec 2022)
item Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus (Dec 2022)
item Draft genome sequence of Xylella fastidiosa strain causing bacterial leaf scorch of American elm in Washington, D. C. (Nov 2022)
item Characterization and response of two potato receptor-like kinases to cyst nematode infection (Nov 2022)
item The lychee erinose mite (Aceria litchii), in the context of the mite-plant interaction (Nov 2022)
item Virus classification based on in-depth sequence analyses and development of demarcation criteria using the Betaflexiviridae as a case study (Nov 2022)
item The feasibility of using autofluorescence to detect lignin deposition pattern during defense response in apple roots to Pythium ultimum infection (Nov 2022)
item Phytophthora capsici, 100 years later: Research mile markers from 1922 to 2022 (Nov 2022)
item Non-fumigant nematicides are promising alternatives to fumigants for the management of Meloidogyne enterolobii in tobacco (Nov 2022)
item The changing status of citrus pest in California: from the past to the future (Nov 2022)
item Weed management by summer cover crops, solarization and anaerobic soil disinfestation in plasticulture (Nov 2022)
item Mexico: A landscape of viroid origin and epidemiological relevance of endemic species (Nov 2022)
item Don't get burned by charcoal rot (Nov 2022)
item Investigating grapevine red blotch virus infection in Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon grapes: A multi-omics approach (Oct 2022)
item Effects of grass-based crop rotation, nematicide, and irrigation on the nematode community in cotton (Oct 2022)
item Mapping and validation of Alectra vogelii resistance in the cowpea landrace B301 (Oct 2022)
item Molecular and morphological characterization of fresh and 20-year-old fixed nematode specimens of Sauertylenchus maximus (Allen, 955) Siddiqi, 2000 from Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, USA (Oct 2022)
item The RhLOL1-RhILR3 module mediates cytokinin-induced petal abscission in rose (Oct 2022)
item A call to APS membership for equal representation in nominations for APS Awards (Oct 2022)
item Perspective: State of the field of plant pathogen diagnostic assay development and validation (Oct 2022)
item Dual functionality of Trichoderma: Biocontrol of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and biostimulant of cotton plants (Oct 2022)
item Fungal species associated with grapevine trunk diseases in Washington wine grapes and California table grapes, with novelties in the genera Cadophora, Cytospora, and Sporocadus (Oct 2022)
item Clade-specific monitoring of airborne Pseudoperonospora spp. sporangia using mitochondrial DNA markers for disease management of cucurbit downy mildew (Sep 2022)
item First report of watermelon mosaic virus naturally infecting coriander (Coriandrum sativum) and causing a leaf mottling disease in California (Sep 2022)
item Role of the KNOTTED1-LIKE HOMEOBOX protein (KD1) in regulating abscission of tomato flower pedicels at early and late stages of the process (Sep 2022)
item Mixed infections of fungal trunk pathogens and induced systemic phenolic compound production in grapevines (Sep 2022)
item Biological features and in planta transcriptomic analyses of a Microviridae phage (CLasMV1) in “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” (Sep 2022)
item Effects of meteorological and land surface modeling uncertainty on errors in winegrape ET calculated with SIMS (Aug 2022)
item A reference genome sequence resource for the sugar beet root rot pathogen Aphanomyces cochlioides (Aug 2022)
item USDA-ARS Boxwood blight research in Oregon (Aug 2022)
item A SlCLV3-S1WUS module regulates auxin and ethylene homeostasis in low light-induced tomato flower abscission (Aug 2022)
item Evaluation of spinach cultivars for downy mildew resistance in Yuma, AZ 2022 (Aug 2022)
item Overexpressing phytochrome interacting factor 8 of Myrothamnus flabellifolia enhanced drought and salt tolerance in Arabidopsis (Jul 2022)
item A WRKY protein, MfWRKY40, of resurrection plant Myrothamnus flabellifolia plays a positive role in regulating tolerance to drought and salinity stresses of Arabidopsis (Jul 2022)
item Overexpression of Myrothamnus flabellifolia MfWRKY41 confers drought and salinity tolerance by enhancing root system and antioxidation ability in Arabidopsis (Jul 2022)
item Evaluation of host-plant resistance and high residue rye for management of Meloidogyne incognita in cotton (Jul 2022)
item Plantago asiatica mosaic virus: an emerging plant virus causing necrosis in lilies and a new model RNA virus for molecular research (Jul 2022)
item Heterologous expression of MfWRKY7 of resurrection plant Myrothamnus flabellifolia enhances salt and drought tolerance in Arabidopsis (Jul 2022)
item Genomic analysis of heavy metal-resistant Halobacterium salinarum isolated from Sfax solar saltern sediments (Jul 2022)
item Xylem functionality controlling blossom-end rot incidence in transgenic ALC::NCED tomato plants (Jul 2022)
item Toward a holistic view of orchard ecosystem dynamics: A comprehensive review of the multiple factors governing development or suppression of apple replant disease (Jul 2022)
item Tracheid buckling buys time, foliar water uptake pays it back: Coordination of leaf structure and function in tall redwood trees (Jun 2022)
item Predicting and interpreting cotton yield and its determinants under long-term conservation management practices using machine learning (Jun 2022)
item Rose Rosette Disease: A Diagnostic Guide (Jun 2022)
item Effects of long-term low oxygen storage treatment on survival of rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae) and confused flour beetle (Tribolium confusum) (Jun 2022)
item The emergence of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. apii race 4 and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. coriandrii highlight major obstacles facing agricultural production in coastal California in a warming climate: A case study (Jun 2022)
