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Functional Performance Properties
item A genome-wide association study approach to identify novel major-effect quantitative trait loci for end-use quality traits in soft red winter wheat (Sep 2024)
item Novel high internal phase emulsion gels stabilized solely by hemp protein isolate: Enhancement of cannabidiol chemical stability and bioaccessibility (Sep 2024)
item Understanding oxidation of Hemp seed oil and improving its stability by encapsulation into protein microcapsules (Aug 2024)
item Encapsulation of alpha-tocopherol into zein nanoparticles (Aug 2024)
item Postmortem changes in water properties of wooden breast meat (Aug 2024)
item Relationships between texture and water property measurements in raw intact broiler breast fillets with the wooden breast condition (Aug 2024)
item Proteomic characterization of peanut flour fermented by rhizopus oryzae (Aug 2024)
item Characterization of starch-rich fraction obtained from wet protein isolation process in pea (Pisum sativum L.) (Aug 2024)
item Changes in sorghum starch digestibility, phytochemical composition, and cell bioactivity of sorghum flour during heat and high moisture pH treatments (Aug 2024)
item Upcycling soybean meal through enzymatic conversion of insoluble fiber into soluble dietary fiber enhanced by ball milling (Aug 2024)
item Effect of in-package cold plasma treatment on poultry breast meat packaged in high CO2 atmosphere (Jul 2024)
item Biochemical and genotype analyses with spaghetti meat condition in chicken breast (Jul 2024)
item Multi-omics analyses on chicken meat quality and spaghetti meat (Jul 2024)
item Alteration in the water properties in hot-deboned normal and wooden breast fillets during the first 24 h postmortem (Jul 2024)
item Relationship between thaw loss and water properties in frozen/thawed broiler breast meat with the wooden breast condition (Jul 2024)
item Transcriptome and metabolome analysis reveals regulatory networks associated with nutrition synthesis in sorghum seeds (Jul 2024)
item Machine learning- assisted multispectral and hyperspectral imaging (Jul 2024)
item High-molecular-weight glutenin subunit profiles of eastern U.S. soft winter wheat desirable for making soft-bite white salted noodles (Jul 2024)
item Particle size reduction influences starch and protein functionality, and nutritional quality of stone milled whole wheat flour from hard red spring wheat (Jun 2024)
item Multi-omics analyses of chicken breast with spaghetti meat myopathy (Jun 2024)
item Impact of broiler carcass orientation after slaughter on breast meat quality when evaluating delayed processing (Jun 2024)
item Reduced expression of ribonucleotide reductase small subunit M2 in muscle and several organs potentially altered tissue health and mitochondria function in woody breast chickens (Jun 2024)
item Effects of citrus fiber on texture and water-holding capacity of wooden breast chicken nuggets (Jun 2024)
item Combined relaxation spectra for the prediction of meat quality: A case study on broiler breast fillets with the wooden breast condition (Jun 2024)
item Characterization of the proximate composition, lipid oxidation status, and mineral content of mature tree nuts from nine hazelnut cultivars grown in the United States (Jun 2024)
item Molecular and gene expression analyses of chicken oncomodulin and their association with breast myopathies in broilers (May 2024)
item Relationships between texture and water property measurements in raw intact broiler breast fillets with the wooden breast condition (May 2024)
item Enhancing gluten network formation and bread-making performance of wheat flour using wheat bran aqueous extract (May 2024)
item Crystal structure of hetero hexameric 11S seed storage protein of hazelnut (Apr 2024)
item Utilization of a resonant cavity for characterization of single in-shell peanuts (Apr 2024)
item Development of Multimodal Fusion Technology for Tomato Maturity Assessment (Apr 2024)
item Effects of freezing/thawing on T2 relaxation measurements in chicken breast meat (Apr 2024)
item Discovery of a novel bioactive compound in orange peel polar fraction on the inhibition of trimethylamine and trimethylamine N-oxide through metabolomics approaches and in vitro and vivo assays: Feruloylputrescine inhibits (Apr 2024)
