Bacteria & Viruses
Rapid and accurate detection of huanglongbing in citrus by elasticity testing using a piezoelectric finger
(Feb 2025)
Association of Escherichia coli O157:H7 density change with hydrogen peroxide but not carbohydrate concentration in the leaf content of different lettuce types and spinach
(Feb 2025)
Leveraging electron beam (eBeam) technology for advancing the development of inactivated vaccines
(Feb 2025)
Salmonellosis in cattle: sources and risk of infection, control and prevention
(Feb 2025)
Highly pleomorphic strains of the Vibrio predator Pseudoalteromonas piscicida and their outer membrane vesicles: A scanning electron micrographic study
(Feb 2025)
Campylobacter molothri sp. nov. isolated from wild birds
(Feb 2025)
Deep learning model compression and hardware acceleration for high-performance foreign material detection on poultry meat using NIR hyperspectral imaging
(Feb 2025)
Escherichia coli O157:H7 multiplication in the latex of various lettuce genotypes is negatively correlated with plant peroxidase activity
(Feb 2025)
Prevalence and pathogenic potential of Shewanella species in oysters and seawater collected from the Chesapeake Bay and Maryland Coastal Bays
(Jan 2025)
Using pathogenic escherichia coli type III secreted effectors espK and espV as markers to reduce the risk of potentially enterohemorrhagic shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli in beef
(Jan 2025)
Prevalence, antimicrobial resistance, and virulence gene profiles of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from retail chicken meat
(Jan 2025)
A novel approach for detecting Salmonella enterica strains frequently attributed to human illness - development and validation of the highly pathogenic Salmonella (HPS) multiplex PCR assay
(Jan 2025)
Plasmidome of Salmonella enterica serovar Infantis recovered from surface waters in a major agricultural region for leafy greens in California
(Dec 2024)
Immune responses of chickens against recombinant Salmonella enterica serotype Heidelberg FimA and FimW fimbriae and FliD and FlgK flagellar proteins
(Dec 2024)
Sharing of cmeRABC alleles between C. coli and C. jejuni associated with extensive drug resistance in Campylobacter isolates from infants and poultry in the Peruvian Amazon
(Dec 2024)
Draft genome sequence of the marine halophile Vibrio diabolicus strain 3098
(Dec 2024)
Inactivation of E. coli O157:H7 in fresh dairy manure compost by alkaline slow-pyrolysis walnut hull biochar
(Dec 2024)
Comparative analyses of persistence traits in Escherichia coli O157:H7 strains belonging to different clades including REPEXH01 and REPEXH02 strains
(Dec 2024)
Colicin immunity proteins of pathogenic bacteria detected by antibiotic-induced SOS response, plasmid sequencing, MALDI-TOF-TOF mass spectrometry and top-down proteomic analysis
(Dec 2024)
Attachment and removal of biofilm of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium 53647 embedded in liquid whole egg on stainless steel, silicone, and nylon
(Dec 2024)
Abrin toxin paradoxically increases protein synthesis in stimulated CD4+ T-Cells while decreasing protein synthesis in kidney cells
(Dec 2024)
Survival of antimicrobial resistant Salmonella Heidelberg inoculated into microcosms of fresh pine wood shavings for broiler litter
(Dec 2024)
Evaluation of a compressed air foam system to clean quail rearing facilities
(Dec 2024)
Application of PEF in food processing and preservation
(Nov 2024)
Effects of sodium chloride, sodium lactate, and sodium diacetate on the growth probabilities of Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus
(Nov 2024)
Tailored Au@Ag NPs for rapid ractopamine detection in pork: optimizing size for enhanced SERS signals
(Nov 2024)
Biodegradable food packaging films from agricultural processing byproducts
(Nov 2024)
Cold plasma and pulsed light inactivates Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Romaine lettuce and preserves produce quality
(Nov 2024)
Selecting hyperspectral bands and extracting features with a custom shallow convolutional neural network to classify citrus peel defects
(Nov 2024)
Campylobacter sputorum subsp. bovis subsp. nov., isolated from cattle, and an emended description of Campylobacter sputorum
(Nov 2024)
Antimicrobial effects of pulsed light activated TiO2-Polylactic
acid film
(Oct 2024)
Effect of radio frequency energy for intervention processing on the quality of intact eggs
(Oct 2024)
The inactivation of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and Listeria monocytogenes using isochoric freezing in raw milk and carrot juice
(Oct 2024)
Chlorine dioxide is a broad-spectrum disinfectant against Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes in agricultural water
(Oct 2024)
Development and validation of a predictive model for growth of Salmonella Infantis in ground turkey
(Oct 2024)
Investigating the quantification capabilities of a
nanopore-based sequencing platform for food safety
application via external standards of lambda DNA and lambda
spiked beef
(Oct 2024)
DeepPL: A deep-learning-based tool for the prediction of bacteriophage lifecycle
(Oct 2024)
Long-term-survival phase cells of Salmonella Enteritidis ATCC 13076 exhibit significantly greater tolerance to atmospheric cold plasma treatment of shell eggs
(Oct 2024)
Thermal inactivation of cells of Salmonella spp. in pot pies prepared with a beef, chicken, or meat alternative filling, with and without gravy, during cooking in a convection oven
(Oct 2024)
Campylobacter californiensis sp. nov. isolated from cattle and feral swine
(Oct 2024)
Ultralow temperature high pressure processing enhances inactivation of norovirus surrogates
(Oct 2024)
Radio frequency plus heat for in-shell egg pasteurization
(Oct 2024)
The epidemiology and impact of persistent Campylobacter infections on childhood growth among children 0-24 months of age in resource-limited settings
(Sep 2024)
Bacterial diversity of cantaloupes and soil from Arizona and California commercial fields at the point of harvest
(Sep 2024)
Carboxymethyl cellulose capped zinc oxide nanoparticles dispersed in ionic liquid and its antimicrobial effects against foodborne human pathogens
(Sep 2024)
Rapid analysis of amatoxins in human urine by means of affinity column chromatography and liquid chromatography-high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry
(Sep 2024)
Pilot-scale evaluation of poultryponics: insights into nitrogen utilization and food pathogen dynamics
(Sep 2024)
Influence of medium chain fatty acids on selected microbes and on in vitro ruminal fermentation of air-exposed corn silage
(Sep 2024)
Conditional expression of flagellar motility, curli fimbriae, and biofilms in Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia albertii
(Sep 2024)
A Novel Slope-Matrix-Graph Algorithm to Analyze Compositional Microbiome Data
(Sep 2024)
Machine learning to attribute the source of Campylobacter infections in the United States: A retrospective analysis of national surveillance data
(Sep 2024)
Methods for screening and isolating extremely heat resistant Escherichia coli from meat sources
(Sep 2024)
Plasmid-encoded colicin immunity proteins produced by pathogenic Escherichia coli identified by antibiotic induction, MALDI-TOF-TOF-MS/MS and top-down proteomic analysis
(Sep 2024)
Vaccines in aquaculture development, production, and applications
(Aug 2024)
Leveraging neurochemistry in the design of 21st century feed and microbiota strategies to improve food animal gut health
(Aug 2024)
Thermal resistance of avirulent Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in albumen, yolk, and liquid whole egg.
(Aug 2024)
Salmonella Biomapping of a Commercial Broiler Hatchery
(Aug 2024)
Proximity to urbanization is associated with antimicrobial-resistant enteric pathogens in wild bird microbiomes
(Aug 2024)
16S amplicon-based microbiome biomapping of a commercial broiler hatchery
(Aug 2024)
Prevalence and characterization of Salmonella during pork sausage manufacturing
(Aug 2024)
Epithelial water transport and environmental moisture on poultry gut health and disease
(Jul 2024)
Varying amplification efficiency Real-time PCR assay for the specific detection and estimation of Salmonella contamination levels in poultry rinse
(Jul 2024)
Fitness differences between Listeria monocytogenes serotypes 1/2a, 4b, and 4bv-1 in competition for growth on lettuce leaf sections
(Jul 2024)
Rapid and sensitive detection of Shiga-toxin Escherichia coli (STEC) from food matrices using the CANARY biosensor assay
(Jul 2024)
Protected biofactors and antioxidants reduce the negative consequences of virus and cold challenge by modulating immunometabolism via changes in the interleukin-6 receptor signaling cascade in the liver
(Jul 2024)
Comparative gene expression analysis of Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 in ground chicken extract and brain heart infusion broth
(Jul 2024)
Deciphering selective pressures: comparative genomics and phylogenetic analyses of four virulence factors in Listeria monocytogenes isolates linked to chicken consumption in the United States.
(Jul 2024)
Effects of biotic and abiotic factors on attachment and survival of Salmonella Typhimurium on post-harvest produce
(Jul 2024)
Pulsed light and sanitizer wash combination enhances inactivation efficacy against Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Romaine lettuce
(Jul 2024)
Antimicrobial activity of green synthesized silver and copper oxide nanoparticles against the foodborne pathogen Campylobacter jejuni
(Jul 2024)
Digital PCR assay for the specific detection and estimation of Salmonella contamination levels in poultry rinse
(Jul 2024)
IR and Raman dual modality markers differentiate among three bis-phenols: BPA, BPS and BPF
(Jul 2024)
Dual imaging technique for a real-time inspection system of foreign object detection in fresh-cut vegetables
(Jul 2024)
Development of a singulation system for handling catfish fillets
(Jul 2024)
Inactivation of avian influenza virus inoculated into ground beef patties cooked on a commercial open-flame gas grill
(Jul 2024)
Chlorophyllin supplementation of medicated or unmedicated swine diets impact on fecal Escherichia coli and enterococci
(Jul 2024)
Environmental contamination and horizontal transmission of Salmonella Enteritidis among egg-type pullets in cage-free housing
(Jul 2024)
Phenotypic, genotypic and proteomic variations between poor and robust colonizing Campylobacter jejuni strains.
(Jun 2024)
Selection for high and low antibody responses to sheep red blood cells influences cytokine and chemokine expression in chicken peripheral blood leukocytes and splenic tissue
(Jun 2024)
Application of competitive microbes, predatory bacteria and antimicrobials for biocontrol and inactivation of foodborne pathogens
(Jun 2024)
Exploring Pathogen Presence Prediction in Pastured Poultry Farms through Transformer-Based Models and Attention Mechanism Explainability
(Jun 2024)
Prevalence of environmental microplastics in Taiwan and its impact on the seafood safety: An integrative review
(Jun 2024)
Thermal resistance of Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella in animal fat – Kinetic analysis and mathematical modeling
(Jun 2024)
Osmotic stress response of the coral and oyster pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus: acquisition of catabolism gene clusters for the compatible solute and signal molecule myo-inositol
(Jun 2024)
Novel Bio-inline® reactor to evaluate sanitizer efficacy in removing multispecies biofilms formed by Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes
(Jun 2024)
A metagenomics perspective to evaluate probiotics combating Salmonella Infantis in poultry settings – a case study
(Jun 2024)
The GEA pipeline for characterizing Escherichia coli and Salmonella genomes
(Jun 2024)
Campylobacter devanensis sp. nov., Campylobacter porcelli sp. nov., and Campylobacter vicugnae sp. nov., three novel Campylobacter lanienae-like species recovered from swine, small ruminants, and camelids
(Jun 2024)
Microbiome analyses of poultry feeds: Part II: Comparison of different poultry feeds.
