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Research Projects Subjects of Investigation at this Location

Each ARS research project has related subjects of investigation.  Listed below are the subjects of investigation currently conducted at this location.

Clicking on a subject of investigation will list the research projects within that  subject of investigation.

Subjects of Investigation
Animal research, general
Atmosphere, general/other
Beans (dry)
Beans (fresh, fresh-processed)
Beef cattle, general/other
Beef cattle, live animal
Biological Cell Systems
Citrus, general/other
Cool season perennial grasses (includes bluegrass, bromegrass, fescue)
Corn (for sweetcorn use 1480)
Cotton, other
Cottonseed (for meal, oil, etc.)
Cross-commodity research--multiple animal species
Cross-commodity research--multiple crops
Dairy cattle, live animal
Desert and semidesert shrub land and shinnery
Durum wheat
Economy, general/other
Egg-type chicken, live animal
Food (not readily associated with specific plant and animal products)
Forage legumes, other
Freshwater shrimp
General Commodity
General technology
Goats, meat and mohair
Grain crops, general/other (includes buckwheat, millet, triticale)
Grain sorghum
Greens and leafy vegetables (includes endive, lettuce, spinach)
Hard red spring wheat
Hard red winter wheat
Hard white wheat
Honey bees
Horses, ponies, and mules
Individuals (as workers, consumers, members of society)
Laboratory animals
Leguminous vegetables, other
Long fiber cotton
Machinery and equipment
Marine shrimp
Meat, beef cattle
Meat, dairy cattle
Meat, sheep
Meat, swine
Meat-type chicken, live animal
Microorganisms, general/other
Miscellaneous and new crops, general/other
Noncrop plant research
Oilseed and oil crops, general/other
Other animals, general
Other bees (non-Apis bees)
Other non-bee pollinators, general
Other swine products
Pasture and forage crops, general/other
Peas (dry)
People and communities, general/other
Perennial grasses, other
Pesticides (includes herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, etc.)
Plant research, general
Rangelands and grasslands, general
Rangelands, other
Remote sensing equipment and technology
River basins
Sheep, live animal
Soft red wheat
Soft white wheat (includes club, western)
Soil and land, general
Solar radiation
Spiders, mites, ticks, and other arthropods
Sugar beet
Summer annual grasses (includes forage sorghums, sudangrass, sorghum)
Swine, general/other
Swine, live animal
The family and its members
The farm as an enterprise
Turkey, live animal
Upland cotton
Vegetables, general/other
Warm season perennial grasses (includes dallisgrass, bluestems)
Water resources
Watersheds and river basins, general
Wheat, other
Wild animals
Wildlife and natural fisheries, general/other
Winter annual legumes (includes subterranean clover, arrowleaf clover)
Research Projects within Swine, live animal
item A Genetic Approach to Assess the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Disease Vectors
item A Scalable Vascularized Hydrogel System for Agricultural Vector-borne Disease Research
item Advance Development of FMD Diagnostics and Production of Mosaic FMD Virus-Like Particles to Globally Relevant FMDV Serotypes
item African Swine Fever Collaborative Agreement
item Agricultural Research Service - American Type Culture Collection Biological Repository Partnership
item Analysis of the Cross Protective Response Induced by ASFV Recombinant Vaccine ASFV-G-DeltaI177L
item Analysis of the Immune Response Elicited by Classical Swine Fever Virus Recombinant Vaccine Candidate FlagT4G
item Analysis of the Immunogenicity of ASFV Proteins
item Animal and Arthropod Studies in BSL3 Containment at Pat Roberts Hall for Comparative Zoonotic Arbovirus Studies
item Animal Studies in BSL-3 Containment at Pat Roberts Hall for Comparative Zoonotic Arbovirus Studies
item Applied Epidemiological Approaches to Evaluate the Progressive Control Pathway for Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Endemic Regions
item Approaches for Improving and Measuring Red Meat Quality and Composition
item Assessing Priorities for African Swine Fever Research Gaps for Outbreak Prevention and Response
item Assessing the Risk of Arthropod-Borne Disease in the Caribbean and the Americas (RACE Risk of Arthropod-borne diseases in the Caribbean)
item Assessing the Risk of Emergence, Transmission and Establishment of the Japanese Encephalitis Virus in the United States
item Assessing the Utility of Geophones to Determine Animal Activity in Swine Farrowing Pens for Precision Management Monitoring - Stanford University
item Biological Safety Level 3 (BSL-3) Training Program for Research Support Personnel
item Bovine and Porcine Research Projects Conducted at the Livestock Issues Research Unit's Liberty Farm Research Complex
item BSL4ZNet Secretariat Support and Maintenance
item BSL4ZNet Support and Maintenance
item Building Foundations for E. Ruminantium Vaccine Development
item Case Studies of Relatedness Between Salmonella Isolates from Foodborne Outbreaks Using a Recently Developed Analysis Pipeline
item Center for Tick Surveillance
item Characterization and Diagnostic Detection of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Strains Causing Outbreaks in North America
item Characterization of Environmental Effects on Mosquito Saliva Composition Using Mass Spectrometry