item Grain protein and amino acid dynamics in sorghum with in-season split-nitrogen application (Mar 2024)
item Proteomic analyses on chicken breast meat with white striping myopathy (Mar 2024)
item Nondestructive assessment of woody breast myopathy in chicken fillets using optical coherence tomography imaging with machine learning: a feasibility study (Mar 2024)
item Changes in meat compositions in marinated broiler Pectoralis major with the woody breast condition (Mar 2024)
item Micro-heterogeneity and micro-rheological properties of cellulose-based hydrogel studied by diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS) (Mar 2024)
item Rheological and micro-rheological properties of chicory inulin gels (Feb 2024)
item Reduced ribonucleotide reductase RRM2 subunit expression increases DNA damage and mitochondria dysfunction in woody breast chickens (Feb 2024)
item Wheat quality council, hard spring wheat technical committee, 2023 crop (Feb 2024)
item Profile of blood microbiota in broiler chickens with different foot pad dermatitis scores (Jan 2024)
item Water properties in intact wooden breast fillets during refrigerated storage (Jan 2024)
item Characterizing the spatial distribution of woody breast condition in broiler breast fillet by compression force measurement (Dec 2023)
item Bioprocessed black rice bran potentiates the growth inhibitory activity of an immune checkpoint inhibitor against murine colon carcinoma (Dec 2023)
item Replacement of carbon black with coppiced biochar in guayule rubber composites improves tensile properties (Dec 2023)
item Modulation of seed amylose content in durum wheat through mutagenesis of starch synthase IIa (SSIIa) and its effect on milling and semolina quality (Nov 2023)
item IgE and IgG4 epitopes of the peanut allergens shift following oral immunotherapy (Nov 2023)
item Effect of flour particle size on the glycemic index of muffins made from whole sorghum and comparison to muffins made from whole corn, brown rice, whole wheat, or refined wheat flours (Nov 2023)
item STAC: A tool to leverage genetic marker data for crop research and breeding (Nov 2023)
item The cell wall-related gene families of wheat (Triticum aestivum) (Nov 2023)
item Study of hard red spring wheat millstreams on correlation between protein MW parameters and bread-making quality (Nov 2023)
item The effect of exogenous cadmium and zinc applications on cadmium, zinc, and essential mineral bioaccessibility in three lines of rice that differ in grain cadmium accumulation (Nov 2023)
item Description of U6719-004 wheat germplasm with YrAS2388R stripe rust resistance introgression from Aegilops tauschii (Oct 2023)
item Alternative slaughter procedures: on-farm slaughter and transport system for broilers (Oct 2023)
item Adult Ossabaw pigs prefer fermented sorghum tea over isocaloric sweetened water (Oct 2023)
item Comparing bread-making properties of white and whole wheat flours from 64 different genotypes: A correlation analysis (Oct 2023)
item Use of insect protein powder as a sustainable alternative to complement animal and plant-based protein contents in human and animal food (Oct 2023)
item A critical review on quantification of food bioactive components by NIR and chemometrics: Principles, advances, and challenges (Sep 2023)
item Sorghum Oleoresins: Effect of extraction on compositional and structural characteristics (Sep 2023)
item Particle size reduction influences protein and starch functional properties of whole wheat flour from hard red spring wheat (Sep 2023)
item Nitrogen fertilizer application rates alter protein and starch functional properties in hard red spring wheat (Sep 2023)
item Development of Fourier transform-near infrared and -mid infrared models to predict oat quality (Sep 2023)
item Impact of in-season split application of nitrogen on intra-panicle grain dynamics, grain quality and vegetative indices that govern nitrogen use efficiency in sorghum (Sep 2023)
item Quantitative proteomic analysis of super soft kernel texture in soft white spring wheat (Sep 2023)
item Proteomics on postmortem meat with white striping myopathy (Sep 2023)
item Effects of citrus fiber on texture properties of chicken nugget batter made with wooden breast (Aug 2023)
item Impact of delayed carcass processing on broiler breast meat quality (Aug 2023)