(Jun 2024)
Combined effects of high pressure processing and sous-vide cooking on the tenderization of proteolytic enzyme-injected chicken breast
(Jun 2024)
Estimating concentrations of Escherichia coli across a farm pond from the sUAS-based RGB imagery and water quality variables with machine learning techniques
(Jun 2024)
Internal organ colonization by Salmonella Enteritidis in layer pullets infected at two different ages during rearing in cage-free housing
(Jun 2024)
Characterization of two novel Salmonella phages having biocontrol potential against Salmonella spp. in gastrointestinal conditions
(May 2024)
Impact of surface topography and shear stress on single and dual species biofilm formation by Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes in presence of promotor bacteria
(May 2024)
Streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin B is a superantigen that induces murinesplenocyte proliferation and secretion of IL-2 and IFN-¿¿ ex vivo
(May 2024)
Druggability analysis of protein targets for drug discovery to combat Listeria monocytogene
(May 2024)
Microbiome analyses of poultry feeds: Part I. Comparison of five different DNA extraction methods
(May 2024)
Antagonistic activity of bacteriocin-like inhibitory substances from Enterococcus lactis isolated from the surface of jalapeno peppers against foodborne pathogens
(May 2024)
Impact of intense sanitization procedures on bacterial communities recovered from floor drains in pork processing plants
(May 2024)
Chemical composition of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) ethanol extract and its antimicrobial activities and free radical scavenging capacities
(May 2024)
Coating with phenolic branched-chain fatty acid reduces Listeria innocua populations on apple fruit
(May 2024)
Microdiversity of Salmonella Kentucky during an outbreak in a dairy herd
(May 2024)
Antibiotic resistance and disinfectant resistance among Escherichia coli isolated during red meat production
(May 2024)
Deep learning algorithm development for early detection of Botrytis cinerea infected strawberry fruit using hyperspectral fluorescence imaging
(May 2024)
Depletion of free chlorine and generation of
trichloromethane in the presence of pH control agents in chlorinated water at pH 6.5
(May 2024)
Inactivation of desiccation-resistant salmonella on apple slices following treatment with e-polylysine, sodium bisulfate or peracetic acid and subsequent dehydration
(May 2024)
The stress response of Listeria monocytogenes inoculated on fresh apples exposed to gaseous chlorine dioxide
(May 2024)
Dust sprinkling as an effective method for infecting chickens with wild-type Salmonella Typhimurium and changes in host gut microbiota
(May 2024)
Genome analysis of Salmonella enterica serovar enteritis isolated from poultry and humans in Burkina Faso
(May 2024)
Exploring the fragmentation efficiency of proteins analyzed by MALDI-TOF-TOF tandem mass spectrometry using computational and statistical analyses
(May 2024)
Disinfection of foodborne bacteria using the Contamination Sanitization Inspection and Disinfection (CSI-D) device bg
(Apr 2024)
The microbiota drives diurnal rhythms in tryptophan metabolism in the stressed gut
(Apr 2024)
Coupling hyperspectral imaging with machine learning algorithms for detecting polyethylene (PE) and polyamide (PA) in soils
(Apr 2024)
Quantitative prediction and visualization of matcha color physicochemical indicators
using hyperspectral microscope imaging technology
(Apr 2024)
On composite sampling for monitoring generic and antibiotic-resistant coliforms in irrigation ponds
(Apr 2024)
Bacterial community shifts of commercial apples, oranges, and peaches at different harvest points across multiple growing seasons
(Apr 2024)
A live attenuated Salmonella Typhimurium vaccine dose and diluent have minimal effects on the caecal microbiota of layer chickens.
(Apr 2024)
Bacterial diversity and composition on the rinds of specific melon cultivars and hybrids from across different growing regions in the United States
(Apr 2024)
Proportions and serogroups of enterohemorrhagic Shiga Toxin-producing Escherichia coli in feces of fed and cull beef and cull dairy cattle at harvest
(Apr 2024)
Attachment of Salmonella Typhimurium and survival on post-harvest produce and seed
(Apr 2024)
Food contact surfaces, risk of contamination, and solution
(Apr 2024)
The role of air and aerosols in contaminating food products during food processing
(Apr 2024)
Microbial contamination in the food processing environment
(Apr 2024)
Effects of sampling time and depth on phytoplankton metrics in irrigation ponds
(Apr 2024)
An analysis of culture-based methods used for the detection and isolation of Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli, and Enterococcus spp. from surface water: a systematic review
(Apr 2024)
3D-GhostNet: A novel spatial-spectral algorithm to improve foodborne bacteria classification coupled with hyperspectral microscopic imaging technology
(Apr 2024)
Pathogenomes of Shiga toxin positive and negative Escherichia coli O157:H7 strains TT12A and TT12B: Comprehensive phylogenomic analysis using closed genomes
(Mar 2024)
Escherichia coli isolated from dairy animal feces encoding fosA7.5, conferring resistance to the reserve group antibiotic Fosfomycin
(Mar 2024)
High-throughput homogenous assay for the direct detection of Listeria monocytogenes DNA
(Mar 2024)
Grapefruit essential oil combined with UV-C treatment: A technology to improve the microbial safety of fresh produce
(Mar 2024)
Enhancing pathogen identification with high background microflora using an artificial neural network-enabled paper chromogenic array sensor approach
(Mar 2024)
Pathogenomes and virulence profiles of representative big six non-O157 serogroup Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli
(Mar 2024)
Development of a rapid and sensitive CANARY biosensor assay for the detection of Shiga toxin 2 from Escherichia coli
(Mar 2024)
Fine-scale spatiotemporal variations in bacterial community diversity in agricultural pond water
(Mar 2024)
Detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in ground beef using long-read sequencing
(Mar 2024)
Functional contribution of the intestinal microbiome in autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and Rett syndrome: a systematic review of pediatric and adult studies
(Mar 2024)
Macro-micro exploration on dynamic interaction between aflatoxigenic Aspergillus flavus and maize kernels using Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging and SEM technology
(Mar 2024)
Differential microbiota shift on whole romaine lettuce subjected to source or forward processing and on fresh-cut products during cold storage
(Mar 2024)
Evaluation of peracetic acid treatment on beef trimmings and subprimals against Salmonella and E. coli O157:H7 within regulatory retained water limitations
(Mar 2024)
Survival of Listeria strains and shelf life determination of fresh blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum) treated with cold atmospheric plasma
(Mar 2024)
Cold stress initiates catecholaminergic and serotonergic responses in the chicken gut that are associated with functional shifts in the microbiome
(Mar 2024)
Novel rpsK / rpsD primer-probe assay improves detection of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli in human stool
(Mar 2024)
Insights into the plasticity and virulence of Escherichia coli serogroup O45
(Feb 2024)
Pathogenomes of Shiga toxin positive and negative Escherichia coli O157:H7 strains TT12A and B: comprehensive phylogenomic analysis using closed genomes
(Feb 2024)
Pathogenomes and virulence profiles of representative emerging big six non-O157 serogroups Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli
(Feb 2024)
Bacterial proximity effects on the transfer of antibiotic resistance genes within the alimentary tract of yellow mealworm larvae
(Feb 2024)
Prediction of soluble-solid content in citrus fruit using visible–near infrared hyperspectral imaging based on machine learning and effective-wavelength selection algorithm
(Feb 2024)
Advance in detection technique of lean meat powder residues in meat using SERS: a review
(Feb 2024)
Detection and isolation of Campylobacter spp. from raw meat
(Feb 2024)
Serum cytokine profile of neonatal broiler chickens infected with Salmonella Typhimurium
(Feb 2024)
The bacterial and archaeal communities of flies, manure, lagoons, and troughs at a working dairy
(Feb 2024)
Microbial profile of broiler carcasses processed at a university scale mobile poultry processing unit
(Feb 2024)
Draft genomic sequence for uropathogenic Staphylococcus saprophyticus ATCC 49453
(Feb 2024)
Detection and distribution of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs) in Campylobacter jejuni isolates from chicken livers
(Feb 2024)
Surface topography and chemistry of food contact substances, and microbial nutrition affect pathogen persistence and symbiosis in cocktail listeria monocytogenes biofilms
(Feb 2024)
Microbial composition and diversity of high-demand street-vended foods in Ecuador
(Feb 2024)
Impact of intense sanitization on environmental biofilm communities and the survival of Salmonella enterica at a beef processing plant
(Feb 2024)
Cultivar was more influential than bacterial strain and other experimental factors in recovery of Escherichia coli O157:H7 populations from inoculated live Romaine lettuce plants
(Feb 2024)
Poultry food assess risk model for salmonella and chicken gizzards: III. Dose consumed step
(Feb 2024)
Identification and characterization of lettuce cultivars with high inhibitory activity against the human pathogen Escherichia coli O157:H7: Toward a plant-intrinsic hurdle approach to microbial safety
(Feb 2024)
Identifying a list of Salmonella serotypes of concern to target for reducing risk of salmonellosis
(Feb 2024)
Magnetic capture device for large volume sample analysis
(Feb 2024)
Automated classification of citrus disease on fruits and leaves using convolutional neural network (CNN) generated features from hyperspectral images and machine learning classifiers
(Feb 2024)
Chemical compositions of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi. (Huangqin) extracts and their effects on ACE2 binding of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, ACE2 activity, and free radicals
(Feb 2024)
Genomic analysis points to multiple genetic mechanisms for non-transformable Campylobacter jejuni ST-50
(Feb 2024)
Validation of a new method of sampling beef manufacturing trimmings for pathogen testing using a manual sampling mitt approach
(Feb 2024)
Alternative Additives for Organic and Natural Ready-to-Eat Meats to Control Spoilage and Maintain Shelf Life: Current Perspectives in the United States
(Feb 2024)
Genetic characteristics of Salmonella Isolates recovered from reused broiler
(Feb 2024)
Machine learning algorithms predict Listeria prevalence and Campylobacter species on pastured poultry farms based on management practices and farm environment variables
(Jan 2024)
Genomic resistant determinants of multidrug-resistant Campylobacter spp. isolates in Peru
(Jan 2024)
Relationships between protein and other chemical composition and texture of tofu made from soybeans grown in different locations
(Jan 2024)
Numerical simulation of heat transfer during meat ball cooking and microbial food safety enhancement
(Jan 2024)
A new Rogue-like Escherichia phage UDF157lw to control Escherichia coli O157:H7
(Jan 2024)
Bio-based phenolic branched-chain fatty acid emulsion achieved similar reductions of Listeria innocua population on apple fruit as chlorinated water
(Jan 2024)
Salmonella-induced microbiome profile in response to sanitation by quaternary ammonium chloride
(Jan 2024)
Whole genome sequences, de novo assembly, and annotation of antibiotic resistant Campylobacter jejuni strains S27, S33, and S36 newly isolated from chicken meat
(Jan 2024)
Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. during cooking of country ham and fate of L. monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus during storage of country ham slices
(Jan 2024)
Draft genome sequences of Campylobacter species isolated from the cecal contents of broiler chickens
(Jan 2024)
Development of multienzyme isothermal rapid amplification (MIRA) combined with lateral-flow dipstick (LFD) assay to detect species-specific tlh and pathogenic trh and tdh genes of vibrio parahaemolyticus.