item Characterizing the Structure-Function of Various Families of Viroporins to Support African Swine Fever Virus Vaccine Candidates
item Classical Swine Fever (CSF) Vaccine FlagT4G Vaccine Efficacy: Assessing Oral Administration and Protection in Pregnant Sows
item Collaborative Support for NBAF ARU Training and Research Program
item Collection of Sheep Germplasm in the Mid-Atlantic Region
item Collective Dynamics of Environmental Multispecies Biofilms That Facilitate Sanitizer Tolerance and Dissemination of Foodborne Pathogens
item Communications Best Practices for High-containment Laboratories
item Comprehensive Mapping of Livestock B Cell Receptor Repertoire Using Single-cell Sequencing to Enhance Vaccine Development
item Considering FMDV Recombination and Strain Emergence in Context of Development of Live-attenuated Vaccines
item Consultation and Review Services for Biohazard Research
item Curated African Swine Fever Genomic Database
item Delivery of FMDV Protein Antigens Using a Programmable Transdermal Microneedle System
item Detection and Characterization of Arboviruses and Environmental Influences on Transmission at the U.S. Wildlife and Livestock Interface
item Development and U.S. Based Production of a Rugged Fully Encapsulating Suit for the ABSL-4 Ag and other BSL-4 Environments (Phase 3)
item Development of a Differential ELISA for ASV Vaccines
item Development of a Novel Epitope-based Vaccine Candidate for FMDV
item Development of a Population Genetics Pipeline for Characterizing Viral and Vector Population Diversity
item Development of an ASFV Nano-biosensor for Discriminating Between Infected and Vaccinated Animals
item Development of Diagnostic Reagents and Assays for Arbovirus Surveillance
item Development of Diagnostic Tools for Japanese Encephalitis Virus
item Development of Reagents and New Technology for Detection and Surveillance of Lumpy Skin Disease
item Development of Safe Vaccination Protocols for Pregnant Sows, Piglets and Boars Using ASFV-G-DI177L
item Development of Short-term Experiential Opportunities to Enhance the Veterinary Workforce
item Development of Short-term Opportunities for Experience in High Containment Research Animal Support Careers
item Duroc Genetic Diversity
item Ecological Factors that Enable Colonization, Retention, and Dispersal of Foodborne Pathogens and Intervention Strategies to Control the Pathogens and Antimicrobial Resistance in Cattle and Swine
item Effects of Arbovirus Infection on Insect Feeding Behavior
item Effects of Beta Glucan Supplementation on the Immune Response of Holstein Steer Calves During an Endotoxin Challenge
item Endemic Ecology and Molecular Epidemiology of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Asia and Africa
item Enhancement of Lumpy Skin Disease Diagnostic: Antigen Generation for an Indirect ELISA Kit and Development of New Monoclonal Antibodies
item Enhancing Boar Fertility in the Face of Climate Change through the Mitigation of In utero Heat Stress
item Enhancing Capacity for Veterinary Pathology
item Environmental and Management Influences on Animal Productivity and Well-Being Phenotypes
item Epidemiological Fitness Assessment of Segmented RNA Viruses
item Epidemiological Modeling of Vector-borne Diseases
item Epidemiology of FMD in Small Ruminants and Domestic Pigs in Uganda
item Evaluating a Self-Boosting Vaccine Delivery Platform Using Ad5-FMD
item Evaluation of the Modification of Virulence in Recombinant ASFV with Specific Gene Deletions
item Evaluation of Transboundary Disease Mitigation Strategies in Kenya
item Exploration of Novel repRNA Vaccine Candidates for Japanese Encephalitis Virus
item Exploration of Novel Virus-like Particle Vaccine Candidates for Japanese Encephalitis Virus
item Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Surveillance in Kenyan Livestock by Sampling at Animal Concentration Points
item Foreign Animal Disease Spatial Analysis and Mapping Collaborative Agreement
item Functional Genomics of African Swine Fever Virus Infections - An Effective System to Identify Pro-Tolerance and Resilience Pathways in Pigs
item Holistic Tactics to Advance the Microbiological Safety and Quality of the Red Meat Continuum
item Host Cellular Immune Responses to Arboviruses
item Identification of Genetic Predictors and Molecular Indicators of Liver Abscesses in Beef Cattle
item Identification, Genomic Characterization, and Metabolic Modeling of Foodborne Pathogens in the Meat Production Continuum
item Identifying AMR Gene Reservoirs and Bacterial Host-AMR Gene Associations To Identify Bacterial Host Range of AMR Genes in Swine
item Identifying Flavivirus Determinants of Entry and Replication and Design of Potential Vaccine Candidates
item Immersive Internship Experiences for Federal Agency Careers
item Improved Vector-Borne Disease Response in South Asia
item Improving Lifetime Productivity in Swine using Systems Biology and Precision Management Approaches
item Improving Livestock Production through the Development of Precision Rangeland Management Technologies
item Infectious Disease Research Supporting Workforce Development for the National Bio- and Agro-Defense Facility
item Influence of Maternal- and Embryonic- Derived Extracellular Vesicles on the Initiation of Porcine Conceptus Elongation.
