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Plant Pathogen Biology & Biosystematics
item Phytoplasmas: Molecular characterization and host-pathogen interactions (Sep 2024)
item Unraveling morphological, physiological, and transcriptomic alterations underlying the formation of little leaves in phytoplasma-infected sweet cherry trees (Sep 2024)
item Draft hybrid genome sequence of phytopathogen Marasmius tenuissimus strain MS-2, isolated from cacao in Ghana (Aug 2024)
item First report of a phytoplasma strain in the Elm Yellows Group (16SrV) associated with Virginia Creeper in Maryland, USA (Aug 2024)
item First report of molecular variability of Belonolaimus longicaudatus associated with turfgrass in Maryland (Aug 2024)
item iPhyDSDB: Phytoplasma disease and symptom database (Aug 2024)
item VRS5 (HvTB1) binds to the promoter of tillering and floral homeotic genes to regulate their expression (Aug 2024)
item Exploring virus diversity in the potato leafhopper (Empoasca fabae), an economically important agricultural pest (Aug 2024)
item Morphological and molecular characterization of Boleodorus volutus in the United States from the rhizosphere of medicinal hemp (Aug 2024)
item Genome-wide association study reveals marker-trait associations with resistance to Pythium irregulare from soybean germplasm (Aug 2024)
item Cowpea leaf and pod spots caused by Periconia igniaria and their potential control by biosynthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles (Aug 2024)
item Managing fruit rot diseases of Vaccinium corymbosum (Aug 2024)
item Complete genome coding sequence of freesia sneak virus from Freesia refracta necrotic leaves (Aug 2024)
item The origin, deployment, and evolution of a plant-parasitic nematode effectorome (Jul 2024)
item Molecular mimicry of a pathogen virulence target by a plant immune receptor (Jul 2024)
item Discovery of functional NLRs using high expression level, high-throughput transformation, and large-scale phenotyping (Jul 2024)
item Genetic diversity analysis of big-bracted dogwood (Cornus florida and C.kousa) cultivars, interspecific hybrids, and wild-collected accessions using RADseq (Jul 2024)
item First report of lettuce big-vein virus and Mirafiori lettuce big-vein virus infecting chicory in South Korea (Jul 2024)
item A draft genome resource for the cacao thread blight-causing fungal pathogen Marasmiellus scandens (Jul 2024)
item WATTS UP! Exploring soil-applied pulse electric field as an alternative to Methyl Bromide (Jun 2024)
item Host status of ornamental shade trees and shrubs to plant parasitic nematodes (Jun 2024)
item Genome evolution and transcriptome plasticity associated with adaptation to monocot and eudicot plants in Colletotrichum fungi (Jun 2024)
item First report of nectarine virus M in grapefruit (Citrus x paradisi Macfad.) in association with citrus chlorotic blotch disease in Texas, USA (Jun 2024)
item Harnessing walnut-based zinc oxide nanoparticles: a sustainable approach to combat disease complex of Meloidogyne arenaria and Macrophomina phaseolina in Cowpea (Jun 2024)
item Krisp: A Python package to aid in the design of CRISPR and amplification-based diagnostic assays from whole genome sequencing data (Jun 2024)
item Assessment of the distribution of dagger nematodes and associated nematode transmitted viruses in Pacific Northwest small fruit crops (Jun 2024)
item Momordica charantia is a novel host of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma malaysianum'-related strains associated with bitter melon stem fasciation disease in China (Jun 2024)
item Plant-driven assembly of disease-suppressive soil microbiomes (Jun 2024)
item Single host plant species may harbour more than one species of Peronospora – a case study in Peronospora on Plantago (Jun 2024)
item Response of durum wheat vs. bread wheat to Fusarium foot and root rot under semi-arid conditions (Jun 2024)
item Plant-parasitic nematode genera associated with turfgrass in Maryland golf courses and athletic fields (Jun 2024)