(Jan 2024)
From formation to solutions: Off-flavors and innovative removal strategies for farmed freshwater fish
(Jan 2024)
Virulome analysis of Escherichia coli ST117 from bovine sources identifies similarities and differences with strains isolated from other food animals
(Jan 2024)
Surveillance of pathogenic bacteria on a food matrix using machine-learning-enabled paper chromogenic arrays
(Jan 2024)
Phenotypic characterization and draft genome sequence analyses of two novel endospore-forming Sporosarcina spp. isolated from Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) feces
(Dec 2023)
Inclusion of trans-cinnamaldehyde and caprylic acid in feed results in detectable concentrations in the chicken gut and reduces foodborne pathogen carriage
(Dec 2023)
Minimum concentrations of slow pyrolysis paper and walnut hull cyclone biochars needed to inactivate Escherichia coli O157:H7 in soil
(Dec 2023)
Assessment of potential anti-methanogenic and antimicrobial activity of ethyl nitroacetate, a-lipoic acid, taurine and l-cysteinesulfinic acid in vitro
(Dec 2023)
Evaluation of long-read sequencing simulators to assess real-world applications for food safety
(Dec 2023)
Whole genome sequencing and characterization of Escherichia coli human isolate DP033
(Dec 2023)
Chlortetracycline concentration impact on Salmonella Typhimurium sustainability in the presence of porcine gastrointestinal tract bacteria maintained in continuous culture
(Dec 2023)
Escherichia coli O157:H7 tir 255 T > A allele strains differ in chromosomal and plasmid composition
(Dec 2023)
Multispecies biofilms by bacterial pathogens and bioreactors for biofilm evaluation
(Dec 2023)
Suppression of pathogens in properly refrigerated raw milk
(Dec 2023)
Detection of cleaved Stx2a in the blood of STEC-infected patients
(Dec 2023)
Development of recombinant oyster heat shock protein 70 mediated in situ capture RT-qPCR to detect human norovirus and Tulane virus
(Dec 2023)
A novel Shiga toxin 2a neutralizing antibody therapeutic with low immunogenicity and high efficacyA novel Shiga toxin 2a neutralizing antibody therapeutic with low immunogenicity and high efficacy
(Dec 2023)
Microscopic and transcriptomic characterization of Listeria monocytogenes aggregation and biofilm formation in cantaloupe juice
(Dec 2023)
Controlling Salmonella: strategies for feed, the farm, and the processing plant
(Dec 2023)
Growth assessment of Salmonella enterica multi-serovar populations in poultry rinsates with commonly used enrichment and plating media
(Nov 2023)
Campylobacter jejuni response when inoculated in bovine in vitro fecal microbial consortia incubations in the presence of metabolic inhibitors
(Nov 2023)
Mechanism of synergistic photoinactivation utilizing curcumin and lauric arginate ethyl ester against Escherichia coli and Listeria innocua
(Nov 2023)
Detection of aflatoxins in ground maize using a compact and automated Raman spectroscopy with machine learning
(Nov 2023)
Tulathromycin metaphylaxis increases nasopharyngeal isolation of multidrug resistant Mannheimia haemolytica in stocker heifers
(Nov 2023)
Genomic and phenotypic characterization of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia albertii strains isolated from wild birds in a major agricultural region in California
(Nov 2023)
Predicting Foodborne Pathogens and Probiotics Taxa within poultry-related microbiomes using a machine learning approach
(Nov 2023)
A multiscale computation study on bruise susceptibility of blueberries from mechanical impact
(Nov 2023)
Unusual modifications of protein biomarkers expressed by plasmid, prophage, and bacterial host of pathogenic Escherichia coli identified by top-down proteomic analysis
(Nov 2023)
A novel machine learning framework based on a hierarchy of dispute models for the identification of fish species using multi-mode spectroscopy
(Nov 2023)
Distribution of antibiotic resistance in a mixed-use watershed and the impact of wastewater treatment plants on antibiotic resistance in surface water
(Nov 2023)
Growth kinetics of Bacillus cytotoxicus in liquid egg yolk during treatment with phospholipase A2 – A one-step global dynamic analysis
(Oct 2023)
Estimating osmotic pressure in soil solutions of saline soils to evaluate the salinity effect on crop yields
(Oct 2023)
Survival of Campylobacter jejuni during in vitro culture with mixed bovine ruminal microorganisms in the presence of methanogen inhibitors
(Oct 2023)
Virulence factors and antimicrobial resistance profiles of Campylobacter isolates recovered from consecutively reused broiler litter
(Oct 2023)
Confirming the stimulated Raman origin of singlet-oxygen photogeneration
(Oct 2023)
Genome-wide analysis of Escherichia coli isolated from dairy animals identifies virulence factors and genes enriched in multidrug-resistant strains
(Oct 2023)
Cold plasma for food processing
(Oct 2023)
Effect of chemostat turnover rate and select antibiotics on Salmonella Typhimurium in the presence of porcine gastrointestinal tract bacteria
(Oct 2023)
Combined treatment of pulsed light and nisin-organic acid based antimicrobial wash for inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Romaine lettuce, reduction of microbial loads, and retention of quality ¿
(Oct 2023)
Relationship of the Poultry Microbiome to Pathogen Colonization, Farm Management, Poultry Production, and Foodborne Illness Risk Assessmen
(Oct 2023)
IngredientDB: A GUI-based matlab database program for estimating the pH of acid or acidified food formulations from buffer capacity models
(Oct 2023)
Effect of nisin, EDTA, and abuse temperature on the growth of Salmonella Typhimurium in liquid whole egg during refrigerated storage
(Oct 2023)
A review on plasma-activated water and its application in the meat industry
(Oct 2023)
Cracking the code for high quality eggs: From the beginning to the end
(Oct 2023)
CD4+ T lymphocyte responses to viruses and virus-relevant stimuli in teleost fish
(Oct 2023)
Enzymatic cleavage of Stx2a in the gut and identification of pancreatic elastase and trypsin as possible main cleavers
(Oct 2023)
Effect of plant-derived antimicrobials, eugenol, carvacrol, and ß-resorcylic acid against Salmonella on organic chicken wings and carcasses
(Oct 2023)
Gut phageome—An insight into the role and impact of gut microbiome and their correlation with mammal health and diseases
(Sep 2023)
Complete closed genome sequences of three multidrug resistant uropathogenic Escherichia coli
(Sep 2023)
A comparison of methods to detect low levels of Salmonella enterica in surface waters to support antimicrobial resistance surveillance efforts performed in multiple laboratories
(Sep 2023)
Metagenomic investigation reveals bacteriophage-mediated horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance genes in microbial communities of an organic agricultural ecosystem
(Sep 2023)
Pathogenicity assessment of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli strains isolated from wild birds in a major agricultural region in California
(Sep 2023)
Salmonella in eggs: how it happens and how to make it happen less
(Sep 2023)
Effects of fumigation on the reduction of Salmonella enterica in soil
(Sep 2023)
Complete genome sequence of an avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strain isolated from poultry
(Sep 2023)
High-yield and high-throuhput delamination of multilayer MXene via high-pressure homogenization
(Sep 2023)
Internal organ colonization by Salmonella Enteritidis in layer pullets infected at two different ages during rearing in cage-free housing
(Sep 2023)
Risk factors associated with the prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in manured soils on certified organic farms in four regions of the United States
(Sep 2023)
Deep learning-based plant organ segmentation and phenotyping of sorghum plants using LiDAR point cloud
(Sep 2023)
Phenotype alterations in the cecal ecosystem involved in the asymptomatic intestinal persistence of paratyphoid Salmonella in chickens
(Sep 2023)
Towards Optimal Microbiome to Inhibit Multidrug Resistance
(Aug 2023)
Bacitracin supplementation as a growth promoter down-regulates innate and adaptive cytokines in broilers intestine
(Aug 2023)
Listeria Occurrence in Conventional and Alternative Egg Production Systems
(Aug 2023)
Inactivation of foodborne and other pathogenic bacteria with pyrrolidine based fatty acid amide derivatives
(Aug 2023)
Autonomous calibration of EFDC for predicting chlorophyll-a using reinforcement learning and a real-time monitoring system
(Aug 2023)
Modeling the effects of temperature and pH on Listeria monocytogenes
growth in Mexican-style pork chorizo
(Aug 2023)
Comparative genomic analyses of virulence and antimicrobial resistance in Citrobacter werkmanii, an emerging opportunistic pathogen
(Aug 2023)
Comparison of phenotype nutritional profiles and phosphate metabolism genes in four serovars of salmonella enterica from water sources
(Aug 2023)
Federated learning for clients' data privacy assurance in food service industry
(Aug 2023)
Advancement of non-destructive spectral measurements for the quality of major tropical fruits and vegetables: a review
(Aug 2023)
Radio frequency treatment of food: A review on pasteurization and disinfestation
(Aug 2023)
Antimicrobial efficacy of fatty acid amide derivatives for inhibition and reduction of Listeria monocytogenes and other bacterial strains
(Aug 2023)
Cross-cutting concepts to transform agricultural research
(Aug 2023)
Detecting broiler chickens on litter floor with the YOLOv5-CBAM deep
learning model
(Aug 2023)
Semisupervised deep learning for the detection of foreign materials on poultry meat with near-infrared hyperspectral imaging
(Aug 2023)
Distillers dried grains with soluble and enzyme inclusion in the diet effects broilers performance, intestinal health, and microbiota
(Aug 2023)
Shelf-life boundaries of listeria monocytogenes in cold smoked salmon during refrigerated storage and temperature abuse
(Aug 2023)
Modeling the formulation pH of elderberry syrup with multiple weak acids
(Aug 2023)
Influence of contamination source and cultivation matrix on survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica on daikon microgreens
(Aug 2023)
High salt concentration affects the microbial diversity of cassava during fermentation, as revealed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing
(Aug 2023)
Hyperspectral microscope imaging applications for food safety and quality
(Aug 2023)
Identification of dominant factors contributing to persistence of third-generation cephalosporin-resistant Salmonella at a beef cattle feedyard
(Jul 2023)
Classification of E. coli colony with generative adversarial networks, discrete wavelet transforms and VGG19
(Jul 2023)
Polymerase Chain Reaction for the in vitro detection of the pESI plasmid associated with the globally circulating Salmonella Infantis outbreak strain
(Jul 2023)
The effects of sanitizing hurdles against foodborne pathogens during blueberry processing
(Jul 2023)
Hyperspectral imaging techniques for rapid detection of single- and co-contaminant aflatoxins and fumonisins in ground maize
(Jul 2023)
Proteins and lipids content estimation in soybeans using Raman hyperspectral imaging