item Integrating Vesicular Stomatitis Surveillance, Phylogenetic Analysis and Remote Sensing Toward an Early Warning System for Vector-borne Diseases
item Intervention Strategies to Control and Eradicate Foreign Animal Diseases of Swine
item Intervention Strategies to Respond, Control, and Eradicate Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV)
item Investigating the Dynamics of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus in Endemic and Incursion Ecological Zones
item Investigating the Emergence and Ecology of Antimicrobial Resistance in High Risk Beef Cattle
item Japanese Encephalitis Virus Prevention and Mitigation Strategies
item Maintaining and Refining Animal GRIN
item Maximum-containment Capabilities for Animal Studies
item Memorandum of Understanding Between the USDA, Agricultural Research Service and the USDA, Animal Plant Health Inspection Service
item Methyl Donor Availability in utero and Programming of Postnatal Performance in Beef Cattle
item Methyl Donor Availability in Utero and Programming of Postnatal Performance in Beef Cattle
item Mid-infrared Spectra (MIRS) Paired with Visual Spectrum Images for Deep Learning Based Classification of Surveillance Variables
item Mosquito Vector Predictive Modeling in a Changing Climate
item Multi-Dimension Phenotyping to Enhance Prediction of Performance in Swine
item National Animal Germplasm Program
item New Tools for Vector-pathogen-host Investigations
item Novel Partnerships for an Early-career Pipeline to Enhance the Biodefense Veterinary Workforce
item Optimizing Nutrient Management and Efficiency of Beef Cattle and Swine
item Pathogenesis and Wildlife Host Range of Japanese Encephalitis Virus
item Planning and Conducting the 2025 Foot-and-Mouth Disease Symposium
item Predicting and Mitigating Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV) in North America
item Predicting and Mitigating Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV) Outbreaks in North America
item Prevention and Mitigation of Pathogen Transmission from Cattle and Swine to Food, Water, and Environment
item Proteomic Analysis and Species-Specific Immune Responses in Livestock Vaccination Strategies
item Quantifying Feral Swine Behavioral Ecology for Improved FMD Modeling of USA Outbreaks
item Quantifying the Long-Distance Dispersal Capacity of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD)
item RAV3N Phase II: Network of University and Federal BSL-3/4 Large Animal and Laboratory Agricultural Research Facilities
item RAV3N Phase III: Network of University and Federal BSL-3/4 Large Animal and Laboratory Agricultural Research Facilities
item Reversion to Virulene Studies for African Swine Fever Vaccines
item Safety and Efficacy Assessment of African Swine Fever Vaccines For Use in the Dominican Republic
item Salmonella Grand Challenge Workshop 2024
item Simulation and Epidemiological Parameter Development for Assessing Spread of Foreign Animal Diseases by Feral Swine
item Southeastern USA Arbovirus Landscape
item Strategic Safety Climate Management Initiatives for National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF)
item Structural Characterization of African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) Membrane Interacting Proteins
item Supporting and Enhancing the Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Grand Challenge Project
item Sustainable Management of Manure Nutrients and Environmental Contaminants from Beef and Swine Production Facilities
item The Agrosecurity Partnerships for Innovative Research (ASPIRE) Project for the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF)
item Training a New Generation of Epidemiologists in Support of the NBAF Mission
item Training the Biodefense Research Workforce for the National Bio- and Agro-defense Facility (NBAF)
item Understanding Host, Microbial, Environmental, and Management Factors Towards Methane Mitigation in Ruminants
item Understanding Molecular Bases in the Production of Genetic Diversity of African Swine Fever Virus
item Understanding Pathogenesis and Epidemiology for Controlling Foreign Animal Diseases
item Understanding the Impact of the Farm and Lairage Environments on Salmonella Contamination in Market Hogs
item Understanding the Risks Associated with Utilizing Genetically Engineered Microbes in Beef Cattle Production Systems: ...
item US Meat Animal Research Center (Nutrition Growth and Physiology Research Unit) Contribution to Enteric Methane Monitoring – Midwest Area
item Use of Gene Knockout Pigs to Understand Reproductive Development in Swine
item Using Transcriptomics and Proteomics to Understand Arbovirus Effects on Midge Sensory Function
item UTMB-USDA Collaboration on Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus in Ticks and Animals
item Vector Surveillance at an Active Cache Valley Virus Focus