item Almond can be infected by Plum Pox Virus-D isolate Penn4 and is a transmission-competent host (May 2024)
item Supporting data for: Genome evolution and transcriptome plasticity associated with adaptation to monocot and eudicot plants in Colletotrichum fungi (May 2024)
item Disease-suppressive soils induce systemic resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (May 2024)
item First global report of Hyaloperonospora brassicae in commercial broccoli and cabbage microgreens (May 2024)
item Surviving the potato stems: differences in genes required for fitness by Dickeya dadantii and Dickeya dianthicola (May 2024)
item Cultivars and production environments shape shoot endophyte profiles of boxwood with different blight resistance (May 2024)
item Genomic and pangenomic analyses provide insights into the population history and genomic diversification of bottle gourd (May 2024)
item First report of Neofabraea actinidiae causing a cranberry fruit rot in Oregon (May 2024)
item Three decades of rust surveys in the United States reveal drastic virulence changes in oat crown rust (May 2024)
item Registration of CDL-111 and CDL-167 oat germplasm lines with pyramided adult plant crown rust resistance (May 2024)
item First report of a ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma sacchari’-related strain associated with yellowing and decline of Silver Bluestem in Texas, U.S.A. (Apr 2024)
item Effects of pyraclostrobin rotations and tank-mixtures on Cercospora beticola sensitivity and Cercospora leaf spot control in sugarbeet (Apr 2024)
item Understanding the dynamic interactions of root-knot nematodes and their host: role of plant growth promoting bacteria and abiotic factors (Apr 2024)
item Genomic factors shape carbon and nitrogen metabolic niche breadth across Saccharomycotina yeasts (Apr 2024)
item Subsurface seep irrigation effects on Omnivorous Nematode vertical distribution in Lysimeters (Apr 2024)
item Multiplex PCR assay for detection and identification of Gnomoniopsis idaeicola, the causal agent of blackberry collapse (Apr 2024)
item A review on streak mosaic, a misdiagnosed and emerging disease of sugarcane (Apr 2024)
item Multigenic hairpin transgenes in tomato confer resistance to multiple orthotospoviruses including Sw5 resistance-breaking tomato spotted wilt virus (Apr 2024)
item Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus Is Transmissible through a Greenhouse Hydroponic System but May Be Inactivated by Cold Plasma Ozone Treatment (Apr 2024)
item Remarkably high internal transcribed spacer haplotype diversity of the fungal select agent Coniothyrium glycines discovered throughout its range in Sub-Saharan Africa (Apr 2024)
item Clonal genomic population structure of Beauveria brongniartii and Beauveria pseudobassiana: Pathogens of the common European cockshafer (Melolontha melolontha L.) (Apr 2024)
item Rapid assessment of beech leaf disease in Fagus sylvatica buds (Apr 2024)
item Metabolism of halauxifen acid is regulated by genes located on wheat chromosome 5A (Apr 2024)
item Endophytic species of Colletotrichum associated with cashew tree in northeastern Brazil (Apr 2024)
item Phylogeography, origin, and population structure of the self-fertile emerging plant pathogen Phytophthora pseudosyringae (Apr 2024)
item The soybean Rpp3 gene encodes a TIR-NBS-LRR protein that confers resistance to Phakopsora pachyrhizi (Apr 2024)
item Complete genome of Vaccinium-associated virus C, a new virus in the family Totiviridae sequenced from Vaccinium floribundum (Apr 2024)
item Characterization of Botrytis spp. on red raspberries in Northwestern Washington (Mar 2024)
item Phenotypic and molecular characterization of Botrytis cinerea from blueberry fields in the Pacific Northwest for tolerance of SDHI fungicides (Mar 2024)
item Old foe, new crop: Neofabraea actinidiae causes a cranberry fruit rot in Oregon and Washington (Mar 2024)
item Aluminum foils growth of Botrytis and Gnomoniopsis idaeicola (Mar 2024)
item It’s a trap! Part II: An approachable guide to constructing and using rotating-arm air samplers (Mar 2024)