(Jul 2023)
Biochar and zero-valent iron sand filtration simultaneously remove contaminants of emerging concern and Escherichia coli from wastewater effluent
(Jul 2023)
M2 polarization and inhibition of host cell glycolysis contributes intracellular survival of Salmonella strains in chicken macrophage HD-11 cells
(Jul 2023)
Cold plasma and organic acid treatment combination enhances inactivation of salmonella bacteria on tomato stem scar surfaces
(Jul 2023)
Evaluation of longer-term biofilm formation of Listeria monocytogenes strains influenced by media compositions
(Jul 2023)
Incidence of multiserovar Salmonella populations in postharvest meat and poultry products
(Jul 2023)
Development of a qPCR Detection Approach for Pathogenic Burkholderia cenocepacia Associated with Fresh Vegetables
(Jul 2023)
Non-point human fecal contamination from aging wastewater infrastructure is a primary driver of antibiotic resistance in surface waters
(Jul 2023)
A multimodal optical sensing system for automated and intelligent food safety inspection
(Jul 2023)
Predator-prey interactions between Halobacteriovorax and pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains: geographical considerations and influence of Vibrio hemolysins
(Jul 2023)
Mastering the art of taming: reducing bitterness in fish by-products derived peptides
(Jul 2023)
A hyperspectral plant health monitoring system for space crop production
(Jul 2023)
Proximate content monitoring of black soldier fly larval (Hermetia illucens) dry matter for feed material using short-wave infrared hyperspectral imaging
(Jul 2023)
Cage free housing for laying hens: floor substrate provided during rearing influences body condition and welfare parameters
(Jul 2023)
A determination method for clenbuterol residue in pork based on optimal particle size gold colloid using SERS
(Jul 2023)
Hyperspectral imaging techniques for detection of foreign materials from fresh-Cut vegetables
(Jul 2023)
Assessing the risk of seasonal effects of Campylobacter contaminated broiler meat prepared in-home in the United States
(Jun 2023)
Identification of actionable sentinels for Salmonella contamination of beef lymph nodes and determining the impact of environmental contamination levels
(Jun 2023)
Predictive population dynamics of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica on plants: A mechanistic mathematical model based on weather parameters and bacterial state
(Jun 2023)
Development of thermally stable nanobodies for detection and neutralization of Staphylococcal enterotoxin B
(Jun 2023)
Coupled dynamics of fecal indicator bacteria in sandy sediments and the water column: a three-year high-frequency study at a Pennsylvania creek
(Jun 2023)
Dynamic heating temperature simulation using numerical analysis with iPMP applications for thermal lethality evaluation of foodborne pathogens in meats
(Jun 2023)
Disinfection of Escherichia coli using the contamination sanitization inspection and disinfection (CSI-D) system
(Jun 2023)
TMT-based quantitative proteomic and scanning electron microscopy reveals biological and morphological changes of Staphylococcus aureus irradiated by electron beam
(Jun 2023)
Use of automated capillary immunoassay for quantification of antibodies in chicken sera against recombinant Salmonella enterica serotype Heidelberg proteins
(Jun 2023)
Machine learning to predict foodborne salmonellosis outbreaks based on genome characteristics and meteorological trends
(Jun 2023)
Fate of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and Salmonella during kosher processing of fresh beef
(Jun 2023)
Butyrate decreases Campylobacter jejuni motility and biofilm partially through influence on LysR expression
(Jun 2023)
Pullet Rearing Conditions and Susceptibility to Experimental Salmonella Enteritidis Infection.
(Jun 2023)
Complete genome sequence of Campylobacter jejuni BSD5, a multidrug-resistant isolate from a poultry processing facility in the United States
(May 2023)
Spatial variation of tetracycline-resistant E. coli and relationships with water quality variables in irrigation water: A pilot study
(May 2023)
Rapid assessment of fish freshness for multiple supply-chain
nodes using multi-mode spectroscopy and fusion-based artificial intelligence
(May 2023)
Epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus non-susceptible to vancomycin in South Asia
(May 2023)
Effect of disulfide bonds on the thermal stability of pediocin: In-silico screening using molecular dynamics simulation
(May 2023)
Microbial Transglutaminase Cross-Linking Enhances the Textural and Rheological Properties of the Surimi-like Gels Made from Alkali-Extracted Protein Isolate from Catfish Byproducts and the Role of Disulfide Bonds in Gelling
(May 2023)
Survival of Salmonella enterica and E. coli O157:H7 in environmental biofilms isolated from pork plants as compared to beef plants
(May 2023)
Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in pork, are they really only a problem for beef?
(May 2023)
Classification between live and dead foodborne bacteria with hyperspectral microscope imagery and machine learning
(May 2023)
Impact of a blend of microencapsulated organic acids and botanicals on the microbiome of commercial broiler breeders under clinical necrotic enteritis
(May 2023)
Fate of Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., and Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli on slices of an all-beef soppressata during storage
(May 2023)
Whole-genome sequence analysis of Listeria innocua recovered from retail milk and dairy products in Egypt
(May 2023)
Modeling the fate of listeria monocytogenes and salmonella enterica on fresh whole and chopped wood ear and enoki mushrooms
(May 2023)
Possible sources of Listeria monocytogenes contamination of
fresh-cut apples and antimicrobial interventions during antibrowning
treatments: a review
(May 2023)
Raman spectroscopy and imaging technology
(May 2023)
A three-monoclonal antibody combination potently neutralizes BoNT/G toxin in mice
(Apr 2023)
Poultry food assess risk model for salmonella and chicken gizzards: II. Illness dose step
(Apr 2023)
Use of a commercial tissue dissociation system to detect Salmonella-contaminated poultry products
(Apr 2023)
Top-down proteomic identification of protein biomarkers of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa using MALDI-TOF-TOF-MS and MS/MS
(Apr 2023)
Chemical composition of honeysuckle (Lonicerae japonicae) extracts and their potential in inhibiting the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and ACE2 binding, suppressing ACE2, and scavenging radicals
(Apr 2023)
Automated segmentation of foodborne bacteria from chicken rinse with hyperspectral microscope imaging and deep learning methods
(Mar 2023)
Optimizing the effects of nisin and NaCl to thermal inactivate Listeria monocytogenes in ground beef with chipotle sauce during sous-vide processing
(Mar 2023)
Post abattoir risk-based meat safety assurance
(Mar 2023)
Ready-to-eat egg products formulated with nisin and organic acids to control Listeria monocytogenes
(Mar 2023)
Effects of hops treatment on nitrogen retention, volatile fatty acid accumulations, and select microbial populations of composting poultry litter intended for use as a ruminant feedstuff
(Mar 2023)
Characterization of antimicrobial resistance genes and virulence factors in the genomes of Escherichia coli ST69 isolates from preweaned dairy calves and their phylogenetic relationship with poultry and human clinical strains
(Mar 2023)
Enzymatic browning and polyphenol oxidase control strategies
(Mar 2023)
Lipid oxidation and volatile compounds of almonds as affected by gaseous chlorine dioxide treatment to reduce salmonella populations
(Mar 2023)
A microencapsulated feed additive containing organic acids and botanicals has a distinct effect on proliferative and metabolic related signaling in the jejunum and ileum of broiler chickens
(Mar 2023)
Top-down identification of Shiga toxin (and other virulence factors and biomarkers) from pathogenic E. coli using MALDI-TOF-TOF tandem mass spectrometry
(Mar 2023)
BufferCapacity3 an interactive GUI program for modelling food
ingredient buffering and pH
(Mar 2023)
Weather factors, soil microbiome, and bacteria-fungi interactions as drivers of the epiphytic phyllosphere communities of romaine lettuce
(Mar 2023)
Toxin and phage production from pathogenic E. coli by antibiotic induction analyzed by chemical reduction, MALDI-TOF-TOF mass spectrometry and top-down proteomic analysis
(Mar 2023)
Genomic diversity of antimicrobial-resistant and Shiga toxin gene-harboring non-O157 Escherichia coli from dairy calves
(Mar 2023)
Optical parameters inversion of tissue using spatially resolved diffuse reflection imaging combined with LSTM-attention network
(Mar 2023)
Temporal dynamics of the cecal and litter microbiome of chickens raised in two separate broiler houses
(Mar 2023)
Internal organ colonization by salmonella enteritidis in experimentally infected layer pullets after rearing in conventional cage or cage-free housing
(Mar 2023)
Efficacy of short thermal treatment time against Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella on the surface of fresh beef
(Mar 2023)
Impact of paddock area stocking density of free-range laying hens on egg and environmental microbiology.
(Mar 2023)
Leukocyte response to Campylobacter intra-abdominal infection in one day old leghorn chickens
(Feb 2023)
Biopolymer encapsulated AgNO3 nanoparticle substrates with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) for Salmonella detection from chicken rinse
(Feb 2023)
The role of temperate phages in bacterial pathogenicity
(Feb 2023)
Freshwater environment as a reservoir of extended-spectrum ß-lactamase-producing enterobacteriaceae
(Feb 2023)
Evaluating performance of SORS-based subsurface signal separation methods using statistical replication Monte Carlo simulation
(Feb 2023)
Trans-cinnamaldehyde nanoemulsion wash inactivates Salmonella Enteritidis on shelled eggs without affecting egg color or embryo growth
(Feb 2023)
Internal organ colonization by Salmonella Enteritidis in experimentally infected layer pullets reared under different housing conditions
(Feb 2023)
Horizontal gene transfer and loss of serotype-specific genes in Listeria monocytogenes can lead to incorrect serotype designations using a commonly-employed molecular serotyping scheme
(Feb 2023)
Tanshinone IIA-loaded nanoparticles and neural stem cell combination therapy improves gut homeostasis and recovery in a pig ishemic stroke model
(Feb 2023)
Listeria monocytogenes loss of cultivability on carrot is associated with the formation of mesosome-like structures
(Feb 2023)
Catecholamine concentrations in duck eggs are impacted by hen exposure to heat stress
(Feb 2023)
Temporal stability of Salmonella enterica and Listeria monocytogenes in surface waters used for irrigation in the Mid-Atlantic United States
(Feb 2023)
A multiomic analysis of chicken serum revealed the modulation of host factors due to Campylobacter jejuni coloniza-tion and in-water supplementation of eugenol nanoemulsion
(Feb 2023)
How did antibiotic growth promoters increase growth and feed efficiency in poultry?