item Effect of Meat Temperature on Moisture Loss and Water Properties in Broiler Pectoralis Major with The Woody Breast Condition (Aug 2023)
item Performance of a handheld Micro NIR instrument in comparison with laboratory benchtop NIR instrument for determining protein levels in harvested sorghum grain samples (Aug 2023)
item Incorporating chickpea flour can enhance mixing tolerance and dough strength of wheat flour (Aug 2023)
item Upcycled romaine lettuce powder as a dietary supplement for control of metabolic syndrome (Aug 2023)
item Genetic factors influencing triticale quality for food (Aug 2023)
item Soft textured wheat with high protein content and strength is suitable for making hot-press tortillas (Jul 2023)
item Characterization of yellow pea genotypes for performance (agronomic and quality) and stability across environments (Jul 2023)
item Post acid treatment on pressurized liquid extracts of sorghum bicolor grain and plant material improves quantification and identification of 3-deoxyanthocyanidins (Jul 2023)
item Potential role of ribonucleotide reductase enzyme in mitochondria function and woody breast in broiler chickens (Jul 2023)
item Transformation of muscle to meat during poultry processing (Jul 2023)
item Using a Microwave Sensor to Monitor Shrinkage Within an Eighth-scale Grain Drying System in Real-time (Jul 2023)
item Water characteristics in broiler pectoralis major during postmortem aging and storage (Jul 2023)
item Microbiota on the surface of footpads and meat quality of broiler chickens with different footpad dermatitis scores (Jul 2023)
item Proteomics of enriched mitochondria from postmortem meat with woody breast myopathy (Jul 2023)
item Effects of delayed broiler carcass processing on breast meat quality (Jul 2023)
item Characterization and expression analyses of chicken oncomodulin genes and association with breast myopathies in broilers (Jul 2023)
item Registration of 12 soft red winter partial waxy wheat germplasms carrying one or two null alleles at the Wx loci (Jul 2023)
item Genetic variation and heritability of sensory and artisan bread traits in a set of SRW wheat breeding lines (Jul 2023)
item Potential role of ribonucleotide reductase enzyme in mitochondria function and woody breast condition in broiler chickens (Jun 2023)
item Selecting high-performing and stable pea genotypes in multi-environmental trial (MET): Applying AMMI, GGE-biplot, and BLUP procedures (Jun 2023)
item Use of a microwave sensor to monitor bulk density during grain drying (Jun 2023)
item Genetics of a diverse soft winter wheat population for pre-harvest sprouting, agronomic, and flour quality traits (Jun 2023)
item Substitution of cooked kidney beans or ground beef in hypercholesterolemic high fat diets reduces plasma and liver lipids in hamsters (Jun 2023)
item Food allergens of plant origin (Jun 2023)
item Effect of jet-cooking on rheological properties of navy bean flour suspensions (May 2023)
item Investigating the influence of marination and storage on microwave dielectric properties of chicken breast meat (May 2023)
item Characterization of cricket protein powder and impact of cricket protein powder replacement on wheat protein composition (May 2023)
item Effect of cricket protein powders on dough functionality (May 2023)
item Protection of allergic asthma in mice by black rice bran bioprocessed with shiitake mushroom mycelia (Apr 2023)
item Nutritional strategies to improve meat quality and body composition in the challenging conditions of broiler production: A review (Apr 2023)
item Changes in components of T2 relaxation in chicken breast meat after slaughtering (Apr 2023)
item Malting quality and preharvest sprouting traits are genetically correlated in spring malting barley (Mar 2023)
item Milk fat globule membrane relieves fatigue via regulation of oxidative stress and gut microbiota in BALB/c mice (Mar 2023)
item Environmental conditions after fusarium head blight visual symptom development affect contamination of wheat grain with deoxynivalenol and deoxynivalenol-3- glucoside (Mar 2023)
item Whey protein hydrolysate renovates age-related and scopolamine-induced cognitive impairment (Feb 2023)
item Recognition and positioning of fresh tea buds using YOLOv4-lighted + ICBAM Model and RGB-D sensing (Feb 2023)