item The effect of boxwood leaf volatiles on conidial germination of Calonectria pseudonaviculata, the causal agent of boxwood blight (Mar 2024)
item Tracking flight activity of potato leafhopper (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) with the Midwest suction trap network (Mar 2024)
item Genome-enabled analysis of population dynamics and virulence associated loci in the oat crown rust fungus Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae (Mar 2024)
item Fungicide sensitivity of Phytophthora isolates from the Washington red raspberry industry (Mar 2024)
item Differential symptomology, susceptibility, and titer dynamics manifested by phytoplasma-infected periwinkle and tomato plants (Mar 2024)
item Feedback on the SAPPA UFS Pecan Scab Roadshow through the eastern pecan growing regions of South Africa (Mar 2024)
item Mapping the genetic architecture of low-temperature stress tolerance in citron watermelon (Mar 2024)
item The complete genome sequence of tomato necrotic ringspot virus in chilli in Thailand derived from next-generation sequencing (Mar 2024)
item AGRAMP: Machine learning models for predicting antimicrobial peptides against phytopathogenic bacteria (Mar 2024)
item First report of Meloidogyne hapla on hemp (Cannabis sativa) in Oregon (Mar 2024)
item A fast-response model of turbulence and passive scalar transport in row-organized canopies (Feb 2024)
item It’s a trap! Part I: Exploring the applications of rotating-arm impaction samplers in plant pathology (Feb 2024)
item Worldwide forest surveys reveal forty-three new species in Phytophthora major Clade 2 with fundamental implications for the evolution and biogeography of the genus and global plant biosecurity (Feb 2024)
item First report of Hibiscus soymovirus in Hibiscus rosa-sinensis in Colombia in mixed infection (Feb 2024)
item First report of mixed infection of jasmine mosaic-associated virus (JMaV) and jasmine virus H (JaVH) in jasmine species in Florida, United States (Feb 2024)
item Evaluation of tomato germplasm against tomato brown rugose fruit virus and identification of resistance in Solanum pimpinellifolium (Feb 2024)
item Recovery plan for Ralstonia solanacearum Race 3 Biovar 2 (Phylotype IIB, sequevars 1 and 2) causing brown rot of potato, bacterial wilt of tomato, and southern wilt of geranium (Feb 2024)
item Evaluation of drought tolerance in USDA tomato germplasm at seedling stage (Feb 2024)
item First report of Phytophthora ramorum causing leaf spots on Cornus capitata (evergreen dogwood) in the United States (Feb 2024)
item Open access and reproducibility in plant pathology research: Guidelines and best practices (Feb 2024)
item Meta-transcriptomic analysis uncovers the presence of four novel viruses and multiple known virus genera in a single Hibiscus rosa-sinensis plant in Colombia (Feb 2024)
item microbeMASST: A taxonomically informed mass spectrometry search tool for microbial metabolomics data (Feb 2024)
item Assessment of grapefruit expressing anti-NodT antibody for huanglongbing resistance (Jan 2024)
item Climatic variability, spatial heterogeneity and the presence of multiple hosts drive the population structure of the pathogen Phytophthora ramorum and the epidemiology of Sudden Oak Death (Jan 2024)
item Virulence patterns of oat crown rust in Australia - season 2022 (Jan 2024)
item Aecial and telial host specificity of Puccinia coronata var. coronata, a Eurasian crown rust fungus of two highly invasive wetland species in North America (Jan 2024)
item Lytic phages isolated from Egypt for biocontrol of potato soft rot caused by Pectobacterium carotovorum (Jan 2024)
item Development of a qPCR assay for species-specific detection of the tar spot pathogen Phyllachora maydis (Jan 2024)
item Recombination in the wheat stem rust pathogen mediated by an indigenous barberry species in Spain (Jan 2024)
item Complete sequence and genome characterization of Miscanthus virus M, a new betaflexivirus from Miscanthus sp (Jan 2024)