(Feb 2023)
Soluble extracellular polymeric substance (SEPS) of histo-blood group antigen (HBGA) expressing bacterium Sphingobacterium sp. SC05 influences the survival and persistence of norovirus on lettuce
(Feb 2023)
Environmental sampling methods' influence on detection of pathogens in cage-free aviary housing
(Feb 2023)
Effects of bactericides on Salmonella survival on the surface of and in inoculated tomato leaves
(Jan 2023)
Comparison of metagenomic sequencing methods using Salmonella Heidelberg infected broilers
(Jan 2023)
Antimicrobial and physiochemical properties of films and coatings prepared from bio-fiber gum and whey protein isolate conjugates
(Jan 2023)
Whole-genome sequence of Aeromonas spp. isolated from a dairy farm in central Texas
(Jan 2023)
Microalgae can promote nitrification in poultry-processing wastewater in the presence and absence of antimicrobial agents
(Jan 2023)
Addition of a protected complex of biofactors and antioxidants to breeder hen diets confers transgenerational protection against Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis in progeny chicks
(Jan 2023)
Modeling quality changes and Salmonella Typhimurium growth in storage for eggs pasteurized by radio frequency treatments
(Jan 2023)
Active Food Packaging
(Jan 2023)
Effects in air-exposed corn silage of medium chain fatty acids on select spoilage microbes, zoonotic pathogens, and in vitro rumen fermentation
(Jan 2023)
Impact of sanitizer application on salmonella mitigation and microbiome shift on diced tomato during washing and storage
(Jan 2023)
Chicken production and human clinical Escherichia coli isolates differ in their carriage of antimicrobial resistance and virulence factors
(Jan 2023)
Microbial inactivation models of Salmonella Typhimurium in radio frequency treated eggs
(Jan 2023)
Packaged butter adulteration evaluation based on spatially offset Raman spectroscopy coupled with FastICA
(Jan 2023)
Evaluation of pulsed light treatment for inactivation of Salmonella in packaged cherry tomato and impact on background microbiota and quality
(Jan 2023)
Determination of verification parameters for using the manual sampling device for fresh raw beef trim
(Jan 2023)
Remote sensing in field crop monitoring: A comprehensive review of sensor systems, data analyses and recent advances
(Jan 2023)
Poultry food assess risk model for salmonella and chicken gizzards: I. Initial contamination
(Jan 2023)
ß-lactamase producing Escherichia coli encoding blaCTX-M and blaCMY genes in chicken carcasses from Egypt
(Jan 2023)
Universal hydrolysis probe-based approach for specific detection and genotyping of foodborne pathogens
(Jan 2023)
Serotype screening of salmonella enterica subspecies I by intergenic sequence ribotyping (ISR): Critical updates
(Dec 2022)
Salmonella in eggs and egg-laying chickens
(Dec 2022)
A new Kayfunavirus-like Escherichia phage vB_EcoP-Ro45lw with antimicrobial potential of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O45 strain
(Dec 2022)
Sustainable bio-based antimicrobials derived from fatty acids: synthesis, safety, and efficacy
(Dec 2022)
Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli outbreaks in California’s leafy greens production continuum
(Dec 2022)
The bile salt deoxycholate induces Campylobacter jejuni genetic point mutations that promote increased antibiotic resistance and fitness
(Dec 2022)
Genome sequences of a stress resistant outbreak-associated Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 strain and a variant with enhanced congo red-binding capability
(Dec 2022)
Distribution of extremely heat-resistant Escherichia coli in the beef production and processing continuum
(Dec 2022)
Fluorescence hyperspectral imaging for early diagnosis of heat-stressed ginseng plants
(Dec 2022)
Understanding egg quality
(Dec 2022)
Raman enhancement effects of gold nanoparticles with different particle sizes on clenbuterol and ractopamine
(Dec 2022)
Synergistic photoinactivation of Escherichia coli and Listeria innocua by curcumin and lauric arginate ethyl ester micelles
(Dec 2022)
Protected biofactors and antioxidants reduce the negative consequences of virus and cold challenge while enhancing performance by modulating immunometabolism through cytoskeletal and immune signaling in the jejunum
(Dec 2022)
Meat quality of broiler chickens processed using electrical and controlled atmosphere stunning systems
(Dec 2022)
Management and environmental factors influence the prevalence and abundance of food-borne pathogens and commensal bacteria in peanut hull-based broiler litter
(Dec 2022)
Draft genomic sequence for a multidrug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae 060517CS3-g isolated from retail ground chicken meat
(Dec 2022)
Citrus disease detection using convolution neural network generated features and softmax classifier on hyperspectral image data
(Dec 2022)
Advances, applications, and limitations of portable and rapid detection technologies for routinely encountered foodborne pathogens
(Dec 2022)
Monitoring behaviors of broiler chickens at different ages with deep learning
(Dec 2022)
Growth and inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes in sterile extracts of fruits and vegetables: Impact of the intrinsic factors pH, sugar and organic acid content
(Dec 2022)
Viability of listeria monocytogenes and salmonella spp. on slices of a german-style bologna containing blends of organic acid salts during storage at 4 or 12C
(Dec 2022)
Comparative genomic and phenotypic analyses of virulence potential in Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O121:H7 and O121:H10
(Nov 2022)
Inhibitory effect of select nitrocompounds and chlorate against Yersinia ruckeri and Yersinia aleksiciae in vitro
(Nov 2022)
A review on egg pasteurization and disinfection: traditional and novel processing technologies
(Nov 2022)
Studies on simultaneous enrichment and detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 during sample shipment
(Nov 2022)
Combined pulsed electric field with antimicrobial packaging for extending shelf life of orange juice
(Nov 2022)
An ensemble learning approach to identify pastured poultry farm practice variables and soil constituents that promote Salmonella prevalence
(Nov 2022)
Impact of “Deep Cleaning” sanitization on natural biofilm communities and the survival of Salmonella enterica
(Nov 2022)
Estimating phytoplankton concentrations in agricultural irrigation ponds from water quality measurements: a machine learning application
(Nov 2022)
Evaluation of riboflavin as an enhancer for X-Ray and EBeam irradiation treatment of Tulane virus
(Nov 2022)
Effect of citral on the thermal inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in ground beef
(Nov 2022)
Characterization of polyvalent Escherichia phage Sa157lw for the biocontrol potential of Salmonella Typhimurium and Escherichia coli O157:H7 on contaminated mung bean seeds
(Nov 2022)
Characterization of Salmonella strains and environmental microorganisms isolated from a meat plant with Salmonella recurrence
(Nov 2022)
Chemical compositions of clove (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L.) extracts and their potentials in suppressing SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-ACE2 binding, inhibiting ACE2, and scavenging free radicals
(Nov 2022)
Phylogenetic group and virulence profile classification in Escherichia coli from distinct isolation sources in Mexico
(Nov 2022)
Internal organ colonization by Salmonella Enteritidis in experimentally infected layer pullets reared at different stocking densities in indoor cage-free housing
(Nov 2022)
Editorial: Functional mechanisms at the avian gut microbiome-intestinal immunity interface and its regulation of avian physiological responses
(Oct 2022)
Improving blueberry firmness classification with spectral and textural features of microstructures using hyperspectral microscope imaging and deep learning
(Oct 2022)
Use of bentonite-coated activated carbon for improving the sensitivity of RT-qPCR detection of norovirus from vegetables and fruits: The ISO 15216-1:2017 standard method extension
(Oct 2022)
Encapsulation of TA in edible nanofibrous mat improves antioxidant efficiency and their modulation of fatty acids profile in flaxseed oil
(Oct 2022)
Nondestructive and multiplex differentiation of pathogenic microorganisms from spoilage microflora on seafood using paper chromogenic array and neural network
(Oct 2022)
“Candidatus Campylobacter infans” detection is not associated with diarrhea in children under the age of 2 in Peru
(Oct 2022)
Pasteurization of foods with ultrasound: the present and the future
(Oct 2022)
Enhancing detection of Listeria monocytogenes in food products using an enzyme
(Oct 2022)
Vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood: Recent progress in understanding influential factors at harvest and food-safety intervention approaches
(Oct 2022)
Effect of thermal treatments on soluble-free, soluble-conjugated, and insoluble-bound phenolic components and free radical scavenging properties of tomato seeds
(Oct 2022)
Shotgun metagenomics of fecal samples from children in Peru reveals frequent complex co-infections with multiple Campylobacter species
(Oct 2022)
Survival of pathogenic Escherichia coli in ground chicken with acetic acid and allyl Isothiocyanate subjected to high hydrostatic pressure
(Oct 2022)
Weather stressors correlate with Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica persister formation rates in the phyllosphere: A mathematical modeling study
(Sep 2022)
Salmonella control in egg-laying chickens: understanding how and why
(Sep 2022)
Application of yellow mustard mucilage and starch in nanoencapsulation of thymol and carvacrol by emulsion electrospray
(Sep 2022)
Phage biocontrol for reducing bacterial foodborne pathogens in produce and other foods
(Sep 2022)
Deep learning and multiwavelength fluorescence imaging for cleanliness assessment and disinfection in food services
(Sep 2022)
A review of Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) contamination in the raw pork production chain
(Sep 2022)
Variations in bacterial diversity and antibiotic resistance genes across diverse recycled and surface waters used for irrigation in the Mid-Atlantic and Southwest United States: A CONSERVE two-year field study
(Sep 2022)
Fate of Listeria monocytogenes and shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli on bresaola slices during storage.