item Proteomic analysis of pecan (Carya illinoinensis) nut development (Feb 2023)
item Bread-making properties of varying size pulse flours at different ratios of application in composites with refined wheat flour (Feb 2023)
item Wheat Quality Council, Hard Spring Wheat Technical Committee, 2022 crop (Feb 2023)
item Cross-serological reaction of glandless cottonseed proteins to peanut and tree nut allergic IgE (Feb 2023)
item Changes in IgE and IgG4 epitopes of the peanut allergens following peanut oral immunotherapy (Feb 2023)
item TaqMan-based duplex real-time PCR approach for analysis of grain composition (Zea mays - Sorghum bicolor) in feedstock flour mixes for bioethanol production (Feb 2023)
item Proteomics profiling of pea seed development in high protein line (Feb 2023)
item Effect of bran particle size on rheology properties and baking quality of whole wheat flour from four different varieties (Jan 2023)
item Gene expression differences related to pre-harvest sprouting uncovered in related wheat varieties by RNAseq analysis (Jan 2023)
item Quick-cooking laminated white salted noodle development (Jan 2023)
item IgE epitopes of Ara h 9, Jug r 3, and Pru p 3 in peanut-allergic individuals from Spain and the US (Jan 2023)
item Comparative assessment of grain quality in tannin versus non-tannin sorghums in the sorghum association panel (Jan 2023)
item Development of brown egg micro-crack detection system using modified pressure method (Dec 2022)
item Effects of tannic acid supplementation on growth performance, gut health, and meat production and quality of broiler chickens raised in floor pens for 42 days (Dec 2022)
item IgE binding epitope mapping with TL1A tagged peptides (Dec 2022)
item Quality defects associated with poultry muscle development: spaghetti meat (Dec 2022)
item Influence of tempering methods on waxy white sorghum kernel, milling, and flour properties (Dec 2022)
item Culinary history and health benefits of Brasenia schreberi leaf and hydrocolloids (Dec 2022)
item Expression, purification, characterization, and patient IgE reactivity of new macadamia nut iso-allergen (Nov 2022)
item Grain and flour characteristics of eastern U.S. soft winter wheat desirable for making soft-bite white salted noodles (Nov 2022)
item Structural, functional properties, and aromatic profile of hemp protein isolate as affected by extraction method: alkaline extraction–isoelectric precipitation vs salt extraction (Nov 2022)
item Prediction of protein concentration in pea (Pisum sativum L.) using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) systems (Nov 2022)
item Allelic variations in phenology genes of eastern U.S. soft winter and Korean winter wheat and their associations with heading date (Nov 2022)
item Identification of genomic loci controlling grain macro and micronutrients variation in a Wild Barley (H. vulgare spp spontaneum) Diversity Panel (Nov 2022)
item Use of measurement of dielectric properties at microwave frequencies for real-time monitoring of water activity of almonds (Nov 2022)
item Impact of Negative Relationship between Yield and Protein Concentration in Pea Breeding for Plant-Based Protein Production (Nov 2022)
item Lauric acid treatments to oxidized and control biochars and their effects on rubber composite tensile properties (Oct 2022)
item Optimization of gum isolation and protein extraction from Camelina (Camelina sativa L. Crantz) seeds using decortication (Oct 2022)
item Reconstitution of bran components with refined flour: Impact on protein solubility and their associations with whole wheat bread-baking quality (Oct 2022)
item Manufacturing processes of peanut (arachis hypogaea) allergen powder-dnfp (Oct 2022)
item From bread to cake: a global history of Pacific Northwest wheat during the Cold War (Sep 2022)
item Reverse micelles extraction of hemp protein isolate: Impact of defatting processing on protein functionality, nutritional properties, and aroma profile (Sep 2022)
item 4-oxo-2-nonenal (4-ONE) induced degradation of bovine skeletal muscle proteins (Sep 2022)
item Genetic control of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] grain quality under variable environments (Sep 2022)
item Pendimethalin induces apoptotic cell death through activating ER stress-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (Aug 2022)