item Towards the completion of Koch’s postulates for the citrus huanglongbing bacterium, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Jan 2024)
item Fungicide use patterns in select United States wine grape production regions (Jan 2024)
item Global phylogenic analysis of soybean dwarf virus isolates and their associations with aphid vectors and severe disease in soybeans (Jan 2024)
item Registration of 'MN-Torgy' spring wheat with moderate resistance to Fusarium head blight and adult plant resistance to Ug99 stem rust (Jan 2024)
item A shocking treatment (Jan 2024)
item Characterization of variation in virulence-related genes of Phytophthora palmivora associated with cacao (Dec 2023)
item Bursaphelenchus mucronatus (Nematoda: Parasitaphelenchidae) associated with Monochamus galloprovincialis from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Georgia (Dec 2023)
item Genetic analysis of the emerging citrus yellow vein clearing virus reveals a divergent virus population in American isolates (Dec 2023)
item ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Cruliviridae 2023 (Dec 2023)
item ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Tulasviridae 2023 (Dec 2023)
item ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Wupedeviridae 2023 (Dec 2023)
item Genotypic and resistance profile of two oat crown rust differential sets urge coordination and standardisation (Dec 2023)
item ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Mypoviridae 2023 (Dec 2023)
item Draft genome sequence of Xylella fastidiosa strain ATCC 35874 isolated from infected red oak in Washington, D.C. (Dec 2023)
item Metabarcoding for plant pathologists (Dec 2023)
item Global consortium for the classification of fungi and fungus-like taxa (Dec 2023)
item Virulence dynamics of the barley leaf rust pathogen (Puccinia hordei) in the United States from 1989 to 2020 (Dec 2023)
item ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Leishbuviridae 2023 (Dec 2023)
item ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Discoviridae 2023 (Dec 2023)
item A canister assay for evaluating host status of potato to Meloidogyne chitwoodi (Dec 2023)
item Targeting the highly conserved 3' untranslated region of Iris Severe Mosaic Virus for sensitive monitoring of the disease prevalanece in Iris production (Nov 2023)
item Rapid mini-chromosome divergence among fungal isolates causing wheat blast outbreaks in Bangladesh and Zambia (Nov 2023)
item Genome-wide informative microsatellite markers and population structure of Fusarium virguliforme from Argentina and the USA (Nov 2023)
item Fungal Pathogens of Cacao in Puerto Rico (Nov 2023)
item Morphological and molecular characterization of Longidorus patuxenticus n. sp. (Nematoda: Longidoridae) from Maryland and California, USA (Nov 2023)
item Progress towards effective Phytophthora root rot control (Nov 2023)
item Comparative evaluation of volatile organic compounds in two bottle guard accessions with distinct fruit shapes (Oct 2023)
item Development of a PNA-LNA-LAMP assay to detect an SNP associated with QoI resistance in Erysiphe necator (Oct 2023)
item Unraveling microbial endosymbiosis dynamics in plant-parasitic nematodes with a genome skimming strategy (Oct 2023)
item Genomic characterization of a new mitovirus associated with walking iris (Trimezia northiana) (Oct 2023)
item Helper NLRs Nrc2 and Nrc3 act codependently with Prf/Pto and activate MAPK signaling to induce immunity in tomato (Oct 2023)
item Barley MLA3 recognizes the host-specificity determinant PWL2 from Magnaporthe oryzae (Oct 2023)
item Susceptibility to insecticides of Megalurothrips usitatus (Bagnall) and Frankliniella insularis (Franklin) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) infesting Lablab purpureus in Florida (Oct 2023)
item Identification and reproduction of dagger nematode (Xiphinema americanum) in potato (Sep 2023)
item Molecular phylogeny and morphology reveal two new graminicolus species, Curvularia aurantia sp. nov. and C. vidyodae sp. nov. with new records of Curvularia spp. from Sri Lanka (Sep 2023)