(Sep 2022)
Stimulated raman generation of aqueous singlet oxygen without photosensitizers
(Sep 2022)
Comparison between LASSO and RT methods for prediction of generic E. coli concentration in pastured poultry farms
(Sep 2022)
Novel model for chronic intestinal inflammation in chickens: (2) immunologic mechanism behind the inflammatory response
(Sep 2022)
Gamma radiation effects on the survival and reduction of Listeria monocytogenes on carrot and tomato
(Sep 2022)
Antibiotic resistance influences growth rates and cross-tolerance to lactic acid in E. coli O157:H7 H1730
(Sep 2022)
Raman enhancement effect of different silver nanoparticles on salbutamol
(Sep 2022)
Development and validation of high-resolution melting assays for the detection of potentially virulent strains of Escherichia coli O103 and O121
(Sep 2022)
Laying hen production and welfare in a cage-free setting is impacted by the northern fowl mite
(Sep 2022)
Preharvest Environmental and Management Drivers of Multidrug Resistance in Major Bacterial Zoonotic Pathogens in Pastured Poultry Flocks
(Aug 2022)
El Saneamiento de Huevos: Sistemas de Saneamiento
(Aug 2022)
El Saneamiento de Huevos: Sistema De Transporte
(Aug 2022)
El Saneamiento de Huevos: Introducción
(Aug 2022)
El Saneamiento de Huevos: Sistemas De Empaquetado - Parte Superior
(Aug 2022)
El Saneamiento de Huevos: Equipo De Secado De Huevos
(Aug 2022)
El Saneamiento de Huevos: Acumulador
(Aug 2022)
El Saneamiento de Huevos: Sistemas De Eliminación De Huevos
(Aug 2022)
El Saneamiento de Huevos: Cinta Transportadora Agrícola
(Aug 2022)
El Saneamiento de Huevos: Lavadora
(Aug 2022)
El Saneamiento de Huevos: Sistemas de Saneamiento
(Aug 2022)
El Saneamiento de Huevos: Empaquetado Y Apilado
(Aug 2022)
El Saneamiento de Huevos: Lavadora
(Aug 2022)
El Saneamiento de Huevos: Sistemas De Detección De Calidad De Huevos
(Aug 2022)
El Saneamiento de Huevos: Áreas De Almacenamiento
(Aug 2022)
El Saneamiento de Huevos: Áreas Para Empleados
(Aug 2022)
El Saneamiento de Huevos: Sistemas De Empaquetado - Porción Baja
(Aug 2022)
El Saneamiento de Huevos: Sistema Auxiliar
(Aug 2022)
El Saneamiento de Huevos: Áreas De Procesamiento
(Aug 2022)
El Saneamiento de Huevos: Enfriadores
(Aug 2022)
Editorial: Plasmid transfer- mechanisms, ecology, evolution and applications
(Aug 2022)
Antimicrobial and digestive effects of Yucca schidigera extracts related to production and environment implications of ruminant and nonruminant animals: A review
(Aug 2022)
AI4Water v1.0: an open-source python package for modeling hydrological time series using data-driven methods
(Aug 2022)
Reduction of Salmonella enterica Typhimurium populations and quality of grape tomatoes treated with dry and humidified gaseous ozone
(Aug 2022)
Identification of protein biomarkers of Xylella fastidiosa using MALDI-TOF-TOF-MS/MS and top-down proteomic analysis
(Aug 2022)
Efficacy of gaseous chlorine dioxide generated by sodium chlorite - carbon dioxide reaction on safety and quality of blueberries, cherry tomatoes, and grapes
(Aug 2022)
Efficacy of antimicrobial interventions used in meat processing plants against antimicrobial tolerant non-antibiotic-resistant and antibiotic-resistant Salmonella on fresh beef
(Aug 2022)
The effects of the administration of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae direct-fed microbial on the prevalence of Salmonella in bovine mesenteric lymph nodes
(Jul 2022)
Comparative genomics of Escherichia coli serotype O55:H7 using complete closed genomes
(Jul 2022)
Efficacy of pectin-based caproic acid, caprylic acid, linalool and cuminaldehyde coatings in reducing Salmonella Heidelberg on chicken eggs
(Jul 2022)
Depth-dependent concentrations of E. coli in agricultural irrigation ponds
(Jul 2022)
Complete genome sequences of multidrug-resistant Campylobacter coli strains YH501, YH503, and YH504 from retail chicken
(Jul 2022)
Using E. coli populations to predict foodborne pathogens in pastured poultry farms.
(Jul 2022)
Escherichia coli phylogroup distribution and prevalence of extended spectrum ß-lactamase (ESBL) producers in U.S. Mid-Atlantic surface and reclaimed water
(Jul 2022)
Identification of soluble free, soluble conjugated and insoluble bound phenolics in tomato seeds and their radical scavenging and antiproliferative activities
(Jul 2022)
FI: The fecobiome initiative
(Jul 2022)
Antimicrobial Coating with Organic Acids and Essential Oil for the Enhancement of Safety and Shelf life of Grape Tomatoes
(Jul 2022)
Differences between the global transcriptomes of Salmonella enterica serovars Dublin and Cerro during infection of bovine epithelial cells
(Jul 2022)
Bacteriophages isolated from turkeys infecting diverse Salmonella serovars
(Jul 2022)
Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of nontyphoidal Salmonella enterica from head meat and trim for ground product at pork processing facilities
(Jul 2022)
Management practices affecting lesser mealworm larvae (Alphitobius diaperinus) associated microbial community in a broiler house and after relocating with the litter into pastureland
(Jul 2022)
Chicken-specific kinome analysis of early host immune signaling pathways in the cecum of newly hatched chicks infected with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteriditis
(Jun 2022)
Rapid detection of Salmonella enterica in fresh produce by a novel microarray-based PathogenDx system
(Jun 2022)
Listeria monocytogenes in irrigation water: an assessment of outbreaks, sources, prevalence, and persistence
(Jun 2022)
Machine learning in vadose zone hydrology: a flashback
(Jun 2022)
The effect of a first-flush rainwater harvesting irrigation system on E. coli and pathogen concentrations in irrigation water, soil, and produce
(Jun 2022)
Detection of aflatoxin B1 in single peanut kernels by combining hyperspectral and microscopic imaging technologies
(Jun 2022)
Growth Competition between Lactic Acid Bacteria and Listeria monocytogenes during Meat Fermentation – A Mathematical Modeling
(Jun 2022)
Whole-genome sequencing analysis of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O22:H8 isolated from cattle prediction pathogenesis and colonization factors and position in STEC universe phylogeny
(Jun 2022)
Differences between the global transcriptomes of Salmonella enterica serovars Dublin and Cerro infecting bovine epithelial cells
(Jun 2022)
Effect of select tannin sources on pathogen control and microbial nitrogen metabolism in composted poultry litter intended for use as a ruminant crude protein feedstuff
(Jun 2022)
Distribution and transfer of plasmid replicon families among multidrug resistant Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium from poultry
(Jun 2022)
Fundamental differences in inactivation mechanisms of Escherichia coli O157:H7 between chlorine dioxide and sodium hypochlorite
(Jun 2022)
Color and texture of surimi-like gels made of protein isolate extracted from catfish by-products are improved by washing and adding soy whey
(Jun 2022)
Color and texture of surimi-like gels made of protein isolate extracted from catfish by-products are improved by washing and adding soy whey
(Jun 2022)
Prevalence and genomic diversity of Salmonella enterica recovered from river water in a major agricultural region in northwestern Mexico
(Jun 2022)
Genome sequence analysis and characterization of shiga toxin 2 production by escherichia coli O157:H7 strains associated with a laboratory infection
(Jun 2022)
Strength of Salmonella Attachment on Apple and Tomato Surfaces: Effect of Antimicrobial Treatments on Population Reduction and Inactivation
(Jun 2022)
Differences in the propensity of different antimicrobial resistance determinants to be disseminated via transformation in Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli
(Jun 2022)
Buffer models for pH and acid changes occurring in cucumber juice fermented with Lactiplantibacillus pentosus and Leuconostoc mesenteroides
(Jun 2022)
Microfluidic sampling and biosensing systems for foodborne Escherichia coli and Salmonella
(Jun 2022)
Application of alternative sources of water in agricultural food production - current trends and future prospects
(Jun 2022)
Resistance genes, plasmids, multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and phenotypic resistance of Salmonella isolated from slaughtered chickens in Burkina Faso
(Jun 2022)
Cold plasma activated hydrogen peroxide aerosols inactivate Salmonella Typhimurium & Listeria innocua on smooth surfaces & stem scars of tomatoes:modeling effects of hydrogen peroxide concentration,treatment time & dwell time
(Jun 2022)
Through the looking glass: Genome, phenome, and interactome of salmonella enterica
(May 2022)
Characterization of diverse Salmonella isolated from surface water of a mixed-use watershed and their comparison to human clinical isolates
(May 2022)
Poultry meat and eggs as an alternative source of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids for human nutrition
(May 2022)
Advances in multi-omics based quantitative microbial risk assessment in the dairy sector: A semi-systematic review
(May 2022)
Communicating the utility of the microbiome and bioinformatics to small flock poultry producers
(Apr 2022)
Evaluation of a witch hazel extract for the potential prebiotic and protective effect on select Lactiplantibacillus plantarum (prev. Lactobacillus plantarum) strains
(Apr 2022)
Transferability of ESBL-encoding IncN and IncI1 plasmids among field strains of different Salmonella serovars and Escherichia coli
(Apr 2022)
Prevalence and clonal diversity of over 1,200 Listeria monocytogenes isolates collected from public access waters near produce production areas on the central California coast during 2011 to 2016
(Apr 2022)
Unique and redundant spectral fingerprints of docosahexaenoic, alpha-linolenic and gamma-linolenic acids in binary mixtures
(Apr 2022)
Antimicrobial effects of thymol-loaded phytoglycogen/zein nanocomplexes against foodborne pathogens on fresh produce
(Apr 2022)
Hierarchical deep learning model to simulate phytoplankton at phylum/class and genus levels and zooplankton at the genus level
(Apr 2022)
Genomic characterization of antimicrobial-resistant Escherichia coli isolated from dairy operations
(Apr 2022)
Comparative genomics applied to systematically assess pathogenicity potential in Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O145:H28
(Apr 2022)
Development of recombinase polymerase amplification combined with lateral flow dipstick assay to detect hemolysin gene of Vibrio vulnificus in oysters
(Apr 2022)
Discovery of MurA Inhibitors as novel antimicrobials through an integrated computational and experimental approach
(Apr 2022)
Intra-daily variation of E. coli concentrations in agricultural irrigation ponds
(Apr 2022)
Chemical inhibition of polyphenol oxidase and cut surface browning of fresh-cut apples
(Apr 2022)
Combined effect of brine salting and high-hydrostatic-pressure processing to improve the microbial quality and physicochemical properties of milkfish fillet
(Apr 2022)
Distinct cecal and fecal microbiome responses to stress are accompanied by sex-and diet-dependent changes in behavior and gut serotonin
(Apr 2022)
Pathogenomes and variations in Shiga toxin production among geographically distinct clones of Escherichia coli O113:H21
(Apr 2022)
A rapid and precise spectroscopic method for detecting fipronil insecticide on solid surfaces
(Apr 2022)
Rates of evolutionary change of resident Escherichia coli O157:H7 differ within the same ecological niche
(Apr 2022)
Innovative treatments enhancing the functionality of gut microbiota to improve quality and microbiological safety of foods of animal origin
(Apr 2022)
Evaluation of Salmonella biofilm cell transfer from common food contact surfaces to beef products
(Apr 2022)
Detection of fabricated eggs using Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-
IR) spectroscopy coupled with multivariate classification techniques
(Apr 2022)
A blend of microencapsulated organic acids and botanicals reduces necrotic enteritis via specific signaling pathways in broilers
(Apr 2022)
Characterization of Escherichia coli harboring colibactin genes (clb) isolated from beef production and processing systems
(Mar 2022)
Use of a silver-based sanitizer to accelerate Escherichia coli die-off on fresh-cut lettuce and maintain produce quality during cold storage: Laboratory and pilot-plant scale tests
(Mar 2022)
Viability of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., and Listeria monocytogenes During Preparation and Storage of Fuet, a Traditional Dry-Cured Spanish Pork Sausage
(Mar 2022)
Comparative determination of phenolic compounds in Ara-bidopsis Thaliana leaf powder under distinct stress conditions using Fourier-Transform Infrared (FT-IR) and Near-Infrared (FT-NIR) Spectroscopy
(Mar 2022)
Salmonella carriage in peripheral lymph nodes and feces of cattle at slaughter is affected by cattle type, region, and season
(Mar 2022)
Influence of forage substrates on environmental and egg microbiology in cage-free aviary housing flocks.