item Traditional and novel sorghum-based bread products – A literature review (Aug 2022)
item Registration of 'Lustre' durum wheat (Aug 2022)
item In vitro digestibility of starch in sorghum differing in endosperm hardness and flour particle size (Jul 2022)
item Structure modification, functionality and interfacial properties of kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) protein concentrate as affected by post-extraction treatments (Jul 2022)
item Investigating Density Increase During Grain Drying With a Microwave Sensor (Jul 2022)
item Targeting CD22 on Memory B cells to induce tolerance to peanut allergens (Jul 2022)
item Relationship between water-holding capacity and water property parameters in woody breast meat (Jul 2022)
item Effects of almond hulls on growth performance, carcass yield, and breast fillet meat quality in broilers raised in floor pens (Jul 2022)
item Quantitative in silico evaluation of allergenic proteins from Anacardium occidentale, Carya illinoinensis, Juglans regia, and Pistacia vera and their epitopes as precursors of bioactive peptides (Jul 2022)
item COMPILE: A GWAS computational pipeline for gene discovery in complex genomes (Jul 2022)
item Genetic architecture of end-use quality traits in soft white winter wheat (Jun 2022)
item Comparative performance of NIR-Hyperspectral imaging systems (Jun 2022)
item Improvement of whole wheat dough and bread properties by emulsifiers (Jun 2022)
item Biochemical and physicochemical changes in spaghetti meat during refrigerated storage of chicken breast (Jun 2022)
item Breast meat fatty acid profiling and proteomic analysis of Beijing-You chicken during the laying period (Jun 2022)
item Investigating the influence of grain drying with ambient air versus heated air within an eighth-scale grain drying bin (Jun 2022)
item Influence of peanut orientation on microwave sensing of moisture content in cleaned unshelled peanuts (Jun 2022)
item Effects of kefir lactic acid bacteria-derived postbiotic components on high fat diet-induced gut microbiota and obesity (May 2022)
item Increasing the versatility of durum wheat through modifications of protein and starch composition and grain hardness (May 2022)
item A comprehensive review on wheat phytochemicals: Chemistry and distribution, field management and processing effects, bioaccessibility, and health benefits (May 2022)
item Quantitative Assessment of Wheat Quality Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy: A Comprehensive Review (May 2022)
item Water properties and marinade uptake in broiler pectoralis major with the woody breast condition (May 2022)
item Quantitative trait loci impacting grain beta-glucan content in wild barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum) reveal genes associated with cell wall modification and carbohydrate metabolism (May 2022)
item Modulating molecular interactions in pea protein to improve its functional properties (May 2022)
item Grain, flour and batter properties estimating cake baking potential of wheat flour (May 2022)
item Influence of bread-making method, genotype, and growing location on whole-wheat bread quality in hard red spring wheat (Apr 2022)
item An investigation of the altered textural property in woody breast myopathy using an integrative omics approach (Mar 2022)
item Trait associations and genetic variability in field pea (Pisum sativum L.): Implications in variety development process (Mar 2022)
item Enhancing sorghum yield and grain quality through efficient nitrogen utilization - Challenges and opportunities (Feb 2022)
item Modification of physicochemical, functional properties, and digestibility of macronutrients in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) flours by different thermally treated whole seeds (Feb 2022)
item Effect of high-moisture extrusion and addition of transglutaminase on major peanut allergens content extracted by three step sequential method (Feb 2022)
item Rheological properties of hydrogels produced by cellulose derivatives cross-linked with citric acid, succinic acid, and sebacic acid (Feb 2022)
item Wheat Quality Council, Hard Spring Wheat Technical Committee, 2021 Crop (Feb 2022)
item Fuel ethanol production from starchy grain and other crops: An overview on feedstocks, affecting factors, and technical advances (Feb 2022)