item Plasmopara echinaceae, a new species of downy mildew affecting cone flowers (Echinacea purpurea) in the United States (Sep 2023)
item Phylogeographic and phylogenomic structure of the quarantine plant pathogen Colletotrichum liriopes, including new reports in the United States (Sep 2023)
item Specific and sensitive detection tools for Xanthomonas arboricola pv. corylina, the causal agent of bacterial blight of hazelnut, developed with comparative genomics (Sep 2023)
item Identification of soybean germplasm and associated molecular markers with resistance to Fusarium graminearum (Sep 2023)
item First report of Puccinia glechomatis, a rust fungus of creeping charlie, in Minnesota (Sep 2023)
item A soybean rust effector protease suppresses host immunity and cleaves a 3-deoxy-7-phosphoheptulonate synthase (Sep 2023)
item Occurence and distribution of Globodera SPP. in Bolivia (Sep 2023)
item Effects of host plants and their infection status on acquisition and inoculation of a plant virus by its hemipteran vector (Sep 2023)
item Nematodes associated with saffron II: Bioindication for soil health assessment and impact of agricultural practices (Aug 2023)
item Annual (2023) taxonomic update of RNA-directed RNA polymerase-encoding negative-sense RNA viruses (realm Riboviria: kingdom Orthornavirae: phylum Negarnaviricota) (Aug 2023)
item Phytopathogenic nematode communities infesting Moroccan olive agroecosystems: Impact of agroecological patterns (Aug 2023)
item Phyllosphere microbial diversity, specific taxa, and environmental conditions mediate within-cultivar resistance to Phytophthora palmivora in cacao (Aug 2023)
item The endoplasmic reticulum is a key battleground between phytoplasma aggression and host plant defense (Aug 2023)
item Aerated steam eradicates powdery mildew from strawberry transplants (Aug 2023)
item Boxwood phyllosphere fungal and bacterial communities and their differential responses to film-forming anti-desiccants (Aug 2023)
item A re-evaluation of phylogenomic data reveals that current understanding in wheat blast population biology and epidemiology is obfuscated by oversights in population sampling (Jul 2023)
item First report of serratia marcescens causing cucurbit yellow vine disease in New York (Jul 2023)
item Greater rate of nitrogen fertilizer application increases root rot caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi and P. plurivora in container-grown rhododendron (Jul 2023)
item First report of tomato spotted wilt virus infecting lobelia in South Korea (Jul 2023)
item Alterations of phloem translatome gene expression during Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus infection in tolerant and susceptible citrus cultivars (Jul 2023)
item Root-knot nematodes produce functional mimics of tyrosine-sulfated plant peptides (Jul 2023)
item Distribution, host plants and vector mites of the citrus leprosis virus in Colombia (Jul 2023)
item First report of Passion fruit green spot virus in yellow Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) in Casanare in Colombia (Jul 2023)
item Elucidating the potential of fly ash in root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) suppression on okra (Abelmoschus es-culentus L.): insights into cellular viability and host defence system (Jul 2023)
item First waikavirus infectious clones and vascular expression of green fluorescent protein from maize chlorotic dwarf virus (MCDV) (Jun 2023)
item First report of barley root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne naasi from turfgrass in Idaho, with multigene molecular characterization (Jun 2023)
item Puccinia coronata var. coronata, a crown rust pathogen of two highly invasive species, is detected across the Midwestand Northeastern United States (Jun 2023)
item A chromosome-scale genome assembly of the grape powdery mildew pathogen Erysiphe necator reveals its genomic architecture and previously unknown features of its biology (Jun 2023)