(Mar 2022)
Surface Pasteurization of Fresh Pomelo Juice Vesicles by Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide
(Mar 2022)
A broad-range disposable electrochemical biosensor based on
screen-printed carbon electrodes for detection of human noroviruses
(Mar 2022)
Virulome and genome analyses identifies associations between antimicrobial resistance genes and virulence factors in highly drug-resistant Escherichia coli isolated from veal calves
(Mar 2022)
Biocontrol of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella enterica on fresh strawberries with lactic acid bacteria during refrigerated storage
(Mar 2022)
A packaged food internal Raman signal separation method based on spatially offset Raman spectroscopy combined with FastICA
(Mar 2022)
Whole-genome analysis of Escherichia phage vB_EcoM-S1P5QW, isolated from manures collected from cattle farms in Maine
(Mar 2022)
Arising From: “Global spread of Salmonella Enteritidis via centralized sourcing and international trade of poultry breeding stocks” (Nature Communications 12:5109, 2021)
(Mar 2022)
From crypts to enteroids: Establishment and characterization of avian intestinal organoids
(Mar 2022)
Impact of feeding bigheaded carp fish meal on meat quality and sensory attributes in organic broiler chickens
(Mar 2022)
Role of diet-microbiota interactions in precision nutrition of the chicken: facts, gaps, and new concepts
(Mar 2022)
Effects of temperature abuse on the growth and survival of Listeria monocytogenes on a wide variety of whole and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables during simulated storage
(Mar 2022)
Combination of Ultrasound and Chlorogenic acid for Inactivation of planktonic and biofilm cells of Pseudomonas fluorescens
(Mar 2022)
A neurochemical biogeography of the broiler chicken intestinal tract
(Mar 2022)
Predictive model for growth of Clostridium botulinum from spores at temperatures applicable to cooling of cooked ground pork
(Feb 2022)
Multispectral wavebands selection for the detection of potential foreign materials in fresh-cut vegetables
(Feb 2022)
Aflatoxin B1 sorption and safety of dietary sodium bentonite in sprague-dawley rats
(Feb 2022)
Estimation of cold stress, plant age, and number of leaves in
watermelon plants using image analysis
(Feb 2022)
Tissue colonization and egg and environmental contamination associated with the experimental infection of cage-free laying hens with Salmonella Braenderup.
(Feb 2022)
Overview of methodologies for the culturing, recovery and detection of Campylobacter
(Feb 2022)
Correcting coordinate-measurement mismatch of on-the-go field measurements by optimizing nearest neighbor statistics
(Feb 2022)
Combining deep learning and fluorescence imaging to automatically identify fecal contamination on meat carcasses
(Feb 2022)
Determination of protease inhibitors, glycinin and beta-conglycinin in soybeans and their relationships
(Feb 2022)
Draft genome sequence of an Escherichia coli ST38 strain isolated from dry cow feces on a commercial dairy operation
(Feb 2022)
Salmonella enterica serovar diversity, distribution, and prevalence in public-access waters from a central California coastal leafy green-growing region from 2011 to 2016
(Feb 2022)
Gamma radiation treatment of post-harvest produce for Salmonella enterica reduction on baby carrot and grape tomato
(Feb 2022)
Pre-harvest biocontrol of Listeria and Escherichia coli O157 on spinach and lettuce by lactic acid bacteria
(Feb 2022)
Spatio-temporal patterns of Aspergillus flavus infection and aflatoxin B1 biosynthesis on maize kernels probed by SWIR hyperspectral imaging and synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopy
(Feb 2022)
Dynamics of gastrointestinal activity and ruminal absorption of the methane-inhibitor, nitroethane, in cattle
(Feb 2022)
Characterization of a T4-like bacteriophage vB_EcoM-Sa45lw as a potential biocontrol agent for Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O45 contaminated on Mung Bean seeds
(Feb 2022)
Estimation of cyanobacteria pigments in the main rivers of South Korea using spatial attention convolutional neural network with hyperspectral imagery
(Feb 2022)
Twenty-four-month longitudinal study suggests little to no horizontal gene transfer in situ between third-generation cephalosporin-resistant Salmonella and third-generation cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli
(Feb 2022)
Informal nutrition symposium: Leveraging the microbiome (and the metabolome) for poultry production
(Feb 2022)
Efficacy of a mixed peroxyorganic acid antimicrobial wash solution against Salmonella, Escherichia coli O157:H7 or Listeria monocytogenes on cherry tomatoes
(Jan 2022)
Understanding egg processing cooler sanitation
(Jan 2022)
Understanding egg processing storage areas sanitation
(Jan 2022)
Understanding egg processing employee welfare areas and general facility sanitation
(Jan 2022)
Nondestructive prediction of isoflavones and oligosaccharides in intact soybean seed using Fourier transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopic techniques
(Jan 2022)
Adult Alphitobius diaperinus microbial community during broiler production and in spent litter after stockpiling
(Jan 2022)
Dynamics of Listeria monocytogenes and microbiome on fresh-cut cantaloupe and romaine lettuce during storage at refrigerated and abusive temperatures
(Jan 2022)
Kinome analysis of cattle peripheral lymph nodes to elucidate differential response to Salmonella spp
(Jan 2022)
Contamination of eggs by Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Typhimurium in experimentally infected laying hens in indoor cage-free housing
(Dec 2021)
Characterizing hyperspectral microscope imagery for classification of blueberry firmness with deep learning methods
(Dec 2021)
Application of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and multivariate analysis methods for the non-destructive evaluation of phenolics compounds in moringa powder
(Dec 2021)
Economic analysis of an image-based beef carcass yield estimation system in Korea
(Dec 2021)
Seasonality, shelf life and storage atmosphere are main drivers of the microbiome and E. coli O157:H7 colonization of post-harvest lettuce cultivated in a major production area in California
(Dec 2021)
The impact of pre-slaughter fasting on the ruminal microbial population of commercial angus steers
(Dec 2021)
Edible and water solvable corn zein coating impregnated with nisin for Listeria monocytogenes reduction on nectarine and apple
(Dec 2021)
Detection of foreign materials on broiler breast meat using fusion of visible near-infrared and short-wave infrared hyperspectral imaging
(Dec 2021)
A review: Gaseous interventions for Listeria monocytogenes control in fresh apple cold storage
(Dec 2021)
Understanding egg processing auxiliary system sanitation
(Dec 2021)
Dietary fishmeal replacement by black soldier fly larvae meals affected red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) production performance and intestinal microbiota depending on what feed substrate the insect larvae were offered
(Dec 2021)
Plant bioactive compounds as an intrinsic and sustainable tool to enhance the microbial safety of crops
(Nov 2021)
Top-down proteomic identification of plasmid and host proteins produced by pathogenic Escherichia coli using MALDI-TOF-TOF tandem mass spectrometry
(Nov 2021)
Disinfectant and antimicrobial susceptibility studies of Staphylococcus aureus strains and ST398 and ST5 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains from swine mandibular lymph node tissue, commercial pork sausage…
(Nov 2021)
Exploring the impact of the microbiome on neuroactive steroid levels in germ-free animals
(Nov 2021)
UV-C treatment inhibits browning, inactivates Pseudomonas tolaasii and reduces associated chemical and enzymatic changes of button mushrooms
(Nov 2021)
Gaseous chlorine dioxide inactivation of microbial contamination on whole black peppercorns
(Nov 2021)
Effects of pulsed light and aerosolized organic acid treatments on inactivation of Salmonella enterica on cherry tomato, reduction of microbial loads, and preservation of quality.
(Nov 2021)
Genetic diversity of Staphylococcus aureus strains from a tertiary care hospital in Rawalpindi, Pakistan
(Nov 2021)
Top-down proteomic identification of Shiga toxin and acid-stress proteins from pathogenic Escherichia coli using antibiotic induction and MALDI-TOF-TOF-MS/MS
(Nov 2021)
Detecting glucose fluctuations in the Campylobacter jejuni N-glycan structure
(Nov 2021)
Handheld multispectral fluorescence imaging system to detect and disinfect surface contamination
(Oct 2021)
Complete genome sequence of GII.9 norovirus
(Oct 2021)
Salmonella diversity along the farm-to-fork continuum of pastured poultry flocks in the southeastern United States
(Oct 2021)
Genomic analysis of shiga toxin-containing Escherichia coli O157:H7 isolated from Argentinean cattle
(Oct 2021)
Responses of Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes to ozone treatment on non-host tomato: Efficacy of intervention and evidence of induced acclimation
(Oct 2021)
Protected organic acids and essential oils for broilers raised under field conditions: Intestinal health biomarkers and cecal microbiota
(Oct 2021)
Sequestration of the ionizing proton in singly charged metastable protein ions generated by MALDI
(Oct 2021)
Genomic comparison of conjugative plasmids from Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli encoding beta-lactamases and capable of mobilizing kanamycin resistance Col-like plasmids
(Oct 2021)
Genomic comparison of conjugative plasmids from Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli encoding beta-lactamases and capable of mobilizing kanamycin resistance Col-like plasmids
(Oct 2021)
Utilization efficiency of human milk oligosaccharides by human-associated Akkermansia is strain-dependent
(Oct 2021)
A review of epidemic investigation on cold-chain food-mediated SARS-CoV-2 transmission and food safety consideration during COVID-19 pandemic
(Oct 2021)
AT homopolymer strings in salmonella enterica subspecies I
contribute to speciation and serovar diversity
(Oct 2021)
Inactivation of microbial loads and retardation of quality loss in Asian hard clam (Meretrix lusoria) using high-hydrostatic-pressure processing during refrigerated storage
(Sep 2021)
Evaluation of sodium bisulfate on reducing Salmonella Heidelberg biofilm and colonization in broiler crops and ceca
(Sep 2021)
Butyrate, forskolin, and lactose synergistically enhance disease resistance of chickens by inducing host defense peptide and barrier function gene expression
(Sep 2021)
Flume and single-pass washing systems for fresh-cut produce processing: Disinfection by-products evaluation
(Sep 2021)
Antagonistic effects of lipids against the anti-Escherichia coli and anti-Salmonella activity of thymol and thymol-ß-D-glucopyranoside in porcine gut and fecal cultures in vitro
(Sep 2021)
Contamination of eggs by Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Typhimurium in experimentally infected laying hens in indoor cage-free housing.