item Clean-label breadmaking: Size exclusion HPLC analysis of proteins in dough supplemented with additives vs hard red spring wheat flour (Feb 2022)
item Structure, immunogenicity, and IgE cross-reactivity among walnut and peanut vicilin buried peptides (Feb 2022)
item Structure, immunogenicity, and IgE cross-reactivity among cashew, pistachio, and peanut vicilin-buried peptides (Feb 2022)
item Chemical composition, fatty acid and mineral content of food-grade white, red and black sorghum varieties grown in the Mediterranean environment (Feb 2022)
item Comparative evaluation of physicochemical and fermentative responses of three sorghum varieties from dryland and irrigated land and properties of proteins from distillers’ grains (Jan 2022)
item Development of imaging system for online detection of chicken meat with wooden breast condition (Jan 2022)
item Genetic control of source-sink relationships in grain sorghum (Jan 2022)
item Physicochemical composition, fermentable sugars, free amino acids, phenolics, and minerals in brewers' spent grains obtained from craft brewing operations (Jan 2022)
item Pea proteins: Variation, composition, genetics, and functional properties (Jan 2022)
item A novel approach: Supercritical carbon dioxide + ethanol extraction to improve techno-functionalities of pea protein isolate (Jan 2022)
item Permethrin inhibits tube formation and viability of endothelial cells (Jan 2022)
item Carbon black replacement in natural rubber composites using dry-milled calcium carbonate, soy protein, and biochar (Jan 2022)
item Predicting single kernel moisture and protein content of mushroom popcorn using NIR spectroscopy: Tool for detecting their effect on popping performance (Jan 2022)
item Grain micronutrient composition and yield components in field-grown wheat are negatively impacted by high night-time temperature (Dec 2021)
item Modification of zein dough functionality using kafirin as a coprotein (Dec 2021)
item Environment characterization and genomic prediction for end-use quality traits in soft white winter wheat (Dec 2021)
item Effect of plasma-activated solution treatment on cell biology of Staphylococcus aureus and quality of fresh lettuces (Dec 2021)
item Characterization of anti-ana o 3 monoclonal antibodies and their application in comparing brazilian cashew cultivars (Nov 2021)
item Interactions of the barley SD1 and SD2 seed dormancy loci influence preharvest sprouting, seed dormancy, and malting quality (Nov 2021)
item Low acrylamide flatbreads prepared from colored rice flours and relationship to asparagine and proximate content of flours and flatbreads (Nov 2021)
item Registration of ‘KS Hamilton’ Hard Red Winter Wheat (Nov 2021)
item Effects of the functional Gpc-B1 allele on soft durum wheat grain, milling, flour, dough, and breadmaking quality (Nov 2021)
item Bread-baking quality and the effects of Glu-D1 gene introgressions in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum) (Nov 2021)
item Near infrared spectroscopic evaluation of starch properties of breeding populations of grain sorghum (Oct 2021)
item Determination of foreign material content in uncleaned peanuts by microwave measurements and machine learning techniques (Oct 2021)
item Influences of hydrothermal and pressure treatments of wheat bran on the quality and sensory attributes of whole wheat Chinese steamed bread and pancakes (Oct 2021)
item Comprehensive understanding of roller milling on the physicochemical properties of red lentil and yellow pea flours (Oct 2021)
item Comprehensive understanding of roller milling on the physicochemical properties of red lentil and yellow pea flours (Oct 2021)
item Effects of Glu-D1 gene introgressions on soft white spring durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum) quality (Oct 2021)
item Registration of ten soft red winter waxy wheat germplasm lines (Sep 2021)
item Dough rheology and bread quality of whole wheat/pulse composite flour (Sep 2021)
item Effects of Glu-D1 gene introgressions on soft white spring durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum) quality (Sep 2021)
item Plant proteins from green pea and chickpea: Extraction, fractionation, structural characterization, and functional properties (Sep 2021)