item A maximum concentration bioassay to assess insecticide efficacy against Hemipteran pests of tomato (Jun 2023)
item First report of a rust fungus (Puccinia sp.) infecting lemongrass in Minnesota (Jun 2023)
item Letter to the Editor: The Ralstonia research community rejects the proposal to classify phylotype I Ralstonia into the new species Ralstonia nicotianae (Jun 2023)
item Clonal Propagation of Moniliophthora roreri and the emergence of unique lineages with distinct genomes during range expansion (Jun 2023)
item First report of the beech leaf disease nematode Litylenchus crenatae mccannii (Nematoda: Anguinidae) in Michigan (Jun 2023)
item The virome of babaco (Vasconcellea x heilbornii) expands to include new members of the Rhabdoviridae and Bromoviridae (Jun 2023)
item Tomato and Jute Mallow are two new hosts of papaya bunchy top phytoplasma, a 'Candidatus phytoplasma convolvuli'-related strain in Nigeria (Jun 2023)
item First report of powdery mildew of American ginseng caused by Erysiphe heraclei in Tennessee and the United States (Jun 2023)
item First report of dasheen mosaic virus infecting calla lilies in South Korea (Jun 2023)
item Contribution of native plasmids of Pantoea vagans C9-1 to epiphytic fitness and fire blight management on apple and pear flowers and fruits (Jun 2023)
item Genomic analyses of a widespread blueberry virus in the United States (Jun 2023)
item Papaya ‘sticky’ disease caused by virus ‘couples’: a challenge for disease detection and management (Jun 2023)
item Evaluation of a series of turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) chimeric clones reveals two amino acid sites critical for systemic infection in Chinese cabbage (Jun 2023)
item High quality genome of the tree pathogen Phytophthora plurivora - a novel resource for epidemiological research (May 2023)
item Current status of genera and species of phytoparasitic nematodes in Egypt (May 2023)
item Phytoplasma infection alters polar lipid composition and triggers chloroplast autophagy in host plants (May 2023)
item Lectin binding assay reveals phytoplasma infection-induced alteration of plant host protein glycosylation (May 2023)
item Exploring changes in Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) profiles of tomato plants infected with phytoplasma (May 2023)
item The wheat stem rust resistance gene Sr43 encodes an unusual protein kinase (May 2023)
item Genetic diversity among rose rosette virus isolates: a roadmap towards studies of gene function and pathogenicity (May 2023)
item The effect of subfreezing temperatures on survival of Bemisia tabaci MEAM1 (Apr 2023)
item Nematode problems in temperate fruits and their sustainable management (Apr 2023)
item High-resolution mapping of SrTm4, a recessive resistance gene to wheat stem rust (Apr 2023)
item Comparative RNA-seq analysis of resistant and susceptible Theobroma cacao fruits in response to infection with frosty pod pathogen (Moniliophthora roreri) (Apr 2023)
item Mapping and characterization of the recessive leaf rust resistance gene Lr83 on wheat chromosome arm 1DS (Apr 2023)
item Evaluation of stem rust disease in wheat fields by drone hyperspectral imaging (Apr 2023)
item Complete genome sequence resource for potato ring rot pathogen, Clavibacter sepedonicus K496 (Apr 2023)
item A draft genome resource for Marasmius tenuissimus, an emerging causal agent of thread blight disease in cacao (Apr 2023)
item Multiplex PCR assay for rapid identification of Monilinia rubi, the causal agent of dry-berry disease of caneberries (Apr 2023)
item Genomic analyses of the Colletotrichum gloeosporioides species complex: 13 tree endophytes from the Neotropics and Paleotropics (Apr 2023)
item Editorial: Recent advances in crop diseases associated with plant vascular-colonizing bacteria (Mar 2023)
item Guilt by association: DNA-barcoding based identification of potential plant hosts of phytoplasmas from their insect carriers (Mar 2023)
item Reduction in productivity of soybean plants infested with Neohyadatothrips variabilis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) with and without soybean vein necrosis virus (Mar 2023)