(Sep 2021)
Physicochemical indicators coupled with multivariate analysis for comprehensive evaluation of matcha sensory quality
(Sep 2021)
Trypsin inhibitor activity, phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of soymilk as affected by grinding temperatures, heating methods and soybean varieties
(Sep 2021)
Predictive model for growth of Clostridium botulinum from spores during cooling of cooked ground chicken
(Sep 2021)
Campylobacter jejuni genotypes are associated with post-infection irritable bowel syndrome in humans
(Aug 2021)
RNA and sugars, unique properties of bacteriophages infecting multidrug resistant Acinetobacter radioresistens strain LH6
(Aug 2021)
Identification of an intestinal microbiota signature associated with the severity of necrotic enteritis
(Aug 2021)
Select phytochemicals reduce Campylobacter jejuni in postharvest poultry and modulate the virulence attributes of C. jejuni
(Aug 2021)
Low-level tolerance to antibiotic trimethoprim in QAC-adapted subpopulations of Listeria monocytogenes
(Aug 2021)
Heat stress and feed restriction distinctly affect performance, carcass and meat yield, intestinal integrity and inflammatory (chemo) cytokines in broiler chickens
(Jul 2021)
Tissue colonization and egg and environmental contamination associated with experimental infection of laying hens with Salmonella Braenderup
(Jul 2021)
Genetic characterization of Salmonella Enteritidis recovered from chicken samples collected by the USDA FSIS in Mississippi between 2016 and 2020
(Jul 2021)
Floor substrate provided during rearing influences body condition and welfare parameters of commercial white and brown cage free pullets
(Jul 2021)
Rapid identification of foodborne bacteria with hyperspectral microscope imaging and artificial intelligence classification algorithms
(Jun 2021)
Salmonella control in egg-laying chickens: Understanding how and why
(Jun 2021)
Determination of antimicrobial resistance patterns in Salmonella from commercial poultry as influenced by microbiological culture and antimicrobial susceptibility testing methods
(Jun 2021)
Identification of phosphoglucomutase as an enteropathogen growth stimulating factor
(May 2021)
Antibiotic resistance, antimicrobial residues and bacterial community diversity in pasture-raised poultry, swine and beef cattle manures
(May 2021)
Prevalence and genetic analysis of chromosomal mcr-3/7 in Aeromonas from U.S. animal-derived samples
(Apr 2021)
Sodium butyrate modulates chicken macrophages proteins essential for Salmonella Enteritidis invasion
(Apr 2021)
Human leukemia T-cell lines as alternative to animal use for detecting biologically active Staphylococcal enterotoxin type B
(Apr 2021)
Gut microbiota and short chain fatty acid composition as affected by legume type and processing methods as assessed by simulated in vitro digestion assays
(May 2020)
The efficacy of X-ray doses on Vibrio vulnificus in pure culture and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in pure culture and inoculated farm-raised
live oysters (Crassostrea virginica) with different acceleration voltages
(Mar 2020)
Carp Muscle Protein Patterns and Textural Properties as Affected by Starch Additions to The Mince Protein Gels Made From Wild Grass Carp
(Feb 2020)
Rugose morphotype in Salmonella Typhimurium and S. Heidelberg induced by sequential exposure to subinhibitory NaOCl aids in biofilm tolerance to lethal NaOCl on polystyrene and stainless steel surfaces
(Nov 2019)
Peanut allergen reduction and functional property improvement by means of enzymatic hydrolysis and transglutaminase crosslinking
(Jul 2019)
Survival of acid stress adapted cells of Listeria monocytogenes serotypes 1/2a and 4b in commonly used disinfectants in broth and water models
(Jul 2019)
Comparing the kinetics of the hydrolysis of by-product from channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) fillet processing by eight proteases
(May 2019)
Influence of cold stress on the survival of Listeria monocytogenes Bug60 and ScottA in lethal alkali, acid and oxidative stress
(Feb 2019)
Comparative studies on the yield and characteristics of myofibrillar proteins from catfish heads and frames extracted by two methods for making surimi-like protein gel products
(Jan 2019)
Quantitative and kinetic analyses of peanut allergens as affected by food processing
(Jan 2019)
Small molecules targeting LapB protein prevent Listeria attachment to catfish muscle
(Dec 2018)
Emergence of Edwardsiella piscicida in farmed channel femal, Ictalurus punctatus X blue male, Ictalurus furcatus, hybrid catfish
cultured in Mississippi
(Jun 2018)
Complete genome sequence of multidrug-resistant Edwardsiella ictaluri strain MS-17-156
(May 2018)
Complete genome sequence of multidrug-resistant plesiomonas shigelloides strain MS-17-188
(May 2018)
Scanning electron microscopy of Salmonella biofilms on various food-contact surfaces in catfish mucus
(Mar 2018)
Homologous stress adaptation, antibiotic resistance, and biofilm forming ability of Salmonella enterica serovar Heidelberg (ATCC8326) on different food-contact surfaces following exposure to sub-lethal chlorine concentrations
(Mar 2018)
Isolation and characterization of collagen extracted from channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) skin
(Jan 2018)
Growth and biofilm formation by Listeria monocytogenes in catfish mucus extract on four food-contact surfaces at 22°C and 10°C and their reduction by commercial disinfectants
(Dec 2017)
Biofilm formation by Salmonella spp. in catfish mucus extract under industrial conditions
(Sep 2017)
Comparative susceptibility of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus; blue catfish, Ictalurus furcatus; and channel female Blue male Hybrid catfish to Edwardsiella piscicida, Edwardsiella tarda, and Edwardsiella anguillarum
(Sep 2017)
Listeria monocytogenes PdeE, a phosphodiesterase that contributes to virulence and has hydrolytic activity against cyclic mononucleotides and cyclic dinucleotides
(Jul 2017)
The effects of x-ray treatments on bioaccumulated murine norovirus-1 (MNV-1) and survivability, inherent microbiota, color, and firmness of Atlantic oysters (Crassostrea virginica) during storage at 5°C for 20 days
(Mar 2017)
Morphological change and decreasing transfer rate of biofilm-featured Listeria monocytogenes EGDe
(Feb 2017)
Effect of x-ray treatments on Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Shigella flexneri, Salmonella enterica and inherent microbiota on whole mangoes
(Feb 2017)
Endocannabinoid hydrolases in avian HD11 macrophages identified by chemoproteomics: inactivation by small molecule inhibitors and pathogen-induced downregulation of their activity
(Jan 2017)
Comparison of alpha-amylase, alpha-glucosidase and lipase inhibition activity of the phenolic substances in two black legumes of different genera
(Jan 2017)
Casein hydrolysate augments antimicrobial and antioxidative efficacy of cheddar whey based edible coating of retail-cut beefsteak
(Dec 2016)
Reduced protein carbonylation of cube steak and catfish fillet using antioxidative coatings containing cheddar whey, casein hydrolyzate and oolong tea extract
(Dec 2016)
Induction and stability of oxidative stress adaptation in Listeria monocytogenes EGD (Bug600) and F1057 in sublethal concentrations of H2O2 and NaOH
(Dec 2016)
Salmonella enterica serovar Kentucky flagella are required for broiler skin adhesion and Caco-2 cell invasion
(Oct 2016)
Identification of salmonella enterica serovar Kentucky genes involved in attachment to chicken skin
(Jul 2016)
Transparent bionanocomposite films based on chitosan and TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofibers with enhanced mechanical and barrier properties
(Jun 2016)
The efficacy of x-ray doses on murine norovirus-1 (MNV-1) in pure culture, half-shell oyster, salmon sushi, and tuna salad
(Jun 2016)
Transparent bionanocomposite films based on chitosan and tempo-oxidized cellulose nanofibers with enhanced mechanical and barrier properties
(Jun 2016)
Abscisic acid and abiotic stress tolerance in crop plants
(May 2016)
Influence of temperature on alkali stress adaptation in Listeria monocytogenes
(Apr 2016)
Effect of X-ray treatments on Escherichia coli 0157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Shigella flexneri, Salmonella enterica and inherent microbiota on whole mangoes
(Feb 2016)
Improving the safety and quality of raw tuna fillets by x-ray irradiation
(Jan 2016)
Influence of temperature on alkali stress adaptation in Listeria monocytogenes
(Jan 2016)
The role of Listeria monocytogenes cell wall surface anchor protein LapB in virulence, adherence, and intracellular replication
(Dec 2015)
The efficacy of X-ray does on murine norovirus-1 (MNV-1) in pure culture, half-shell oyster, salmon sushi, and tuna salad
(Dec 2015)
Generation and stabilization of whey-based monodisperse naoemulsions using ultra-high pressure homogenization and small amphipathic co-emulsifier combinations
(Oct 2015)
Identification of high-risk Listeria monocytogenes serotypes in lineage I (serotype 1/2a, 1/2c, 3a and 3c) using multiplex PCR
(Sep 2015)
Chemical isolation and characterization of different cellulose nanofibers from cotton stalks
(Aug 2015)
Transmission electron microscopy study of Listeria monocytogenes serotype 1/2a cells exposed to sublethal heat stress and carvacrol
(Jul 2015)
Efficacy of sweet whey containing final dips in reducing protein oxidation in retail-cut cubed beefsteak
(Jun 2015)
Stability of sublethal acid stress adaptaion and induced cross protection against lauric arginate in Listeria monocytogenes
(Jun 2015)
Effect of X-ray treatments on salmonella enterica and spoilage bacteria on skin-on chicken breast fillets and shell eggs
(Apr 2015)
Using water raman intensity to determine the effective excitation and emission path lengths of fluorophotometers for correcting fluorescence inner filter effect
(Apr 2015)
A generalized model on the effects of nanoparticles on fluorophore fluorescence in solution
(Mar 2015)
Real-time PCR assays for detection and quactification of Edwardsiella tarda, Edwardsiella piscicida, Edwardsiella piscicida-like sp. in catfish tissues and pond water
(Mar 2015)
Real-time assays for detection and quantification of Edwardsiella tarda, Edwardsilla piscicida and Edwardsiella piscicida-like sp. in catfish tissues and pond water
(Mar 2015)
Can para-aryl-dithiols cross-link two plasmonic noble nanoparticles as monolayer dithiolate spacers
(Feb 2015)
Iodide-induced organothiol desorption and photochemical reaction, gold nanoparticle (AuNP) fusion, and SERS signal reduction in organothiol-containing AuNP aggregates
(Jan 2015)
Ubiquitination as an efficient molecular strategy employed in salmonella infection
(Nov 2014)
Low, medium and high heat tolerant strains of Listeria monocytogenes and increased heat stress resistance after exposure to sublethal heat
(Aug 2014)
Ligand adsorption and exchange on pegylated gold nanoparticles
(Apr 2014)
A three-step model for protein-gold nanoparticle adsorption
(Mar 2014)
Influence of temperature on acid-stress adaptation in Listeria monocytogenes
(Jan 2014)