item Microwave nondestructive sensing of moisture content and water activity of almonds (Aug 2021)
item Effect of tempering conditions on white sorghum milling, flour, and bread properties (Aug 2021)
item Effect of wheat quality traits and glutenin composition on tortilla quality from the USDA Southern Regional Performance Nursery (Aug 2021)
item Simplification of interior latex paint using biopolymer to replace rheological additives and calcium carbonate extender (Aug 2021)
item Quercetin ameliorates insulin resistance and restores gut microbiome in mice on high fat diets (Aug 2021)
item Evaluation of cellular absorption and metabolism of ß-carotene loaded in nano-carriers after in vitro digestion (Aug 2021)
item Mechanical properties of rubber reinforced with silica and hydrolyzed carbohydrate/protein fillers (Aug 2021)
item Tumor suppressive activity of high phenolic sorghum brans in colon cancer model (Aug 2021)
item Cooked black turtle beans ameliorate insulin resistance and restore gut microbiota in C57BL/6J mice on high-fat diets (Jul 2021)
item Genomic selection for end-use quality and processing traits in soft white winter wheat breeding program with machine and deep learning models (Jul 2021)
item Genome-wide association mapping of the ‘super soft’ kernel texture in white winter wheat (Jul 2021)
item Modeling Heat and Mass Transfer Within an Eighth-scale Grain Drying System (Jul 2021)
item Relationship between cooking quality of fresh pasta made from durum wheat and protein content and molecular weight distribution parameters (Jul 2021)
item Registration of 'Lang-MN' hard red spring wheat (Jul 2021)
item Four chromosome scale genomes and a pan-genome annotation to accelerate pecan tree breeding (Jul 2021)
item Effect of encapsulation on ß-carotene absorption and metabolism in mice (Jul 2021)
item Inhibitory effect of puroindoline peptides on Campylobacter jejuni growth and biofilm formation. (Jul 2021)
item Peanut protein acts as a Th2 adjuvant by inducing expression of RALDH2 in human antigen-presenting cells in a TLR2-dependent manner (Jul 2021)
item The viability of complex coacervates encapsulated probiotics during simulated sequential gastrointestinal digestion as affected by wall materials and drying methods (Jun 2021)
item Adverse effect of polystyrene microplastics (PS-MPs) on tube formation and viability of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (Jun 2021)
item Comparison of content in phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity in grains of white, red and black sorghum varieties grown in Mediterranean area (Jun 2021)
item Association mapping of sponge cake volume in PNW elite soft white wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (Jun 2021)
item Zein functionality in viscoelastic dough for baked food products (Jun 2021)
item Identification of a novel major allergen in buckwheat seeds: fag t 6 (Jun 2021)
item Collagen peptides with DPP-IV inhibitory activity from sheep skin and their stability to in vitro gastrointestinal digestion (Jun 2021)
item Modulating storage stability of binary gel by adjusting the ratios of starch and kappa-carrageenan (May 2021)
item Free-space transmission dielectric properties measurement based on six-port technology (May 2021)
item Antimicrobial Activity of Sorghum Phenolic Extract on Bovine Foodborne and Mastitis Causing Pathogens (May 2021)
item Rapid determination of total phenolic content of whole wheat flour using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics (May 2021)
item Registration of the Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] Nested Association Mapping (NAM) populations in RTx430 background (May 2021)
item Konjac glucomannan molecular and rheological properties that delay gastric emptying and improve the regulation of appetite (May 2021)
item High protein gluten free snack foods based on whole grain flour and vegetables (May 2021)
item Sponge cake baking quality – An 18-year retrospective (May 2021)
item Allergens and their associated small molecule ligands - their dual role in sensitization (May 2021)
item Porosity induced rigidochromism in platinum(II) terpyridyl luminophores @ silica composites (Apr 2021)
item A TEMPO-catalyzed oxidation-reduction method to probe surface and anhydrous crystalline-core domains of cellulose microfibril bundles (Apr 2021)