item Field-portable, rapid, and low-cost RT-LAMP for detection of tomato chlorotic spot virus (Mar 2023)
item Green yield as a potential predictor of cured burley tobacco yield in a Phytophthora nicotianae-infested field over four seasons. (Mar 2023)
item Evaluation of a viable-cell detection assay of Xanthomonas fragariae with latent class analysis (Mar 2023)
item Boxwood (Buxus spp.) - Boxwood Blight (Mar 2023)
item The need and a vision for a diagnostic assay validation network (Mar 2023)
item Molecular and morphological characterization of Tylenchus zeae n. sp. (Nematoda: Tylenchida) from Corn (Zea mays) in South Carolina (Feb 2023)
item Registration of 64 soybean germplasm lines with all combinations of five soybean aphid resistance genes in two genetic backgrounds (Feb 2023)
item Phylogeography and population structure of the global, wide host-range hybrid pathogen Phytophthora x cambivora (Feb 2023)
item First report of pectobacterium brasiliense causing bacterial blackleg and soft rot on potato in Pennsylvania (Feb 2023)
item Molecular characterization of horse nettle virus A, a new member of subgroup B in the genus Nepovirus (Feb 2023)
item Differentiation of cool-virulent strains in Ralstonia solanacearum species complex by melt curve of DNA fragment from effector gene ripS1 (Feb 2023)
item Genome sequence resources for five isolates of Coniothyrium glycines, causal pathogen of red leaf blotch of soybean (Feb 2023)
item Identification and Management of the Emerging Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus on Cucurbit Crops (Feb 2023)
item Drone hyperspectral imaging accurately predicts wheat stem rust disease severity (Jan 2023)
item Sida golden mosaic virus, an emerging pathogen of snap beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the southeastern United States (Jan 2023)
item Canola rotation effects on soil water and subsequent wheat in the Pacific Northwest USA (Jan 2023)
item High-throughput sequencing application in the detection and discovery of viruses associated with the regulated citrus leprosis disease complex (Jan 2023)
item Microbes vs. Nematodes: Insights into biocontrol through antagonistic organisms to control root-knot nematodes (Jan 2023)
item Rapid discovery of functional NLRs using the signature of high expression and high-throughput screening (Jan 2023)
item Colletotrichum karsti causing anthracnose on Dioscorea cayennensis in Brazil (Jan 2023)
item Draft Genome Sequence Resource of CBPPT1, a 'Candidatus Phytoplasma trfolii'-related strain associated with potato purple top disease in the Columbia Basin, USA (Dec 2022)
item Evaluation of fungicides for management of boxwood blight caused by Calonectria spp. under field conditions in northern Germany (Dec 2022)
item Maize lethal necrosis (Dec 2022)
item Mapping and validation of all-stage resistance to stem rust in four South African winter wheat cultivars (Dec 2022)
item A re-evaluation of phylogenomic data reveals that current understanding in wheat blast population biology and epidemiology is obfuscated by oversights in population sampling (Dec 2022)
item Population genomics provide insights into the global genetic structure of Colletotrichum graminicola, the causal agent of maize anthracnose (Dec 2022)
item High incidence of Hyaloperonospora cardamines-laciniatae on Cardamine concatenata in Maryland, USA (Dec 2022)
item Comparative analysis of tomato brown rugose fruit virus isolates shows limited genetic diversity (Dec 2022)
item Evaluation of soybean germplasm for resistance to Fusarium virguliforme, the major pathogen causing sudden death syndrome of soybean in the United States (Dec 2022)
item Disinfectants useful to manage the emerging tomato brown rugose fruit virus in greenhouse tomato production (Dec 2022)
item High-throughput sequencing reveals the presence of novel and known viruses in diseased Paris yunnanensis (Dec 2022)
item Whole genome sequencing-based tracing of a 2022 introduction and outbreak of Xanthomonas hortorum pv. pelargonii (Dec 2022)