item Structural and functional leaf diversity lead to variability in photosynthetic capacity across a range of Juglans regia genotypes (Jun 2022)
item A polyketide synthase from Verticillium dahliae modulates melanin biosynthesis and hyphal growth to promote virulence (May 2022)
item The chrysanthemum DEAD-box RNA helicase, CmRH56, regulates rhizome outgrowth in response to drought stress (May 2022)
item The HD-Zip transcription factor S1HB15A regulates abscission by modulating jasmonoyl-isoleucine biosynthesis (May 2022)
item Soil health practices have different outcomes depending on local soil conditions (Apr 2022)
item Vine water status mapping with multispectral UAV imagery and machine learning (Apr 2022)
item Inter-annual variability of land surface fluxes across vineyards: The role of climate, phenology, and irrigation management (Apr 2022)
item Evapotranspiration uncertainty at micrometeorological scales: The impact of the eddy covariance energy imbalance and correction methods (Mar 2022)
item Management of Potato Pests and Diseases in Africa (Mar 2022)
item Detecting short-term stress and recovery events in a vineyard using tower-based remote sensing of photochemical reflectance index (PRI) (Feb 2022)
item Dessication of the leaf mesophyll and its implications for C02 diffusion and light processing (Feb 2022)
item Esca and young vine decline (Feb 2022)
item Pruning-wound protectants for trunk-disease management in California table grapes (Jan 2022)
item S1-bZIP transcription factors play important roles in the regulation of fruit quality and stress responses (Jan 2022)
item Revisiting the source of wilt symptoms: X-ray microcomputed tomography provides direct evidence that Ralstonia biomass clogs xylem vessels (Jan 2022)
item Current status of nitric oxide fumigation research for postharvest control of pests and pathogens (Nov 2021)
item Effects of nitric oxide fumigation on mortality of light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) (Nov 2021)
item Improvement of drought resistance through manipulation of the gibberellic acid pathway (Nov 2021)
item Effects of low oxygen storage on survival of rice weevil and confused flour beetle (Oct 2021)
item Root pressure-volume curve traits capture rootstock drought tolerance (Oct 2021)
item Auxin response and transport during induction of pedicel abscission in tomato (Sep 2021)
item Nitric oxide fumigation for postharvest control of pests and pathogens (Aug 2021)
item Detection of spores of causal fungi of dieback-type trunk diseases in young, asymptomatic vineyards and mature, symptomatic vineyards (Aug 2021)
item DNA-based detection of grapevine trunk-disease from environmental spore samples (Aug 2021)
item Maize rayado fino virus-based tool for high penetrance virus-induced gene silencing (Aug 2021)
item Editorial: Regulation of fruit ripening and senescence (Jul 2021)
item A cytokinin analog Thidiazuron suppresses shoot growth in potted rose plants via the gibberellic acid pathway (Jul 2021)
item Ecologically driven selection of nonstructural carbohydrate storage in oak trees (Jul 2021)
item Anisole is an environmentally friendly fumigant for postharvest pest control (Jun 2021)
item Inherent and stress-induced responses of fine root morphology and anatomy in commercial grapevine rootstocks with contrasting drought resistance (Jun 2021)
item The circadian-controlled PIF8-BBX28 module regulates petal senescence in rose flowers by governing mitochondrial ROS homeostasis at night (May 2021)
item Impacts of large-scale teleconnection indices on chill accumulations for specialty crops in California (May 2021)
item Transcriptomics provides a genetic signature of vineyard site and offers insight into vintage-independent inoculated fermentation outcomes (Apr 2021)
item Sources and assembly of microbial communities in vineyards as a functional component of winegrowing (Apr 2021)
item A regional soil classification framework to improve soil health diagnosis and management (Mar 2021)
item Phylogenomics of plant-associated Botryosphaeriaceae species (Mar 2021)
item AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 18–HISTONE DEACETYLASE 6 module regulates floral organ identity in rose (Rosa hybrida) (Mar 2021)
item Inflorescence abscission protein S1IDL6 promotes low light intensity-induced tomato flower abscission (Mar 2021)
item Dehydration-induced WRKY transcriptional factor MfWRKY70 of Myrothamnus flabellifolia enhanced drought and salinity tolerance in Arabidopsis (Feb 2021)
item Fungal and bacterial communities of ‘Pinot noir’ must: effects of vintage, growing region, climate, and basic must chemistry (Feb 2021)
item Ethylene-regulated asymmetric growth of the petal base promotes flower opening in rose (Rosa hybrida) (Feb 2021)
item Reforestation tool for tree mortality in postfire reforestation framework for national forests in California (Feb 2021)
item A novel aspartic protease inhibitor inhibits the enzymatic browning of potatoes (Feb 2021)
item SlERF52 regulates SlTIP1;1 expression to accelerate tomato pedicel abscission (Jan 2021)
item Functional hydraulic sectoring in grapevines as evidenced by sap flow, dye infusion, leaf removal, and micro-computed tomography (Jan 2021)
item Nitrogen dioxide fumigation for microbial control on unshelled peanuts (Dec 2020)
item Coordinated decline of leaf hydraulic and stomatal conductances under drought is not linked to leaf xylem embolism for different grapevine cultivars (Dec 2020)
item Modification of a gas exchange system to measure active and passive chlorophyll fluorescence simultaneously under field conditions (Dec 2020)
item Climate change reduces frost exposure for high-value California orchard crops (Dec 2020)
item Xylella fastidiosa causes transcriptional shifts that precede tylose formation and starch depletion in xylem (Nov 2020)
item Adaptation strategies and approaches for California forest ecosystems (Nov 2020)
item Low genetic diversity suggests the recent introduction of dogwood powdery mildew to North America (May 2019)