item Effects of different antioxidants on quality of meat patties treated with in-package cold plasma (Apr 2021)
item Adult peanut allergy: What we know and what we need to learn (Apr 2021)
item Gluten-like proteins, a common feature of pod bearing leguminous tree seed germs (Apr 2021)
item pH Mediated Colorimetric and Luminescent Sensing of Aqueous Nitrate Anions by a Platinum(II)@Mesoporous Silica Composite (Mar 2021)
item Evaluation of Multi Blade Shear (MBS) for determining texture of raw and cooked broiler breast fillets with the woody breast myopathy (Mar 2021)
item Soft durum wheat as a potential ingredient for direct expanded extruded products (Feb 2021)
item Wheat Quality Council, Hard Spring Wheat Technical Committee, 2020 Crop (Feb 2021)
item Influences of hydrothermal and pressure treatments on compositional and hydration properties of wheat bran and dough mixing properties of whole wheat meal (Feb 2021)
item Effect of transglutaminase crosslinking on solubility property and mechanical strength of gelatin-zein nanocomposite films (Feb 2021)
item Influences of grain and protein characteristics on in vitro protein digestibility of modern and ancient wheat species (Jan 2021)
item Effects of partial NaCl substitution with high-temperature ripening on proteolysis and volatile compounds during process of Chinese dry-cured lamb ham (Dec 2020)
item A comparative study on phenolic contents, antioxidant activity and anti-inflammatory capacity in lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW 264.7 macrophages of sorghum aqueous and ethanolic extracts (Dec 2020)
item Physicochemical and bread-making characteristics of millstreams obtained from an experimental long-flow mill in hard red spring wheat (Dec 2020)
item Registration of 'Stingray CL+' soft white winter wheat (Dec 2020)
item The Vromindolines of cv. Hayden oat (Avena sativa L.) – A review of the Poeae and Triticeae Indolines and a suggested system for harmonization of nomenclature (Dec 2020)
item Genetically engineered fusion of allergen and viral-like particle induces a more effective allergen-specific immune response than a combination of them (Nov 2020)
item Population growth and development of the khapra beetle (Coleoptera: Dermestidae), on different sorghum fractions (Nov 2020)
item Black, pinto and white beans lower hepatic lipids in hamsters fed high fat diets by excretion of bile acids (Oct 2020)
item Microencapsulation of hempseed oil by pea protein isolate sugar beet pectin complex coacervation: Influence of coacervation pH and wall/core ratio (Oct 2020)
item Allergenicity and food processing (Oct 2020)
item Coppiced biochars as partial replacement of carbon black filler in polybutadiene/natural rubber composites (Sep 2020)
item Prediction of quality traits and grades of intact chicken breast fillets by hyperspectral imaging (Sep 2020)
item Development of kafirin-based nanocapsules by electrospraying for encapsulation of fish oil (Sep 2020)
item Impact of defatting treatment and oat varieties on structural, functional properties, and aromatic profile of oat protein (Sep 2020)
item Influence of tempering condition on kernel crush-response profile and quality traits in hard red spring wheat (Sep 2020)
item Anti-trichomonad activities of different compounds from foods, marine products, and medicinal plants: a review (Sep 2020)
item Infusion of trans-resveratrol in micron-scale grape skin powder for enhanced stability and bioaccessibility (Aug 2020)
item Sulfur, protein molecular weight distribution, and bread-making quality traits for milling streams in hard spring wheat grown under sulfur fertilization (Aug 2020)
item Cloning, expression, and immunological characterization of formosan subterranean termite (blattodea: rhinotermitidae) arginine kinase (Jul 2020)
item Phase transformation induced mechanocromism in a platinum salt: a tale of two polymorphs (Jul 2020)
item Effect of beta-carotene status in microcapsules on its in vivo bioefficacy and in vitro bioaccessibility (Mar 2020)
item Chemistry of pterostilbene and its metabolic effects (Mar 2020)
item Hypolipidemic effects of dietary fibre from an artichoke by-product in syrian hamsters (Mar 2019)
item Identification and assessment of the IgE epitopes of Ara h 1 and Jug r 2 leader sequences (Feb 2018)