item Multiple receptors contribute to the attractive response of Caenorhabditis elegans to pathogenic bacteria (Dec 2022)
item Chromosome-level assembly of the Phytophthora agathidicida genome reveals adaptation in effector gene families (Dec 2022)
item Pathogenicity and control of the citrus nematode Tylenchulus semipenetrans on some citrus, grape, olive, loquat, and persimmon species and cultivars (Dec 2022)
item Draft genome sequence of Xylella fastidiosa strain causing bacterial leaf scorch of American elm in Washington, D. C. (Nov 2022)
item 2022 Taxonomic update of phylum Negarnaviricota (Riboviria: Orthornavirae), including the large orders Bunyavirales and Mononegavirales (Nov 2022)
item A new hundred-genomes pipeline enables rapid duplex LAMP detection of two bacterial spot pathogens (Nov 2022)
item The lychee erinose mite (Aceria litchii), in the context of the mite-plant interaction (Nov 2022)
item Virus classification based on in-depth sequence analyses and development of demarcation criteria using the Betaflexiviridae as a case study (Nov 2022)
item A diagnostic guide for red crown rot of soybean (Nov 2022)
item Weed management by summer cover crops, solarization and anaerobic soil disinfestation in plasticulture (Nov 2022)
item Don't get burned by charcoal rot (Nov 2022)
item Using environmental data to determine timing of chemical applications in north Florida watermelon production (Oct 2022)
item Barley MLA3 recognizes the host-specificity determinant PWL2 from rice blast (M. oryzae) (Oct 2022)
item Molecular and morphological characterization of fresh and 20-year-old fixed nematode specimens of Sauertylenchus maximus (Allen, 955) Siddiqi, 2000 from Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, USA (Oct 2022)
item Genome-wide association mapping for field and seedling resistance to the emerging Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici race TTRTF in wheat (Oct 2022)
item A call to APS membership for equal representation in nominations for APS Awards (Oct 2022)
item Comparison of meiotic transcriptomes of three maize inbreds with different origins reveals differences in cell cycle and recombination (Oct 2022)
item Perspective: State of the field of plant pathogen diagnostic assay development and validation (Oct 2022)
item ISHS division ornamental plants: from challenges to new opportunities for the ornamental sector (Oct 2022)
item A novel locus conferring resistance to Puccinia hordei maps to the genomic region corresponding to Rph14 on barley chromosome 2HS (Oct 2022)
item Multilocus sequence typing of phytoplasmas associated with Flavescence dorée disease in Tuscany vineyards identifies a highly homogeneous lineage in the subgroup 16SrV-C (Oct 2022)
item Genome evolution and transcriptome plasticity associated with adaptation to monocot and eudicot plants in Colletotrichum fungi (Sep 2022)
item Thermotherapy as a non-chemical strategy to mitigate multiple fungicide resistance in strawberry (Sep 2022)
item Colletotrichum siamense causing anthracnose on Etlingera elatior (Sep 2022)
item Wheat leaf rust in the United States in 2021 (Sep 2022)
item USDA-ARS Boxwood blight research in Oregon (Aug 2022)
item New records of invasive aphids (Hemiptera:Aphididae) on garlic mustard in the USA (Jul 2022)
item Phytoplasma taxonomy: nomenclature, classification and identification (Jul 2022)
item First report of rhizopus arrhizus (syn. R. oryzae) causing garlic bulb soft rot in the Hebei Province of China (Jul 2022)
item Plantago asiatica mosaic virus: an emerging plant virus causing necrosis in lilies and a new model RNA virus for molecular research (Jul 2022)
item Fusarium and allied fusarioid taxa (FUSA). 1 (Jun 2022)
item Rapid mini-chromosome divergence among fungal isolates causing wheat blast outbreaks in Bangladesh and Zambia (Jun 2022)
item Rose Rosette Disease: A Diagnostic Guide (Jun 2022)
item Maize rayado fino virus-based tool for high penetrance virus-induced gene silencing (Aug 2021)